The father and daughter did not meet anyone until the middle of the night, and Ningshuang, who was in the car, was so hungry that she complained.

Ningshuang felt hungry in the car, not to mention the ninth uncle who had been pulling the car. He heard Ningshuang saying that he was hungry, and his stomach also sang an empty city plan, which made Ningshuang giggle in the car.

Turning around a forest, Ninth Uncle saw several tents, and outside the tents there were many unextinguished bonfires and roasting lamb.

"It smells so good, Dad, can you smell it?"

"I don't just smell it, I see it."


Ningshuang turned her head to look, and with a wow, jumped out of the car and ran to the barbecue grill.Just as she was about to tear the barbecue, Uncle Ninth hit her on the hand.

"Ask the master first."

"Father, nomads are very hospitable, so don't ask."

Ningshuang was so hungry that she didn't want to go any longer, and acted like a spoiled brat to Ninth Uncle.

"It's not surprising that there are many people, let's go."

Although Uncle Ninth doted on his daughter very much, he was not doting, and asked her to go to the tent to greet the master.

Ningshuang looked at the barbecue, walked to the tent on the side, and just lifted the curtain, a man with blood on his face appeared in front of her.


Ningshuang screamed in fright, and quickly backed away, all the people inside were dead, lying in the tent.

what happened?

Two miles away, Jiang Lin with a frosty face heard the woman's scream and rushed to the source of the sound.

"Why are people dead?"

When Uncle Jiu saw the bloody scene in the tent, he couldn't help frowning. At this time, a woman's scream came from the tent on one side. Uncle Jiu and Ning Shuang hurried over to check. The tall gorilla jumped out and overwhelmed Ninth Uncle.

Then a huge fireball appeared on the top of the tent, the fireball exploded, and a female ghost in red flew out.


"What the hell are you? Seeing my father here, I still don't know how to avoid it. You're going to be out of luck."

After Ningshuang saw the female ghost, she felt unfortunate for her. I don't know how many ghosts were buried under her father's sword along the way, and this ghost actually bumped into it by herself.

"You're so unlucky. You smashed my face today, so how can I meet people in the future?"

Half of the red-robed fire ghost's rotten face was covered by his hair, and the remaining half of his face was full of malice.

"Be careful, the red-robed fire ghost is very powerful!"

Uncle Jiu struggled under the gorilla. The gorilla had already died, but the weight of [*] to [*] pounds made it difficult for Uncle Jiu to climb out.

He didn't have much energy after being hungry for so long.

"Father, save me!"

Ningshuang was strangled by the exposed red-robed fire ghost, pushed back and flew back until her back hit a big tree [*] meters away.

She took out the dagger from her waist and stabbed the red-robed fire ghost, but to no avail.

Ordinary ghosts are not very strong even if they are manifested, but the red-robed fire ghost is different. The physical strength of this thing is comparable to that of zombies.

In particular, the strength of this red-robed fire ghost has reached the level of a peak ghost general, and ten Ningshuang are not her opponents.


Ningshuang was almost out of breath from being pinched, so she could only wave to Ninth Uncle in the distance.

"Red-robed fire ghost?"

Jiang Lin walked out of the woods, just in time to see Ning Shuang, who was strangled by the red-robed fire ghost.

The five fingers came together, and a light sword stretched out from his palm, and penetrated between Ningshuang and the red-robed fire ghost.

Yang Zhijian slashed back the red-robed fire ghost, and Jiang Lin shot her violently, kicking her and breaking several trees one after another.

"Want to run?"

The red-robed fire ghost felt that Jiang Lin was very difficult to provoke, so he wanted to run away, but how could Jiang Lin allow her to escape.

The original ghost fire in this female ghost is also a kind of strange fire, and after refining it, it will benefit him a lot.

The Yang Yan whip in his hand shook, and Jiang Lin shot away. Even if the red-robed fire ghost was powerful and could use poisonous fire, in front of Jiang Lin, she would only end up being accepted.

The Yang Yan Whip was like a rope tied to an immortal, and it was wrapped around the body of the red-robed fire ghost many times, making it a big zongzi.

Jiang Lin walked over and slapped the female ghost on the forehead and put it into a paper crane.

"Little sister, are you alright?"

Jiang Lin came to Ning Shuang, who was coughing while covering his throat, and stretched out his hand.

"Big brother, I'm fine, thank you, are you also a Taoist priest? It's amazing."

Ningshuang grabbed Jiang Lin's hand and stood up, admiring this unfamiliar big brother.

Even her father said that the red-robed fire ghost was very powerful, but he was subdued in two or three times.

"It's alright, go find your father, big brother, I have to hurry, so let's go."

Because Ninth Uncle was crushed by a gorilla, he only managed to break out half of his body, and because he was dressed like a nomad, Jiang Lin didn't see his face, so he didn't recognize him.

There are many tents here, and he subconsciously thought that Ningshuang and Jiu Shu were the residents here.

"Big brother, you saved me. My father and I haven't thanked you yet. My father is also a Taoist priest."

"Little Cream!"

