There are also Feibao and Xiaohai, who don't know what's going on.

Even if they all changed careers, Ninth Uncle wouldn't blame them, he was just reluctant.

"I said, uncle, when did you become so sentimental, do you want us to leave? If you don't go back, both of them are anxious. The daughter-in-law has been sleeping for a few years, waiting for you to host What about the wedding. Besides, Senior Brother Wencai is still waiting for the fire, so Senior Brother and two Junior Brothers can leave.”

"Daughter-in-law?? Apprenticeship??"

Ninth Uncle screamed, this news is too heavy.

"They've all married wives? Didn't leave Yizhuang? Fat Bao and Xiaohai... Good! It's good!"

Ninth Uncle laughed so hard that he could not close his mouth, the loneliness on his face was swept away.

He was worried that after he went back, Yizhuang was already empty, but now he actually heard such good news.

"I said, Uncle Shi, I used to think that you really sucked in accepting disciples, but now, I think your old eyes are really good. Your two disciples gave the gods green hats, and they were two green hats. They robbed them. God's woman, warm the bed every night. Your face is bright! The two of them and Shanshan and Zhenzhen were engaged a few years ago, and now they both live in Yizhuang. That's not enough, Fat Bao still I brought you a disciple."

Thinking of Qiusheng and Wencai, Jiang Lin really wanted to give a thumbs up, love is a light, so green that God is flustered.

"Xiao Shuang, bring some wine!"

With the daughter-in-law of the apprentice, almost all the apprentices can be apprentices, and there are all the apprentices and grandchildren, so I have to drink two sips!

"Actually, after you left, Uncle Qiusheng and Wencai are still relatively motivated. I often guide and urge them and two other brothers to cultivate. Brother Qiusheng has good qualifications. Shan entered the dining hall without ringing the bell, and grew up, as did Senior Brother Wencai, but his aptitude was relatively poor."

Jiang Lin told him about bringing back the loach meat from Xiangxi, and Jiu Shu was speechless after hearing it.

I ate too much loach, so I gave up my girlfriend.

"As for Fat Treasure and Xiaohai... eh? Uncle Shi, your cultivation level? Are you a master of heaven?"

Jiang Lin's eyes were all round, but he didn't expect that after seeing Uncle Ninth again, the latter would actually be able to break through at this age.

Jiang Lin hadn't paid attention to Ninth Uncle's breath before, but at this moment, the two of them were sitting and talking together. After a long time, Jiang Lin naturally found out.

During the few years in Renjiazhen, the ninth uncle made a lot of good things without knowing it. The herbs from the underworld and the corpse silver lotus that Jiang Lin took from below were all missing the ninth uncle's share. In the past few years outside the Great Wall, Ninth Uncle also ate a small amount of ginseng, Cordyceps, and snow lotus. Under the action of the drug, there was also the change of Ninth Uncle's mentality and the combined influence of Lei Fa. Not long ago, he broke through the trapped him for more than ten years in one fell swoop. bottleneck.

Nyima Patriarch is estimated to be able to laugh so hard that his face hurts. In the end of the Dharma era, their lineage is a pair of heavenly teachers!

Jiang Lin felt that their lineage could be regarded as a legend in the entire Maoshan Mountain.

"Ahem, I've been reading Leifa as a book to relieve boredom all these years. I don't know why, but I broke through. In fact, I don't feel like becoming a celestial master. I actually have no intention of becoming a celestial master at all. I regret it, and in the future I will have to subdue the demons and exorcise the demons.”

Ninth Uncle was talking nonsense in a serious manner. When Jiang Lin was a Celestial Master, he almost jumped up with excitement. Now that he has become a Celestial Master, he just said some ignorant words.

No matter how serious Ninth Uncle said, he didn't even believe in punctuation.

In later generations, such words have spread all over the Internet.

What has nothing, what does not know the beauty of a wife, what regrets creating Ali.

When he came to this world, he heard another repentant celestial master, and he was so angry!

Chapter [-] Do you want me to be his wife?

If you have the ability, tell my master, he won't kill you.

Jiang Lin could imagine that if Ninth Uncle sneered in front of Zhang Han, he would definitely not get any benefit.

What about the Celestial Master, he is not a single dog!

Zhang Han was not sure that he could really say such a thing, and then threw poisonous dog food at Jiu Shu.

Jiang Lin put his hand on Jiu Shu's shoulder and sensed it. Although Jiu Shu has advanced to become a Celestial Master, it will be difficult for him to make further progress in the future.

If you want to increase your strength, you can only increase your own means.

"By the way, did Senior Brother Hangu let you graduate?"

"The old man doesn't care about me anymore. After I go back, if Shishu Shimu and the others are still there, the Chendao faction can return to Maoshan. When the time comes, I will hand you a complete cup of Shishu tea and go to Gantian in Guangdong. town."

Jiang Lin told Uncle Jiu about his move, as well as the return of the Chen Dao faction to Maoshan.

Ninth Uncle's face was less happy, yes, four years later, Jiang Lin is leaving.

"Father, senior brother, I'll give you some wine."

Ningshuang threw a wine bag to Ninth Uncle, and threw her own wine bag to Jiang Lin.

