When Eve heard this title, she almost went wild, but she endured because Jiang Lin needed the Black Book of the Dead.

"Can you say that again?"

"Lin, forget it, Jonathan steals his stuff first, let's ask Hamnatha about the news first."

Eve held Jiang Lin back, but her heart was warm.

"Hello, I'm Jonathan, a very famous explorer. These two are my little sister Eve and my brother-in-law Jiang Lin. We found your magic box and want to ask you some questions."

Rick shook his head, and then there was an expression on his face that I had already seen through you, and said, "No, you are here to ask me where Hamnata is."

"How do you know the iron box is related to Hamna Tower?"

Jiang Lin raised his brows. The iron box had never been opened before. No one should know that the map inside is related to Hamna Tower.

"Because that's where I found it."

"Then how do we know if you're bragging?"

Jonathan was very excited when he heard what Rick said, and quickly approached the iron cage.

"You guy finally came over and stole my stuff."

Rick took his chance. This stinky guy stole his stuff, causing him to call the wrong person and be hanged.

can i spare you?

With a "bang", Jonathan fell directly, knocking him unconscious.

But Rick also took two batons, and the jailer told him to be honest.

This joker, who stole things from others and put others in jail, dares to approach, isn't it looking for a fight?

Jiang Lin expressed great sympathy for his amused eldest brother.

Eve was also quite speechless. His brother was thinking about treasures all over his head, but he never thought that Rick was the master of suffering.

"Mr. O'Connor, it's true that my brother stole the tin box. You've knocked him out now, and you're out of breath. We'll find a way to get you out later. Have you really been to Hamna Tower?"

"Yes, I have been to Seti's site, the City of the Undead. Come here and I will tell you the exact location."

Rick hooked at Eve, and Eve really thought that Rick wanted to cooperate, so he got together.

Jiang Lin pulled Eve behind him, looked at Rick with cold eyes, and said, "I think your kid is a little ill-intentioned. I will give you a brain to wake you up and see if the transaction is worth it."

Jiang Lin flicked two fingers on Rick's forehead, causing him to roll on the ground a few times.

The person who stole your stuff has already been beaten, what else do you want to play with?

"Lin, why did you beat him?"

"It's nothing, just intuition tells me that this kid wants to take advantage of you, and my intuition is rarely wrong. Let him calm down."

Jiang Lin folded his arms and looked at Rick, who was grinning in pain. Dare to use his brain?The head is real iron.

Rick touched the big bag on his head, and he no longer dared to make any crooked ideas in his heart. He said, "You want to know where Hamnata is, unless you rescue me first."

After that, Rick was dragged away by the jailer, and it was time for the execution.

Asking the jailer to help take care of Jonathan, Jiang Lin and Eve went to the warden.

Chapter [-] Zoroastrian (xian) monks

"I gave you a hundred pounds and you let him go."

In the stands, Eve was bargaining with the warden. Because Egypt is more exclusive, she came forward to negotiate with the little fat man.

"I'll give you a hundred pounds to see him hanged. Execution."

The little fat man was calm in his heart, and the hotel owner gave more than this amount of money.

Rick's neck was tied with a rope, the wooden board on the bottom of his feet was removed, and he was suddenly suspended in the air.

"Let him go, he knows Hamnatha's position. If you let him go, we will divide you... [-]%."

"You said this disgusting pig knows where the City of the Undead is? Let him go, [-]%."

"Twenty percent."

"No, fifty percent."

Finally, Eve rolled her eyes, gritted her teeth, and said, "Forty percent!"

The little fat man sneered and shouted decisively: "Three percent! It can't be any less."

"make a deal!"

Eve smiled and shook Jiang Lin's hand, Jiang Lin scratched the bridge of her nose, his wife is quite smart.

After the little fat man came back to his senses, his expression was as if he had eaten a dead mouse, and he shouted, "Put him down!"

The executioner received the order and cut off the rope hanging Rick with a knife.

It was only a short while before he went to see God.

"I've let him go, are you really sure he knows where the City of the Undead is?"

"Sure, if he's lying, it's not too late for you to hang yourself."

Rick has an octagonal iron box on his body, and there is a map of Hamna Tower inside, and he also claims to have been to Hamna Tower, so Eve thinks that Rick's words should not be false.

"Mr. O'Connor, we've fulfilled our promise, can you tell us where Hamnata is?"

The little fat man brought Rick up, and Eve was looking forward to Rick's answer.

"When you go, I will go with you. Even if I tell you the location, you can't find it. If no one leads the way, even if you know the location, you won't be able to touch where the city of the dead is."

