"I'll go take a look."

Jiang Lin jumped up and then rose vertically. When he reached the height of [*] meters, he saw that the original eddy current had grown bigger again.

And it is only thirty or forty miles away from their hull!

What a long life!

Chapter seven hundred and twentieth sea air empowerment

"Keep paddling!"

After Jiang Lin came down, he immediately picked up the wooden paddle and rowed wildly in the direction away from the eddy current.

When King Panlan saw Jiang Lin's expression, he knew that something was wrong, and he also exerted all his strength.

But the wind was getting stronger and stronger, and the waves were higher than the other, making it more and more difficult for the hull to move.

An hour passed without even moving twenty miles.

Eve hooked her head, and while the hull was on the waves, she looked around and saw a small black spot several miles away, so she picked up the telescope and looked at it.

"Lin, right ahead, there seems to be a group of reefs over there."

"The reefs? Okay, let's go over there."

Now that the hull is still some distance from the edge of the vortex, if it can be fixed, Jiang Lin can see if the vortex continues to grow or move.

When they arrived at the reef group, King Pandan wrapped the chain around a huge reef. After that, he was so tired that he gasped and stuck out his tongue. Jiang Lin was sweating profusely.

If it is a normal situation, the way they row the boat, the hull is estimated to have run away two hundred miles.

After a short rest, Jiang Lin rose again into the air. After observing for half an hour, he breathed a sigh of relief. The hundred-mile vortex did not continue to grow, and there was no sign of movement.

Huh?Is this sea air?

As soon as he was about to go down, Jiang Lin felt a faint sea air in the sea breeze. This kind of yin fire is difficult for ordinary people and even cultivators to detect. If it weren't for the many kinds of yin fire in Jiang Lin's body, he would not be able to detect the sea breeze. Mixed sea air.

After feeling the wind direction again, Jiang Lin was surprised to find that the sea air in these sea breezes seemed to be converging towards the great eddy current of a hundred miles in the distance.

Jiang Lin continued to stop for an hour, making sure that even if there was movement in the vortex, it would not affect Eve and the colorful tiger king for a short time, and then he came down from the air.

"Master, if you hadn't been able to fly, we would have been planted in that vortex this time."

The King Pan Lan imagined the scene of the Baili Great Eddy Current, and the hair on his body stood up again.

"There shouldn't be any danger now, I'll go ahead and take a look."

"Lin, the eddy current is in front of you, don't go over there."

Although she knew that Jiang Lin was a superman, the power of the ocean could not be resisted by one person anyway. Although Eve didn't know what Jiang Lin was going to do, she just didn't want Jiang Lin to be in danger.

"I won't be in danger, don't worry."

Seeing the eagerness on Eve's face, Jiang Lin was stunned for a moment, and then he understood.

Except for a tiger king, here is just him, a man and Eve, a woman. They face each other every day, accompany each other every night, eat and sleep together, and there is no difference between living together.

"Don't worry, I'll be fine."

Jiang Lin comforted Eve softly, then jumped into the sea and headed for the edge of the big eddy current.

Now that the ship's hull and Eve are not in danger, Jiang Lin's heart has been put down. Next, he is going to see how terrifying this ocean catastrophe is.

Danger is often accompanied by opportunity. This sentence is really true.

The closer he got to the big eddy current, the more intense the surrounding sea air could be felt by Jiang Lin.

In mid-air, two kilometers away from the edge of the Great Eddy, Jiang Lin overlooks the magnificent spectacle of the sea. Now his ears have been sealed by spiritual power, and the surrounding is full of rumbling sounds that are endless.

This kind of world-class spectacle, I am afraid that few people have seen it throughout the ages, even if some people are lucky enough to see it, it will eventually become the food in the belly of the underwater fish.

The power of the ocean is really terrifying. There is still some distance from the edge of the eddy current. The wind force in the air where Jiang Lin is located is almost level [*].

No wonder the sea air is also called sea eye fire.

Jiang Lin looked into the distance, the sea air in the center of the big eddy rose like a monstrous flame, and the sea air sometimes showed the shape of a giant dragon in the process of rising.

I am afraid that the saying that the Dragon King lives at the bottom of the sea may have some origins from this.

Give it a go!

Although this kind of sea energy is Yin fire, it is not less domineering than strange fire, and if such a huge amount is absorbed by him, maybe the Yang flame and the original sun fire in the body can grow a lot.

Seeing that there was a wooden boat deck on the sea below, Jiang Lin fell on it and kicked the edge of the deck. Jiang Lin ran two steps on the water and landed.

He completely turned his body into a corpse, with a curse seal rune appearing on his face, and his long hair fluttered in the wind like the tips of bamboo shoots.

Jiang Lin was lying on the deck, and it didn't take long for the deck to be swept in by the eddy current.

Jiang Lin burst out all the power in his body, stomped on the deck with one foot, and flew towards the center of the vortex with the help of his ability to glide.

