Although he knew that Ninth Uncle was chattering, Jiang Lin was still a little speechless.

"Xiu, Xiu, your second uncle."

Dagui gave Ninth Uncle his middle finger directly. The apprentice was so good, he even pretended to be in front of them.

"It's nothing good? It's much stronger than my family's Yun Gao, and I know how to mess around all day."

"Mom, don't you say that, I don't want face?"

Yun Gao looks embarrassed, the ninth uncle is still here, and there is a little junior sister, where should he put his face?

In the afternoon, Ninth Uncle, Jiang Lin and Ningshuang were worshipping their ancestors in the ancestral hall. Ninth Uncle jumped more than three meters high and knelt down suddenly, making Jiang Lin stunned for a moment.

"Senior brother, what is Dad doing?"

Ningshuang is like a curious baby. If there is anything she doesn't understand, she asks Jiang Lin, but Jiang Lin doesn't know what it means.

Han Mengmeng looked at Ninth Uncle, and then explained to Ningshuang: "Xiaoshuang, this is the unique Feilong Jiuding Dafa of our sect. "

Dagui on the side curled his lips and said, "Sacrificing ancestors is not a monkey show. It is useless to turn high and kneel heavily. The most important thing is to have a snack. A single stick of incense in sincerity is worth a thousand words and ten thousand words. , kneeling very hard, not as good as an ethical parent."

He took three sticks of incense and lit them, and Dagui put them in the incense burner in front of the tablet, and then started playing tricks.

"Father-in-law, father-in-law, I miss you so much. Over the past [-] years, I have always been with Mengmeng from the beginning to the end..."

After playing with the treasure, Dagui gave Jiu Shu a special look, leaving Jiu Shu speechless.

When you say that others are playing monkey dramas, you are there to talk about stand-up comics, and the ghosts will believe in you from the beginning, and they will run into the cellar every three days.

Jiang Lin almost laughed. He really wanted to know what happened that year, so that such a beautiful aunt was slapped by a lump of fat.

Since the arrival of Uncle Ninth, Dagui's status has been lowered again. Not only is his status lowered, but he has been struggling.

At night, Ninth Uncle and Jiang Lin took a hot bath, but he could only take a cold bath.

The three of them wiped themselves by the three large wooden buckets. Uncle Ninth scooped cold water to cool the hot water in the bucket, but Dagui scooped up the hot water in his bucket and took the cold water.

"Cold water heats water. This is the best way to wash your hair. Quick eyes and hands are quick, and slow eyes lose."

Dagui laughed, Uncle Ninth was about to continue scooping water, his eyes lit up, and then he made a silent gesture to Jiang Lin.

This time, Uncle Ninth scooped out the hot water that had just boiled in the wooden bucket and deliberately put it next to the cold water bucket on the side.

Uncle Shi, Li Shizhen's skin!

Jiang Lin covered his eyes, unable to bear to see the tragedy of the dead pig being scalded by boiling water.

Dagui once again scooped up the hot water from Jiu Shu's wooden bucket and took Jiu Shu's "cold water".

"Cold water heats water, hehe." The chicken thief with a big face, then poured double hot water on his head.

Burned out of pigs.

Dagui's fat face that was made by the ninth uncle looked like braised pork, and went to the living room angrily, ready to drink ginseng soup,

But the daily ginseng soup was gone, only sweet soup, Han Mengmeng was busy cooking lotus seed soup for Jiu Shu, and did not prepare ginseng soup.

"Lotus seed soup? I didn't expect that after so many years, I can still drink it."

Ninth Uncle came to the living room wearing a loose pajamas, and Dagui immediately shouted, "Isn't this my pajamas?"

"Dagui, you have two new sets of pajamas, what does it have to do with your brother wearing one?"

"Then do I want him to sleep in my bed?"

Ninth Uncle waved his hand and said, "No need, I sleep with my godson."


Dagui's face is stunned, where did he come from?

"Dagui, senior brother likes Yungao very much. He has just accepted him as his son."

"Yeah, Dad, my godfather just gave me a big red envelope."

The joy on Yun Gao and his mother's faces, they didn't care about Da Gui's fat face, and they were almost at the bottom of the pot.

Dagui's heart began to sound alarm bells, is this laying the foundation for the future father and son reconciliation?

well!With so much fat on his body, he didn't expect to have such a small mind.

Jiang Lin looked at Dagui's blushing face and shook his head slightly. His wife has been with you for more than [-] years. Even if you fool around, she will forgive her. Just thinking about it with your toes will tell you her loyalty.

Now just because there is a guest and a senior brother, the big expensive brain is not enough, and he always thinks about extremes.

"I didn't expect Mengmeng to remember that I like lotus seed soup. It's not worth it that I have been thinking about her for more than [-] years."


Dagui was so angry that he picked up the lotus seed soup and poured it into his mouth.

Holy crap, spray!

When Jiang Lin saw Dagui pouring a bowl of hot sweet soup, he quickly pulled Ningshuang away from him.

