"There are sea monsters!"

"The captain and first mate are dead!"

"The boiler is blown up and the ship is sinking!"

The news of the sea monster spread quickly in the cabin, and the sailors and most of the passengers fled in the direction of the rescue capsule.

Some of them didn't believe there were sea monsters, so they went to the deck and saw a ten-meter-long colorful giant tiger and tentacles on the deck that looked like giant pythons.

There are sea monsters, run!

Long live!I finally took a boat and encountered a sea monster!

A group of people coaxed to rescue the lifeboat like crying father and mother.

This is not an ordinary crash or other accident. When encountering such a large sea monster, the fear of death is infinitely magnified, even if the crew wants to maintain order.

A mess.

Jiang Lin didn't know that the captain's cabin of the passenger ship had been attacked by a giant octopus, and he was still sensing the underwater movements on the deck.

Although his spiritual sense has improved a lot now, the giant octopus dived under the sea surface, and the water surface is still full of ink from the octopus, which has a certain isolation effect, so Jiang Lin does not know if the giant octopus escaped at a loss. .

"Lin, are you a monster or an alien?"

Eve was still standing blankly, not daring to approach Jiang Lin, for fear that she would be eaten by this oriental man.

"I'm a human being, a Taoist priest. What you learned just now is Taoism, and you can also understand it as superpower or supernatural power."

The culture was different, and Jiang Lin didn't expect Eve to accept the breadth and depth of Eastern Taoism in a short time, so he made an analogy.

"Has the sea monster been beaten away by you?"

Eve stared for a while, and did not see a tail from Jiang Lin's body, so she no longer doubted whether he was an alien.


As soon as the voice fell, the giant octopus whose whole body turned brick red appeared again, and the rolling wave almost overturned the passenger ship.

"Tom, bombard it in the upper middle of its upper body, where its heart is."

This giant octopus is a year old, and its lower body is below the sea surface. Jiang Lin wants to annihilate it, but it is still difficult to do so. He can only find a way to cause serious damage to it, so that this giant octopus does not dare to make it again. , to prepare for the passenger ship's escape.

"One-handed Turtle School Qigong!"

After the colorful tiger king spewed out a blue demonic light, Jiang Lin spread his hands, and each spewed a jet of black fire, which blasted both sides of the giant octopus's head.

An octopus has a heart, and in addition to it, there are two important organs—two gills. Jiang Lin just wanted to destroy all three organs with one blow, so that the giant octopus could retreat.

The attack of one person and one tiger was very sudden, and three beams of light hit the giant octopus's head in an instant, blasting out three huge holes.

The giant octopus covered its head with its octopus, and frantically made tides on the sea, and then its entire body dived into the bottom of the water. The sea was covered with a large amount of blue blood and a lot of ink, which looked extremely disgusting.

"Master, this thing looks delicious."

After repelling the giant octopus, the colorful tiger king looked at the tentacle that was still swinging on the deck.

"This is blood Tai Sui, if you want to die, just eat it."

Jiang Lin knocked the stupid tiger on the head. He was addicted to eating dragon meat and centipede essence for a while, and he wanted to eat everything.

"Lin, is this Chinese Taoism? It's really scary."

Seeing that the sea monster was defeated by Jiang Lin and the big tiger, Eve was shocked by Jiang Lin's methods just now.

"Is that sea monster dead? Shouldn't it come again?"

"To shut up!"

Jiang Lin knew how powerful Eve's jade lipstick lips were. He said the sea monster, and the sea monster appeared. When he asked if the sea monster was driven away, it appeared. At this moment, he actually asked if the giant octopus would be able to do it. will come.


At this moment, Jiang Lin felt an extremely strong impact, and then he felt that there was no real object under his feet.

A huge passenger ship, whose head was lifted from the bottom by a giant octopus, gradually rose into the air.


Jiang Lin, who was in the air, threw out the yin fire whip, wrapped around Eve's waist, and pulled it into his arms. On the other side, the colorful tiger king also wrapped Jiang Lin's arm with his long tail, and then Changed into a house cat.

"My God!"

"I buy it!"

"The passenger ship is about to capsize!"

"Full speed ahead, escape!"

The crew members and passengers who had already boarded the lifeboat and the dinghy earlier saw this scene, and their eyes were about to fall out of shock. Some reporters quickly took pictures of this scene.

The giant octopus was hit several times, and the boilers inside the passenger ship were violently shaken. One by one, they exploded, directly blasting a large hole inside the hull. Hundreds of people were swept away by the explosion and died.

