"Hey~ listen, Mr. Jiang! I may not be an explorer, I'm not an adventurer, and I don't know how to fight and spear, but I have an adventurous heart, and I'm proud of my profession."

Eve was visibly drunk, wobbly, and a little confused.

She looked at Jiang Lin angrily, feeling that Jiang Lin was prejudiced against her.

"Beware of falling, what is your occupation?"

Jiang Lin grabbed Eve and asked casually.

"I...I'm the librarian of the Antiquities Museum!"

A librarian with an adventurous heart, you are six.

Jiang Lin was at a loss for words. A librarian would dare to go to China alone to find mummies and sell iron.

How much does a librarian make?

Eve knelt down beside Jiang Lin, looked at him with charming eyes, and said, "Lin, I'm going to kiss you next."

After speaking, her two cherry lips covered Jiang Lin's mouth.

I'm going!I said it's no wonder you've been drinking, it turns out to be bolstering your courage with alcohol!

Jiang Lin knew that a man would drink to be brave enough to commit crimes or even commit a crime, but it was the first time he had seen a woman to be courageous by drinking alcohol.

Chapter seven hundred and twenty seventh pirates hijacked the ship

"Lin, I never thought that I would fall in love with an oriental man, I...I want to marry and go to China."

After drinking, Eve's face was ruddy, coupled with her wavy blond hair and green eyes, her whole body was full of exotic beauty.

Jiang Lin picked up Eve's blonde hair and kissed her again. As soon as the latter pulled his belt, his shirt fell off to the ground.

Unlike Chen Yu, Ren Tingting, and the others, Eve's figure is not slender, slightly plump, but not fat at all.

Jiang Lin hugged it horizontally and put it into the mussel shell in the hull.

Smelling the body fragrance on Eve's body, Jiang Lin realized that he hadn't smelled this fragrance for more than half a year.

The lips touched the forehead, the red lips, the jade neck, and Jiang Lin went all the way down.

"Lin, don't... uh~"

Although Eve was taking a fresh water bath, Jiang Lin's last breath had a fishy smell from the sea.

Just like when he grilled giant mussels and ate scallops.

The War Gun fighter is already ready to go, ready to open up to the unknown area.


After a coquettish cry, Eve kept her holiness for twenty-two years before being taken away by Jiang Lin.

Exotic beauties, the body structure is different from Tingting and the others.

As a result, the rippling ripples under the hull gradually became larger, and along with Eve's coquettish moan of becoming a woman, and the sound of the hull hitting the water, it gradually spread to the far side of the sea.

Although Eve is also a delicate woman, her fighting power is stronger than that of Ayan, and she has been entangled with Jiang Lin until dawn, before she falls asleep contentedly.

"Lin, I love you."

After Eve woke up, she was as beautiful as a flower and sent another kiss.

This foreign wife has a really good physique, and her fighting spirit is so good all night.

Jiang Lin took Eve in his arms and watched the sunset on the horizon.

For the next ten days, Jiang Lin and Eve stayed on the island. With fresh water, they could adjust their body functions.

"I don't know how long it will be drifting next."

Jiang Lin looked at the vast sea, not knowing when he would meet other humans and ships.

Fortunately, before he came, Ninth Uncle's situation had been stabilized, and he was suffering from his wives, so he had to worry all the time.

One month after leaving the island, Jiang Lin had been drifting at sea for eight months, and today they finally encountered a boat.

But what made them speechless was that they encountered a pirate ship.

A boat is full of pirates.

Somali pirates.

When the pirates saw Jiang Lin and the others in the hull, they all seemed to be bloodied.

Jiang Lin and the family cat wouldn't let them do this, but Eve, a beautiful woman, was different.

For the thirsty pirates, even an ordinary woman is enough to make them excited, not to mention the beauty of Eve.

"Lin, Somalia! We're in Africa!"

Eve was even more excited than those pirates. She saw English on the hull. Somalia was not far from Egypt.

"Thank you, Patriarch, we are finally going to Egypt."

After becoming husband and wife with Jiang Lin, Eve also learned some Chinese culture, and even spoke Chinese quite authentically.

A group of pirates put down the small yacht, five or six black people danced with guns and rode, and rushed towards the hull where Jiang Lin and the others were.

But for Jiang Lin, even if they took a rocket launcher, it would have no effect.

Extending his arms, Jiang Lin overturned the yacht at once, and then caught a pirate over.

"Eve, ask him how far he is from the coast."

Throwing the pirate into the hull, Jiang Lin stepped on the water, stretched out his long arms, grabbed the railing of the pirate ship, and jumped on it.

A group of pirates is completely in a state of brain freeze.



"Shoot him!"

A few daring pirates shot Jiang Lin with muskets.

But the bullet hit Jiang Lin's bronzed skin, and only a little spark appeared.

He didn't need to defend or dodge except for bullets to the eyes.

The bullets would only leave white marks on the zombies, not to mention that Jiang Lin had dumped the zombies more than a dozen streets.

This time even the daring pirates screamed and became a mess.

Jiang Lin's long arms can reach [-] meters in length. One by one, he threw the pirates off the boat, leaving only a few to sail the boat.

These pirates are loaded with real guns, robbing merchant ships and passenger ships at sea, and even killing people.

Whether they were alive or not, Jiang Lin ignored them at all.

If you are unlucky, feeding sharks is considered a sacrifice to heaven.

After that, Jiang Lin's long arms wrapped around Eve's waist and hugged her up. The excitement on the latter's face had not yet subsided, and he said, "Lin, there are still three hundred kilometers from the coast."

Finally no need to drift at sea.

Jiang Lin was very emotional. He and Eve and the colorful tiger king drifted in the Indian Ocean not long after they left the Strait of Malacca.

For eight months, across the Indian Ocean.

"Let someone drive a boat to the shore, or else you will be thrown into the sea to feed the fish."

Jiang Lin folded his arms and watched the pirate chief, either sailing or launching into the water.


The pirate chief didn't know how uneasy they were. They had been crossing the coast for more than ten years, and they didn't know how many countries' merchant ships and passenger ships had been taken care of by them.

Today is a good day, their pirate ship was actually hijacked by someone else.

And it was only one person who settled their group of robbers.

"Haha, the pirates were hijacked."

Eve smiled when she saw the pirate chief's expression of eating a green-headed fly.

However, she felt that if these pirates knew that his husband had come across the Indian Ocean, it is estimated that even if the ship was hijacked, they would feel very bright.

"Master God of War, we have arrived at the port of Alexandria. If we get closer, we will be arrested."

A week later, the pirate leader was reluctant to move forward when he reached a thousand meters from an important port in Egypt.

"Are you talking to me about conditions?"

Jiang Lin glanced at the pirate chief, he didn't seem to be staying in the sea for a moment, he had to dock!


The leader of the pirates would rather eat rice field Gong than he would like to visit the port. When they got to the port, they would definitely not be able to get out.

Either be imprisoned to death, or hanged.

But even if they are locked up to death or hanged, they still have a chance to escape) (the chance to jail, but if they angered the reincarnation of the god of war, they had to die on the spot.

The pirate chief can only bite the bullet and order to move on.

After entering the port, several military ships surrounded the pirate ship.

Eve was released after she and Jiang Lin were interrogated because she had the identity certificate of an Egyptian citizen.

Chapter [-] News from Hamnatha

"My dear land."

After getting off the boat, Eve cheered and Jiang Lin breathed a sigh of relief.

As for the funny comparison of the colorful tiger king, he took a bite while holding the earth, no, he took a bite.

kiss the earth.

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