"I hate it, no. It's just Ying Qi and Xiao Li who are pregnant. Sister Ying Qi is in a special situation, but Xiao Li's stomach is still shriveled. Sister Min Er also went to Li Yangju. The highest, you can try to get her pregnant."

Her husband's physique is special, and Chen Yu also knows that now she doesn't expect her to be able to conceive a child in a short time. Even if other sisters have and give birth to a child, she will be her own.

The car drove all night, and when the sky was about to dawn, Jiang Lin heard Qiu Sheng's shouting from behind.

"Senior brother be careful!"

After getting off the car, Jiang Lin quickly caught Qiusheng, and the horse Qiusheng was riding was exhausted.

"Junior brother, something happened to Master, you hurry back! He's dying."

"What's the matter? Wasn't it okay last night?"

Seeing Qiusheng, he was about to cry, Jiang Lin's heart tightened, what happened to Ninth Uncle?

"Get in the car! Uncle Ping, go back the same way!"

When he got to the car, Qiu Sheng talked about the reason for the accident of the ninth uncle.

Not long after Jiang Lin left, someone came to Yizhuang and said that there were zombies. Uncle Ninth saw that the two apprentices and Zhang Han were asleep, so he brought some guys and Ningshuang over.

It turned out that it wasn't a zombie, but a mummy, the same mummy that the returnee Taoist had brought before.

Ninth Uncle, like Jiang Lin, was entangled in the shroud. Although he killed the mummy, he was poisoned by the corpse, and he couldn't do it halfway. He was carried back by Ningshuang.

Mummy's corpse poison!

Jiang Lin's fist was clenched by him. He himself had the corpse of the thousand-year-old zombie king and Yang Yan. It took half a year to completely refine the mummy's corpse poison.

Now Uncle Jiu has such a problem.

After returning to Yizhuang, Ningshuang and Wencai were both wiping their tears, while Zhang Han frowned.

"Senior brother, look at Daddy. Woohoo~"

"Shuang'er, don't cry."

Jiang Lin patted Ningshuang in his arms, and went over to check on Uncle Ninth.

Now, the skin on Uncle Jiu's body has no normal skin color, but it has become dark blue, and there is a wedge-shaped rune on his body.

It turned out that this was the catastrophe of Jiu Shu's life and death.

Jiang Lin did not expect Uncle Jiu to die twice this year.

"Pepper, go to the Grand Marshal's Mansion in the county seat, call Shu Ning, and have the cat go to my training room to bring the blood bodhi and dragon heart, as well as thousand-year-old ginseng and ganoderma lucidum, by the way, the sun god beads also let it bring it here."

Jiang Lin arranged a formation around Ninth Uncle to delay the invasion of the corpse poison, and then asked Chen Yu to notify Panlan Tiger King to fetch some treasures from heaven and earth.

Fortunately, the blood orchid Jianglin brought by Chen Yu before has been put into Jiu Shu's meal, otherwise even the Daluo Immortal would not be able to save Jiu Shu.

The next morning, King Panlan came to Yizhuang panting with a burden.

After Jiang Lin dealt with the dragon heart, he made a medicinal guide and combined some medicinal materials for the ninth uncle to take. After that, he turned the second dried blood bodhi into the qilin blood and sent it into the ninth uncle's mouth.

"Jiang Lin, take a rest, you haven't slept for ten days."

After the four-eyed Daoist woke up, he found that Jiang Lin was drawing runes on Jiu Shu again, so he asked him to rest.

When Uncle Jiu happened such a thing, Qiu Sheng also informed Daoist Master Simu and Daoist Qianhe. After the two came to Yizhuang, they had no choice but to rely on Jiang Lin.

Until now, Jiang Lin had not slept for ten days and ten nights.

Chapter [*] Go to Egypt!

"Senior brother, how is your father's situation?"

Ningshuang, who was lying on the table, also woke up, with a haggard expression on her face, she hurriedly asked about Uncle Jianglin's condition.

Ningshuang didn't understand why both Qilin blood and Longxin Jianglin had been used, and why Jiushu had not shown signs of improvement.

She didn't know that although these things were good, they didn't have the effect of directly detoxifying the corpse. They could only eliminate a small part of it. The most important role was to protect the origin of Ninth Uncle.

"The corpse poison has been contained, but I haven't thought of a good way to solve it completely."

Jiang Lin shook his head. If the corpse poison appeared on him, there would not be much trouble, but if it fell on Uncle Ninth, it would not be a difficult problem.

He had already controlled the corpse poison three days ago, but after trying for three days, there was still no good way to eradicate the corpse poison.

Ordinary detox methods have little effect on this weird corpse poison.

If there is no solution, Jiu Shu will always fall asleep.

"Isn't there any way even senior brother can do it?"