Because the body and bones are not good, Ning Frost needs to drink some wine to improve her physique.

Jiang Lin waved to her and said, "Little Junior Sister, give me your hand."

"Brother, what are you doing?"

Ningshuang stretched out her smooth little hand, Jiang Lin held Ningshuang's wrist, gathered her energy, and felt the situation in her body.

As Ninth Uncle said, Ningshuang has a very poor body and foundation, and I am afraid that she will have to live in a medicine jar in the future.

Jiang Lin put his hand away, smiled at him, and said, "It's nothing, it's the first time we met, my brother gave you a gift."

Then he took a jade box from the cloth bag and handed it over.

There was a blood orchid in it, and Jiang Lin brought one with him. Before, because Fu Qingfeng and Jing Yuanying had three of them, they had them at home anyway, so Jiang Lin didn't give it to any of them, lest the other two would be jealous.

Now that Ningshuang has problems with her bones, this blood orchid can just solve it.

"Father, what do you mean by brother giving me flowers? Do you want me to be his wife?"

Ningshuang opened the jade box and found a red orchid inside, looking at Jiang Lin suspiciously.

When a man gives a woman flowers, isn't it a sign of love?


The drink in Jiang Lin's mouth spurted out three meters away.

The ninth uncle looked at Jiang Lin with a strange look. If you dare to attack my daughter, would you try?

What is this little sister thinking?

Jiang Lin was really choked, rolled his eyes, and said, "That's medicine, eat it!"

Getting up and looking at the jade box in Ningshuang's hand, Uncle Jiu frowned, and then said in surprise, "Could this be the legendary blood orchid?"

"It's the blood orchid, which has the effect of prolonging life. It should be possible to solve the physical problems of the younger sister."

"No, this thing is too precious, Xiaoshuang will return it to your senior brother."

This blood orchid can be said to be a priceless treasure that is hard to buy. Ninth Uncle hurriedly asked Ningshuang to return it to Jiang Lin.

Ningshuang was overjoyed when she heard that the red flower could heal her body, but Ninth Uncle wouldn't let her take it, so she handed it back.

"Senior uncle, you are talking to me. Are you planning not to let me retire in the future? What is precious or not, this treasure is valuable only when it is used. Xiaoshuang, don't listen to your father, listen to senior brother. Yes, eat it."


Ningshuang was quick, filled the blood orchid into his mouth, chewed it a few times, and swallowed it.

Ninth Uncle wanted to say something, but Xue Lan had already fallen into Ningshuang's stomach, so he didn't speak again.

"Hey~ It's warm and comfortable, Senior Brother, no wonder Dad said hello..."

Before finishing a sentence, Ningshuang's head was dizzy, and suddenly fell into Jiang Lin's arms.

Jiang Lin supported Ningshuang and gave it to Ninth Uncle, saying: "Let her sleep, sleep for four or five days, and wake up without any illness."

Ninth Uncle took Ning Shuang into the tent. After coming out, he continued to chat with Jiang Lin, asking about Baofa Village, Fei Zong and Dongyang Yaodao.

Jiang Lin told Uncle Ninth what had happened outside in the past few years, and didn't sleep until the early morning.

Seven days later, the three arrived at the door of Baofa Village.

Dagui's injury healed, but because he annoyed his wife, his status in the family dropped sharply, and he was regarded as a coolie.


"Senior brother!"

When Dagui and Ninth Uncle met, they held each other's hands tightly.

"We haven't seen each other for eighteen years!"

"Not only, it's twenty-two years!"

Ningshuang looked at the excited expressions of the two, and whispered to Jiang Lin: "Senior brother, didn't you say that there is a conflict between master and this uncle?"

Since her body and bones were cured by blood orchid, Ningshuang has been very kind to Jiang Lin. She used to ask Ninth Uncle if she had any questions, but now she often asks Jiang Lin.

Jiang Lin spread his hands, expressing that he was not clear. He thought that the two elders would fight when they met.

After the passion, no, after the excitement, Dagui's face suddenly changed, he pushed away the hand of the ninth uncle, and said with a look of disgust, "Why are you still not dead? Didn't you say that there will be a catastrophe of life and death this year?"

"Hey, the catastrophe has passed. If I die, who will help you?"

Not to be outdone, Jiu Shu replied.

They used to be like this, greeting each other, but the relationship between the brothers and sisters is still there, and the way they get along is shocking.

I said how could it be possible to meet without pinch.

Seeing this scene, Jiang Lin felt normal.

"Father, this is the unlucky, useless, and stupid fat uncle you are talking about. His words are so ugly."

My God, girl, there are things you can't say!

Uncle Ninth didn't expect Ningshuang to be so open-mouthed. He and Dagui are the same generation, so he can say whatever he wants, but his daughter can't say that.

Dagui was so angry that his head was smoking, and he taught the child in private that he was unlucky and useless, and he was so stupid.

wait, dad?

Is this girl Lin Jiu's daughter?

Jiang Lin covered his mouth on the side, afraid that he would laugh out loud, Shishu, I really have you, so I told my daughter that.

"Don't be so rude, call me uncle."

"Oh, hello, uncle."

Ninth Uncle glared at her, Ningshuang stuck out her tongue and bowed.

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