Jiang Lin couldn't help but glance at Adebe. Although the culture was different and the cultivation route was different, Jiang Lin could feel that this beard was similar to Mao Xiaofang's strength.

Moreover, they are all hot weapons, and they have no effect at all against the mummy.

Seeing Jiang Lin's eyes with a look of contempt, Adebe snorted and responded: "We Zoroastrian monks have always guarded Hamna Tower, and the method of dealing with Immorton has been passed down from three thousand years ago to the present. . Even the scarabs and locusts that have been driving you away, we have a way to deal with them. If you don't want to die, leave early."

With a wave of his hand, Adebe led a group of his men into the temple gate, and then a few monks carried the American explorer whose eyes were gouged out to a group of Americans.

This unfortunate guy not only lost his eyes, but also bit his tongue off, and was put on his body by a mummy.

"Lin, what about the Sun Sutra? Don't you need it too?"

There are such terrifying scarabs and a resurrected mummy below, Eve worried that Jiang Lin would be in danger if he went further.

"I'll send you off first, and come back with Tom himself, don't worry about me."

Jiang Lin had already guessed that the mummy would be resurrected, which should be related to Eve's recitation of the spell on the Black Sutra of the Undead.

His wife had resurrected the mummy, and since Sun Zhenjing also needed it, Jiang Lin planned to send Eve and the others back and come here again.

Jonathan and Rick raised their hands in approval. They didn't want to stay in this horrible place anymore.

Four days later, Jiang Lin and his party and the American explorers arrived at Fort Baiton in Cairo.

However, the passenger ship from Fort Byton to Giza was only available the next day, and a group of Americans were so anxious that they were going crazy.

Now that the mummy is resurrected, they know that the curse on the wooden box they opened was real.

Immorton would find them one by one and drain their flesh to restore his mana.

Chapter seven hundred and thirty seventh hand tearing the mummy

In the hotel room, Jiang Lin carried Eve to the bed, poured hot water to wash her crystal feet, and then put a hot towel on Eve's ankle.

"Does it still hurt? This time, I didn't think about it carefully, and I sprained your foot. I won't let you go to such a dangerous place in the future. When you return to Middle-earth, you can just take care of your home in peace."

Because Eve's education is relatively high and her mind is smart, Jiang Lin plans to take her home and let her manage family affairs with Chen Yu and Ren Tingting.

There are about forty or fifty people in his family, and sometimes Chen Yu and Ren Tingting are also a little busy.

"It's much better. It's just that the swelling hasn't subsided. You can walk. Lin, now you've found a way to wake up your uncle. You should be leaving Egypt soon. Actually... I think of Banqiao College... for a year or two."

Eve hesitated, afraid that Jiang Lin would not agree.

Go to college to study?

Jiang Lin was stunned for a moment, and then saw that Eve didn't dare to look into his eyes.

With a chuckle, Jiang Lin said: "My silly Mrs. Jiang, you can discuss anything with me. As for the hesitation? Don't treat me as a superman or a superpower in the future, and don't be afraid of me. I Your identity is to love your husband, and you have the right to act coquettishly and fool around with me, not to mention some demands. As long as it is not endangering your personal safety, your husband will agree."

Jiang Lin pinched Eve's toes on purpose. He always felt that Eve seemed a little afraid of him, which was not what he wanted.

Moreover, whether his woman wants to practice or further studies, as long as it can make him feel at ease, he will generally not stop it.

Eve wants to stay here, and there is a charm in the shadow. He only needs to leave the colorful tiger king behind, and come back to take her back in a year or two, there is nothing impossible.

It's just that they separated as soon as they became husband and wife, and Jiang Lin felt a little reluctant.

"Lin, to be honest, I'm a little in awe of you, but I won't in the future."

Eve has not been exposed to things like Daoism and magic since she was a child, so sometimes she feels that Jiang Lin is out of her cognition and can't let go in front of Jiang Lin.

Now that Jiang Lin had spoken to her, the barrier between the two would naturally disappear.

Can be coquettish, can be foolish?

Recalling Jiang Lin's words just now, Eve's beautiful eyes carried a bit of bad intentions, and then she put her feet on Jiang Lin's shoulders and rubbed her toes on his face.

"So, my Mrs. Jiang, are you ready to liberate your nature?"

Jiang Lin scratched the soles of Eve's feet, then got up and pressed her under him. Certain exercises can bring the relationship between husband and wife closer.

Today, Eve was very active and had high fighting spirit, but in the end she still lay in Jiang Lin's arms, gasping for breath.

After the strenuous exercise, Jiang Lin looked out the window while rubbing Eve's swollen knee.

From the beginning, the sky began to thunder and lightning.


