Chapter [*] Even the coffin board is green!

"Well." Dagui didn't have the same knowledge as a junior, but said to Uncle Jiu with a look of sympathy, "Why, there is only one daughter, no one will die when she dies? Don't die here."

"I don't have a son. I have an apprentice. Jiang Lin is as filial as my son. I have never been short of ginseng and ganoderma lucidum. Everyone says I'm in my early thirties. Is your son so filial?"

Ninth Uncle verbally did not take a step back, but when Dagui heard what Jiu Uncle said, he couldn't find anything to refute for a while.

Jiang Lin's strength is not bad, the key is true filial piety. When he heard that his master was in a disaster, he ran away in a few seconds. This is not enough.

How can my son compare with others, he knows how to mess around all day long, not to mention ginseng and ganoderma lucidum, and he has never bought snacks for him.

It's not real!

"Dagui, who are you talking to? It's so ugly?"

Han Mengmeng walked out of the store and taught her a lesson.


When Uncle Jiu saw Han Mengmeng, he froze in place.

"Master...Senior brother! I can't believe that you have been missing for more than [*] years, and you are still so heroic."

Hearing his wife's praise of his former rival's heroic appearance, Dagui felt as if he had been hit with an arrow in his heart.

"You're still as smart as you are."

Han Mengmeng felt a little embarrassed after being praised by Ninth Uncle.

"Mom, is there a guest here?"

Yun Gao ran out of it, and Han Mengmeng said, "This is my son Yun Gao, Yun Gao, please meet your uncle Yimei."

"Oh~ It turns out that it's the one-brow uncle who is very good in martial arts that Mom mentioned all day long. Meet the uncle."

Yun Gao admires Ninth Uncle very much. His mother talks every day that Ninth Uncle is good in martial arts and strong in Taoism. In addition, Jiang Lin is Ninth Uncle's apprentice, and his admiration is even stronger.

"Senior brother, why does the uncle's son look like my father?"

Ningshuang came to Jiang Lin and asked a question. The black line on Jiang Lin's head immediately covered her mouth.

I'm darling, don't talk nonsense!

Even if Jiang Lin covered Ningshuang's mouth, the nearest Dagui heard it.

My son is like a brother...

Dagui deliberately looked at his son who had faced him for more than [*] years, and then another savage arrow was hit in his heart.

Really a bit like Lin Jiu!

"Master, are you here to worship Grandpa? After the worship is over, don't leave, stay here and teach me martial arts."

Uncle Jiu, who had transported Gaosheng Yiquan, stayed there, and Dagui on the side was reluctant immediately.

"No, your uncle is very busy. He has to leave after offering sacrifices to Grandpa. He doesn't even have time to eat a meal."

Damn, do you still want to live here?So that your father and son can recognize each other?

Dagui said that he couldn't let Jiu Shu stay here.

"It's okay to have a meal."

"Then leave immediately after dinner."

Ninth Uncle looked at Dagui, smiled, and said, "It's fine to live for two or three months."


"Dagui! Senior brother finally came here, why don't you stay for a few days. Senior brother, hurry into the house. Jiang Lin, is that your wife? You are so young."

Han Mengmeng didn't listen to Ningshuang, and Jiang Lin had said that he had many wives, and they were also very beautiful, so he subconsciously thought that the charming and lovely Ningshuang was one of his wives.

It was only at this time that Yun Gao noticed Ning Shuang beside Jiang Lin, his eyes were glowing, but he was pinched by his mother.

Staring at other people's wives, how promising!



After coughing, Uncle Ninth explained, "She is Xiaoshuang, my adopted daughter."

"Oh~ No wonder Jiang Lin is so worried about your safety, so you are still his father-in-law."

Han Mengmeng didn't get to the point at all, making Jiang Lin quite embarrassed.

"I'm not my brother's wife."

Ningshuang pouted to explain, and then ran to Jiu Shu's side.

"It's been twenty-two years. When my son is older, you will only come to collect the debt when my wife is devastated."

After Jiu Shu and Xiao Shuang went in with Han Mengmeng, Da Gui was talking to himself at the door.

Yun Gao approached his father and said, "Dad, it seems that the uncle is here, you are very upset? My mother and I are very happy."

"Of course you're happy, now it's alright, your family is reunited."

