Interesting, would rather have a book than a life.

This brick home is really amazing.

Jiang Lin was amused. He said that he did not understand the values ​​of some old schoolboys.

Since you want books or life, it doesn't matter to me.

Jiang Lin shrugged, he didn't lack wealth, he didn't agree to his conditions, he didn't bother to pay attention to the life and death of these three Americans.

The last two old beauties who were afraid of death could only turn to Jonathan and promised him a large sum of money to find a house around Jianglin's residence for them to live in.

They believed that the closer they were to Jianglin, the safer they were.

It doesn't matter where other people live in Jianglin, and if these American guys are close to him, if they find a way to deal with the mummy, he can also use them to dig a hole for the mummy.

Three days later, Jiang Lin got off the boat, and went straight to the Museum of Antiquities with Eve. The three Americans did not dare to stay away from Jiang Lin now, so they followed.

"The curator? Adebe?"

After arriving at the museum, everyone saw the curator and the Zoroastrian monk Adebe together.

"Miss Carnahan, ladies and gentlemen. Don't be surprised. In fact, like Adebe, I belong to a secret organization in Egypt. For three thousand years, we have been guarding the city of the dead to prevent the resurrection of High Priest Immorton. But because of Your reason, we failed, Immorton has now been resurrected and will bring great disaster to Egypt."

The curator sat down on the chair and scolded Eve and the Americans for not being good.

In addition, he also mentioned the route of Jiang Lin and Eve, which he told Adebe, in order to prevent them from entering the City of the Undead.

"It turns out that you put Eve in danger. You are her boss, and then let someone kill her?"

"I just asked Adebe to get the map and key back."

Seeing Jiang Lin's bad face, the curator quickly explained that he heard Adebei talk about Jianglin's strengths, and Jianglin loved Eve very much, and he wanted to find bad luck when he met Adebe several times.

With a snort, Jiang Lin asked, "Why did that Immorton call Eve 'Ansuna' and be mean to her?"

"Ansuna is the queen of Pharaoh Seti I. Immorton was cursed because he fell in love with Ansuna and killed the Pharaoh. Obviously, although three thousand years have passed, Imorton still loves her deeply."

The curator talked about what happened to Immorton and the Queen of Egypt three thousand years ago.

Jiang Lin and Eve looked at each other, and the picture and text on the surface of the iron box recorded this incident.

"It's quite romantic, but what does it have to do with me? I'm not the queen of Egypt, and it's not me who has an affair with Immorton."

Eve's face was speechless, Immorton and Pharaoh's queen stole) (Love, it has nothing to do with her, but every time the mummy met her, she had bad intentions for her.

Adebe on the side thought for a moment, then responded: "I think he wants to conjure Ansuna's soul again, and you will become the sacrifice of the conjuring. After he kills all the people who have opened the wooden box and completes the curse After that, I will find you as a sacrifice for the soul-calling ceremony."

Chapter [*] Zombie Army!

"Little sister, you are so unlucky."

As Eve's older brother, he is still making a joke about Eve. Jiang Lin pointed his finger at him, rewarded him with a brain, and made him scream.

Take my wife as a sacrifice, no matter what kind of dark archmage you are, in short, you are out of luck.

Jiang Lin narrowed his eyes. He wanted to see how that Immorton took Eve away from him.

After that, the curator added some information, which was exactly what Jiang Lin wanted to know.

Immorton will be fully resurrected as long as he kills all the people who open the wooden box and absorbs their flesh.

As for how the few Americans who opened the wooden box protect themselves, the curator also gave a way. Immorton was afraid of cats before he was fully resurrected.

In Egyptian culture, cats are the guardians of hell, and as long as Immerton is not fully resurrected, cats are his nemesis.

"The holy water of Egypt, the scepter of the pharaoh, and the scales of the god of death Anubis..."

Jiang Lin shook his head. According to the curator, except for cats, these things can restrain Immorton, but he has none of them, and he is too lazy to find other methods.

To deal with Immorton, it is still more reliable to rely on his own strength, although the process may be more difficult.

"This guy is really a Xiaoqiang who can't be killed."

The light in the museum suddenly dimmed, Jiang Lin looked up at the skylight, there was a solar eclipse, and he sensed an evil energy entering the city, and then disappeared.

"If you three don't want to be a mummified corpse, go find a cat."

Adebe looked sympathetically at the three American guys, looking for treasure and wealth, and now he has to take his life, why bother.

The three of them looked at Jiang Lin, and now Imorton is following again, how dare they go out to find some kind of guardian of hell.

"Jonathan, we give you [*]% of the wealth in our hands."