Ningshuang's beautiful eyes were swollen from crying. Her biological parents died. It was Uncle Ninth who saved her and adopted her as a daughter.

"I'm going for a walk outside."

Jiang Lin shook his head and was about to ask the system. He had already filtered all the knowledge he had learned, but he was still helpless.

Taking the colorful tiger king to the mountain, Jiang Lin asked the cat to watch from the mountainside, and he opened the system interface.

Jiang Lin (codename zero): the seventeenth generation disciple of Maoshan Chendao School

Physique: Brutal body

Cultivation Realm: Celestial Master

Corpse Level: Green Zombie

Exercise: Yanri Jue (not getting started)

Body Refinement: Hair Stiffness (not getting started), Liangyi Palm (not getting started)

Swordsmanship: Bone Sword (the fifth stage - the first level)

Charms: Inducing Yang Talisman (Perfect), Yang Finger Sword (Perfect), Lightning Magic Talisman (Perfect), Secret Poison Slave Mantra (Perfect), Wish-Breaking Talisman (Perfect), Fire Talisman (Perfect), Breathing Talisman (Eighth) Level), Anti-Poison Talisman (Level [*]), Fire Talisman (Level [*]), Voice Transmission (Level [*]), Light-Proof Talisman (Level [*]), Frozen Talisman (Level [*]), +

Violence value: [*]

"The Black Book of the Undead??"

After Jiang Lin asked the question, the system's answer was to find the Black Sutra of the Undead. Apart from that, there was no other way.

It turns out that the corpse poison is an ancient curse, no wonder many methods have no obvious effect.

After the system answered his doubts, Jiang Lin realized that not all mummy shrouds would have this kind of wedge-shaped rune. Only when unpardonable criminals were made into mummies, would there be such a curse on the shroud.

"Where can I find the Black Sutra of the Undead?"

"Egypt, Cairo, Hamna Tower."

The system's answer was very succinct, Jiang Lin frowned, both the Black Sutra and the Sun Sutra are in Cairo?

Now that he has found a way, Jiang Lin is a little relieved.

Looking at the remaining [*] points of hostility, he ordered the two palms.

"Crack! Upgrading the two yin palms consumes [*] points of savage energy."

Because Liangyi Palm is a relatively basic body refining technique, the level of suffocation required to upgrade is similar to the first stage of Heavenly Corpse Transformation.

"Crack! Upgrading the two yin palms consumes [*] points of savage energy."

"Crack! Upgrade..."

Jiang Lin kept clicking six times. Although there were some reactions to the upgrade of the two instrument palms, it was nothing to Jiang Lin's current physical strength.

As soon as he returned to the entrance of Yizhuang, Jiang Lin saw a foreign girl wearing a sun hat patrolling outside Yizhuang.

"Excuse me, I..."

As soon as the foreign girl opened her mouth, she realized the language barrier and closed her mouth.

Jiang Lin recalled the English he had learned and asked, "What's the matter?"

[Note: There are no special circumstances, the English dialogue will be directly translated in the future, and the same will be true for the later Twilight chapters]

"It turns out that you know English, which is great. My translation hasn't arrived yet."

"I can understand part of it, please speak slowly, what's the matter?"

He hadn't spoken English for more than a thousand years, so Jiang Lin could still pick up some simple questions that he used frequently.

The foreign girl gave an introduction, and Jiang Lin understood part of it. Fortunately, her translator arrived in time.

"Hello sir, this is Miss Eve, from Cairo, Egypt. Miss Eve works in the Antiquities Museum in Cairo. A mummy in the museum was stolen by a Taoist priest in our country some time ago. The mummy is Eve. Miss Eve's parents found it on an expedition [*] years ago, so Miss Eve came to China and wanted to get it back. She asked in shanghai where there was a Taoist priest with high morals, and others recommended her to find a Taoist priest here."

The translator was a man in his thirties. He explained Eve's situation to Jiang Lin. She came to an unfamiliar country alone. It was not easy to find a Taoist priest. Some information can be obtained.

"You're from Cairo, Egypt? Come in first. You can call me Mr. Jiang."

Jiang Lin let the two enter the Yizhuang, and briefly introduced Eve and her translator to the four-eyed Taoist priest.

"I'm the second uncle of him. It turns out that he stole the mummy from others, and he also harmed the master like this."

Qiu Sheng knew that the returnee Taoist priest was actually a big thief, and could not wait to find him immediately and beat him to death.

"Miss Eve, it's a pity that the mummy in your museum can no longer be found. After it turned into a corpse, it caused harm everywhere. It has been killed by my uncle with a single eyebrow. That's why my uncle was poisoned by the mummy's corpse."

"It turns out that, Mr. Jiang, I'll explain to Miss Eve."

Eve was very shocked when she learned of this situation. She came here hard and wanted to recover the relics of her parents, but the mummy was gone.

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