"Go back!"

Jiang Lin drank, and then picked Eve up. She was a woman who couldn't escape these beetles at all.

"Second Master's, Tiger Master doesn't play with you either."

Panlan Tiger King also followed Jiang Lin. Even though he was a powerful beast and demon king, if he was full of scarab beetles, it would be in doubt whether he would survive.

If ants are infested, they can kill elephants, not to mention these beetles that are many times larger than ants.

Four people and one tiger ran to a stone bridge, Jiang Lin jumped, hugged Eve and fell to the top of a stone pillar.

Rick and Jonathan and the colorful tiger king jumped to the other side of the plinth.

The worm tide like a black current rushed along the stone bridge to the entrance of the passage above, and a worker happened to run out of the passage.


After screaming twice, the worker was left with a bloody skeleton.

Even a can of food in his clothes was bitten by the iron sheet, and after a few scarabs got in, they came out from the other end.

"My God, I don't want any treasures and antiques. I want to leave now."

Jonathan sat down on the plinth, and he didn't even think about the dream of making a fortune.

In this scene, ordinary people can see that they are really insane.

"Lin, put me down, I want to vomit."

When Eve saw this scene, she felt that her stomach was tumbling, and she couldn't help but vomit.

When she reached the edge of the stone pillar table, Eve retched against the wall and pushed hard on her hand. She pushed the wall in, and then she screamed and fell in.


When Jiang Lin arrived at the edge of the countertop, the wall had returned to normal. He stretched out his palm, inserted it into the crack of the wall, and dug the [-]-centimeter-thick wall.

Behind the wall is a crack more than half a meter wide, and below is a deep stream, the crack is connected to another wall, and there are two deep holes above.

"Tom, you protect Rick and Jonathan."

In desperation, Jiang Lin forgot to look for Eve through the smell and jumped into the crack.

"Jonathan, isn't this brother-in-law of yours really an alien? Can he dig up such a thick wall?"

"It doesn't matter if he is an alien or not, he loves my little sister, and my little sister loves him again. Let's go out as soon as the insect tide is over."

Eve is protected by Jianglin, and Jonathan is not worried about her safety. Now that the underground is more dangerous than the ground, Jonathan just wants to get out of this ghost place quickly.

Eve entered the space behind the wall and didn't fall. In an emergency, she jumped into one of the holes, slid down the cave, and reached an open space.

"Mr Burns, thank goodness you're here."

Eve found an American explorer standing in front of him through a slight light, and then limped over.

"my eyes……"


Eve approached only to find that Burns' eyes were full of blood. Just as she was about to turn around, she screamed again.

In front of her, the mummy in the inner coffin was staring at her and walking towards her.

Eve couldn't help but step back and leaned against the wall. The mummy approached step by step and said in ancient Egyptian: "Ansuna, my favorite Ansuna."

As soon as he walked one meter in front of Eve, one foot flew into its face.

"Are you injured?"

Jiang Lin took Eve in his arms and patted her on the back lightly.

"Lin! I knew you would come. I'm fine, but my foot is sprained. Mummy, mummy, it's resurrected."

"I see."

Jiang Lin looked at the mummy who was getting up in front of him, and felt that his understanding of foreign cultures was still shallow.

Before, he judged that the mummy had no possibility of corpse transformation, but now the mummy is still resurrected, not through corpse transformation.

The mummy watched Jiang Lin take Eve into his arms, roared loudly, and said a bunch of ancient Egyptian.

"Lin, it said that I was its lover, you blasphemed me, it will kill you."

A strange expression appeared on Eve's face, and she translated what the mummy said to Jiang Lin.

"I'm going to your mother!"

Jiang Lin was furious, and a turtle wave smashed the mummy into pieces of broken bones.

A piece of broken bone on the ground jumped a few times, began to pan, and regrouped.

Hit my wife's idea?I'm going to fuck you Mahler!

Bomb you!

As soon as the mummy was restored, it was smashed into pieces by Jiang Lin.

Continue to regroup, and he will continue to bombard.

Later, after the reorganization of the mummy was completed, he wanted to run, but before the fire in Jiang Lin went down, it couldn't even run.

He threw out a light-shielding talisman and stuck it on Eve's body. Jiang Lin's body was full of spiritual energy, and his whole body was full of strong rays of light.

Ru Yang Xuanguang!

The broken bones on the ground seemed to be corroded by concentrated sulfuric acid.