Seeing that Jiang Lin didn't take them seriously, the three looked at Jonathan again.

Jonathan, this shameless and skinless, in order to get [*]% of the wealth, he directly carried Eve out, saying that Eve's life was not good, he couldn't buy cosmetics or anything, and his clothes hadn't been updated for a long time. The money I got was all for my sister.

I believe you are evil, my sister was taken as a sacrifice, and you said she was really unlucky.

But although Jonathan's face is thicker than the city wall, what he said is true.

Eve really doesn't have much money here, Jiang Lin has it, but it's all in Middle-earth.

And considering that Eve would stay here for a year or two, Jiang Lin asked the colorful tiger king to go out with the three Americans.


The three were dumbfounded and let a cat follow them. Is it safe?

Even if it is Immorton's nemesis, this is only one.

"Three idiots, I'm your grandfather tiger! I'm tiger! Roar~"

King Pandan went from a half-meter-tall house cat to a Siberian tiger.

Although it doesn't understand English, it's not stupid. When it was drifting at sea, it heard Eve say this word. When translated, it means cat.

Except for Jonathan and the others, who had seen the main body of the Colorful Tiger King, everyone else here was so frightened that they sat on the ground and kept buying and selling.

"Mr. Jiang, I will definitely give you the Black Book of the Dead. Please protect our safety when that time comes."

When the two companions of the Egyptian expert passed by Jiang Lin, they left a message for him, and then followed up with the colorful tiger king.

When they got to the street, three Americans bought a group of cats and lived across the street from Jianglin.And Jonathan and Rick became good friends after this adventure. The two had similar smells and lived together.

Shortly after Imorton entered the city, he went to find the three remaining cursed people, but because of the large number of cats in their house, he was scared away as soon as he entered.

At nightfall, the Egyptian expert ran to the port with a cat in his arms. His two companions wanted to rob him of the Black Book of the Undead because they were worried that Immorton would come back and hand it over to Jiang Lin to protect them. I searched the luggage and couldn't find it.

This desperate Egypt expert wanted to take his priceless treasure and leave Egypt as soon as possible.

Although Immorton is afraid of cats, his servant Benny is not afraid. On the way, Benny snatches away the cat held by the Egyptian expert, and this desperate brick home has also become a mummified corpse.

The incident was not far from Eve's residence. A mummified corpse appeared on the street, causing all the pedestrians to scream. After Jiang Lin heard the commotion, he opened the window.

This lifeless guy is simply courting his own death.

Jiang Lin saw the body of the Egyptian expert and the Black Book of the Undead in Immorton's arms from a distance, and guessed what happened.

Really for a book, would rather not die.

Immorton and Jiang Lin were one on the street and the other was at the end of the street. The two looked at each other across the air. Imorton then opened his mouth and spewed out a black smoke that floated towards Jiang Lin.


  Jiang Lin's palms erupted with yang flames, smashing the black smoke floating over, but wherever the black smoke passed, pedestrians turned into mummies or zombies one after another.

  "Lin, didn't you say that Immorton is more difficult to kill? I thought, if the Black Book of the Undead can revive Immorton, then the Sun Sutra should be able to kill him. Archaeologists say it is a statue of death. Buried under their feet is the Sun Sutra, but those Americans found the Black Sutra of the Undead, we go to the museum to find this information, and we should be able to know the exact location of the Sun Sutra."

  Eve came to the window and informed Jiang Lin of what she might have guessed.

  So coincidentally, the sun can kill Immorton?

  Jiang Lin didn't think about the reliability of this statement. It's always good to find the truth of the sun first. If he can use less effort, it's naturally good. Otherwise, he can only rely on himself.

  Jiang Lin took Eve downstairs and called Rick and Jonathan downstairs.

  Now a large number of zombies are coming here, let's go to the museum first.

  "Rick, Jonathan, you go and call those two Americans. There are so many zombies outside now that their cats can't protect them."

  After going out the gate, Jiang Lin and Panlan Tiger King blocked the army of zombies coming in like a tidal wave, and asked Jonathan and the others to call two Americans across the street.

  But when the two went to the house across the street, they found that no one was there.

  It turns out that not long ago, Benny put a lot of mice near the house, all the cats in the house went to catch the mice, and the two Americans went to chase their saviors.

  When Rick and Jonathan came out again, they found that the alley was the same as the street, and it was full of zombies.

It's just an army of zombies!

Chapter seven hundred and forty first fully resurrected Imorton

"My God, this Immorton is really a disaster for Egypt."

Seeing such a number of zombies, Rick held his head and shouted to God.

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