"Whatever he teaches, dare to touch my wife, court death! Dong Dongbo!"

These monks dared to touch his inverse scales, and Jiang Lin directly used his ultimate move to greet the three of them between the eyebrows.

Chapter [-] The Great Movement of the Universe?

"It's a Middle-earth monk!"

Seeing that Jiang Lin was actually able to use his spiritual power, the monk with his cheeks was shocked again, but the Yang Zhi Qi was already on his forehead. He opened his arms and drew a circle in front of him, and a circular light curtain appeared in front of him.

Yang Zhiqi hit the light curtain, spun around in it a few times, and then was reflected back.

Don't say that this is a big shift in the universe?

Jiang Lin was stunned for a moment, this stunt of the slender monk was really very similar to the peerless martial arts described in Lao Jin's novel Yi Tian.

This Zoroastrianism is really interesting.

Jiang Lin had never seen such techniques and spells before, and the attack he made would turn his head and attack him.

With three clicks of his fingers, Jiang Lin defeated the Yang Zhiqi that had been ejected. After that, he opened his fingers and aimed at the three Zoroastrian monks.

"I buy it!"

The face of the monk with the cheeks turned black. Three beams of light hit him. He had already tried his best to pick it up. Now come ten fingers? ?

Unfortunately, he guessed wrong, Jiang Lin's ten fingers can burst.

chug, chug, chug~


The cheeky monk shouted at the other two companions, and asked them to stand behind him, in front of the light curtain.

After a few breaths, although the corners of the mouths of the three of them were already overflowing with blood, they were still able to confine dozens of Yang Zhi Qi in the light curtain, but it was impossible to bounce them back. .

Move?I let you move!

Jiang Lin snorted coldly, since he was going to be ruthless, how could he make these monks vomit blood and be fine.

The Crane Immortal's Dongdongbo was not good, so Jiang Lin went to the Turtle Immortal's Turtle School Qigong.

If he couldn't get it down by moving his fingers, he moved his palm.


Seeing Jiang Lin's arms gathered around his waist, his palms glowed with black light, and the monk with his cheeks completely doubted his life.

This time they kicked the iron plate of Middle-earth, and it was still very iron.

"Turtle School Qigong!"

A jet-black pillar of fire was sprayed out under the eyes of the three monks. After the pillar of fire bombarded the light curtain, the powerful propulsive force directly blasted the light curtain and the three monks out of the room.


The face of the monk with cheeks flushed, and he spat out a mouthful of blood with a wow sound. The armor on his entire body was broken into pieces, and his body was also burnt.

Seeing Jiang Lin still wanted to pursue him, he threw a piece of arsine on the boat, and then fell into the Nile River with the other two.

"Eve, are you alright?"

Jiang Lin was worried about Eve's safety, so he stopped chasing her. He held Eve in his arms and pulled her hair back to see if she was injured.

After that, he glanced at the colorful tiger king again. A demon king can't keep his mistress?

Being swept by Jiang Lin's gaze, the colorful tiger king felt that the fur all over his body tightened.

"Lin, I'm fine. The accident happened because I had to change into my pajamas, so I let Tom go out. Don't blame him."

"Master, this situation will never happen again next time, no, there will never be another time."

The Tiger King Pan Lan also hurriedly made a promise. Fortunately, Eve was not hurt this time, otherwise his good days would definitely come to an end.

There was a reason for the incident, so Jiang Lin didn't blame the Tiger King Pan Lan.

"Give me your hand."

Jiang Lin held Eve's hand, and a charismatic spirit ran out of his shadow.

"Lin, ghost!"

Eve had seen sea monsters and mummies, but never a real ghost, so she screamed in fright.

"Don't be afraid, this is a guardian spirit. I will pass it on to you. Even if you encounter any danger, it can protect you."

Originally, Jiang Lin thought that with him by Eve's side, Eve would not have any accidents or be hurt, but now it seems that he is still careless.

But what do those Zoroastrian monks come to do with Eve?

Then Jiang Lin asked Eve what happened, and he knew that these monks came to find the map of Hamna Tower and what keys were they looking for.

At this time, there were a lot of canoes floating around the passenger ship, and dozens of Zoroastrian monks threw torches on the passenger ship one by one, and shot indiscriminately at the ship with pistols.

"It's on fire!"


In an instant, screams and shouts of killing resounded over the entire Nile River.

"Lin, dynamite!"

Eve just wanted to see what happened outside when she saw several bundles of firecrackers flying out the window.

