Jiang Lin looked at Uncle Jiu with a smile, some things are not generous and stingy.

If you don't take it, you're stingy, but you don't love or don't love deeply enough?

Jiang Lin can conclude that if the aunt and the ninth uncle became husband and wife back then, as long as something happened to the aunt, the ninth uncle would definitely stop everything and even give his life to save it.

And Ninth Uncle will never do things that are sorry for his aunt, such as visiting the cellar, and let his aunt cause a gynecological disease.

Really strong pit daughter.

When Ninth Uncle was asked by Jiang Lin, he was immediately speechless, yes, this is considered stingy, so how can it be considered generous?

"Uncle Shi, although Shizu's old man has passed away, I still want to say that he did a very confusing thing. You'd better put the blame of Shizu's confusion on yourself."

This is supposed to be a stupid thing, isn't it?Don't take the blame!

"Forget it, it is indeed your ancestor who did something wrong, and I will not feel guilty in the future."

Uncle Jiu didn't expect Jiang Lin to see that the whole thing was the fault of the person who initiated the test from the beginning.

In fact, it's not that Jiang Lin's consciousness is high, but that he has seen a lot of kidnapping and taking over, and he has also been chased and bitten by Chinese pastoral dogs on the Internet because of his opinions.

After returning, Dagui invited Jiu Shu to drink tea, using the metaphor of an old bird, a fat bird and a thin bird, implying that Jiu Shu should leave quickly.

"Don't worry, I'll leave tomorrow. Master did something wrong back then. He told me that Mengmeng was three months pregnant, and I only found out today. Junior brother, treat Mengmeng well. If you don't believe it, you secretly steal a bit of Yungao's blood and recognize it with a drop of blood."

Uncle Jiu patted Dagui on the shoulder, leaving Dagui completely stunned.

"Then how did Shoubo say that Yungao wasn't born to me?"

"You give birth to one for me to see."

Uncle Jiu rolled his eyes at Dagui, Uncle Shou's mind couldn't turn around, you really believe it.

"Yun Gao, Yun Gao! You really are my own!"

Dagui recalled some details of the wedding with his wife, and yelled in the living room, so angry that his wife almost chopped him up.

"Senior brother, why don't you stay for two more days?"

In the early morning of the next day, Dagui sincerely kept Ninth Uncle, the estrangement was gone, his wife was not second-hand, and his son was not someone else's, so of course he didn't need to chase Ninth Uncle away.

"No, I haven't gone back for four years, I should go home."

Ninth Uncle waved his hand, he was also preparing to worship the ancestors and the younger generation would not stay longer.

After sniffing, Jiu Shu said, "Jiang Lin, did you forget to bring the red-robed fire ghost?"

"I'm going, I'm going!"

Dagui felt very guilty for Ninth Uncle. He hadn't seen him for more than [*] years. He didn't even have a good face when he came to visit him. Now he can't wait to make some compensation.

Dagui built a bamboo ladder and went to the top of the wall to get the incense burner, but his tonnage was really extraordinary. As soon as he got the incense burner, he stepped on the bamboo ladder and broke it, and then he got out of control. The ladder rods snapped off.

The sound of "Boom" was like a slight earthquake.

"Dagui, are you alright?"


Dagui fell, and the incense burner holding the red-robed fire ghost in his hand naturally also fell, hitting the ground.

With a flash of red light, half of his face rotted away, and a foul-smelling red-robed fire ghost appeared in the ancestral hall.

Chapter [*] Just wave your hand

Because Jiang Lin just kept the red-robed fire ghost away before, the female ghost didn't suffer any harm, but now that she has regained her freedom, she is too fierce.

She bared her fangs and let out a shrill scream.

"What a fierce red-robed fire ghost!"

After Han Mengmeng helped Dagui up, she looked solemnly at the terrifying red-robed fire ghost in the ancestral hall.

"Mom, dad, godfather, I'm so scared."

Yun Gao was so frightened by the red-robed fire ghost that his legs softened, and he retreated to the wall.

"What are you doing, hurry up to get the magic weapon!"

Being looked at by the red-robed fire ghost's spiteful eyes, Dagui felt cold all over, and hurriedly asked his wife to get the mace.

"Junior brother, no need, just leave it to Jiang Lin."

After Jiu Shu entered the ancestral hall, he stopped Dagui and the others.

"You're crazy, this is a peak ghost general, you asked Jiang Lin to deal with her?"

"If I can't even deal with the peak ghost general, I will expel him from the division."

Ninth Uncle had his hands behind his back, and he had no intention of making a move at all. He was even lighter than Jiang Lin.

Dagui and Han Mengmeng: "..."

Why can't we understand what brother said?


The red-robed fire ghost didn't attack Dagui and the others, but turned her eyes and landed on Ningshuang. Half of her face was smashed by Ningshuang, so she hated Ningshuang the most.