A strong wind blew, and the broken bones turned into a piece of fine sand and flew towards the hole above.

Chapter [-] Dark Archmage


Jiang Lin didn't expect that he had made several lore kills without destroying the resurrected mummy.

Even the mummy who was in Hunan before, who had suffered a loss, could not withstand such continuous attacks.

Compared to the mummies Jiang Lin had seen before, this one was even more bizarre.

The cloth strips on its body were bitten by scarabs and only a little drooping on its body. Without the protection of the cloth strips, Jiang Lin could easily smash it to pieces, but it was difficult to kill it completely.

Stiff hair?

Jiang Lin frowned as he looked at the fleeing fine sand.

Although mummies and zombies are different, Jiang Lin can make an analogy to their strength.

If the zombie king advances to the level of Mao Zong, there will be a qualitative leap in vitality. Some tyrannical Mao Zong, under special conditions, can even be reborn from severed limbs.

Flying stiffness is even more terrifying, and if the head falls, it may grow back.

Although this mummy has not shown any attacking ability, it is already comparable to Mao Zong just because it is difficult to kill.

After Xisha reached the entrance of the cave, she turned into a mummy again, standing by the entrance of the cave, looking at Jiang Lin.

"Eve, brother-in-law."

At this time, Jonathan and Rick saw Jiang Lin and Eve, and rushed over with torches, accompanied by two American explorers.

When they saw Jiang Lin looking up at the stone wall in the distance, they also looked over.

The mummy roared at Jianglin and disappeared into the cave.

Although Rick and Jonathan had seen this mummy before, it still wouldn't move, but now the mummy is roaring on it alive, and there are eyes in the eye holes, which scared several people so much that the torches in their hands fell. .

"Leave here first and go to the ground."

There were still people around, and Eve's foot was twisted, so Jiang Lin didn't chase the mummy.

Now there are scarabs and this tough guy on the ground. After a comparison, Jiang Lin still feels that it is relatively safe to go up there.

In addition, he also prepared to solve the matter of finding the Sun Sutra by himself, so that Eve would not be allowed to follow him.

The group walked around underground for a long time, encountered waves of scarab beetles, and finally reached the exit of the temple gate.

As soon as they reached the ground, they were pointed at guns by a group of Zoroastrian monks.

"Dare to come?"

Jiang Lin's eyes turned cold, these monks were really courting death.

"They are Zoroastrian monks who guard the city of the dead. They attacked us to get us out of here. They drove away the locusts and saved us."

The Egyptian expert went up to explain to Jiang Lin that if these monks left, the locusts would probably come again.

And he also told Jiang Lin that these people have a way to deal with scarabs.

"Are you the leader of these people, Adebe?" Jiang Lin glanced at the cheeky monk, and then said, "Tell your subordinates to put down the gun. If the gun goes off, don't blame me for being rude."

Seeing that the surrounding monks were expelling the locusts, Jiang Lin also dispelled the bad luck of looking for this group of people.

Although he disliked Jiang Lin, Adebe still told his subordinates to put down their guns.

"I told you to die if you didn't leave, but you just didn't listen. Now everyone has to die. You released a three-thousand-year-old monster and hordes of scarabs."

Adebe didn't expect the mummy to be resurrected at all, because if he wanted it to be resurrected, he had to recite a specific ancient Egyptian incantation on the Black Book of the Undead.

This condition is quite harsh, and when they came to attack these people before and wanted to make them retreat, they saw Jiang Lin, afraid that he would find bad luck, so Adebei didn't say it clearly.

But now it's too late to be upset.

"You mean the mummy? I dealt with it and it escaped."

"You can actually handle it?"

Adebe couldn't believe his ears. The mummy was a terrifying monster with three thousand years of age. Jiang Lin was able to drive it away.

"Even if you can deal with it, it's hard to kill it. The spells of Middle-earth have little effect on it, I think you should know very well. He is Seti I, the high priest of Egypt, Imorton, a dark archer with dark powers. Mage. Originally, after being cursed, his soul should be sealed in the coffin forever. Now that he is resurrected, he has obtained the power in the black scriptures of the dead, and he must find a way to solve him. If he is fully resurrected, it will be the whole of Egypt and even the catastrophe for the world."

Dark Archmage?

Jiang Lin did not expect that the mummy was actually a mage before his death, no wonder it was so difficult to kill.

"You have a way to deal with it?"

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