"Second Master's! Tom, bring the map and the iron box with you."

Jiang Lin hugged Eve horizontally, jumped directly into the water, and stopped on the surface.

The houses on the passenger ship behind him were blown up.

Then Rick, Jonathan, Fatty and others jumped off the boat one after another, and the whole passenger ship was on fire.

Fortunately, the Nile River is not too deep, and many of them are very good in water.

Those Zoroastrian monks were finally forced to retreat, and there were not a few people with equipment on the passenger ship, especially Rick and a few American explorers.

"Why is there nothing good as long as you take the boat? There are no clothes left, Lin, I'm still wearing pajamas."

Eve was very depressed. This was the second time she had been on a boat in her life. The first time the boat sank, and the second time the boat caught fire.

"After a while, I got to the shore, put my suit jacket on my body, and when I got to the town, I just bought a set of clothes. It is estimated that the change of clothes you brought is soaked in water."

Eve is very tempting when she wears pajamas) (Human, Jiang Lin doesn't want other men to enjoy such a beautiful view.

"Jonathan, is your brother-in-law a Superman? How is it possible to walk on water?"

Rick was swimming behind Jiang Lin, and seeing Jiang Lin walking on the water was like seeing a supernatural event.

"My little sister said that he is a superman."

Although he didn't know how Jiang Lin did it, Jonathan wasn't too surprised. He knew that his brother-in-law was very evil.

"Brother-in-law, there is a big tiger! Right behind you."

As soon as his eyes turned, Jonathan saw the colorful tiger king behind Jiang Lin, and called out in the water. He had not seen the colorful tiger king in his main body.

When they got to the shore, the colorful tiger king turned into a house cat again, which made the jaws drop from the two men who were big and three thick.

Chapter [-] Resentment soars, the city of the dead

"Long hair, short knowledge."

The house cat looked at Rick and Jonathan with contempt. If it hadn't understood English, it would have been chatting in front of these two people.

Hearing the King Panlan speak, the two were confused again, and it was Eve who explained it a little using the local culture, and the two of them closed their jaws.

Rick looked around and told Jiang Lin and others not to be discouraged. Although the ship was destroyed, they had reached the expected location. They passed through the desert in front of them, and in the center of the desert was Hamna Tower. the location of.

"There is a small town not far ahead, we just need to change some clothes and buy a few camels there."

Rick was familiar with the road and took everyone to a town on the edge of the desert to rest.

The funny Jonathan wanted to hold other people's camels again, and quarreled with people there. Jiang Lin asked Eve and the cat to buy clothes and rushed over by himself.

"Brother-in-law, you are so unkind. You sell me double the price of a camel, and you don't say anything."

"If you don't borrow a penalty ten, you can steal the fun."

Jiang Lin was also quite speechless to this eldest brother. The younger sister has knowledge, looks and self-cultivation. How could the virtue of a mother-born brother be drunk!

"Lin, are you beautiful?"

As soon as he turned around, Jiang Lin saw Eve, who was wearing a black gauze skirt and a black silk scarf on her face, walking over with a smile.

Jiang Lin was amazed by Eve's outfit, it was so beautiful.

Holding Eve's waist, Jiang Lin kissed Eve's lips through the scarf.

"Oh my God, can you take care of a bachelor like us?"

Jonathan and Rick and the little fat man who had just rushed over were severely hit.

While it was still early and the weather was clear and windless, Rick suggested to get on the road quickly, and the group entered the desert on camels.

Jonathan was reluctant to buy camels, so he bought three in total, and the little fat man scolded himself to buy camels.

The camels were not enough, so Jiang Lin and Eve shared one, and then the three bachelors ate dog food until they vomited.

At dawn on the fourth day, Rick stopped everyone in a sandy field. The Americans and the workers also rode to the place. Their leader was Benny, Rick's old friend, who had pitted Rick a lot. The second time, when he was on the boat, he was thrown off the boat by Rick.

Really resentful.

Jiang Lin felt incredible. There was only a piece of sand in front of him, but the resentment that filled the sky stretched for almost ten miles.

It was even worse than the ghostly air over Tengteng Town back then.

Rick and Benny didn't notice the grievances in the sky. To outsiders, these grievances looked like dark clouds.

"Master, this place is like a mass grave of ten thousand people, but it doesn't look any different."

The cat was sitting on Jiang Lin's shoulder, and the tiger king's eyes widened. He had never seen such a strong grievance in Middle-earth.

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