And so coincidentally, she was killed by the one-brow leader she was looking for.

"Mr. Jiang, Miss Eve is very sorry for your uncle's situation. I want to take a look at him. After all, he is in danger because of the mummy."


Seeing the sincere apology on Eve's face, Jiang Lin thought about it and agreed to Eve's request.

What surprised Jiang Lin was that Eve actually recognized that the writing on Uncle Jiu was ancient Egyptian.

Jiang Lin then asked her if she had heard of the Black Sutra of the Undead, and the answer made him overjoyed.

Eve has heard of not only the Black Sutra of the Undead, but also the Golden Sutra of the Sun.

Jiang Lin guessed that what Eve said about the Sun Jin Jing and the Sun Sun Jing that the system asked him to find should be the same thing.

Eve was very excited when she found out that Jiang Lin wanted to find Hamnata. Her parents' biggest wish during their lifetime was to find the "city of the dead".

The next day, Jiang Lin explained to the four-eyed Taoist priest and Qiusheng, and went on the road with Eve to Egypt.

The way to save Ninth Uncle is there, he has to go.

"Husband, when you arrive in shanghai, make a phone call to the commander so we can know which boat you are on."

"Please comfort Shuang'er a little more, I have reserved a lot of means. My uncle is not in danger for a short time now, and I will come back as soon as possible. Chili, tell Zhuzhu and the others about the situation over Li Yangju. "

Chapter seven hundred and twelve sea monsters!

Eve wants to go back, Jiang Lin also wants to go to Egypt, the two are on the way, and Jiang Lin has to go to find Hamna Tower, so Eve decided to go with Jiang Lin to find that many explorers and never return. city ​​of the dead.

Jiang Lin couldn't help but want to give this Egyptian girl a thumbs up, and she dared to go across the ocean to retrieve her parents' relics alone, but the key was the language barrier.

What if you encounter any danger, and you are the only girl, how can you recover the relics?

Really bold.

But thinking that this girl's parents were both explorers, Jiang Lin thought that she might have inherited her parents' adventure genes.

"Miss Eve, if there's anything you don't understand, I guess I'll ask you for advice."

After Jiang Lin and Eve got into the carriage, Jiang Lin took out a bilingual dictionary to read, and picked up the forgotten things again.

Because Jiang Lin already has a foundation in English, and there is no problem with ordinary communication, Eve fired the translation squid, so if Jiang Lin wants to communicate without obstacles, he still needs to take a few English crash courses.

"of course."

Eve smiled and said, "I'll be on the boat for a month. I'm also interested in Chinese, so I want to ask you. Your cat is so cute."

Because King Panlan doesn't understand foreign languages, he didn't roar "I am the King of Tigers" this time.

This time, the colorful tiger king is very much looking forward to it. It has lived for hundreds of years and has not traveled that far.

I heard that I was going to Africa. When I came back, I could show off with the mouse again.

The next day, the two arrived at their destination. After buying the ferry tickets, Jiang Lin went to the local newspaper and called the Dashuaifu.

After getting on the huge passenger ship and arriving at the front of the cabin, Jiang Lin told Eve that he would rest for two or three days, and told her not to disturb him.

When Jiang Lin woke up, it was already five days later, and Eve was worried that something had happened to him, so he knocked on the door before he woke up.

"It really scared me to death. You said you would sleep for two or three days. I saw that you didn't come out for five days, and thought you had an accident."

Seeing Jiang Lin come out, Eve was relieved. How could anyone sleep for five days without food and water.

"A little tired, I fell asleep..."

Jiang Lin didn't expect that he could scare people when he was sleeping, so he only knew that the passenger ship had entered the South China Sea after asking Eve.

For the next period of time, Jiang Lin and Eve communicated in English. When the passenger ship crossed the Strait of Malacca, there was no obstacle to the communication between the two.

"Lin, I'm actually quite afraid of the sea."

The two looked at the endless sea on the deck, and Eve suddenly said these words.After getting familiar with Jiang Lin, and there was no obstacle to communication, she liked to chat with this oriental man.

And her name for Jiang Lin is not Mr Jiang anymore.

"What's there to be afraid of?"

"I'm afraid there are some big monsters in the sea, and there are sharks and killer whales in the sea, how scary."