A large amount of sea water poured into the stern of the boat, and the giant octopus was even more powerful, flying from the sea, like a cannonball, and bombarded the passenger ship whose tail was almost standing for the last time.


This is a complete capsize.

It only took a few minutes from when the giant octopus attacked the bow to the capsize of the passenger ship.

Jiang Lin was holding the person in one hand, the house cat was lying on the other shoulder, and his feet were hanging in the air, even if he wanted to stop the giant octopus, he couldn't do anything.


In Jiang Lin's arms, Eve couldn't even speak, she could only scream.

A [*]-meter-long passenger ship was overturned by a sea monster, and the hundreds of passengers inside were all killed in the shipwreck.


Jiang Lin poured a dozen ice seals down on the sea below, and when he landed on it, he instructed the Panlan Tiger King to cut the hull and launch into the water to get supplies, forming a Dao seal in his hand.

"Golden Crow Yang!"

Before Jiang Lin was worried about the giant octopus's body was blocked by the sea water and could not be destroyed, this evil beast actually jumped into the air by himself.

A good ferry was destroyed by this giant octopus. I don't know how long he stayed in this endless Indian Ocean, Jiang Lin released all his anger.

Suishan?If you leave a piece of meat, maybe you can be reborn?

The gods can't save you this time!



The spiritual power in Jiang Lin's body surged outwards like a tide, and three three-legged Golden Crows more than [*] meters tall rushed towards the giant octopus nearly [*] meters long in midair.

The three Golden Crows spread out their six wings, their heads and necks intersected, and their tail feathers were gathered together, enclosing the giant octopus in the center.

Chapter [*] Indian Ocean Drifting

At this moment, the colorful giant tiger emerged from the bottom of the water and threw out a huge bowl-shaped hull with a diameter of about eight meters. It unloaded part of the bow of the ship.

Afterwards, the colorful tiger king brought a lot of baggage and sacks into the hull, and jumped in by himself.

"Take Miss Eve over."

Jiang Lin maintained the seal with both hands, and when Eve was taken over by the colorful tiger king, he jumped into the hull.

"It's going to explode, Tom!"


The colorful tiger king cooperated very tacitly. It opened its mouth to breathe, and spewed out a demonic flame. The entire hull seemed to be equipped with rocket thrusters, and it flew into the distance.


After the ship's hull floated on the sea for five or six times and shot more than [*] meters, a strong explosion occurred on the sea, like a missile bombing the sea.

The wave that was rolled up by the explosion was ten meters high, and the sky was covered in scorched ashes, scattered on the sea.

When Jiang Lin was exporting spiritual energy, the three three-legged Golden Crows formed a chrysalis-like wall of fire. The giant octopus inside was already severely injured. After being surrounded by the Golden Crows, it was no different from falling into the magma.

Before the explosion, its body was already [*]% to [*]% carbonized, not to mention another triple destructive explosion.

Completely turned into ashes.

"Pop! Kill King Suisha and get [*] points of anger."

Although a king-level Suisha was completely killed, Jiang Lin was not at all happy.

The boat is gone, and in this boundless Indian Ocean, he, Eve, and a domestic cat, relying only on a section of the hull at the bow, are still a question of whether they can survive.

He wasn't worried about dying, but the problems brought about by the boundless exile were driving him mad.

"What a goddamn bad luck!"

The King Panlan was swearing. The first time he went to a foreign country, the boat capsized, which made him depressed.

If it wasn't for Jiang Lin's side, it would probably go wild.

The depression brought by this kind of ocean is not only felt by people, even a demon king can't stand it.

"Lin, what should we do?"

Until now, Eve's brain has been successfully restarted from the dead state. Seeing that the sky is the same color in all directions, she also feels endless despair.

Unexpectedly, an hour ago, he and Jiang Lin were chatting and laughing on the deck of the passenger ship, but now they have become a leaf of duckweed.

This hull is not even as good as a fishing boat. Even if it is really a fishing boat, in this huge ocean, is it not a matter of time before it falls apart?

"Look at the sky."

A helpless, wry smile appeared on Jiang Lin's face, and he didn't know what to do.

Even if he is a peak celestial master and a thousand-year-old zombie king, it is useless to be thrown into the boundless ocean.

"Wait for help."

Jiang Lin could only comfort himself and Eve like this, and then he closed his eyes and concentrated, refining the corpse poison in his body and replenishing his spiritual power. The killing of a Suisha King just now had exhausted the spiritual power in his body.

If it weren't for the fact that he used [*]% of his strength just now, if there were any hidden dangers left, the giant octopus would have a chance to revive, and in this sea, it would definitely be troublesome.

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