This large eddy current has a radius of more than [*] miles, and Jiang Lin glides only a short distance before being swept into the sea by the eddy current.

However, he still moved to the center of the vortex little by little with the effect of the two palms.

When Jiang Lin reached the center of the eddy current, his body was almost covered with scars. The upper jaw of a swordfish pierced his chest and even his back.

The sea breeze around the eddy has reached level [*], not to mention the rotational speed of the sea water.

Moreover, the sea air here was even more terrifying than Jiang Lin had imagined. As soon as he reached the center of the eddy current, the only shorts on his body became ashes.

The sea air is even more powerful than the true fire of Samadhi.

"Cough cough! If this is not the body of immortality, it can't stand it."

Jiang Linka let out a mouthful of blood, then sat cross-legged in the center of the vortex and rose into the air.

His body surface has been covered with fire-collecting charms by himself, and it will not take long for the huge amount of sea air above to gather in his body.

A few minutes later, Jiang Lin was enveloped in a cloud of mist, his body completely turned blood red, and the yang flames in his body were madly absorbing endless sea air.

Because a river forest appeared at the bottom of the eddy current, breaking the balance of the eddy current. Above the head of the river forest, the mist-like sea air gradually began to be affected by the surrounding wind and began to rotate.

Sea air filling.

In the end, Jiang Lin couldn't take it anymore, and the sea air formed a tornado, which drilled his heavenly cover like an electric drill.


Because there was too much sea air accumulated in the body, the three-legged golden crow in Jiang Lin's body automatically manifested.

Afterwards, the three-legged Golden Crow cleared his neck, opened his mouth, and began to absorb the sea air above the center of the eddy current.

As for what it didn't have time to suck away, it was attracted by the fire-collecting talisman on Jiang Lin's body and entered Jiang Lin's body.

Chapter seven hundred and twenty first giant eel, killer whale, merman

"Tom, will something happen to Lin?"

So far, Jiang Lin has not appeared for half a month, and Eve is so worried that he is about to cry.

She really didn't know what she would do in this vast ocean without Jiang Lin.

"Don't worry, Master will be fine."

The King Panlan picked up the binoculars and looked in the direction of the eddy current. Half an hour later, a light and shadow appeared on the sea surface and disappeared in a flash.

The light and shadow are exactly the three-legged golden crow in the eddy current, which is refracted by the sea water and projected into the mirage in mid-air.

If it hadn't happened by chance to see this kind of mirage with binoculars, King Pan Lan would have worried that something had happened to Jiang Lin.

It is Jiang Lin's pet of war, and there is a ray of life spirit in Jiang Lin's hands. If Jiang Lin really dies, it will die too, so it is also very worried about Jiang Lin's safety.

"You speak Chinese well now."

"I don't know what you two are talking about most of the time, so in addition to worrying about Lin during this time, I just review the Chinese he taught me."

The colorful tiger king just smiled, I'm afraid it's not the point to understand what it talks to its master.

The anxiety on Eve's face had been seen on the face of the mistress of the house.

There will be another mother-in-law.


At the center of the eddy current, the three-legged Golden Crow returned to Jiang Lin's body, and Jiang Lin also opened his eyes.

"It's been half a month, and the sea air here is really pure and large."

Jiang Lin took a deep breath. In the past two weeks, the source of the sun's true fire in his body has grown a lot, and it can be said that it has grown exponentially.

Sensing that the air above was close to nothing, Jiang Lin was thinking about how to get back.

To get out of the eddy current is no more difficult than when he came in.

Easy to get in, hard to get out!

After thinking about it for a while, Jiang Lin decided to go into the water first, because the vortex is funnel-shaped, and the bottom is more than [*] meters above the sea level, so if the bottom of the sea is not too deep, he should be able to get out from the bottom of the sea, and then gradually swim upwards obliquely.

Without this big funnel, Jiang Lin's idea would be impossible to achieve. Even if he has a battle pattern and enhanced defense, the pressure of the seawater he can withstand is limited.

The depth of [*] to [*] meters was his limit, and if it was any deeper, he would have to vomit blood.

The pressure to bear in the water is not as simple as carrying a weight, that kind of force is omnidirectional.

Even if he exerts the strongest strength to support a weight of seven or eight thousand catties in a short time, it is probably more than ten times the load-bearing limit of human beings, but it cannot be used in the sea.

So, Jiang Lin began to dive from the bottom of the vortex funnel. After diving for about [*] meters, Jiang Lin saw the bottom of the sea.

Even on the bottom of the sea, the flow rate of the surrounding sea water is not small, Jiang Lin can only crawl forward for a while, and when the water pressure gradually increases, he slowly swims up the slope.

After half a day, Jiang Lin finally got away from the big eddy current and reached the sea.

With no one around, Jiang Lin ran for a while, and when he could see the hull, he dived underwater.

"Eve, bring me my clothes."

Jiang Lin's head emerged from the side of the hull.


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