Hearing Jiang Lin's voice, Eve jumped up excitedly, and then she didn't know if it was because she was too excited, she grabbed Jiang Lin's arm and dragged him into the hull.


Didn't I ask you to bring me the clothes?

Jiang Lin was speechless, the shorts he was wearing had been burnt to ashes by the sea air, and now it's spring) (light.


It seems that all girls will scream when they see a man's fruit) (body) when they are not in love.

Jiang Lin stepped aside and put on his clothes. When he was not wearing clothes, it was indeed a little scary, and it was not impossible to scare a girl to tears.

After eating some bacon, Jiang Lin rested for a while, and then paddled with the King Panlan Tiger. Now that the opportunity has come, it is better to stay away from the big eddy first.

After the distance from the eddy current was far enough, the wind and waves on the sea became smaller, and Jiang Lin fell asleep.

Two months later, Jiang Lin was shirtless, with a pair of shorts made of seal fur around his waist, looking out at sea with binoculars.

It has been more than three months since the shipwreck, and they have not seen any other ships except a ghost ship.

This kind of drifting life, I don't know how long it will last.

"Sea snake?"

In the telescope, Jiang Lin saw a snake-shaped creature about tens of meters standing in the air. In addition, he also saw some giant fish jumping out of the sea, but it was not clear whether it was a shark or a whale.

Now that the food they brought from the ghost ship was almost finished, and it was not always possible to eat fish in the ocean, Jiang Lin thought about it.

"Tom, paddle in that direction, and our food should be there."

After Jiang Lin instructed the King Panlan Tiger, he continued to observe the situation in front of him. As the distance got closer, he realized that it was not only a sea snake, but also a creature suspected of being a mermaid—the merman.

As for those giant fish, they were killer whales.

Two sea snakes, three killer whales, and several mermaids are fighting on the sea.

Jiang Lin asked Panlan Tiger King to stop the hull, and decided to go over to see the situation first.

He didn't understand the merman, but there should be no hostile relationship between killer whales and sea monsters like sea snakes. Now that the three are fighting each other, it is impossible to say that there is no reason.

At a distance of two or three miles from the battle circle, Jiang Lin rose into the air, this time his eyes were almost flashed.

It turned out that the three marine creatures were competing for a giant sea clam. Jiang Lin roughly estimated that the shell of the sea clam should be more than two meters long.

Now the sea clam was on the edge of the battle circle, and it opened two clam shells, and a huge pearl inside was dazzlingly glittering in the sun.


Jiang Lin was so excited that a sea clam was more than two meters long. How big should the pearls be in its body?

At this time, Jiang Lin also confirmed that the two large and small sea snakes are not snakes, but giant eels. They have all become demons. In addition to the giant eel, a killer whale more than [-] meters long has also become a giant eel. Demons, there are three mermaids with demonic aura in their bodies.


Although Jiang Lin is very tempted now, he has calmed down. On land, he may have no problem dealing with several demon kings, but in the sea, he really can't.

The previous King Suisha jumped into the air by himself, and Jiang Lin did his best to kill him.

In the sea, under normal circumstances, it is quite difficult for him to deal with a big monster.

This is not his home, there is no way.

Who says it has to be positive.

Jiang Lin raised the corner of his mouth slightly, thinking of a good idea.

Chapter seven hundred and twentieth chapter Hu experts

Now that the giant eel is fighting with the killer whale and the merman, it is a good opportunity for him to lead the sheep.

You all work hard, the big pearl and the giant mussel, someone from Jiang Jiang has ordered.

After having an idea, Jiang Lin felt excited just thinking about it.

This pearl may be the largest one he has ever seen, and the medicinal effect is not known how many streets of thousand-year-old ginseng are thrown away.

Who doesn't like too many good things?

And not only pearls, but the meat of giant mussels is also a very good ingredient.

In the past few months, Jiang Lin has eaten either bacon or bacon, or ham and biscuits. Although he has eaten shark fin several times, he has only relieved his cravings.

Drifting at sea, there is basically no fresh food to eat, and he often feels lack of energy now.

With such good food now, how could he miss it.

Not long after, Jiang Lin fell into the water, and then continued to dive to a depth of four or five hundred meters.

In order not to disturb the giant eels and killer whales, it is the best way to go under the water and then ascend vertically.

After diving for [-] meters underwater, Jiang Lin swam in the horizontal direction. He felt that the position was almost the same, and he began to release the corpse poison. The breath-holding charm was almost useless underwater. He needed to use stealth to hide. itself.

As it got closer and closer to the sea level, Jiang Lin realized that these mermen were also quite terrifying. Their bodies underwater were almost ten meters long. A merman was estimated to be fifteen meters long, and its claws were even more terrifying than zombies.