Rick said that it is useless to give a position, and someone who has been there must lead the way, otherwise it will be no use.

He gave him the general direction, and he needed to take a boat from the Giza port in Cairo.

"Lin, shall we leave tomorrow?"

Eve looked at her husband. Although she was asking for advice, the expression on her face was two words: I want to go.

Unlike Jonathan, Eve wanted to fulfill her parents' wishes. She had already crossed the Indian Ocean with Jiang Lin. Her dream was fulfilled, but she wanted to help them too.

In addition, her own genes for wanting to take risks also have a certain influence.

Jiang Lin nodded. Now his fatigue has subsided a lot. If he finds Hamnata and retrieves the Black Sutra of the Undead as soon as possible, he will be able to go back early to wake up the ninth uncle, and he does not want to waste time.

"Brother-in-law, I was beaten yesterday, and you didn't help me teach that drunk."

Early in the morning, Jiang Lin and Eve and the cat arrived at the port of Giza, and Jonathan complained to Jiang Lin.

His brother-in-law was in iron, and his brother-in-law was beaten, so he didn't help out.

"You stole someone's things and made them almost strangle their heads off. Why should I help you?"

Jiang Lin looked at the bruises on Jonathan's face and pouted. He would never say that it was this uncle who flicked Eve's forehead that he watched the excitement.

"Are you talking about me?"

Rick, who had changed his outfit, appeared in front of everyone. He also shaved his beard, trimmed his hair, and wore a suit, which was completely different from yesterday's mental outlook.

If his brother-in-law didn't give himself a head start, Jonathan no longer wanted to vent his anger. The treasure of Seti I had to rely on this to lead the way, so he put on a smiling face.

"Today is an adventurous day, isn't it, Mr. O'Connor."

Jonathan patted Rick's chest very familiarly and shook hands with him. Rick took out his wallet and looked at it, and said, "Yes, good day."

The wallet is not lost, it is indeed a good day.


"Now that everyone is on their own, I won't hit you again. Happy adventure."

Jonathan waved his hands again and again. He was very principled in "taking" things or "borrowing" things, and he didn't eat grass.

After everyone got on the boat, they discovered that the warden, Fatty, had already arrived. He wanted to find some treasures by himself. In addition to the warden, by coincidence, there were also a group of American explorers who also went to Hamna Tower.

In the evening, Jiang Lin came to the viewing point of the passenger ship's veranda and said hello to Rick. At this time, the latter was sorting out his equipment. There was either a revolver or a bullet or a grenade in a huge wallet.

Don't know where this Rick got these things from.

"Mr. O'Connor, please tell me something about the City of the Dead."

Jiang Lin didn't know much about Hamna Tower, and even Eve had only read some sporadic records in books.

The culture of Egypt is completely different from that of Middle-earth. It is the birthplace of mummies. It is analogous to the zombies of Middle-earth. Ghost soldiers and ghost generals.

In order to avoid problems due to lack of understanding, Jiang Lin wanted to do some homework in this regard.

"Mr. Jiang, call my name Rick. Please take a seat."

"You can also call me Jiang Lin."

With an ok gesture, Rick talked about his experience in Hamnata three years ago. He was very impressed with Jiang Lin, and his forehead still hurts. Since Jiang Lin asked, he would Nothing to hide.

After hearing it, Jiang Lin felt a little regretful that Rick did not provide any substantive information. At the beginning, he just entered the Hamna Tower and did not go deep. His words were summed up in one sentence, that is, except for the evil sect or the evil sect.


At this moment, a cry for help came from Eve's room, Jiang Lin turned into an afterimage almost instantly, Rick's eyes opened like a calf, and the revolver in his hand almost went off.

The sprint world champion is not so fast, right?

He kicked the door of Eve's room, and Jiang Lin saw four believers in religious clothes in Eve's room. Three of them had a seal in their hands, and a jackal-headed Anubis appeared in front of them. The phantom, the colorful tiger king was stopped by the phantom, and the last believer had an iron hook sleeve on his arm and pressed the iron hook against Eve's neck.

Jiang Lin didn't say a word, disappeared in place in an instant, flashed in front of Eve, and twisted the neck of the believer who was coercing him.

"Monster corpse?"

Among the remaining three believers, a big man with a beard on his face exclaimed.

"Who are they?"

"It should be a Zoroastrian monk."


For some extremely advanced vocabulary, Jiang Lin hadn't mastered it yet, so he didn't understand Eve's words for a while.

Eve explained it again in Chinese: "It's what you call Zoroastrianism in Middle Earth."

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