"Since they are courting death, I will fulfill them! Tom, you have control of the hull, there are signal fireworks in the cabinet, and if I don't come back for a long time, you will release one."

Jiang Lin was annoyed by this group of sharks. In the past month, taking advantage of the storm, the shark group tried several raids, but each time they suffered a loss and retreated in time.

"Lin, you must be careful."

Eve sat hugging her knees in the corner of the hull, worried about Jiang Lin's safety.

She couldn't compare to Jiang Lin and the Panlan Tiger King, so she could only hide in the space formed by the hull and the cover above.

This month, because of Jiang Lin's presence, despite the strong wind and waves, they have been safe and sound. This is all thanks to Jiang Lin, so Eve was afraid that Jiang Lin would be in danger.


Jiang Lin turned out a bone sword, jumped into the sea, and walked on the waves.

Come on, not too many shark fins!

Jiang Lin's feet were only half a meter below the surface of the water, and the wind and waves were not small. When he killed the carbine, the group of sharks didn't even know.

By the time they realized it, [-]% of their companions had already been killed, and all the pelvic and dorsal fins were tucked into the cowhide bag around Jiang Lin's waist.


A huge sound of water erupted behind Jiang Lin, and the fifteen-meter-long giant shark spewed a jet of water from its mouth and bombarded Jiang Lin's body.

Jiang Lin was caught off guard and was bombarded a few times on the sea.

Jiang Lin was above the water, and the shark monster was under the sea. With the influence of wind and waves, he was really not good at guarding against the shark monster.

"If you want to eat your grandpa Jiang, come back with a different set of teeth!"

Jiang Lin stood on the water, watching the great white shark jumping into the air, and he came up to shoot.

However, the shark monster's body suddenly became illusory, and it turned into a shark monster with a human-shaped outline.

An anthropomorphic treacherous expression appeared on the scaly face of the shark monster, and then he opened his mouth and roared at Jiang Lin.

Jiang Lin felt a little tinnitus in an instant. The shark roared was a sound wave that human ears couldn't hear, and then a large water ball quickly hit him.

Water prison?

Jiang Lin was wrapped inside the water polo and punched the surface of the water polo. However, with all his strength, the entire water polo was only shaken.

The shark smiled strangely, quietly waiting for Jiang Lin to suffocate.

This human has killed so many of its descendants, and must drink its blood and eat its flesh!

How naive!

Jiang Lin looked at the shark monster's success, and thought it was funny. A water prison barrier wanted to trap him to death?

The Yang Yan in his body spurted outwards, and a large number of bubbles began to emerge from the water prison. In the blink of an eye, the huge water ball burst with a bang.

A sharp sword flew out of the rising white smoke and stabbed into the eyes of the shark monster.


Jiang Lin thought about it and wanted to recall the Zhengbone Sword, but the Zhengbone Sword was stuck by the fish bone, and it was difficult to withdraw for a while.


The shark monster's face was covered in blood, and it turned into its body again. After jumping out of the water, it opened its mouth and bit Jiang Lin.

Compared with the huge great white shark, Jiang Lin's thin body is like a piece of wood, which is placed between the upper and lower jaws of the shark demon.

Chapter [-]: The Great Eddy Current

In addition to swinging the tail fin to dive, the shark demon used all the remaining power on his teeth. Jiang Lin has now completely corpse himself, and his hair has grown to his waist. His own defense was barely supported for a short time.

The bite force of an ordinary great white shark can reach more than [-] jin, not to mention this huge [-]-meter-long shark monster.

How can it be?

After the severe pain in the shark demon's eyes was relieved a little, it regained a little calmness. At this time, it felt that its upper and lower jaws were actually held up by a human being.


In this case, I will consume it with you!

The shark demon dived quickly, [-] meters, [-] meters, [-] meters, without it moving its mouth, if it continued like this, the water pressure on the seabed could crush the person in its mouth.

It has lived for more than two hundred years, and it can almost be said to be the overlord in this sea area. It was blinded by people. Even if it can't kill this human being, it will be crushed into meat pie.

The surrounding water pressure is increasing, and Jiang Lin gradually feels that the pressure on his body is multiplying.

Hard teeth?Softened for you!

Jiang Lin couldn't support his arms, so he released the sun flames all over his body. Even in the sea, Jiang Lin's sun flames contained true sun fire, and they could still burn brightly.

Sure enough, the big mouth of the blood basin was burned by the fiery Yang Yan, and the shark monster was in pain and opened its jaws. Jiang Lin took this opportunity to use his mind to retract the stuck bone sword.

Bite, I'll let you bite!

Putting the sword head on the shark monster's jaw, Jiang Lin kicked his feet and hid in the shark monster's head and neck.

