If he encounters any ghost king or flying demon king in the future, Jiang Lin can allow them to run ninety-nine steps first.

Three days later, Chen Yu and Ren Tingting were also driven over by Uncle Ping.


The four beauties entered the Yizhuang, and when they saw Jiang Lin, they rushed up.

"Wow! Sisters-in-law are so young and beautiful."

When Xiaoshuang saw Chen Yu and the others, who looked only [*] or [*] years old, the small mouth of the cherry could almost be stuffed into the egg.

When Uncle Jiu saw Chen Yu and Ren Tingting, it was nothing, but when he saw Tianji and Xiaoru, he was dumbfounded.

Two more?

"Husband, who is this?"

"This is Ningshuang, you can call her Xiaoshuang, she is the daughter of the uncle, and also our little sister."

daughter? ?

As Jiang Lin expected, after Chen Yu and Ren Tingting heard the news, like Ningshuang, their mouths became "O" shaped.

"Cough, don't think too much, she is the daughter adopted by the uncle."

"Oh, Shishu, you have such a beautiful daughter. You are really lucky."

Ninth Uncle coughed twice and nodded, having a precious daughter, he can also enjoy the joy of family.

"Jiang Lin, who are these two? You have two more?"

Tian Ji was married after the ninth uncle left, and Xiaoru was also the daughter who recovered after the ninth uncle left, so the ninth uncle didn't even recognize her.

"Uncle Shi, this is Tian Ji, and also my master's biological daughter. She and Chili are half mother, my junior sister, and your disciple's daughter-in-law."

"Hello, uncle."

Tian Ji politely bowed to the ninth uncle, and the ninth uncle responded: "Hey, good. Brother Hangu is more fortunate than me."

Jiang Lin pointed at Xiaoru and introduced, "This..."

"Uncle a brow."

Xiaoru didn't wait for Jiang Lin to finish speaking, then went up to hug Uncle Jiu, frightening him.

"Uncle, don't be afraid, she is Xiaoru, and she was also the former Three Hundred Thirteen. Three Hundred Thirteen was originally a girl, and was raised by Uncle Dian as a boy."

"She... she is three hundred and three?"

Ninth Uncle was stunned on the spot. After he left, he came back, and a nephew became a niece.

Moreover, such a beautiful girl was raised as a boy by the Daoist people, and he deceived them all.

Brother Dian, you are really crazy!

"Uncle Yimei, my master doesn't know where he went. When I marry my brother in the future, you will help Xiaoru officiate the wedding."

Xiaoru ran to Jiang Lin's side and hugged his arm, looking at Ninth Uncle with hope.


Uncle Jiu was completely speechless. Chen Yu was Jiang Lin's senior sister and became Jiang Lin's wife; Tian Ji was Jiang Lin's junior sister and married Jiang Lin; Xiaoru was Jiang Lin's junior sister, and she had to enter the Jiang family's door.

So at this moment, Jiang Lin became an SSS-level dangerous figure in Uncle Ninth's heart.

Jiang Lin was a little speechless by Ninth Uncle's guarding gaze. Uncle Master, are you looking at the apprentice or the trafficker?

"Yimei, where have you been in the past few years?"

At this moment, Zhang Han arrived. After he received the letter, he took his two wives to Yizhuang. After seeing the ninth uncle, he was relieved.


After Jiang Lin introduced Zhang Han, Zhang Han also widened his eyes.

"Master, it was adopted, don't think about it."

"Let me just say, Yimei will be single all his life, not like me. Come on Yimei and introduce you to your two sisters-in-law, beautiful, right?"




Master, you will be beaten like this.

Jiang Lin was ashamed, did you say such a thing?

In the past, Zhang Han liked Xiu's apprentice, but now he has become Xiu's wife.

Xiu's wife doesn't matter, he also said that Uncle Jiu will be single all his life.

Jiu Shu's face became darker than the bottom of the pot.

All friends!

Chapter [*] Come on, hurt each other

Chen Yu and Tian Ji covered their faces. Although they were Zhang Han's daughters, they were quite speechless to their father.

