This pair of master and servant is really... wonderful!

They were all caught up by the sea snake, and they actually felt distressed for the eel meat.

One person and one tiger stood in the hull of the ship, and they used all their strength to bombard the giant electric eel.

Now that the edge of the hull cannot be approached, and there is still a period of time before the island, Jiang Lin is going to have a jet-speed acceleration with King Panlan.

A mouth cannon and a turtle qigong blasted towards the huge electric eel behind, and the hull also rushed towards the island like an airship under the action of recoil.

The hull washed up on the beach of the island, and it slid more than ten meters before it stopped. At the same time, the mermen and killer whales on the sea showed their heads.

Because the island is like a raised mountain peak in the ocean, these sea beasts are staring at Jianglin and the others in front of the beach.

If it wasn't for this island, and being besieged by these sea beasts, I'm afraid Jiang Lin's own safety would be a problem.

Not to mention, after he was shocked by a strong electric current, if he was dragged into the water by the whale demon, he only needed to dive for two or three kilometers, and he might not be able to get up.

The down-to-earth feeling is really cool.

Jiang Lin moved his muscles and bones on the island, and now that the hull of the ship has also arrived on the island, don't worry about it overturning, Jiang Lin is ready to find the bad luck of these sea beasts.

"It's cool to chase your grandpa Jiang, isn't it, your grandpa Jiang's Gatlin is already hungry and thirsty!"

On the ground, are you still allowed to be mad?

Jiang Lin came to the beach of the island, stretched out his arms and spread his fingers out, crazily facing the sea.

Unlimited number of ammunition, unlimited backup magazines, sweep and you're done!

On the spot, a big shark monster was beaten into a sieve by Jiang Lin, and he farted.

The blood stained the entire sea red, four or five killer whales were killed by Jiang Lin, and more mermen died.

On the ground, Jianglin, a land king, can still surround this group of stinky fish and rotten shrimp?

"Tom, is your master an arms dealer?"

Eve had never seen Jiang Lin use such a method, and thought Jiang Lin had pulled out a musket from somewhere.

"This is a spell, not a weapon. If the master is on the ground, even a dragon must be coiled."

Panlan Tiger King explained it, and he also came to Jiang Lin's side, opening his mouth to be a mouthful.

During this period of time, it was also depressed. On land, it was also a powerful demon king in the mountains and forests, but when it came to the sea, it encountered this group of eels and mermaids.


The other big demon among the mermen saw so many casualties among his clansmen, jumped out of the water, and rushed towards Jiang Lin.

Even if it falls to the ground, it can still be ejected back with its tail fin, and it will not only run aground like other fish.

"Get down! Don't even look at whose territory this is."

Jiang Lin shook out the Yang Yan whip, entangled the merman in the air, and pulled it down.

The second uncle's, it's okay to be mad in the sea, come here and want to be fierce, today I'll let you know why the flowers on land are so red!

With one hand, Jiang Lin slammed the big demon's head off with a bang.

The two big demons contributed [*] points of anger to him.

Seeing this scene, the grinning giant eel sank to the bottom of the water. If it reached the ground, it would not end well.

The whale demon also sent out a sound wave, causing a group of killer whales to retreat to the area that Jianglin could not attack.

"They shouldn't attack in a short time, and we will rest for a while."

Jiang Lin looked at the island. It wasn't that big, only two or three hundred meters long and wide.

Since they arrived in the sea, this is the first island they encountered. Although they encountered some reefs before, they couldn't rest at all.

"Lin, are we going to stay here in the future?"

"No, if I'm not wrong, we estimate that we have reached the center of the Indian Ocean, so there are so many sea monsters, and the possibility of encountering any ships and humans here is almost zero."

"As for the whales and sharks wandering around, I will kill them. By the way, can you make clothes?"

Now the whale demon, the merman and the giant eel all think that the big pearl is on them, so Jiang Lin concluded that these sea monsters will never give up easily.

Jiang Lin didn't think it was too difficult to deal with a whale demon, but to deal with the electric eel, he needed to take some protective measures for its means.

Chapter [*] Long-armed Arhat!

"Yes. Do you want me to make you clothes? But there is no cloth."

"Just use the rest of the eel skin, and I'll solve the problem of needle and thread for you."

Since Eve can make clothes, it is much simpler. After putting on the insulating armor, he will go to the giant eel that can only discharge.

Apart from a few trees, there is nothing else on the island, and it is impossible for animals to survive on such an isolated island.

Jiang Lin used a few pieces of relatively hard rock to grind into stone needles, and cut the epidermis of the giant eel into some filaments to serve as weaving threads, and handed it to Eve.

Four days later, Eve gave Jiang Lin a set of tights made of eel skin.

