Because there was nothing left in the Taoist hall, Jiang Lin didn't let other wives come over, and there were many inconveniences on the way.

I haven't seen Uncle Ninth for a few years. He plans to live in Renjia Town for a month or two. I'm afraid that when he returns to Gantian Town in the future, he won't know how many years he will be able to meet again.

The road is too far.

"Okay. Jiang, when are you going back to Gantian Town?"

"I... I mean, I mean the interview isn't over yet."

On the other side of the phone, Shu Ning blushed, holding a corner of the newspaper in his hand.

"Come on, maybe a month or two."

"it is good."

After hanging up the phone, Jiang Lin didn't have a meal at the commander's mansion, and went to chase Ninth Uncle and Ningshuang right away.

Chapter [*] Freeing Yourself

The three sold their horses in a large town not far from Renjia Town, and then walked back to Renjia Town.

Ninth Uncle looked at the street that had not changed much, and felt infinite emotion in his heart. After four years, he came back.

"Ninth Uncle, are you back?"

"Uncle Nine!"

"Where have you been all these years?"

Along the way, many acquaintances greeted Ninth Uncle. Ninth Uncle wanted to go back as soon as possible, so he responded and did not introduce Ningshuang to everyone.

"Uncle, there is a good wine I left for you in the Yizhuang. Buy some vegetables and go back to celebrate tonight. With a little junior sister, the two senior brothers are probably very happy."

"The two of them..."

Maybe it was because he couldn't imagine how Qiusheng and Wencai were going forward, Jiu Shu still shook his head and went back to see what they had become.

"Don't worry, uncle, the two senior brothers have matured a lot now, and you will be relieved to see them."

"I also want to see what the two senior brothers who are obsessed with ghosts look like. Is there any third senior brother so handsome."

On the way, Ningshuang pestered Jiang Lin to talk about the embarrassment of Qiusheng and Wencai as a joke, so she was very curious about the two brothers who were once living treasures.

"Cough, why didn't I see how handsome your brother is?"

Ninth Uncle gave Jiang Lin a look, you kid, be honest with me.

"Uncle, I have no grains of rice on my face."

Jiang Lin was very speechless. Your daughter said I was handsome, why are you staring at me?

"You have a criminal record, I have to be on guard."


Uncle Shi, there really is you, it makes me feel like a crime.

Senior brother is very handsome and fragrant. Dad, your eyes are not good.

"Dad, I'm hungry, let's go quickly."

Ningshuang took Ninth Uncle's hand and walked towards the end of the street.

When the three came to the door of Yizhuang, Yizhuang was actually closed, but the door was not locked.

These two living treasures...

Jiang Lin's face became very exciting, and he heard an interesting voice in the Yizhuang.

Ninth Uncle pushed open the door of Yizhuang, and then his face was completely black and became the bottom of the pot.

Wen Cai was blindfolded and played hide-and-seek with Zhen Zhen in the yard. As for Qiu Sheng, he danced with Shan Shan in front of the living room.

Also dance tango.

"Xia Xia Xia quietly left behind a little secret, I can't tell you from the bottom of my heart..."

Qiusheng also danced and sang, showing his singing voice.

Are these two guys freeing themselves?

Jiang Lin turned his head to the side and covered his face, thank you for praising you two in front of my uncle!

He really ran, and when he saw Uncle Ninth, he was so frightened that he stopped suddenly, and quickly took a few steps back, blushing like a mulberry, and didn't dare to say a word.

"Hey, I got it."

Wen Cai grabbed Jiu Shu's shoulders, and then tore off the cloth covering his eyes.

Silent silence.

Then Wen Cai screamed.

Qiu Sheng didn't know if it was because his mind was not clear or what, and he said, "Master, you are back! Didn't you die outside?"


Jiang Lin simply blocked his hearing with his spiritual power.

"You two brats, I have to break twenty cane whips today!"

Ninth Uncle picked up the rattan whip with sprouts next to the door. It was the original dish, braised pork with rattan!

