Jiang Lin briefly explained the process of how to get the giant clam before, which made Eve giggle.

Chapter [-] is a delivery of insulating materials

Perhaps it has been four months of drifting at sea, and Eve is no longer as anxious as she used to be.

In her opinion, as long as Jiang Lin is still by her side, even in the vast ocean, there is nothing to be afraid of.

In the past few months, they have also encountered very large winds and waves, even storms and sea tornadoes, and experienced many dangers, but now they can still happily eat barbecue.

Although I don't know what the future will hold, I am really happy to meet and be with Lin.

Eve knows her situation, in Chinese, it means that her love has opened.

"Eve, put this pearl in the water jar. It has been more than four months since it came out. If you continue to live like this, your body will definitely have problems. Drinking this pearl in water should improve the situation."

In fact, Jiang Lin was more worried about Eve. This foreign girl was an ordinary person. In such a harsh environment, it was only a matter of time before she got sick.

He doesn't have any medicinal materials that can directly cure diseases in his hands now, and this situation can be avoided if it can be avoided.

The meat of the giant mussel is more than [-] kilograms, and the two of them ate it for three days.

As for the clam shell, Jiang Lin didn't throw it away. After cleaning it, he put it in the hull.

First, their location is not far from where he cut the beard. If the clam shell is thrown into the sea, it will cause unnecessary trouble if it is discovered by electric eels or mermaids. Second, the clam shell will cause unnecessary trouble. It can also keep warm, leave it to Eve, he doesn't have to keep Yang Yan outside when he sleeps.

"Lin, I noticed that my skin has turned white."

On this day, Eve took out a small mirror, looked at her face, and cried out excitedly.

The sea was either scorching sun or sea breeze. Even with a sun hat, Eve's skin gradually turned wheatish, and she couldn't get enough fresh water. Her skin was not as supple as before.

Jiang Lin looked at Eve, his eyes lit up, it seemed that the flesh of the giant mussels and the pearls had a very good effect.

Now Eve can be described as delicate skin and tender meat, charming and moving.


Then Jiang Lin frowned and looked towards the side and rear of the hull. A merman just showed a head that looked like a man and a fish.

And its eyes just fell on the giant clam on the hull.


Jiang Lin's bone-bone sword flew out of his body and lashed at it, beheading the upper body of the merman.


However, this kind of merman's life force is relatively strong, and when Jiang Lin blasted another pillar of fire, it had already issued a sharp howl.

Not good!

Jiang Lin immediately picked up the binoculars and looked around, and it didn't take long for him to see the shadow of a merman appearing behind him.

"There's trouble, go full speed ahead."

Picking up the wooden oar, Jiang Lin and Panlan Tiger King accelerated the hull.

Since these sharks have humanoid outlines on their upper bodies, most of them are primates, and their intelligence will not be low. If they swarm up, they will cause much more trouble than great white sharks.

Ten days later, the hull was still moving forward at a certain speed. Jiang Lin did not expect that he would cut a beard and stab a hornet's nest.

Not only the sharks, but also killer whales and a large number of electric eels are chasing them.

Not to mention the sharks and electric eels, being chased and killed by forty or fifty killer whales is not something that ordinary people can get.

But in the past few days, there has been a strong wind on the sea again, and some waves are even as high as six or seven meters, so Jiang Lin and the others have not been able to get rid of the pursuit.

"Lin, there is an island ahead."

"Let's go!"

Now that there is land, it is easy to handle. As long as the hull of the boat is safe, Jiang Lin can find them to settle the bill.

Just as the hull was about to approach the island, a huge electric eel drilled out from the sea ahead.

Jiang Lin stood up and glanced around. This electric eel was the small one, and the big one was fifty meters long.

"It's so big, I haven't tasted eel rice yet."

Fortunately, the big guy didn't come, only this little guy blocked the road, a weak electric eel, Jiang Lin didn't take it seriously.

He actually doesn't have much fear about killer whales and sharks. If two electric eels and their descendants get together, even he should be careful.

In seawater, as long as they are in the discharge range of electric eels, two big guys and hundreds of little guys discharge together, the effect is not ordinary.

Unfortunately, the voltage can reach thousands or even tens of thousands of volts.

