Chapter [*] Ghost Ship

It seems that the ability of heaven to enter the sea is still weak.

I was given an idea by a group of great white sharks, and I could only drive them away.

Jiang Lin felt that in addition to being better on land, changing the environment would not work.

If his thoughts were known to other Taoists, they could scold people.

It's enough to be awesome on land, but you still want to go to the world and the sea, why do you want to go to the nine heavens to embrace the moon, and go to the five oceans to catch turtles?

"Tom, go into the water from time to time and observe the movements of the group of sharks. There is a shark demon in the group of sharks, and they retreated temporarily. But this is their home ground, and it is estimated that they will not give up so easily. Come back and reward you with the best shark fins."

The great white shark is an animal with a strong desire for revenge. Jiang Lin instinctively felt that the shark demon would not just retreat.

"Yes, Master!"

Hearing that there are top-quality shark fins to eat, Panlan Tiger King is very motivated.

Eve, who was on the side, was stunned, her face was flushed. Jiang Lin just ripped off his clothes and went into the water. She didn't see Jiang Lin's face.

Now that she saw Jiang Lin's eight-pack abs and perfect mermaid line, she couldn't help swallowing.

Compared with the statue of David she had seen before, Jiang Lin's figure was more perfect.

Because he didn't know when the sharks would attack again, Jiang Lin simply didn't wear a coat. He disposed of a bunch of fins and put them into an empty salt jar to start making soup.

In the past two weeks, the food brought by King Panlan has been eaten, and there are only two jars of fresh water left. Jiang Lin is not in a hurry about the food, but the problem of fresh water is bigger.

He can make a fire by himself. If he has some utensils, he can obtain fresh water by evaporating seawater, but it is only barely enough for drinking.

"Eve, look around, if there are any islands or the like, remind me."

If there is an island, there may be silted rainwater. In this era, the pollution is not so terrible. After a little treatment, the rainwater can be directly drunk.

Of course, if there is a fresh water area, it would be better, so he wouldn't have to use seawater for bathing.

But this possibility is almost nil.


Soon, the sun went down and a bright moon rose from the sea.

Such a strong mysterious yin aura!

After Jiang Lin was illuminated by the moonlight, he immediately sat up and watched the wonder of the rising moon rising from the sea in the distance.

What surprised him was that even if the full moon did not reach the heart of the sky, the yin qi contained in the moonlight was extremely strong.

Jiang Lin sat up cross-legged, spread the corpse poison all over his body, and absorbed the mysterious yin.

It's a full moon again, and it's been a month since I left Renjia Town.

Looking at the ice moon at the end of the sky, Jiang Lin couldn't help but feel a sense of emptiness in his heart.

Even if there is a rescue ship, I am afraid they will not be able to find their huge bowl-shaped steel sheet.

There are some signal tools for help on the lifeboat, but they have nothing here except for daily utensils such as toothbrush, tooth powder, biscuits, bacon, ham, fresh water, and salt jar.

If you don't encounter strong wind and waves, you can barely perfunctory, but how can there be no wind and waves in the sea.

It's so unfavorable for fleeting years!

"Tom, I'll go into the water, just look at the sea."

Having killed a Suisha King before, and gained [*] points of suffocation, Jiang Lin was going to raise the two hands to the perfect level.

He doesn't bring many talismans, so he can't always move on the water by making ice cubes. If he can walk on the water like Ninth Uncle, facing some sharks and whales in the sea, it will be much more convenient. .

Jiang Lin (codename zero): the seventeenth generation disciple of Maoshan Chendao School

Physique: Brutal body

Cultivation Realm: Celestial Master

Corpse Level: Green Zombie

Exercise: Yanri Jue (not getting started)

Body Refinement: Hair Stiffness (Beginner), Liangyi Palm (Level [*])

Swordsmanship: Bone Sword (the fifth stage - the first level)

Charms: Inducing Yang Talisman (Perfect), Yang Finger Sword (Perfect), Lightning Magic Talisman (Perfect), Secret Poison Slave Mantra (Perfect), Wish-Breaking Talisman (Perfect), Fire Talisman (Perfect), Breathing Talisman (Eighth) Level), Anti-Poison Talisman (Level [*]), Fire Talisman (Level [*]), Sound Transmission (Level [*]), Light Avoidance Talisman (Level [*]), Frozen Talisman (Level [*])+

Violence: [*]

Under the water at the bottom of the hull, Jiang Lin opened the system interface.