Ningshuang had learned the power of the red-robed fire ghost, and quickly ran to Jiang Lin's side.

The red-robed fire ghost who was originally mad and wanted to tear Ningshuang into pieces, after seeing Jiang Lin, his body and head subconsciously shrank, and then he turned around and slipped away.


Dagui and Han Mengmeng were full of question marks, and they didn't return the fierceness just now, how could it be like seeing Tai Sui when they saw Jiang Lin.

"Want to run?"

Jiang Lin didn't even move his footsteps, he turned a one-meter-long light sword with one palm. He waved his arm a few times, and five and a half-meter-long yang-fingered swords flew out like flying swords.

The red-robed fire ghost had just taken off and had not yet run three meters, his limbs and abdomen were pierced by one after another of light swords, and his entire body was nailed to the ground.


The right palm made a posture of holding a sword, and the sword of light pierced on the limbs of the red-robed fire ghost exploded. Just this moment, her limbs were blown up, and a large hole was blown out in her abdomen. Can't run.

Jiang Lin wanted to refine it, so he didn't use all his strength, otherwise the ten red-robed fire ghosts would also die.

"Wife, are we dreaming?"

Dagui slapped himself in the face, it really hurts!

"It shouldn't be a dream."

Han Mengmeng also slapped Dagui's face, her hand hurts, it's not a dream!

Such a ferocious red-robed fire ghost was solved like this?Jiang Lin didn't even move!

Could it be that the outside world has changed?

Yun Gao's mouth was so open that he could release goose eggs, and the ugly ghost who scared his parents to keep retreating, was fierce for a few seconds.


"Senior brother, brother, what kind of Taoism did you just do, I want to learn it too."

This time Jiang Lin's methods were more shocking than the last time. Last time Jiang Lin went to chase the red-robed fire ghost, but this time it was simply "I'll let you run [*] meters first".

With a few swings of his arms, the red-robed fire ghost will be blown to pieces, which is too strong.

The red-robed fire ghost's body couldn't even be pierced by a dagger, Jiang Lin just waved his hand.

"This spell requires physical fitness. You can't learn it. I will teach you other things in the future."

Jiang Lin smiled, and went to put the red-robed fire ghost in the incense burner again and sealed it.

"Well, this performance can barely be seen, and it's not in vain for my usual cultivation. Let's go, we need to work harder in the future."

Uncle Jiu's cross-show almost made the big couple bite their tongues.

This performance is so reluctant to watch, can you die if you don't pretend?

The family of three sent Jiang Lin and others to the street. Dagui looked at the backs of the three of Jiang Lin and felt that he really wasted years.He fought with Uncle Ninth for so many years, but now one apprentice has left him eight blocks away.

Because the ninth uncle was in a hurry to hold the disciple and the grandson to see the disciple's wife, the three masters and disciples did not delay on the road, but the ninth uncle brought a Taishang Kowloon Sword and could not take the train, so the three bought three good horses.

Ningshuang has been outside the Great Wall since she was a child, so she was very curious along the way, especially every time she went to an inn, she had to take Jiang Lin to accompany her around.

At first, Uncle Ninth didn't let Jiang Lin go with Ningshuang, but riding a horse is not an easy job. After arriving at the inn, he still has to go shopping.

After Ningshuang's body was completely healed, she was full of energy. She didn't know how tired she was, and Jiang Lin also had a headache.

"Senior brother, this lollipop is so sweet. You can try it."

Ningshuang sucked the lollipop and handed it to Jiang Lin's mouth.

Seeing Ning Shuang's smiling face, Jiang Lin bit down on the lollipop.


What left Jiang Lin speechless was that Ningshuang pulled the lollipop out of his mouth and filled it into her own.

Isn't this an indirect kiss?

"Okay, we're almost done shopping. You've got some nice clothes on. We'll have to hurry up later."

Jiang Lin rubbed Ningshuang's head and pulled her back.

After going around for more than half a month, the three of Jiang Lin finally arrived in Tai County.

Jiang Lin asked Jiu Shu and Ning Shuang to go first, and he went to the Grand Marshal's Mansion in the county seat.

Now Dashuai is doing well. When he sent the medicinal materials to Jiang Lin before, he sent a letter by the way, saying that Dashuai's house has a phone number, and he can call if there is anything.

When the commander saw Jiang Lin coming, he was very polite. Hearing Jiang Lin wanted to borrow the phone, he didn't see him at all.

"Hello? This is the Guangming Newspaper Office, who is it?"

"Shu Ning, I'm Jiang Lin, please send me a message to Li Yangju."

Guangming News already had a phone, so Jiang Lin didn't have to write a letter. He asked Shu Ning to bring the news, and told Chen Yutianji, Ren Tingting and Xiaoru to go back to Gantian Town to inform them that Ninth Uncle was back.

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