Zhang Han was very hurt, and neither of his daughters saved him.

"Some people always think that being a father-in-law is like a great thing. Your daughter was kidnapped and run away, and it's just two of them."

Uncle Jiu walked away with his hands behind his back and shaking his head.


Ningshuang didn't expect her father to be able to hold Uncle Hangu out of his internal injuries, so she couldn't help laughing.

Zhang Han's eyes fell on Jiang Lin, gave him a look, and then raised his eyebrows at Ningshuang.

Give you a look, experience it yourself, and arch his daughter!

Let him also become a father-in-law!

"the weather is nice today."

Jiang Lin looked up at the sky and entered the living room.

The next day, Daoist Master Simu, Jia Le and Daoist Qianhe also came to Yizhuang. In the afternoon, Fat Bao came with Xiao Feibao and Xiao Hai.

Two days later, the wedding of Qiusheng and Wencai was held in Yizhuang. The ninth uncle invited many guests from the town, and the wedding was very lively.

Afterwards, Jiang Lin, under the witness of Jiu Shu Zhanghan, Simu Daoist and Qianhe Daoist, announced that from his generation, the Chen Dao faction would return to Jiu Shu's lineage.

However, the Chen Dao sect has still been preserved, and the Chen Dao sect will be the Maoshan Chen Dao sect in the future.

Zhang Han also handed over the position of head to Jiang Lin, and he will retire completely in the future.

"Jiang Lin, these are the core exercises of our lineage, Gu Yi Xin Fa, Body Refinement Art, Liang Yi Palm, and Maoshan Jiulong Divine Art."

Ninth Uncle wrote Jiang Lin's name on the disciple list below the patriarch's portrait, and then he handed over the core secrets of his sect to Jiang Lin.

Although Jiang Lin does not accept apprentices, if he has children in the future, he will definitely inherit his mantle, and these exercises and body refining techniques can be passed on.

Jiang Lin put away a few old books and read them when he was free.

"I've been back for so long, and I haven't been around to take a look. Let's play around tomorrow. By the way, let's see how Qiusheng and Wencai are progressing."

The three apprentices were about to leave their apprenticeships. At the dinner table, Uncle Ninth proposed to take a walk around and have a wild dinner.

"Okay, okay. Senior brother, I heard from the sisters-in-law that your grilling skills are very good. Shuang'er, I am not convinced."

"Third junior brother, the four of us senior brothers have been discussing together for a long time. I will definitely be able to fight with you back and forth."

Before they went, Ningshuang and Qiusheng were gearing up. The former wanted to compare their barbecue skills with Jiang Lin, while the latter wanted to learn Taoism with Jiang Lin.

Chapter seven hundred and eighth learning

Fighting back and forth?

Like you, I can hit a hundred.

Jiang Lin didn't say anything, for fear of hitting Qiusheng.

The next day, Jiang Lin's family and Jiu Shu's family came to the big river in Wuliu Village, preparing to have a picnic here.

Jiu Shu and Zhang Han stood aside, watching Qiu Sheng and Jiang Lin who were about to start fighting.

Ningshuang and the others set up a barbecue grill by the river, but their eyes also fell on Jiang Lin and Qiusheng.

"Sister, how many rounds do you think the eldest brother can go under his husband's hand?"

Ren Tingting asked Chen Yu, who was on the side, how powerful her husband was, but Ren Tingting knew it, so it was impossible for Qiusheng to win Jiang Lin, it just depends on how long he can hold on.

"If you want me to say, if my husband doesn't give face, I won't be able to last a round."

"Impossible, Qiu Sheng's kung fu is no worse than Master's now."

Shanshan was unhappy when she heard that her husband couldn't stand a single round told by others.

She didn't know how strong Jiang Lin was, so she couldn't imagine what kind of scene Jiang Lin would be attacking with all his strength.

"Xiaoru, what do you think?"

Ningshuang, who was washing vegetables by the river, asked Xiaoru next to her. Now Ningshuang and Ren Tingting have a very good relationship, especially with Xiaoru, who is of the same age.

"My husband is strong, you have never really seen him. Even if he only uses one-tenth of his strength, he can beat Senior Brother to the ground."

Xiaoru knew how Jiang Lin handled the Zombie King in Tengteng Town. After so many years, Jiang Lin's strength has become even more terrifying. Even if the ninth uncle has also become a celestial master, there is still a long way to go with Jiang Lin. Woolen cloth.

"How can you be called senior brother husband? You are like me. Even if you want to get married, you will have to wait until next year."

"Hmph, if he doesn't marry me, I'll cry, make trouble, and hang myself. The two of us have slept long ago."

