Jiang Lin looked around. The architecture and customs here are very different from those in Asia. The buildings are mainly bungalows and castles. There are statues in front of some buildings. The clothes of the people here are somewhat similar to those of Avanti in his memory.

After drifting at sea for so long, Jiang Lin and the others were not in a hurry to go to Cairo. They bought some clothes and checked into a hotel.

Anyway, they found some Egyptian currency from the pirates, enough for food and shelter.

Even with Jiang Lin's physique, the eight months of drifting made him exhausted, so he could rest for two days.

"Lin, if my brother found out that I was married, he would probably be angry. After my parents passed away, he loved me the most."

"What can you do when you're angry, and you can't spank you, aren't you fine now?"

Jiang Lin patted Eve's patpat, making her cheeks flush.

"Take a shower together and sleep on the big bed."

Jiang Lin pulled Eve into the bathroom, and then the two of them had a good night on the big soft bed.

Two days later, the two and a house cat travelled to Cairo in a carriage.

After Eve found the museum director to explain the situation, she went to the depths of the museum with Jiang Lin. After she left the Antiquities Museum, her brother Jonathan took over her job and is now in the warehouse where the antiquities are collected.

After entering the warehouse, Jiang Lin discovered that this antiquities museum is really unusual. It has a collection of many cultural relics, small sphinxes, various pottery utensils and even a bronze statue of Anubis.


Eve looked around for Jonathan, and when she passed an ancient coffin without a lid, one of the mummified corpses suddenly sat up, which startled her.

After that, a young man's wild laughter came from the ancient coffin, and Jonathan fell back and forth with laughter.

"Jonathan, won't you respect the dead?"

Eve was so angry with her hands on her hips that she glared at Jonathan, who was crawling out of the ancient coffin.

So this is my uncle?

Jiang Lin clapped his forehead with one hand, this Nima is a joke!

Jonathan, like Eve, inherits his father's blood, and doesn't seem to be much different from white people.

However, in Jiang Lin's opinion, his elder brother-in-law did not inherit the beauty of his mother-in-law.

Although it doesn't look like a chicken, it looks very funny.

"Of course I do, and sometimes I'd rather join them. Where did you go, I thought you died on the way."

"I had an accident halfway through, the ship sank, and we drifted in the Indian Ocean for a long time before we were rescued."

Eve didn't say much about her drifting at sea, and then she introduced Jiang Lin to Jonathan: "Brother, this is my husband, Jiang Lin, Chinese, a superman."

Jiang Lin looked at Eve with a strange look, is this really your brother?

My sister hasn't come back for eight months. When she came here, this eldest brother-in-law didn't come out to meet, but instead frightened his sister by pretending to be a ghost.

"Lin, my brother is more humorous. In your Chinese, it means 'joking'. Let's get to know you two."

"Your husband?"

Jonathan was stunned. Before his sister left, she was a young girl, and when she came back, she was a wife.

Then he looked at Jiang Lin and said, "Boy, I'm your eldest brother, and my little sister said that you are a superman. Come, let's do two tricks."

Contrary to what Eve had imagined, Jonathan was not angry at all. He didn't even ask about Eve's drifting at sea, and he was eager to try to show off with Jiang Lin.

"Eve, is he your brother?"

"Uh... yes. Jonathan actually hurts me a lot, but the logic is a little different."

Eve was a little embarrassed. Her brother loved her very much. Seeing that she was fine, she probably felt that she didn't need to ask too much.But in the eyes of others, it may be that they don't care about her very much.

"Lin, don't hurt him. I'm going to clean up this place. It's a mess."

Eve glanced at Jonathan with sympathy, and went to tidy up the messy warehouse.

Although Jonathan had learned a little bit of western fighting, Eve was not worried about Jiang Lin at all, but felt that her brother was suffering.

They have already made it clear that their husband is a superman, and he has to make gestures. Isn't he asking for hardships?

After that, Jonathan's wailing sound came from the warehouse. Jiang Lin didn't do anything at all. Jonathan punched him in the chest, and then his fist was swollen as if it had been stung by a wasp.

"Jonathan, is this yours?"

Eve picked up a palm-sized octagonal stone box on the stone platform and asked aloud.

"Yes, I came here to make you happy. I bought it from Thebes."

Jonathan responded casually, and then yelled for Jiang Lin to compensate him for his medical expenses.

Eve studied for a while, and pinched the edge of the stone box with her fingers, and the cover suddenly popped open, forming an octagon, and a stacked piece of old cloth appeared inside.

After unfolding, Eve immediately covered her mouth.

"Jonathan, I think you found something good this time. Lin! Hamna Tower! This is actually a map to Hamna Tower."


Hearing Eve's exclamation, Jiang Lin stopped arguing with Jonathan and ran to Eve's side immediately, but as soon as he arrived, the corners of the cloth became black due to oxidation, and the map on it was also black. Less than half of it happened to be the location of Hamna Tower.