Ninth Uncle broke free from the gorilla and ran towards Ningshuang. Because the distance was far and there was not much light, Ninth Uncle didn't know that Ningshuang had been rescued by Jiang Lin.

"Father, I'm fine, the red-robed fire ghost has been subdued by this powerful big brother, who is also a Taoist priest."

Ningshuang ran over and hugged Ninth Uncle's arm, and introduced Jiang Lin to Ninth Uncle.

"Uncle Master?"

"Jiang Lin?"

Jiang Lin only saw his face when he saw the animal skin coat and hat coming over, and Ninth Uncle also recognized Jiang Lin.The two were stunned for a moment, Jiang Lin breathed a sigh of relief, and went up to hug Ninth Uncle.

"Uncle Shi, where have you been in the past few years? I searched Saibei and couldn't find any trace of you. A few days ago, I went to Baofa Village again. My aunt figured out that you have a life-and-death catastrophe this year. You... You really don't let your apprentice worry about it."


Uncle Jiu didn't know how to answer Jiang Lin's words for a while. It seemed that Jiang Lin was still on his way in the middle of the night, just to find him, and he had been looking for him for a while.

"Father, Jiang Lin, isn't Jiang Lin my third senior brother? Is he the third senior brother?"

Ningshuang covered Cherry's mouth on the side, looking in disbelief that they and Jiang Lin would meet here.

father? ?

It was only at this time that Jiang Lin realized that this pretty girl was the daughter of Ninth Uncle? ?

"Uncle Shi, when did you have such a big daughter, don't say that you went out to find my aunt and uncle like my master?"

Jiang Lin let go of Ninth Uncle and looked at Ningshuang again, feeling that his mind was a little confused.

There is a son in Baofa Village and a daughter outside, isn't the uncle always a boy?

Is this Nima a test tube baby?

Chapter [*] A Double Heavenly Master!

I don't know if Qiusheng and Wencai knew about this, whether their jaws would fall, and Shimu Shishu and the others, maybe they could stuff a big durian into their mouths.

"Cough cough!"

Jiu Shu was choked by Jiang Lin's words, and then glared at him.

"It's a long story."

"Senior brother, my name is Ningshuang. You can call me Xiaoshuang or Shuang'er. Dad, brother, everyone is starving to death. Let's eat first."

Ningshuang didn't think Jiang Lin was unfamiliar at all, and asked them to eat barbecue first.

"Brother, here it is."

Although it was the first time I met Jiang Lin, Ningshuang felt very cordial to this third senior brother. After washing her hands, she tore off a large piece of barbecue and handed it to Jiang Lin.

Then she pestered Jiang Lin to ask questions. Her previous impression of Jiang Lin was still in the listening stage. Today, she met the third senior brother and rescued her, so the little girl's words could not be closed. .

"Okay, Xiaoshuang, let your senior brother have some free time. Dad wants to talk to him for a while. Go and clean up the tent. Let's spend the night here tonight."


Ning Shuang pouted and went to work reluctantly.

"Uncle Shi, you are recruiting from the truth. Where did such a beautiful daughter come from? It seems that my wife should be a great beauty, right?"

"I adopted it outside!"

Uncle Jiu rolled his eyes, you thought I was like you, with such a good relationship with women.

"Hey, what happened in the past four years is hard to describe. When I first arrived outside the Great Wall four years ago, I met Xiaoshuang. There was a plague in her village, and she was the only one who died in a village, and at that time, She was also terminally ill. I saw her pitiful and couldn't bear it, so I took her everywhere to find a doctor and ask for medicine. She was helpless and regarded me as a father, so I adopted her as a daughter."

It turned out that Xiaoshuang's life experience was so pitiful.

Suffering from the plague in this era was basically sentenced to death, and this little girl was rescued from the dead end.

"This girl is too sick. Fortunately, her qualifications are good and she is suitable for Taoism. I will teach her Taoism, which can also delay the disease. I took her to Changbai Mountain to dig ginseng, and also went to Tibet to find Cordyceps. This March , she's in good condition, and I went to Tianshan to find her a snow lotus. It is estimated that your aunt said that I have a catastrophe this year, which is the time when I was on the cliff of Tianchi. He stumbled and fell, disturbing the water monsters in Tianchi, and almost died there."

Ninth Uncle told Jiang Lin what happened in the past few years, and Jiang Lin was also sweating.

There is a plague on Ningshuang. It is impossible for Ninth Uncle to take her back to Renjia Town. For such a long time, Ninth Uncle has not been infected. It is already a blessing, and Ningshuang is cured. .

"Unfortunately, even after taking Xuelian, Xiaoshuang's body bones are very poor, and she can't exercise for a long time."

Ninth Uncle was not feeling very well. Ningshuang's disease was cured, but the foundation of her body and the foundation of Taoism were affected. Even if her aptitude was good, it would be good to become a Taoist in the future.

"What happened to Yizhuang? Qiu Shengwencai and the others should get married, have they left Yizhuang?"

Thinking of his two apprentices, Qiusheng and Wencai, Uncle Jiu's face was a little lonely. When he left, the two apprentices were not good enough. I have changed my career, after all, I have to eat and marry a wife.

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