"Shark... shark!"

Eve saw that there were many corpses floating in the place where the original sunken ship was, and the dorsal fins of sharks appeared on the sea, and her face was white with fright.

"It's okay, as long as they dare to come, they can only die."

Jiang Lin opened his eyes and glanced into the distance, and said lightly, these sharks are fine if they don't seek death.

Seeing Jiang Lin so calm, although Eve was still afraid in her heart, her face did not change color.

Think about it too, after all, even such a powerful sea monster was blown up to ashes by Jiang Lin.

But she couldn't get rid of the anxiety and invisible fear in her heart.


As time passed, the anxiety in his heart became heavier and heavier, and Eve looked at the house cat lying on one side.

Then she held the domestic cat on her lap and began to stroke the cat to ease her anxiety.


Lao Tzu is the Tiger King!

The tiger king was so angry that his tail was up, but when he thought that there were only two people left in this vast ocean, he didn't lose his temper.

Is Lin hiding TNT in his body?

The mood calmed down a little, and Eve recalled the scene she had seen when she was frightened before, and couldn't help but look carefully at Jiang Lin again, wanting to see if he was of Earther blood.

The hull of the ship drifted into the distance little by little, drifting along with the current. Even if Jiang Lin wanted to stop it, there was no way. The ship had already sunk, and there was no reference at sea. Controlling a hull is a waste of effort.

It didn't take long for the sky to become cloudy. Jiang Lin got up and broke the edge of the hull into a "3" shape.

"Lin, how can you have so much strength?"

Eve was once again stunned that one person could actually bend the steel plate.

"Don't make a fuss, come in."

Jiang Lin asked Eve and the cat to hide in, and then he placed the supplies on the iron frame above his head.

After that, it rained heavily in the sky. The boat turned over and it rained continuously. Jiang Lin let out his own warm yin fire and enveloped Eve and the cat.

"There is food, fresh water, and some utensils here. It should be enough for us to support for a while. With me here, your life should not be a problem. As long as the hull doesn't sink, it's not the worst."

Jiang Lin comforted Eve aloud. Below is the boundless sea, and above it is the boundless cloud. Anyone can collapse.

The rain lasted for half a month, and the domestic cat scooped up water for fifteen days inside the hull.

The two and one tiger have been drifting in the Indian Ocean for half a month.

"Woooo~ Senior Brother, Senior Brother!"

In Yizhuang, Ningshuang looked at a newspaper in front of her and cried into tears.

What was reported in the newspaper was the shipwreck of the passenger ship that Jiang Lin was on. The attached photos also included the blurred figures of this gorgeous giant tiger and Jiang Lin. The last one was the scene of the sinking of the passenger ship.

Ren Tingting and the others are also pear blossoms with rain, and the four-eyed Taoist priest and Qiu Sheng are also sad.

As for Zhang Han, he was clamoring to go out to sea to find Jiang Lin, but was knocked unconscious by the four-eyed Taoist priest.

"Tingting, Tianji, don't cry. My husband will be fine."

Chen Yu wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes, comforting Ren Tingting and Ningshuang.

Chapter [-] A group of great white sharks!

"You forget how many times your husband has been in danger. He was hit by Tianlei and disappeared in Tengteng Town, he was stunned by flying in Shu, and he was almost refined into the Immortality Returning Yang Pill in the ancient tomb, but which time did he not return safely? Don't cry, my husband will be safe."

Chen Yu didn't believe that a sea monster could kill Jiang Lin. Even if the passenger ship sank and fell into the sea, Jiang Lin would not die like that.

The other sisters don't know Jiang Lin's other identity, but she does.

"Yes, sister Tingting, sister Xiaoru, let's not cry, my husband was in our Miao Village and was beaten into a nameless space in the cave, and he came back as well. Now it's just a sinking ship. With my husband's ability, he must be It'll be all right."

Tian Ji also wiped away the tears on her face. It had already happened. It was useless to cry, and she would make herself and others think that their man would never come back.

Not only did Yizhuang know the news of the passenger ship crash, but the Guangming Newspaper Office in Gantian Town also received such news.

"Jiang Lin, you bastard! You said you would come back in a month or two, so come back to me!"

Shu Ning looked at the newspaper in his hand, as if his heart had been stabbed by a knife, and his body seemed to be drained of strength in an instant.

Li Yang, Curie, and Bai Min'er were also frightened when she learned that Jiang Lin was in a shipwreck, but she thought that Jiang Lin had lived for thousands of years and could still become a zombie, so she didn't mess up. After Ren Zhuzhu, Jingjing and the others did the ideological work, Li Yangju did not change his cry.