Xiao Ruyu was not astonished and died endlessly, making Ningshuang thunder tender.

"You don't know that before, he treated me as a boy and slept with me for a month. I love him, you are still young, you don't understand."

Xiaoru gave an expression that she knew more than Ningshuang, which made Ningshuang snort, who said I didn't understand?

Looking at Jiang Lin in the distance, Ningshuang felt like a deer was jumping around in her heart.

"Junior brother, don't hide your strength, go all out. If you hide your clumsiness, be careful of being thrown into the river by me."

Qiu Sheng threw away the peach wood sword in his hand, stepped on Jiugong, and waited for him.

Jiang Lin looked at Ninth Uncle, and Ninth Uncle said: "There is no need for a spell with huge lethality. Use all your strength. I will also see how far your current cultivation level is."

Since it is a competition, what kind of flame, Jinwu and the like are exempted, Jiu Shu feels that apart from these means, Qiu Sheng should be able to persist for a while with his own martial arts foundation.

"OK then."

Jiang Linji pointed out, and the sound of a sharp sword unsheathed came from him.

The zheng bone sword flew out from his back and shot towards Qiu Sheng.

"What is this?"

Qiu Sheng, who was ready to meet Jiang Lin's attack, had a confused look on his face. This is not right. Why did a sword fly over like this?

Although Qiu Sheng was surprised, he did not completely mess up his position. The spiritual energy in his body poured into the Taomu Sword and erected it in front of him.

However, the Zheng Bone Sword suddenly turned and jumped behind Qiu Sheng. The sword body slapped Qiu Sheng's ass.

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, Qiu Sheng became a trapeze man and flew directly into the river.

Not a single round.

There are back and forth to count as one round, and Qiu Sheng loses in seconds.

Even if he lost in seconds, he was thrown into the river.



The people who were still discussing the victory or defeat of the two suddenly lost their voices.

"Haha, Master Qiusheng has become a jerk."

Fat Bao's son, Fat Tiger, burst out laughing.

Ninth Uncle and Zhang Han looked at the bone sword hovering in front of Jiang Lin, which almost turned into two statues.

Mastering the sword from the air, mastering the sword is a small success!

Going a step further, you will be able to fly with the sword.

"As expected of our son-in-law."

"Yes, the strongest son-in-law in the Republic of China."

Tang Xiaorong and Chen Miaoer were very satisfied with Jiang Lin's performance. Their son-in-law was so capable, they were all happy for their daughter when they became mother-in-law.

"Qiusheng, go back at night and kneel on the washboard for me!"

Shanshan's face was flushed, just now she was arguing with Ren Tingting for her husband, but she lost without touching anyone's body.

It has also become a chicken in soup!

"Wife, it's not my fault, the junior brother is too perverted, he is a pervert!"

"Junior brother, how can you be like this? Is this a competition? You abuse me!"

Qiu Sheng was extremely depressed, this junior brother really didn't give him any sympathy.

"Didn't you tell me to do my best?"

Jiang Lin rolled his eyes, Qiu Sheng told him to do his best, and Ninth Uncle also asked him to do his best, and he wasn't using a powerful spell, so why did he blame him.

Qiusheng: "..."

Grandma's, so depressing!

"Senior brother, I want to learn your flying sword."

Ningshuang ran to Jiang Lin's side and went up to touch the bone sword in front of him.

"I'll teach you later, you can't touch this sword."

Jiang Lin hurriedly put the bone sword into his body. Although the bone sword was touched by a woman, he would no longer experience weakness, but he still didn't want to feel that way.


Ningshuang pouted.

What should I do if I have a physical reaction when you touch me?

Jiang Lin flicked Ningshuang's forehead lightly, then looked at Wencai, and said, "Second Senior Brother, come and learn from each other."

"Whoever likes to go, I don't want to be a jerk."

Wen Cai waved his hands again and again, Qiu Sheng had become a lesson for the past, he didn't even touch the shadow, and asked him to learn from Jiang Lin, isn't that just wanting to taste the taste of the river?

"Jiang Lin, use the peach wood sword. Qiusheng, Wencai, Feibao, Xiaohai, the four of you go together."

Ninth Uncle threw a peach wood sword to Jiang Lin and asked the four apprentices to fight against Jiang Lin together.

"Wencai, Feibao, Xiaohai, listen to the instructions of the senior brother and throw the third junior brother into the river!"

Qiu Sheng, with the river water on his body, was going to fight Jiang Lin with his three junior brothers.

Jiang Lin used a bit of his strength this time to deal with Qiu Sheng and the others.

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