When he was about to approach the clam shell from underwater, Jiang Lin suddenly felt as if he had been hit by high-voltage electricity.

Said your second uncle!It's an electric eel!

Jiang Lin was shocked by the electricity and almost jumped out from the bottom of the water.

Two huge electric eels were besieged by sharks and killer whales, and they released high-voltage currents, and a smaller shark was electrocuted on the spot.

As for the two killer whales that did not become demons, they were electrocuted to turn their stomachs and twitched) (twitched a few times.

Because of their size, they were not electrocuted.

The sea suddenly swelled up, and the whale demon and the group of sharks attacked the two giant eels again.

Kill them!

Jiang Lin cursed inwardly, if he was hit by such high-voltage electricity in normal times, he would definitely not let it go, but now he still bears it, and after he gets the giant mussels on it, he will find these two electric eels. of bad luck.

The battle on the sea was very fierce. The whale demon was about twenty-five meters long, and the mermaid was fifteen or six meters in size.

Although the two giant eels were [-] meters long and the other [-] meters long, the tonnage was not enough. After being besieged, they also fell into a hard fight.

Jiang Lin took advantage of their focus on the battle, surfaced and hid in the clam shell.

This old clam is also a big monster, but it has already been electrocuted to death, and it will not take long for it to burp.

Jiang Lin slowly closed the open clam shell.

Because he was in a stealth state and didn't make much noise, neither the electric eel nor the whale demon found anything unusual.

After the clam shell was closed, Jiang Lin observed the battle situation outside through the gap in the double shell, and when he saw the opportunity, he used his suspension ability with all his strength, and even the man and the clam floated out of the water.

One meter, two meters, ten meters, fifteen meters.

"Rise! Then rise!"

The corpse energy in Jiang Lin's body was quickly consumed, and the weight of this giant clam was not too light.

When the giant clam was seventy or eighty meters in the air, the Jianglin inside was already sweating profusely.

While he was resting, Jiang Lin stuck his head out of the mussel shell, and the electric eels, killer whales and mermen below didn't fight anymore.

All the giant mussels that were going to fight were lost, and it was a fart!

The merman scratched his head, the killer whale stared, and the electric eel was stunned.

After that, they ran away completely. The killer whale spewed a water column of tens of meters, the tails of the two electric eels were arcs, and the group of sharks screamed.

What about the old clam? ?What about pearls! !

Except for the mermaid that was electrocuted just now, everyone else was there, and no one had a chance to steal the old clam, but such a big shell was gone.

Even if the old clams want to run and the water flow fluctuates, they should find it.

From above, Jiang Lin looked at a group of idiots on the sea like headless flies, and laughed, a very unkind smile.

"I'm sorry, I'm stealing the Sacred River Forest, and I'm an expert in cutting Hu. The baby is already in hand, let's go first."

Jiang Lin rested for a while, then raised the mussel shell by another [-] to [-] meters, then recovered the corpse poison, gathered his arms, exerted all his strength, and sprayed a huge column of fire from the gap of the mussel shell, and then he again Quickly corpse, gliding in mid-air with clam shells.

From a distance, the old clam in the sky looks like a jet fighter.

Half an hour later, Jiang Lin pushed a giant clam to where the hull was moored.

"Tom, get on the water and eat BBQ scallops tonight with shark fins!"

After the giant clam was thrown into the hull, Jiang Lin hurriedly instructed the cat to paddle.

Panlan Tiger King was stunned to see such a big sea clam. How can a clam grow so big?

As for Eve, a goose egg could have been stuffed into his mouth long ago.

"Hurry up! Or you will be in big trouble."

Jiang Lin tapped the cat on the head, and then used the bone sword to send the clam demon in the shell to the west sky.

"Pop! Kill the big demon and get [-] points of anger."

This shit is really beautiful.

Jiang Lin didn't expect that this giant clam would actually contribute more savage energy than the shark demon he killed.

At a distance of fifty or sixty miles from the hull, the whale demon summoned a large number of killer whales, the mermen also gathered their own clansmen, and the two electric eels were surrounded by countless small electric eels.

Several sea-monsters swore to search this sea area, but they cut off their harvest under their noses, and couldn't bear it! !

The sea-monsters were so angry that their lungs exploded, but Jiang Lin, who was the party involved, was delighted.

There were scallops, dried shark fins, some leftover seasonings in his cloth bag, sea barbecue, plus wine and whiskey from the ghost ship.

It really needs to be more moisturizing.

"Lin, how did you get this big clam? It actually has such a big pearl."

Eve cut a piece of mussel with the knife she carried with her, with a happy smile on her face.

Now that she can speak Chinese, she no longer uses English to communicate with Jiang Lin.

"This one, cut it from Hu Hu."

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