Because Jonathan is a frequent gambler, he is often blocked at home by debt collectors, and sometimes he has to be beaten when he has no money to pay.

If you can hug Jiang Lin's thigh, who will dare to touch him in the future.


The mummy made a scream that made the hair stand on end, and the scream was mixed with rage and resentment.

Now that its body was trampled under the feet by Jiang Lin, its limbs and head had all left its torso. Without any horses, Jiang Lin dismembered it.

Its arms, legs and feet turned into fine sand, and even if it was surrounded by flames, it fled to the surroundings, but this area was imprisoned by Jiang Lin's array flag, and it couldn't escape in a short time.

"Eve, translate for it and call it Grandpa."

Jiang Lin put the mummy's head under his feet and stepped on it hard. Even though this guy's head was like an empty shell, it was quite solid.

Eve pursed her lips and smiled, and then said an obscure ancient Egyptian language.

"Lin, it said that you insulted it and would tear you to pieces."

"Oh? It's fun to cut my body into thousands of pieces. I'll insult you by staring at other people's wives all the time?"

A small group of true sun fire appeared in Jiang Lin's hand, and then slapped the mummy's face.

"You guys, aren't you afraid of it? Come on, pee, wake it up, and let it calm down. Don't have diabetes, lest it taste the sweetness."

In fact, Jiang Lin wanted to see if the boy's urine had any corrosive effect on the mummy. Although his true sun fire could burn the mummy, it wasn't very fast.

It may also have been escaped by it in the middle.

If there are enough materials to arrange a trap, he still has the confidence to destroy the mummy.

But it is a pity that when he came to Egypt, he did not expect such a situation to occur, so he did not bring many materials for the formation.

If he can break the evil spirit on the mummy first, he can use other means to cooperate to completely solve this thing.

On the way, the two American guys were still complaining, saying that they were cursed without even touching a woman, so Jiang Lin knew they were still boys.




Jonathan and Rick and a bunch of American guys were all speechless, which was really an insult to Hong Guoguo.

However, a few guinea pigs did not cooperate with Jiang Lin's intentions. Even if the mummy was torn by hand, it would be very scary. If it escaped, they would have to bear the mummy's endless anger.


Eve frowned. She was an educated person and thought it would be too damaging.

"Mistress, the master will not be aimless. He did this to find a way to kill the mummified corpse. In Middle Earth, there is a thing called boy urine, which can cure evil."

King Panlan has been with Jiang Lin for so long, so he can understand some of Jiang Lin's thoughts, so he explained it to Eve.

"I buy Karma! Office) (A man's kind of thing can cure evil?"

Eve felt that her cognition had been subverted. Sure enough, the culture was different, and there were many things that she couldn't understand.

"What are you afraid of? Even if you don't insult it, it can let you go? Look at that companion of yours."

Jiang Lin didn't bother to explain to this group of guinea pigs what boy pee was, so he just came over and nourished him.

"Yeah, what are you afraid of? Even if you are found by this thing again, you will earn your dignity back."

Jonathan and Rick are also joking, and they also like to watch the fun.

Agitated by Jiang Lin's words, and encouraged by Rick and Jonathan, the three Americans were indeed moved.

Along the way, they were all afraid, and now their companions were sucked dry by the mummy, which made them all angry.

Right now, the mummy was being suppressed by Jiang Lin's methods, so they looked at each other and stepped forward.

Rick and Jonathan were right, even if they were approached later, they made a lot of money.

"Eve, translate it again, the idea of ​​hitting someone else's wife is this kind of end. Don't you want to grow up? Give him some fertilizer."

Jiang Lin bit his fingers, drew a Dao talisman on the palm of his hand, and patted the stumps on the ground. Those limbs that turned into fine sand had long since recovered because they couldn't escape from the fire prison.

Then Jiang Lin flicked his arm, and a yang-fingered sword pinned the mummy's head and limbs to the ground.

The Yang Yan on the stump was also taken back by Jiang Lin. After confirming that the mummy could not escape for a short time, he went to the side to inject spiritual energy into the trapped formation formed by the formation flags to prevent the mummy from breaking out.

"Come one by one, the water will flow."

Jiang Lin smiled and waited to see if the boy's urine had any effect.


The mummy saw the three Americans unbuttoning their belts, their eyes opened like dog eyes, and then kept babbling.