"It's finally sunny, but luckily it didn't show up..."

On the sea, it was just dawn when Eve got up and stretched out. Before she could finish speaking, Jiang Lin covered her mouth.

She originally wanted to say that it was fortunate that there were no strong winds and waves in the past half month, but Jiang Lin did not allow her to say it.

Originally, the rainy days were enough to make people head big, and if there is any accident, he can become a big-headed doll.

"Master, there is a situation."

"what's the situation?"

Eve looked at the colorful tiger king. During this time, she was also learning Chinese with Jiang Lin. She could hear some not-so-difficult vocabulary, and she could even speak a few words in Chinese.

Jiang Lin looked in the direction the Tiger King was looking at. A kilometer away, there were many dorsal fins and sharks.

There were quite a lot of them, Jiang Lin squinted to see that there were about thirty or forty heads.

And the direction of the group of sharks seems to be the hull here.

"Lin, it seems... it seems to be a great white shark, and it seems to be coming for us."

Eve is afraid of sharks, especially seeing such a large group of sharks swimming in their direction.

As the distance got closer, the group of sharks swam towards the hull as if stimulated by something.

"Did you make any noise? Those sharks seem to be stimulated."

Jiang Lin didn't need to guess now, this group of great white sharks came after them.


Eve was stunned just as she was about to shake her head.

"what happened?"

As soon as Jiang Lin saw Eve looking like this, he knew that it must be her problem, otherwise the shark would not have come up for no reason.

"I...I...I went to the bathroom when it was dark."

Eve blushed and touched her lower abdomen, then looked at the hole that had been made in the edge of the ship's hull, with a very coy expression on her face.

It is convenient for everyone, so Jiang Lin flattened a part of the edge of the hull and made a hole in it as a convenient place.

Even if there are differences between men and women, this is impossible.


Jiang Lin scratched his head, it seemed that Eve came to Aunt) (Mom, then the smell of blood spread to the distance in the water.

If I had known, he would not have asked. Women have their own blood loss system.

"Drink some hot water."

Jiang Lin handed a kettle to Eve. After a woman came to her relatives, it was always good to drink more hot water. He heated the water in it with Yang Yan.

Eve blushed even more, took the kettle and ran to the side.

Even if foreign women are relatively open, facing a man, they are quite embarrassed in this regard.

Besides, Eve is a girl who has never experienced that.

"It happens that the biscuits and the like have been eaten, and today I will eat shark fins."

Jiang Lin walked to the hull and was about to make a thriller movie "Jaws".

The distance between the sharks was getting closer and closer, and one of the big men with a length of more than seven meters rushed out of the sea and rushed towards the hull.

Even if they can't bite people and overturn the hull, these people will become their food.

It is a pity that even if the IQ of the great white shark is relatively high, it is only here to give shark fins.

With a sound of "swipe", the Zhengbone Sword appeared in Jiang Lin's hand, and after that, several cold lights flickered, and there were several pairs of pelvic fins, dorsal fins and caudal fins in the hull.

"Take it away, the next one."

After a yang finger energy penetrated the head of the great white shark, the unlucky bastard jumped over the hull and plunged into the sea. After a few struggles, it stopped moving.

Eve was stunned for a while, and then took it easy. That's what Lin is like, either Earthman or Superman.

Jiang Lin controlled Feijian to slash into the sea water, and the shark fins that flew into the air were all taken in by Jiang Lin with the yin fire whip.

At this time, it is much more convenient if you can use the telephoto camera.

If he encounters some more sea monsters, Jiang Lin is ready to take down the ability of telephotography.

Now they are in the boundless sea, any kind of ability may be able to play a role at a critical moment.

The colorful tiger king on the side was not idle either, and spewing out a line of demon light, he greeted the shark's head.

It didn't take long for a group of great white sharks to be killed by one person and one tiger, and the rest all dived underwater.

"Humph! Do you want me to capsize again?"

Jiang Lin snorted coldly and removed only one piece of clothes from his body.) (Pants, jumped into the sea.

Good guy, no wonder there are so many great white sharks gathered together, it turns out there is a shark head.

Under the surface of the water, Jiang Lin protected his eyes with his spiritual power, and looked around. Under the water [-] meters away, he found a great white shark with a body length of nearly [-] meters.

Ordinary great white sharks can't grow so big at all, this thing has become a monster.

After dealing with a few great white sharks that wanted to sneak attack on the bottom of the hull, Jiang Lin went first.

The white shark leader retreated with the remaining sharks.

Jiang Lin's speed in the water is limited, and he can't catch up if he wants to catch up, and his means are not easy to use in the water.

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