Even Tang Xiaorong and Chen Miao'er were blushing for their men, so they were not ashamed at such an age!

"Come on, Xiaoshuang, my uncle will give you a present."

Introducing his wife, Zhang Han took out a jade box and handed it to Ningshuang.

Ningshuang opened the jade box and immediately attracted everyone's attention.

A Tahitian black pearl the size of a pigeon egg.

When did Master become so rich?

Jiang Lin was also shocked by this pearl. You must know that Zhang Han is not as strong as he is and has opportunities.

And such a precious black pearl was actually given to Ningshuang.

How did Jiang Lin know that Zhang Han would not have a good life if he didn't send it out.

This pearl was accidentally encountered by Zhang Han and his two wives at the ends of the earth when they were traveling abroad.

After having this black pearl, the two wives who used to get along pretty well fought over a black pearl.

In the end, they did not fight, and asked Zhang Han to give the black pearl to his daughter, but the headache was that he had two daughters-in-law and two daughters, and only one pearl.

It's going to be noisy for everyone.

Now that Uncle Ninth came back and brought a daughter with him, he simply sent it away to prevent the two wives in the family from arguing.

Anyway, Jiang Lin is equivalent to his son. He knows what Ninth Uncle treats Jiang Lin. Now that Ninth Uncle has brought a daughter and a black pearl, it's nothing.

If you send it away, you can still bring your family back into harmony, and if you send the pearl away, there will be no more arguing.

"Xiao Shuang, thank you for your uncle Hangu soon."

"Thank you, Uncle Hangu."

There are no girls who don't like pearls, and Ningshuang is no exception. The precious ones are kept in their pockets.

"Yimei, look at now, the three apprentices here are all in pairs. I, who used to be a neighbor, have two wives. I'm really worried for you, sigh, if life bullies you, don't Sad, don't worry..."

Give me a hard snort.

If I don't kill you today, I won't raise an eyebrow!

"Senior Brother Hangu, look at now, the apprentice Jiang Lin here has already become a Celestial Master, and I, who used to be a neighbor, have broken through to the level of a Celestial Master. I am really worried for you, sigh, if life bullies you, Don't be sad, don't be impatient..."

Ninth Uncle learned Zhang Han's tone, patted Zhang Han's shoulder, and comforted: "Senior Brother Hangu, be strong, Jiang Lin and I will not isolate you."


Celestial Master? ?

The question mark on Zhang Han's head, after reacting, he screamed.

"Yimei, have you become a Celestial Master?"

"It's just a fluke. I regret it. If you're as weak as you, you don't have to worry so much."

weak chicken...

Zhang Han almost spit out a mouthful of old blood.

Come on, hurt each other.

Uncle Jiu glanced at Zhang Han, with the expression on his face of a master looking at a chicken.

Jiang Lin watched the two masters fight each other and touched his forehead, which really made his head big.

One said that the other party was single, and the other responded to the other party's weak chicken.

There's no one left!

Zhang Han blushed and had a thick neck, shouting, "I...I have two old..."

"Go aside, don't be ashamed!"

Tang Xiaorong and Chen Miaoer gave Zhang Han a kick and went to the kitchen to help.

When his wife refused to speak, Zhang Han looked at Chen Yu and Tian Ji and exclaimed, "I have two daughters!"

"Oh? Your two daughters are not as good as me. If you don't believe me, ask their husband and father who fell into the water at the same time. Who will they save?"

"Of course they saved me!"

Zhang Han looked at Chen Yu and Tian Ji beside Jiang Lin. He loved his daughter so much, how could the two daughters have husbands and forget their father?

Chen Yu and Tian Ji said in unison, "Father, go to the side!"

The two girls followed their mother directly to the kitchen, and they couldn't stand it any longer.

Ren Tingting and Xiao Ru also went to the kitchen, and the elders were arguing, but they were not very interested.

Jiang Lin didn't leave, he was afraid that the two masters would fight.

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