It is estimated that the four of them guessed that it might be four-on-one, and they cooperated quite tacitly.

"Junior Brother (Senior Brother), be careful!"

The four of them surrounded Jiang Lin with four peach wood swords and stabbed at him. Jiang Lin jumped up, put his toes on the sword, turned over and jumped back, and behind him was the big river.

"Kick him in!"

"You still go in!"

Jiang Lin stepped on it violently, and golden formations appeared on the ground where the four of them were. After that, the four trapeze men, tall, short, fat, and thin, plunged into the river with their heads dazed.

Chapter [*]: The Magical Uses of Two Instrument Palms

"These four boys, I don't know why Lin Zi retreated to the river."

Zhang Han looked at the array pattern by the river, shook his head, and fought four to one, and he could let Jiang Lin set up a mountain and river array.

The formation has been completed, and none of Qiu Sheng and the others noticed it.

Because they are close to the big river, they don't need any special formation materials to induce the existence of the river. Qiu Sheng and the others were thrown into the big river by Jiang Lin's use of the power of the formation of mountains and rivers.

"It's true that the back waves of the Yangtze River push the front waves. Even in the field of mountain and river formations, Jiang Lin may have surpassed Senior Hong Jinbao."

"So, retire when it's time to retire, go home to fish, hug your wife, how comfortable it is."

Zhang Han is now a salted fish that is extremely salty, and he lives very well.

Some people inherit the mantle, and some daughters are regarded as sweethearts, so there is no need to worry about old age.

He is the coolest teacher in the world.

Although Zhang Han was stunned again, the ninth uncle didn't hit him this time. In fact, the ninth uncle has always envied Zhang Han, who doesn't want to live comfortably.

But with a few apprentices and an immature daughter, Ninth Uncle is destined to not be able to sleep peacefully like Zhang Han, and he doesn't care about anything.

The four chickens came out of the river, saying that Jiang Lin was not being kind and cheating.

"Isolate him, stop playing with him, and go to the fire."

"That's right, it's too sinister, eat barbecue."

"I baked this for the third senior brother, you have to eat it and bake it yourself."

Qiusheng and Wencai were about to grab Ningshuang's barbecue when they got to the fire, but they were beaten in the paws by this little junior sister.

"The two of us are also your senior brothers, why are you so kind to the third junior brother?"

Qiusheng was not convinced, and was thrown into the river twice in a row, without even a little comfort.

"I'm good to him, and my brother will teach me flying swords. When I learn it, I will use flying swords to slap your ass."

Ningshuang's pretty face was slightly red, and she glared at the two senior brothers.

So many people are there, so I'm not ashamed to say that I prefer Third Senior Brother?

Ninth Uncle picked up the fat tiger and came to Jiang Lin, saying: "Jiang Lin, I never taught you the two palms before, this is also the rules of the master's sect. Although you have pure Yang art, you have never practiced it. Body art, it’s a good time to study it, it will bring you a lot of benefits.”

"Uncle Shi, I'll look through it when I have time."

In fact, Jiang Lin is not going to spend time on the palm of Liangyi. He already has a corpse transformation. Even if the corpse is advanced to the level of flying zombie, he can continue to practice. In terms of the effect of body refining, it is estimated that the palm of Liangyi can even transform into a corpse. None of them.

Ninth Uncle could also see that Jiang Lin didn't seem to care about their sect's liangyizhang, so he smiled and said, "You are about to return to Gantian Town, so Shishu will give you another lesson at the end."

"Master, please speak."

"Before this, it's better for us to have a game. Originally, my uncle also wanted to learn from you, but now it seems that we can avoid it."

Uncle Ninth handed the little fat pier in his arms to Zhang Han, and moved his muscles.

"Okay, the master is going to compete with the third uncle."

Fat Tiger clapped his palms and screamed, attracting everyone who was barbecue not far away.

"Father, you are going to compete with the third senior brother, what are you comparing?"

Ningshuang ran over, very curious, her father is much stronger than the four brothers who fell into the water, and the competition must be very interesting.

"Yes, Master, what do you compare to?"

Qiu Sheng and Fat Bao also gathered around.

"Jiang Lin, according to Senior Brother Hangu, you have been able to hover and glide in the air for a short time. Why don't we go to the position of the stone downstream first. In the water."

Ninth Uncle pointed to a big rock a mile away. Jiang Lin's face was a little weird. Could it be that Uncle Master wants to swim with him?

"I said a brow, aren't you just asking for shame? I heard Chili said that Lin Zi can kill the water monkeys in the water. Can you slip faster than the water monkeys?"

"Okay, since the uncle is going to compare, let's both master and apprentice."

Jiang Lin didn't say much when he saw Uncle Jiu's confident appearance.

"Senior Brother, who do you think will win, Master or Third Senior Brother?"

Xiaohai came to Qiusheng and asked Qiusheng's opinion.

"Although the third junior brother is very knowledgeable, I think that since Master has taken the initiative to propose the competition, he must have the means. I bet that Master will win."

"We think our husbands will win."

Chen Yu and Ren Tingting disapproved of Qiusheng's words, and they were done with supporting their husbands.

So Ninth Uncle's four apprentices, Jiang Lin's three wives and Xiaoru started to pinch each other.

"Uncle, let's start, I don't want to go into the water, so I'll take a step first."