He and Ningshuang are all right, Yungao is miserable, his face is sticky, especially milk) (white.

Jiang Lin clenched her hand tightly, and Ningshuang quietly raised her head and peeked at Jiang Lin.

Brother's palm is so warm.

Early the next morning, Ninth Uncle and Ningshuang practiced swords in the living room. Although Ningshuang no longer needed to practice martial arts to strengthen their bodies, they retained this habit.

"Wow, godfather's martial arts are really good."

"Yeah, even back then, your godfather's martial arts were no worse than your grandfather's."

Yun Gao, Han Mengmeng and Jiang Lin were watching. In the past four years, Jiu Shu's kung fu has improved a lot.

"Sure enough, the sword is like a rainbow. Brother, I haven't learned from you for [-] years with this mace. I'm here!"

Dagui carried a mace and went up to the ninth uncle, but after a few moves, the ninth uncle saw that he was really moving, and he didn't want to accidentally hurt him, so he stretched his legs and picked Dagui's elephant leg aside. on the stairs.

"Ow~ I don't play anymore, I don't play anymore!"

Dagui's leg was raised on the steps more than one meter high, and Dandan was in pain.

Chapter [-] was originally a stupid thing!

Dagui went outside and saw that Shoubo was washing vegetables, so he went up to ask Yungao if he gave birth to him, but Shoubo said that it was not him.

Can a man give birth?If you can give birth, what kind of wife would you marry?

After getting the exact answer, Da Gui felt that the sky was falling in an instant, and recalling the events of more than [-] years, it was like a fishbone stuck in his throat.

"She was three months pregnant when she married me, and it really wasn't my own. She was only two men, and she really belonged to a senior brother."

Dagui seems to be hysterical, constantly thinking about it.

Jiang Lin was about to go out to buy some special products to bring back. He has a good hearing, and these sounds just entered his ears.

This is a lot of information, so I'll ask my uncle what's going on after I come back.

"Father, what about senior brother? Someone put up a theater tent outside and sang the Liang Zhu Loutai meeting. I want to watch it with my senior brother."

Ningshuang came to the living room excitedly. She went to Jiang Lin, but couldn't find it anywhere.

"Liang Zhu Loutai Meeting? Are you going to see it with Jiang Lin?"

Ninth Uncle frowned, looking at Ningshuang with an excited face, feeling that something was wrong.

Look at nothing else, look at Liang Zhu, what do you two want to do?

"Looking for your senior brother, isn't that right?"

Dagui was dizzy, and pointed to the door, Jiang Lin came in with a large bag and a small bag.

"Senior brother! There are people singing Liang Zhu Loutai outside. Let's go and see together."

Ningshuang ran over and hugged Jiang Lin's arm, making Jiu Shu's brows even tighter.

This kid is a magnet!

"Xiao Shuang, what is it like pulling and pulling with your senior brother?"

"What, don't you just hug Senior Brother's arm, I often hug Dad's arm too?"

Ningshuang pursed her lips and let go of Jiang Lin's arm.

Uncle's expression is wrong.

Jiang Lin had seen this kind of expression of Uncle Ninth, when he and Chen Yu got closer, Zhang Han had this kind of expression.

Fire and burglar emoji.

It's a pity that Ninth Uncle just wanted to defend, but he couldn't prevent his daughter from pulling people. Jiang Lin was dragged away by Ningshuang.

However, Jiang Lin still called the ninth uncle.

"Master, what's going on?"

By the awning, Jiang Lin pulled Ninth Uncle aside and told him about Dagui's situation.

"It turns out to be the case. Back then, your master told me that your aunt was three months pregnant. I guess he also told your uncle. In addition, your aunt also said that Yun Gao was a premature baby. No wonder your uncle reacted so strongly when he saw me. Alas! Let's go tomorrow, I was too stingy back then."

Jiu Shu suddenly realized, a guilty expression appeared on his face.

It turned out to be the case. In order to prove who treats his daughter well, let's see who these two apprentices can accept such "facts".

Jiang Lin really admired the dead master. Using this method to prove the love of the two apprentices for their daughter is also a talent.

Originally, Ninth Uncle, Dagui, and Han Mengmeng didn't have to have a gap of more than [-] years. They were like this because they were tested in this way.

Even if Dagui accepted it back then, hasn't there always been a thorn in my heart for the past [-] years?

The brothers hadn't seen each other for more than [-] years, so they should have been happy to see what happened to Dagui.

Jiang Lin felt that the deceased grandfather was not necessarily a confused person, but this matter was a stupid thing he did.

And very confused!Almost stupid.

If Ninth Uncle and Dagui didn't become "receivers" back then, would his daughter find another man to marry?

"Uncle Shi, is this kind of thing related to being stingy? Then, how generous do you think a man should be in this regard? Is it to be generous enough to wear eighteen green hats and his wife is pregnant with another man's threesomes? fetus, and then he happily accepted it, of course forgiving her?"

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