Jiang Lin jumped into the water, holding a bone sword, and ran towards the giant eel.

This place is still some distance away from the island, and there are killer whales and sharks behind him. He doesn't want to be attacked by the enemy.

The upper body of the giant eel was about ten meters long on the sea surface. It swayed its head and neck like a giant python, roared, and rushed towards Jiang Lin.

"I'm worried that I can't deal with the bioelectricity on your body, so you're in a hurry to send me insulation materials."

Before, Jiang Lin also thought about what to do if he was overtaken by two giant eels, and then he recalled the scene of the giant eels fighting with killer whales and sharks.

The powerful current emitted by the electric eel can make the killer whales turn their stomachs, but there is no problem with them, so Jiang Lin guessed that the electric eels themselves will not be affected by the current, and the key is likely to be on their body surface.

The giant eel opened its bloody mouth and bit towards Jiang Lin. Jiang Lin put strength on his arm and threw the zhengbone sword out, and then his arm turned into two flaming swords of light.

If the giant eel did not enter the water, Jiang Lin would still be sure to kill it, but if it was submerged underwater, Jiang Lin would be out of reach.

So Jiang Lin came up with a killer move.

However, because he still wanted to keep the flesh of the giant eel, he did not use the Yang Pai Yang Palm and the Golden Crow Yang Yang.

From the giant eel's point of view, Jiang Lin was just a small creature. It never thought that an animal that was not even one-tenth its size could threaten its life.

With a "puff", the sharp bone sword that shot out pierced the throat of the giant eel, and then Jiang Lin's arms suddenly gathered together. the neck of the electric eel.

The giant eel's body is thicker than a bucket, and although the Yang Finger Sword has been cut, it has not cut off its head.


The sea water in the surrounding ten meters began to bubble, and the giant eel was stunned.

It never imagined that a tiny animal would almost cut off its head.

There was an extremely high voltage in the sea water, and Jiang Lin's hair stood upright, and green smoke was still coming out.

Part of the corpse poison in his bones was knocked out.

"Where to go!"

Jiang Lin wiped the blood from his nose, took the flying sword, and threw it out again.

The sword body spun, and the giant eel's head was chopped off with a "swipe".

"You are the one delivering insulation materials. I haven't signed for it yet. Can I let you go?"

Chapter [-] On the ground, are you still allowed to be mad?

"Pop! Kill the big demon and get [-] points of anger."

The head was chopped off, and the remaining body of the giant eel was frantically tossing on the sea. It didn't take long for it to stop moving and float on the sea.

Jiang Lin ran to the giant eel's body and checked the skin on it, and it was exactly what he had guessed.

The texture of the giant eel's body is very similar to insulating rubber.

"Lin, a sea snake is catching up with you."

Eve looked back with the telescope, and the huge electric eel with a body length of [-] meters was chasing them fast.


Jiang Lin dragged the giant eel's body over, quickly peeled off the skin of the electric eel, and then tied the eel's flesh behind the hull.

"Eve, smear the hull with maltose, get the skins on, Tom, paddle!"

Jiang Lin and Eve worked together to stick the skin of the giant eel on the inside of the hull, as well as some places to store food and sundries.

Even if there is current, they should not be affected much.

When the hull was still [-] meters away from the island, the giant eel had already arrived, and the distance between them and Jiang Lin was less than [-] meters.


The giant eel let out a roar, swinging its tail to impact, and after approaching the hull, a high-voltage current was released from its entire body.

Its children were actually killed and skinned!

Gotta electrocute these damn humans to coke!

Fortunately, Jiang Lin and the others were prepared and sat in the area where eel skins had been posted.

However, exposed areas are very dangerous, and arcs have been released from some sharp places.

This guy is so troublesome!

My eel meat!

Jiang Lin was really distressed when he saw that the meat of the eel dragged behind had turned black.

There is no big problem where the skin is not peeled, but the flesh that is peeled is in direct contact with the sea water.

In this extremely strong current, all electric coke.

"Wait until your grandfather Jiang wears insulating clothes before I'll mess with you!"

Jiang Lin was very angry that such good ingredients were wasted.

"Tom, bang it!"

"Father's food!"

Not only Jiang Lin was distressed about the ingredients, but the Panlan Tiger King was also distressed.

Eve: "..."

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