Afraid of sharks and killer whales, you still go from Africa to Asia by boat?

Jiang Lin thought this blond and blue-eyed foreign beauty was very interesting. Knowing that Hamnata was the city of the dead, he was clamoring to go, but he was afraid of sharks and whales in the sea.

"Captain, a giant reef is suspected to be found ten nautical miles ahead."

While Jiang Lin and Eve were chatting, in the captain's room, the lookout reported the sea situation to the captain.

"How come there are rocks in this place?"

The captain wondered, he had traveled this route many times, and there should be no giant reefs in this area.

Out of caution, he took a look at the binoculars, but found nothing.

"You're lame."

The captain gave the lookout an angry look and gave him the binoculars.The lookout looked again, and there was nothing in the place where the reef appeared.

It might be a mirage.

Half an hour later, Jiang Lin and Eve had just returned to the door of the room when the entire ship shook violently.

"Master, what's the situation?"

Panlan Tiger King almost lost his footing, so frightened that Mao stood up. There is nothing in the big river, this is the sea, even if it is the demon king, it can drown.

The hull shaking hadn't frightened Eve yet, but the domestic cat's babble had frightened her.

"Lin, your cat?"

"It's a monster with some strange abilities, and it can speak human language."

Jiang Lin explained it to Eve, and at this moment, the entire cabin vibrated violently again, and there was also the sound of an explosion.

"Lin, it seemed like the sound of a boiler exploding just now."

Eve's fair face turned pale in an instant. Could it be that she is going to be buried in the sea this time?

"Go out and see what's going on."

Jiang Lin took Eve and ran back to the deck.

"Sea monster!"

"There are sea monsters!"

Many crew members on the deck were running around, the original dry deck had become wet, and it was all seawater.

"Mother, master, what is this?"

The colorful tiger king couldn't help swallowing. A huge monster with a length of more than fifty meters appeared on the sea. This was only the upper body of the monster.

Jiang Lin glanced at Eve, you Chrysostom!

Half an hour ago, I said I was afraid of sea monsters, so here comes the sea monsters.

A giant octopus, or a giant octopus that became a fine.

"I buy it!"

Eve was so frightened that she almost fainted when she saw the huge sea monster on the sea.

"Tom, bang it!"

Now that the passenger ship is in the Indian Ocean, if he is attacked by this sea monster, he will wait to be Robinson.

After many years, I went back and wrote a book "Jiang Binxun Crusoe".


The colorful tiger king changed from a domestic cat to a ten-meter-long colorful giant tiger. When he opened his mouth, a beam of demonic light shot out and bombarded the giant octopus's eyes.

Blue blood spurted out from the giant octopus's wound, and the pain caused it to pull its waist-thick tentacles to the deck.

Jiang Lin jumped up, his hands turned into two eight-meter-long Yang Finger Swords, and directly cut off the tentacles of the giant octopus.

There must be no problem with the passenger ship. The huge tentacles have scythe-like barbs. If they are thrown down, I am afraid that the deck will not be cut open.

Even buy Karma!

Eve held her head, what did she see today?

A sea monster, and a talking cat, turned into a big tiger.

And how could Lin grow a glowing blade from his hand, could it be that Lin is an alien?

Eve's brain was about to go to a pulp.

The blue blood poured down again, and the giant octopus let out a shriek, and then sank into the sea.

A huge tentacle landed on the deck, like a snake with its head cut off, winding frantically.

"No, this...this is Suisha!"

Before the giant octopus disappeared, Jiang Lin frowned when he saw that its wound was gradually healing.

If I can't figure it out this time, I really want to write a Jiang Binxun Crusoe.

Chapter [*] Capsize!

Is this giant octopus the one from [*] years ago?

Jiang Lin remembered that one year just after the New Year, blood Taisui appeared in the villages around Renjia Town. At that time, the ninth uncle told the legend of blood Taisui.

After the Opium War, a group of British dug up a giant piece of blood Tai Sui in Tianjin Wei.

They took the blood Taisui away on a freighter, but when they were at sea, they encountered a big octopus, and the blood Taisui was swallowed by it.

As a result, the big octopus was parasitized by the blood Taisui and became Suisha.

"Run away!"

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