His eyes turned to Jiang Lin, this time not as full of resentment and anger as before.


Come on, grandpa, grandpa!

"Lin, it called your grandfather and said it would never dare again."

"The bones are quite hard, but I don't have a lot of backbone, so I'll call you grandpa? Wasn't it hard before? I'm going to be smashed into tens of thousands of pieces."

Jiang Lin sneered, not to mention calling him grandpa, it was useless to call his ancestors.

I insulted you today, and the god of death Anubis speaks, and it is equally difficult to use.


A dignified generation of dark masters, a mummy of three thousand years, is now fertilized by three Americans.

Apply to the face.


The mummy's head was nailed to the ground, and it let out a roar of incomparable fury, but it choked before it roared twice.

"Ha ha……"

Rick and Jonathan were laughing back and forth.

It is estimated that this mummy is the most undignified one in history.

Watered with fat water, the dead flesh on the mummy's face was corroded into small holes as if it had been splashed with high-pressure hydrochloric acid.

The three Americans didn't expect that bullets couldn't hurt the mummy, but they could fertilize it, so one or two went all out and continued to feed.


Jiang Lin's eyes lit up, it seemed that both mummies and zombies were afraid of this thing.

At this moment, the stumps on the ground suddenly broke free from his Yang Finger Sword, merged together, and emitted a bright light.

No, blow yourself up!

Chapter seven hundred and thirty-ninth book or life

Jiang Lin shook out the yin fire whip in his hand, and threw the three American guys out, then dodged in front of Eve, dragged her and ran out.

The colorful tiger king's reaction was not slow, grabbed Rick and Jonathan and jumped out.


As soon as everyone left the ward, the whole house was bombed into ruins, and then a piece of fine sand flew out from it, converging in mid-air into the shape of a human face, and roared at Jiang Lin: "I will make you never overbirth! "

Although Jiang Lin didn't understand it, he knew it was definitely not a good thing to say.

"I just called Grandpa, and I'm just being presumptuous here? Didn't I give you New Year's money?"

With a sneer, Jiang Lin stepped forward with his palms, and two pillars of fire rushed out.

Now that the mummy has been tortured to death by Jiang Lin, and bombarded by two rays of Yang Yan, the fine sand in the sky can't even condense.

After letting out an unwilling roar, the desertified mummy floated out of the city.

"Eve, after you go back, help me find information about the mummy, and this Immorton, I want to know how to deal with him."

None of the mummies Jiang Lin had encountered before had demonstrated the ability of desertification and self-destruction. To completely kill them, Jiang Lin needed to know more about this mummy.

"I think the antiquities museum should be able to find these things, and the curator's knowledge in this area is more professional than me, so we can go over and ask together."

Now Jiang Lin has completely formed a deadly feud with the mummy, so Eve also wants to find a way to deal with the mummy as soon as possible.

"It still ran."

"Will we be killed by it?"

Looking at the fine sand flying into the distance, the three guinea pigs were in a state of confusion. The death of their companion was really not so miserable.

They originally planned to leave by boat when they arrived at the port of Giza, but the city of the dead was two or three hundred miles away, and they were all chased by this mummy.

Even if they leave the port, it is not necessarily safe.

So the three looked at Jiang Lin together.

"Mr. Jiang, shall we make a deal with you? We will share half of the wealth we get from the underground, and you will protect us."

So far, Jiang Lin has driven the mummy away twice, so the three Americans agreed that as long as Jiang Lin is willing to protect them, they can avoid death.

"I don't want wealth. You give me the Black Book of Undead that you got, and I can be responsible for your safety."

Jiang Lin wasn't interested in the wealth that the three Americans were talking about. What he was interested in was the Black Book of the Dead.

Although there is a way to wake up the ninth uncle, he wants to study this scripture carefully.

"No, no, this is priceless."

The Egyptian expert immediately shook his head, saying that he could give anything, but the Black Book of the Undead just couldn't.

"I said you are dead, what do you want a book for?"

"That's right, if we give it to Mr. Jiang, our lives will be guaranteed!"

"Even if my life is gone, I will not hand over the Black Sutra of the Undead!"

The three Americans quarreled in the street, but the Black Book of the Undead belonged to an Egyptian expert. At first, no one else asked for the worthless book. Now they want it, and no one else will give it if they die.

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