"Master, the fresh water is running out."

When King Panlan fetched water, he found that there was only the last jar of fresh water left.

"Understood, I will use seawater to distill some. But before that, I will deal with that electric eel and whale demon."

In the past few days, the killer whales and mermen around the island are still wandering, and there are even mermen who climbed ashore in the middle of the night, wanting to attack, but Jiang Lin solved them all.

If these troubles are not dealt with, it is almost impossible for them to leave this island with peace of mind.

"Tom, you support me on the shore. I need to deal with them one by one in the water. Your task is to keep an eye on the whale demon, and I will take care of the rest."

After bringing the colorful tiger king to the beach, Jiang Lin jumped into the water.

The giant eels, sharks, and whales immediately rioted.

"Come on, get a [*] volts for the young master."

Jiang Lin stood on the water, holding a large skewer of grilled eel meat in his hand, looking at the giant eel not far away.

Although this electric eel is rather scary in size, apart from generating electricity, its power is not too terrifying, and a giant python of the same size is estimated to be able to throw it for several streets.

Jiang Lin didn't deal with the sharks and whale demons first. If this giant eel was to attack, a vacuum would appear around it.

If the killer whales and mermen do not retreat, they will only be affected.

Therefore, in order to avoid being jointly dealt with by the three big demons, Jiang Lin has been provoking the giant eel.


Sure enough, the giant eel was agitated by Jiang Lin, and regardless of the pain from the bombardment, he immediately rushed towards Jiang Lin.


The surrounding water for more than ten meters boiled and steamed up.

Both the shark and the killer whale retreated dozens of meters.

However, Jiang Lin is now wearing an eel leather jacket, and such high-voltage electricity has no effect on him.

The biggest reliance was useless, and Jiang Lin no longer prepared to keep the flesh of the giant eel, so he went to his own super kill.

Jinwu Suyang!

The giant eel is more than twenty meters long on the sea surface. Even if it wants to dive into the water, it will take time, but Jiang Lin will not give it time to dive.

The three-legged Golden Crow quickly manifested from behind Jiang Lin. After that, it vibrated its wings and flew away. The speed was extremely fast, and the giant eel was caught off guard.


With a loud bang, the [*]-meter-long giant eel was killed by Jiang Lin.

After cooking the giant eel, flames burst out of Jiang Lin's body, burning the leather jacket to ashes. Next, he had to fight meleely, but the leather jacket still had some restraints.

The second unlucky person Jiang Lin found was the last shark. In terms of size and strength, sharks and killer whales were not on the same level.

Even if he was entangled by it, Jiang Lin didn't worry about being dragged into the deep sea before.

In terms of strength, he is not necessarily weaker than that shark.

"The upper body is in the shape of a human, you can't eat it yet, it's really useless."

Jiang Lin put his hands behind his back, commenting on this creature that looks like a mermaid. Sharks can also contribute shark fins. These things can't even be eaten.

At this moment, the sea water not far away was impacted into V-shaped ripples, and the whale demon jumped out of the water, opening its mouth and biting at Jiang Lin.


The colorful tiger king by the beach emitted a powerful demon light, which slammed on the head of the giant whale, causing it to plunge into the water.

Jiang Lin was on guard early in the morning, so how could he miss the opportunity to beat the drowning whale.

He pulled out three explosive flame talismans from his waist, looked at the nostrils on the back of the whale demon, and threw them in.

With such a big whale demon, of course he can't go to the whale's lung, but it is still possible to blow it up.

A blood hole was blown out on the back of the giant whale, and it roared back into the group of whales.

After that, Jiang Lin pulled out two more explosive flame talismans and shot them at the shark.

The latter was startled, and immediately dived into the water. At the same time, Jiang Lin was also underwater. Before the shark could react, Jiang Lin stabbed him with a sword in his heart.

Grabbing the fish face the size of a basketball with one hand, the spiritual energy and Yang Yan within Jiang Lin surged and sprayed out instantly.

Afterwards, Jiang Lin dived into the water and made an eighteen consecutive cuts. The shark who chased him for thousands of miles was cut into several pieces by him.

After dealing with the shark demon, Jiang Lin eliminated the remaining eight or nine mermen without much effort.

Jiang Lin wanted to deal with the whale group together, but this group of killer whales, under the command of the whale demon, had been wandering underwater where he could not attack.

Jiang Lin advanced ten meters, they retreated ten meters, and when Jiang Lin reached the beach, they stopped around the island again.

"Hmph, it looks like they want to trap us on the island."

Jiang Lin didn't use the flying sword, he was going to use other means.

After instructing the Tiger King Panlan not to let Eve disturb him, Jiang Lin went to the other side of the island.

After finding a pothole, he summoned the system.

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