The two palms, upgrade!

The remaining suffocation points were enough, Jiang Lin continuously raised the palms of the two instruments to the tenth level, consuming [*] suffocating qi points.

After swimming to the surface, Jiang Lin recalled in his mind the process of Uncle Jiu's use of Liangyi Palm. His feet swayed regularly under the water. After several attempts, he was able to tread water on the surface.

The main reason is that Jiang Lin's current level is already very high, and many things can be learned and passed in a while.

And with a system, he took the plug-in to the extreme.

It took Ninth Uncle more than [*] years to comprehend things under extremely dangerous circumstances. Jiang Lin completely mastered it in just over a month.

After returning, Jiang Lin continued to bask in the moonlight.

After midnight, the colorful tiger king squinted his tiger eyes and looked into the distance.

The moonlight is exceptionally bright, so even in the middle of the night, visibility is relatively high.

"Master, master! There is a boat!"


Jiang Lin jumped up immediately and came to the side of the colorful tiger king.

In a foggy area in the distance, there was indeed a ship moving slowly.

It's just that the distance is too far, and he can only see a silhouette, which is indeed a ship, and he will not be wrong.


The King Panlan roared in the direction of the boat, although the distance was not too close, but looking at the trajectory of the boat, it seemed that they had already spotted them.

"Lin, have a boat? That's great!"

Eve was awakened by the voices of Jiang Lin and Panlan Tiger King, and then hugged Jiang Lin with excitement.

When the boat gradually approached, not only the colorful tiger king, but also Jiang Lin was stunned.

This ship is actually an old wooden ship, and it is ready for decommissioning.


Eve used all her strength and screamed in the direction of the wooden boat.

"Master, there is someone above!"

"Lin, great, we are saved!"

King Panlan and Eve couldn't contain their joy. They jumped and waved excitedly. Only Jiang Lin frowned.

"There's something wrong with this ship."

"Master, what's wrong? We don't have to stay in this broken steel bowl if we have a boat."

Jiang Lin slapped the cat on the head and said, "Thanks you are still a demon king, can't you see that this is a ghost ship?"

"Lin, you said this is a ghost ship? No, I have heard the legend of the ghost ship. There are no people on the ghost ship, but this ship is full of people."

Eve looked puzzled. Although the ship that was coming was a little old, there were still people on it. How could it be a ghost ship?

Jiang Lin pointed to the spiritual power, and clicked on Eve's eyebrows, asking her to take another look.

"I buy it!"

Eve took two steps back and fell onto the steel plate. What she saw in her eyes was very different from before. The boat was no longer the old one, but was in tatters. There were many holes in the hull, and the mast was broken.

What made her scalp numb even more was that the living people on it had all turned into a pair of skeleton frames covered in ragged cloth strips.

Chapter seven hundred and seventeenth incompetent fury

In the eye-holes of those skeleton racks, there is a flash of blue or green fire, which makes the scalp numb at first sight.

"The master is really flamboyant."

The King Panlan was taken aback by Jiang Lin, and he was also startled. Ordinary ghosts and skeletons naturally couldn't scare him. The ghost ship that was approaching was already in tatters. When there is a little wind and waves, the broken boat will fall apart. At that time, there is no place to rest, and you can drink seawater until you vomit.

Drowning and negotiating.

"Shh~ Beauty, have you encountered a shipwreck? Come up."

An angry skeleton in tattered crew clothes blew a rogue whistle at Eve.

Eve felt a chill. She had seen a man do this to her before, but a skeleton tried to tease her, making her almost vomit.

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