"Eve, are you sure this is the map to Hamna Tower? Do you remember it?"

Jiang Lin was quite uneasy, and the way to make Ninth Uncle sober was the Black Sutra of the Undead, and the Black Sutra of the Undead was in the Hamna Tower.

"I'm sure, you look at the flower decoration on the monument on the corner here, which is the royal seal of Seti I, and the ancient Egyptian text here, which is Hamna Tower, the legendary city of the dead. Sorry, Lin, it disappeared. It happened so fast that I didn't remember."

Eve also knew that Jiang Lin was looking for Hamnata to save Ninth Uncle, but she forgot to take protective measures for the cloth because she was too excited.

Jiang Lin touched her blond hair and said, "It's okay, I have memorized the rest, and the approximate range should be determined."

"You two, take care of me, a bachelor, okay, little sister, who is Seti I? Is he rich? And what is Hamnatha?"

"He was the second pharaoh of the Nineteenth Dynasty, and is said to be the richest in history, and Hamna Tower was the treasure trove of the early pharaohs."

Eve studies this aspect, so few people know the history of ancient Egypt better than her.

"Very well, this man, I like him!"

Jonathan's expression was very exaggerated, and he rubbed his hands together, imagining that he had transported all the treasures hidden by the pharaoh home.

Can you stop being so funny?

The black line on Jiang Lin's face, now that the position of Hamna Tower is gone, no matter how well Chunqiu Dameng has done, there is no use in it.

"Unfortunately, the map does not have the location of Hamna Tower."

"I have a way. I took this thing out of a drunkard's room, but he thought it was a service) (the servant took it and beat it to death. He is now in Cairo prison."

Jiang Lin and Eve: "..."

Didn't you say you bought it in Thebes?It was also taken out, obviously it was stolen!

Chapter [*] Dare to use crooked brains?The head is real iron

"You said you bought it in Thebes, but you lied to me, you actually stole it."

Eve pouted, almost a year has passed, and her brother still hasn't made any progress.

"I was taking care of the sheep, not stealing. Besides, I lied to everyone and always treated them equally."

Jonathan shrugged, stealing doesn't exist, it's taking!He also didn't think there was anything wrong with lying to his little sister.

Eve was so angry that she hugged Jiang Lin's arm. Now that she has a husband, I don't want you, a brother who even lied to my younger sister!

It's so flat!

"Lin, let me study this stone box again. Hey, it turns out that it is made of stone skin and made of iron."

Eve looked at the stone box again, a layer of stone skin peeled off its surface, and then some patterns and words appeared on the surface.

The engraving of the pictures and texts is very good. Although the characters above are not vivid, they can let Eve know what happened.

In the Nineteenth Dynasty, the queen of the pharaoh stole with the priest of the dynasty) (love, and killed the pharaoh, after the guards arrived, the queen committed suicide, the priest fled, and tried to resurrect the queen, but in the end the success was unsuccessful, the priest was executed by the guards, Capital punishment, the soul will never be transcended forever.

After hearing this, Jiang Lin thought it was really funny. The pharaoh was the highest power controller in ancient Egypt, so he could still be cuckolded.

"Okay, since that drunk man has this iron box on him, let's go to Cairo prison tomorrow, maybe he has some clues about Hamna Tower."

"I agree!"

Jonathan raised his hands in approval. He was not afraid of the city of the dead. The point was that there was a treasure of the pharaoh in it.

must go!

On the second day, the three of Jiang Lin arrived at Cairo Prison. Unlike other prisons, the prisons here are open-air. There is a huge iron cage in front of each cell. If someone visits the prison, the jailer will bring the prisoner to the iron cage. in.

What made Jiang Lin and the others unexpected was that the drunk man beat the service) (the waiter was actually the son of the hotel owner, and then the hotel owner used his connections to let the warden hang the drunk man.

Jiang Lin and Eve looked at Jonathan at the same time, stealing something and killing people, you are really a beer.

If they hadn't discovered the map of Hamna Tower, the drunk would have been wrongly killed.

"Rick O'Connor, it's him you're looking for."

After the jailer brought the drunk out, the warden, Fatty, went elsewhere.

"You stole it from him?"

Eve looked at the unshaven Rick and asked Jonathan.

"It's not stealing, it's borrowing."

Jonathan still stubbornly flicked Eve's forehead.

"Although you are Eve's brother, she is my wife now. If you flick her forehead, I will knock your head into a Buddha."

Jiang Lin gave Jonathan a look, try to move my wife again?Big brother, I will fight.

"She is my little..."

Jonathan was not happy, but was shut up by Jiang Lin's eyes.

Is there such a thing as taking care of your wife?

Rick in the iron cage glanced at the three of them and asked, "Who are you two? Who is that mother-in-law?"


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