Originally, he wanted to see how far his two apprentices had grown, but they actually danced hide-and-seek in the Taoist hall.

"Master, you're wrong! We're exhausted from printing paper money overnight."

"Yeah, Master, Shanshan really helped, so let's relax."

Qiusheng and Wencai were beaten up and down by the ninth uncle, shouting that they were wronged.

The prices on the top have risen, and the same will be true on the bottom, so the workload on the Ghost Festival is too much. Their two wives are tired until the middle of the night. They feel sorry for their wives and play with them in the yard for a while. Unexpectedly, Master will come back by chance.

"Senior Brother, Senior Brother and Second Senior Brother are really living treasures."

Ningshuang also mourned for the two senior brothers. She had never seen Jiu Shu's face so dark before.

Considering that both apprentices had wives, Ninth Uncle stopped.

"Shanshan, really, this is a meeting ceremony. I'll choose a good day tomorrow and arrange your wedding."

Uncle Jiu glared at the two apprentices fiercely, and took out two big red envelopes in front of Shanshan and Zhenzhen.

"Thank you, Master, where have you been these past few years?"

"Master, Wen Cai and Qiu Sheng are really worried about you. Hurry up and sit in the room, we will bring you tea."

Shanshan and Zhenzhen didn't take offense when they saw Ninth Uncle, and they also smiled and asked about Ninth Uncle's situation.


A master made his apprentice and his daughter-in-law so worried, and the ninth uncle couldn't wipe away his old face for a while.

"Cough, I encountered something outside. This is your little junior sister and my daughter Xiaoshuang. Xiaoshuang, say hello to sister-in-law and sister-in-law."

"Hello, sisters-in-law."

"Xiaoshuang is so beautiful, she must be the flower of our Renjia Town when she grows up."

Shanshan and Zhenzhen just took up Xiaoshuang, they are really beautiful.

"The elder sister-in-law and the second sister-in-law are also very beautiful."

Although Shanshan and Zhenzhen can be regarded as beautiful, they are not comparable to Xiaoshuang, but they are still very happy to be praised by a little beauty.

"Shanshan, hurry up and cook. Master should be hungry when he comes back."

"Really, you can go too, just bring tea and water and we'll do it."

Qiusheng and Wencai were indeed surprised by Xiaoshuang, the master's daughter, but seeing that Jiu Shu and Jiang Lin were so busy, they let their wives cook first.

"I'm going to help too."

Xiaoshuang consciously took the dishes from Jiang Lin and went to the kitchen.

"Master, why is there only one little sister, our sister?"

"Yes, for such an old daughter, Master, you are so hard to hide from us. The younger sister is still so beautiful."

Wen Cai and Qiu Sheng looked at Ninth Uncle with strange expressions as soon as they came up, isn't Master a teenage boy?

"I'll take a nanny and give it to you?"

Ninth Uncle glared at the two of them, and then warned: "Don't give me Xiaoshuang's idea, or I will strip you both alive."

Now Ningshuang is regarded as a treasure by the ninth uncle. Even if they get married in a year or two, they will definitely find a dragon and a phoenix. These two living treasure apprentices have no chance at all!

Jiang Lin knew that these two guys still had to be disciplined, so he went up to the second floor of the living room, but he didn't expect that he had already left, and he was still lying down.

"Master, you might as well warn the junior and junior brothers. I think the younger junior sister will be at the level of a younger sister-in-law after two years. Maybe it will be 'like things'."

"Yes, yes."

Shoot me?

Jiang Lin smiled at Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai, causing them both to stand tall.

"Two senior brothers, we have the opportunity to discuss and learn from each other. I don't know how your cultivation is progressing."

Chapter [*]: The Sun Sutra?

"Well. I also want to see the results of your cultivation now."

Uncle Jiu nodded, thinking that Jiang Lin's proposal was very good.

Qiusheng and Wencai's faces suddenly looked like they had eaten bitter gourd, miserable, why are they so cheap?

Discuss with the younger brother, isn't this itchy?

Jiang Lin went upstairs and tore off the immobilization talisman on the little zombie's forehead.

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