The rich lead clouds on the horizon obscured the sky, and it seemed that the mountain rain was about to come.

Jiang Lin came to the window and looked into the distance, a little frowning.

Born with a vision, is it possible that the dark archmage Imorton will really become the top ten disasters in Egypt?

Just as the sky was thundering, Benny entered Fort Byton with Immorton in a cloak and a mask on his face.

In the city of the dead, Benny met Immorton. In the end, he used several languages ​​to beg for mercy and became a servant of the mummy.

The American explorer and his party knew that they were cursed. For fear of an accident, they held a group to keep warm and did not dare to be alone. As for Burns, whose eyes and tongue were gouged out, he was recuperating in a clinic not far from the hotel.

When Benny asked for the news, he went to the clinic with Immerton and came to Burns' ward.

This unlucky guy thought that Benny had brought someone to visit him, and had no idea that he was about to become a man.

"His Royal Highness Immorton is very grateful for your hospitality. Thank you for dedicating your eyes and tongue, but you still need to continue to dedicate. Your Highness needs to continue the ritual and complete the curse before he can restore his mana."

"What? No, no~"


Immerton took off his mask, and the dead flesh on his face was like bark, and there were scarabs crawling around in his skull and cheeks.

When he was performing the ritual before, he was interrupted by Eve, and now he began to gradually inhale Burns' blood, life and soul into his body.

As the absorption progressed, the hollow and dry parts of his body began to grow flesh, but the color was still the same as the old bark.

At this time, the sky outside not only had a storm, but also a huge fireball, which set some buildings in the city on fire.

"This voice is that unlucky bastard! The mummy is coming!"

Jiang Lin heard the screams not far away, and immediately put on his clothes.

"Eve, get dressed and come with me."

Immorton is malicious towards Eve, and his abilities are very strange. Jiang Lin is not at ease to keep Eve here, even if the Tiger King Panlan is guarding outside, he is not at ease.

The two and the cat went to the downstairs hall. Rick and Jonathan were spraying wine on the ground. The taste of the wine had completely changed, a bloody smell.

"Where's Burns?"

"What's wrong with the clinic over there?"

The two Americans and the Egyptian expert didn't yet know that their companions had been called to the door.

"The mummy has come to the door, take me there!"

Hearing Jiang Lin say that, the three wine glasses fell to the ground.

When the group arrived at the clinic, they saw Benny running down in a panic, and then there was a roar from inside.

After entering the ward, Jiang Lin saw a dry corpse lying on the bed, and the mummy was dancing like a machine dance by the bed.

Carrion like bark grows on its body, gradually covering the bones.

The mummy has a long body, how disgusting it is.

Rick and the Americans quickly drew their guns and shot, but hitting the mummy had no effect at all.

The mummy didn't take this kind of attack seriously at all. He looked at Eve beside Jiang Lin and said an ancient Egyptian language.

"Come on, my princess, from now on, you will belong to me."

The Egyptian expert retreated behind the crowd and translated the mummy's words.

"Come on, my grandson, from now on, call me grandpa when you see me."

Jiang Lin laughed in anger, and threw a few flags from the cloth bag and inserted them around the mummy, and then flashed to the mummy in an instant.

He raised his foot and kicked the mummy down, Jiang Lin stepped on its leg, and with a "hiss" sound, the mummy's calf was torn off by him.

Yang flames burst out from Jiang Lin's palm, wrapping the mummy's broken leg.

Strong vitality?Practice until you call Grandpa!

Black smoke came out of the broken leg, and then turned into a mass of fine sand, but Yang Yan was like a fire prison, trapping it tightly in the center.


The mummy let out a painful roar and wanted to get up, but Jiang Lin's leg seemed to weigh thousands of kilograms, and he was unable to move.


The mummy's thigh was concocted by Jiang Lin in the same way.

Tear again!


The people at the door saw Jiang Lin tearing up the mummy fiercely, and they could only swallow in surprise.

The mummy, who couldn't even penetrate the revolver, was torn apart alive by Jiang Lin alone.

Moreover, Jiang Lin can teleport and release flames in his hand. Isn't this an illusion?

"This is my brother-in-law, Superman, God of War. What about the mummy, wasn't it torn into several pieces by him?"

Jonathan was the first to recover from the shock, and then boasted to the Americans with a stinky face.

These American explorers still don't know how terrifying Jiang Lin is.

Chapter [*] I just insulted you. What happened?

I must get closer to this brother-in-law in the future.

Jonathan immediately decided to have a good relationship with Jiang Lin.

He knew that Jiang Lin had some weird abilities, but he didn't expect that a mummy that couldn't even be shot with a pistol would be powerless in Jiang Lin's hands.

Mummies were trampled under his feet by his brother-in-law, let alone human.

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