Jiang Lin took an ice seal and threw it on the water, then jumped up and jumped again with the help of the buoyancy of the ice cubes in the water. At the same time, he quickly drew the ice seal in his hand and threw it down again.

Since it is a competition, he will not use the ability of corpse, otherwise it will be boring.

"Wow! Third Senior Brother can actually float on water."

Ningshuang looked at Jiang Lin who was jumping on the water, but didn't notice that Ninth Uncle also jumped to the surface. After his feet fell into the water, he swayed regularly underwater, sinking into two vortexes on the water.

Then Uncle Jiu was actually able to stand in the water.

Everyone was very surprised when they saw Jiu Shu like this.

When Jiang Lin floated on the water, he still had to use ice cubes, but Ninth Uncle was almost standing on the water.

"Yoyoyo, I just saw your third senior brother floating on the water, and I forgot about your father."

After a brief surprise, Wen Cai made a joke about Ningshuang.

Hearing the movement behind him, Jiang Lin turned around in mid-air, jumping forward instead of jumping backward. When he saw Uncle Jiu was walking towards him with his hands behind his back, he was also stunned.

Ninth Uncle's feet were submerged in the water for half a meter, and the water that stirred with his feet was like two yin and yang fish chasing each other, but it formed an elliptical two-meter diagram. Although the currents were chasing each other, the overall is forward.

"Is this... the effect of the Body Refinement Technique and the Two Ritual Palms?"

Jiang Lin had seen the picture of the two instruments under Jiu Shu. When Jiu Shu dealt with Shi Jian, he transformed thunder and lightning into this light picture.

"This is the last lesson my uncle taught you. The strong will win, and the weak will win. The dry well is filled with stones and can be filled with sand. After the sand is filled, it can be filled with water. Although Liangyi Palm is attacking It's not as good as the Yang Zhijian, but guarding and filling the gaps are beyond the Yang Zhijian."

Ninth Uncle laughed loudly, and with the help of the speed of the water, he stepped on the water and ran to the front.

"Uncle Shi, this lesson, the disciple has been taught."

Jiang Lin turned around in the air, still using his strength to bounce as before, and marched hand in hand with Uncle Ninth.

The two finally reached the finish line at the same time.

Chapter [*] Bad news!

"Yimei, when did you learn this skill?"

After Jiang Lin and Ninth Uncle came back, Zhang Han's eyes widened. Jiang Lin was also a Celestial Master, and he was not an ordinary Celestial Master.

"If you are driven to despair by the huge water monsters in Tianshan Tianchi, I guess you will too."

Ninth Uncle was able to use the Liangyi Palm to such an extent that it was that time when he fell into the Tianchi and encountered great danger that he stimulated his potential.

"Father, Third Senior Brother, which one of you two won?"

"Although it was said to be a draw, but I used the Frozen Talisman, and my uncle won."

Jiang Lin smiled and prepared to go back and take a closer look at the two palms. When dealing with corpse turtles, he was unable to move freely on the water, so he spent a lot of time. , it is estimated that he can also be like Jiu Shu.

In the evening, there was a bonfire by the river, and the two families laughed and laughed, and the worries of the upcoming separation were also diluted a lot.

Ningshuang grew up outside the Great Wall. She was good at singing and dancing, and danced ethnic minority dances in the open space. Qiusheng was also unambiguous, and dragged his wife to dance the tango that she just learned.

Seeing that Qiusheng was so bad at dancing, Jiang Lin asked him where he learned it from.

"Some time ago, a Taoist priest who returned from overseas came to Renjiazhen, and he also brought a mummy. I happened to follow him all the way because of the business, so I learned a little from him."

"The Taoist priest brought a mummy? Is the business of chasing corpses so difficult now? All the mummies are chasing."

Jiang Lin remembered the last time he was poisoned by a mummy in Xiangxi. Compared with the local zombies, mummies are much more difficult to deal with.

So he reminded Qiu Sheng that if it is not too long, it is best not to provoke the mummy rashly.

In the middle of the night, a group of talents returned home. After that, Jiang Lin and Zhang Han lived in the Taoist hall until August, and they also spent the Mid-Autumn Festival with Jiu Shu.

On the night of the Mid-Autumn Festival, after the reunion dinner, Jiang Lin took his three daughters-in-law and Xiaoru out of the Yizhuang Village. Uncle Ping had already arrived by car before dinner, and they were ready to go on the road overnight.

Although he had written to Gantian Town to explain the situation, Jiang Lin felt that the rest of the wives were probably going to be petulant, so it would be better to go back early.

"Senior brother, if I have time, I will go to your place to play, you can come and pick me up."

Ningshuang and Chen Yu lived together for a month, and they were like sisters. Now that they were separated, she was quite reluctant to part, and she was even more reluctant to part with Jiang Lin, her eyes were red.

"Yes, Shuang'er has to be obedient and don't make your father angry. Uncle, Master, there will be a future."

"Let's go back, I'll live in the Daotang first, and only the bare commander is the only one who kills Yimei every day. It's really cool."

Zhang Han patted Jiang Lin on the shoulder and said that he would stay in Renjia Town. Qiusheng, Wencai and Feibao Xiaohai would leave in two days, and he would also be with Jiu Shu.

"Chili, is it there? Why is it so big?"

In the carriage, Jiang Lin put his hand into the collar of Chen Yu in his arms, and he was dishonest.

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