Dagui looked at Yungao's face, sighed, muttered to himself, and then went out to buy vegetables.

Love is a light, so green that you panic.

Jiang Lin didn't know why, but he seemed to see Dagui's green forehead.

There was a green light on Dagui's head, which was the hair oil he applied.

After Dagui came back, he was dumbfounded. His wife and son both wore animal skins. Uncle Jiu beat a lot of wolves, tigers, leopards and leopards on the road, and it was processed and prepared to be given as gifts.

"Dagui, do we look like a family when we wear them?"

Han Mengmeng turned twice in front of Dagui, walked to the dining table, and sat with Jiu Shu and Xiaoshuang.

family?when i die?

"What about mine?"

"I know you are sensitive to animal skins and I didn't prepare it for you, but I also have your gift. Jiang Lin, give it to your uncle."


Jiang Lin suppressed his smile and handed a hat made of straw and rattan to Dagui.


He knew the character of the ninth uncle, this straw hat actually had no other meaning, and the grass and vines were all plants with the energy of yimu, which were even rarer than the animal skin hat, but what Dagui thought, he didn't know.

"This is made of the straw and rattan I found in the Hulunbuir Prairie. You are prone to sweating, so it is more suitable for you."

A piece of Hulunbuir prairie overhead, absolutely!

It's good that Ninth Uncle didn't explain. With this explanation, Jiang Lin had to pinch his thigh to avoid laughing.

green hat? ?

Lin Jiu, I am your immortal!

Dagui's fat face was flushed red, and he almost went crazy.

If it weren't for the good material of the straw hat, he would just flip the table.

"Master, do you have good red sandalwood here? We picked up a red-robed fire ghost on the way, and I'm going to make her with red sandalwood."

After giving the green hat to Dagui, Jiang Lin asked Han Mengmeng that red sandalwood must be used as a medium in order to refine the original ghost fire of the red-robed fire ghost.

"Yes, Dagui found a thousand-year-old red sandalwood before and made it into his own coffin. There are still some materials left. You can go and get it with your uncle after you have eaten."

I'm going!Although the red sandalwood is very rare, there is no need to make a coffin so early, isn't it cursed to die early?

Jiang Lin discovered that his fat uncle was really a peerless flower.

There is no taste to a meal that is expensive. After Uncle Ninth came, there was no dish he liked on the table at all.

"Jiang Lin, you come with me."

Seeing that his wife and Ninth Uncle were chatting happily, he left the dinner table with a humour.


When Jiang Lin saw the red sandalwood coffin in the storage room, he couldn't bear it any longer. The coffin that Dagui prepared for himself was very good, but the coffin board was green and moldy.

Even the coffin board is green!

Is this wearing a green straw hat alive, and a green coffin board after death?

Simply green.

Although he knew that Ninth Uncle and Han Mengmeng were definitely nothing, Jiang Lin couldn't help but think about it.

Chapter [*]: The hard-working Dagui

"What are you laughing at, my coffin is of high quality red sandalwood. Don't look at the mold on it, just wipe it with a cloth and it's still as good as brand new."

Dagui had no idea what Jiang Lin was laughing at, and thought he was laughing at his coffin being moldy.

"Have you seen enough of these leftovers?"

"Enough, not much."

After Jiang Lin took the red sandalwood, he borrowed a golden beast incense burner from Dagui. The red-robed fire ghost was unusual. The ordinary paper cranes were used to trap her, and they had to be replaced every few days.

When the two returned to the living room, Uncle Jiu had already told Han Mengmeng about Jiang Lin.

The purpose of Ninth Uncle's visit outside the Great Wall was to pay homage to his master, and the second was to discuss the Jianglin faction with Dagui and Han Mengmeng.

"So Jiang Lin is from the Chen Dao faction? If there is no opinion from his master, we will not object to returning to Maoshan. Brother, I'm really happy for you, you have accepted such a good apprentice, you don't know, Jiang Lin knows When you were in danger, you panicked and left with your luggage."

"Jiang Lin is actually nothing good, just a little bit more filial."

Ninth Uncle also felt that his face was very bright when his apprentice was praised, and he was very relieved to know that Jiang Lin was so anxious about his own safety.

Uncle, if you say that, won't your conscience hurt?

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