The blood spurting out of the shark demon's eyes blocked his vision. He didn't know what Jiang Lin had done in his mouth, so he tried to eat again.) (The strength of the milk bites down.


Although Jiang Lin couldn't feel it, but if he imagined it a little, he knew how painful it was.

want to eat me?Just take you to test the power of the war pattern form.

Jiang Lin's nails grew six or seven centimeters, and they were cut wildly in the mouth of the shark monster.

At the bottom of the sea, his Taoist methods were difficult to perform, but fortunately he still had a body.

The shark monster is not the first one who wants to swallow the river, but it is the worst one.

Jiang Lin's corpse claws were not as sharp as the bone sword, but they should not be underestimated. At the very least, there was no problem with the body being cut into a zombie.

How could this shark demon endure this kind of damage, and the location where Jiang Lin was scratching and digging was its mouthpiece.

Now the shark demon has no choice but to dive into the deep sea, but it still underestimated Jiang Lin.

When it was [-] meters underwater, Jiang Lin had already dug its neck down to the point where only some flesh was left. After that, Jiang Lin pulled out the bone sword and slammed a ring around the shark monster's neck. The shark monster, which had been around for two or three hundred years, was cut off by Jiang Lin in this way.

"Pop! Kill the big demon and get [-] points of anger."

Say your grandma!

It took so much effort to actually gain a little more than [-] anger points.

Jiang Lin scolded all the eighteen generations of the Shark Demon's ancestors.

However, he didn't delay, and even if he had a zombie body, the surrounding water pressure was a little unbearable.

More than a thousand meters under the sea, it is not for fun.

Quickly cut off a few giant fins of the shark demon, Jiang Lin swam to the sea.

Twenty minutes later, Jiang Lin finally reached the sea.

However, the trace of the hull has disappeared, and there are waves all around, which greatly affects the line of sight.

"It seems that although Yu Jianshu can attack from a distance, it still has drawbacks."

Jiang Lin muttered to himself, if there was nothing on land, in this sea, if the Zhengbone Sword got stuck like before and was taken away, he wouldn't be able to chase after him.

After thinking about it again and again, Jiang Lin decided to acquire the ability to stretch his limbs in the next step. In this ocean, if the limbs can be stretched to fifteen meters away, it still has a great effect.

Because there was no trace of the ship's hull, Jiang Lin gradually hovered in mid-air, looking for Eve and the Panlan Tiger King. When he reached the position of [-] meters, he finally found a small black spot.

But what made him hairy was that in front of the little black spot, there was a huge ocean eddy.

Jiang Lin felt that he might be dazzled. The diameter of the huge funnel-like vortex was roughly estimated to be at least a hundred miles in diameter.

A super eddy current more than fifty kilometers away.

Nima, you can scare people to death.

The small black spot is still some distance away from the super vortex, but if it continues to float forward, it will definitely be involved.

Just at this moment, a firework appeared in the sky where the small black dot was.

After Jiang Lin fell to the sea, he ran away thinking about the position of the hull.

On the surface of the water, his speed could only reach the speed of an ordinary person's running, and half an hour later, he caught up with Eve and the others.

"Tom, spare no effort in turning the hull!"

Throwing the cowhide bag around his waist aside, Jiang Lin hurriedly ordered the King Panlan Tiger.

"Master, what's the matter, what can scare you like this."

The King Panlan was stunned. Even when the ship sank, Jiang Lin's expression had never been so solemn.

"Don't ask, I told you that you don't understand. There is a hundred-mile eddy current dozens of miles ahead. Do you understand?"

"Hundred... hundred-mile eddy current?"

Although King Panlan didn't understand what eddy currents were, but Eve understood, and she had mastered Chinese by five or six points now, so she was stunned when she heard Jiang Lin's words.

"Master, what is the Baili Great Eddy Current?"

Seeing that Eve's face was the same as Bai Xue's, the colorful tiger king became even more curious.

Jiang Lin took a wooden oar and patted it on the head, and then rowed a vortex on the sea surface, saying, "It's something like this, it's as big as hundreds of miles."

The colorful tiger king was stunned for two seconds, and then all the hair on his body exploded.

motherfucker!I am afraid of the sea!

One person and one tiger sat on both sides of the hull and started paddling. Fortunately, Jiang Lin had brought the wooden oars from the ghost ship before, otherwise this time, it would have been doomed.

Jiang Lin is the thousand-year-old zombie king, and the colorful tiger king is also a powerful demon king. Together, the hull seems to be equipped with an engine.

It was not until forty miles away that Jiang Lin stopped to rest.

"Lin, I found that we seem to be going backwards, God forbid, this should be my delusion."

Eve's face is not very good-looking. She has always encountered wind and waves for a while, but she actually encountered such a terrifying marine disaster today.

fall back? ?

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