"Brother-in-law, the two of them don't know where they went. You have to protect me... and my little sister. Hiccup~"

Jonathan was so frightened that he instantly sobered up, and his legs were weak.

The faces and bodies of these zombies are like scabies, and their body functions are beyond ordinary people, and they can run very fast. If they are surrounded, it is estimated that they will be torn apart alive.

"Two Americans are still running around at this juncture? Leave them alone, let's go to the museum."

Originally, Jiang Lin wanted to bring the two wealthy boys, but since they were nowhere to be seen, Jiang Lin was not going to spend any time looking for them.

After pulling out a few explosive flame talismans, Jiang Lin threw a few grenades in front of him, and the colorful tiger king turned into a six-meter-long giant tiger and took Eve and the others to the museum.

"I can't stand you if I drink when I have money."

Jonathan's smell of alcohol made Eve cover her nose and complain.

"I finally bought Lafite in [*], and I would drink it if I vomited. Hiccup~"

"Lafite in [*]? You really have taste."

Jiang Lin glanced at Jonathan. Don't look at this guy who is usually a fool. The thief will enjoy it. If he has money, he will spend it. Egyptian ladies have been soaked in several times by him.

After Jiang Lin and the others left, the last two Americans were surrounded by a group of zombies. The two of them had run out of pistol bullets, and now they were almost desperate.

Imorton came to them, and the two looked at the mummy whose face had begun to show its outline, and tremblingly held the pottery urn in their hands, trying to be bypassed by Immorton.

It's a pity that even if they hadn't fertilized Immorton before, this mummy wouldn't bypass them, not to mention that these two mortals had urinated on him.


Immorton's face showed an extremely ferocious expression, and the big mouth with dry flesh opened to his chest.

After a few breaths, there were two more mummified corpses on the ground, and the carrion on Immorton began to grow granulation, and finally completely turned into a human shape.

"Kill them and take back the sacrifice!"

Imorton roared in the sky, and a group of zombies rushed towards the direction of the museum.

On the other hand, Jiang Lin and the others had already arrived at the museum, and Eve told the curator about the situation and her own guesses.

"Oh, my God! What about the last two American explorers? If Immorton absorbs their flesh and blood, he will be fully resurrected, and he will gain the dark power of his life."

The curator knew what was going on outside, and said something that made Jiang Lin want to hit someone.

"That is to say, after he completes the curse, he will be stronger than before? You didn't say it sooner!"

Jiang Lin really wanted to give this idiot curator a punch. If he knew this kind of information earlier, he would always pay attention to the movements of the three Americans. Even if Immorton came and zombies appeared, he would still be able to protect the last two. American.

But it's too late.

Originally, it was quite difficult for him to completely kill the mummy, but now it is more than that simple.

Jiang Lin raised his head and glanced at it. Thick clouds had accumulated over the whole city, covering the moon completely. A sense of oppression hit the city.

He could feel that the evil spirit belonging to Immorton was growing in the distance.

"I also forgot at the time."

The curator's face moved, and then said: "What Eve said is very likely to be true. The Black Sutra of the Undead can make the dead come back to life, and the Sun can make them return to the underworld. Let's find it now. The exact location of the Sun Scripture."

The curator and Adebe also sensed the changes in the surrounding atmosphere. For now, the only way to deal with Imorton is to find the Sun Scripture first.

The material recording the Sun Scripture was recorded on a stone tablet. On the top floor of the museum, after everyone went up, they heard a dull cry in the distance.

"Imorton, Imorton~"

Looking out the window, hundreds of zombies, holding torches and weapons, were swarming towards the museum location.

"The above said that the sun scripture is hidden in the statue of Anubis, the god of death. Those old pedants must have confused the burial locations of the two books. Since the black scripture of the dead is hidden in the statue of death, then the scripture of the sun must be hidden in ...I see! It's hidden in the statue of the sun god in Hamnata!"

Eve and the curator searched the stele for a while, but Eve found useful information.

But at this moment, a group of zombies had already smashed through the door of the museum, and it would not take long to reach the top floor.

"You all come up."

Jiang Lin rode on the back of a tiger, pulled Eve into his arms, and asked Adebe and the others to sit on them too.

The curator also studied the history of Egypt, and Adebe had been guarding the city of the dead, and could deal with the scarabs underground. The two of them could play a big role when they got there.

As for Rick and Jonathan, it's obviously impossible to stay here.

"I buy it!"

After everyone sat on the back of the tiger, King Panlan broke through the window and rushed down from a height of nearly [*] meters.

"Grandson, after urinating and washing your face, you can see a little better than before. You don't need to call grandpa to listen."

After landing, Jiang Lin saw Imorton, who had already turned into a human form in front of the corpse.


Adebe: "..."

This is the great sacrifice of ancient Egypt more than [*] years ago, the Dark Master, Jiang Lin actually asked him to call Grandpa to listen?


After listening to Jiang Lin's words, the expression on Immorton's face, which was full of resentment, collapsed, and he kept screaming.


Whether from life to death or from death to life, he has never suffered such humiliation!

"I will torture your soul forever!"

What surprised Jiang Lin was that although Immorton still spoke ancient Egyptian, he understood it.

It seems that after being completely resurrected, Immorton has acquired some strange abilities and seems to be able to understand English.

"I'm completely resurrected now, you will regret humiliating me, even regret is useless! Roar~"

"Don't beep, don't howl, call Grandpa!"

Jiang Lin's arms stretched out instantly, his fingers pinched Immorton's cheeks, and he pulled him to the left and right.

It's exactly like the rough method used by parents or elders when a child makes a mistake and is disobedient.

Immorton: ? ? ?

Jiang Lin's movements were too fast, and Immorton didn't expect Jiang Lin's arms to be stretched at all, so he was pinched and flung several times. He stumbled a few times and almost lost his footing.

"Clap clap clap!"

After pinching Immorton's face, Jiang Lin waved his long arm and slapped him a few times in the face.

After eating a few five-finger biscuits, the question mark on Imorton's face has not disappeared.

Chapter [*]: Millennium Zombie King VS Millennium Mummy

Pull the face of the dark archmage and slap the thousand-year-old mummy!

The curator and Adebe didn't even have time to think about why Jiang Lin's arm was stretched, and they were completely stunned by this scene.

Rick and Jonathan were also confused, and Jiang Lin refreshed their cognition every time he showed different abilities.

The two looked at Eve at the same time, as if asking: What kind of person are you married to?

"My husband is just a little bit different."

Eve is no longer surprised by what makes Jiang Lin different from ordinary people. Seeing the incredible look in the eyes of Rick and her brother, she feels quite proud.

With a superhuman husband, this kind of pride cannot be felt by ordinary women.

Slightly different?A normal human being is [*] miles away from him!

From Rick and Jonathan's point of view, Eve is a proper showman.

The surrounding zombies all fell silent, their master was slapped like this, and they also had the same question marks on their faces as Imorton.

After Imorton reacted, he was so angry that he roared, roared, screamed, and his face was as black as ink.

He lifted his hands upwards, the ground of the street cracked instantly, the surrounding houses also fell apart, and countless earth and stones fell towards Jianglin.

Imorton then sprinkled the bone meal in the pottery urn on his palm, and when he blew it forward, several mummified corpses appeared in front of him.

"Kill them!"


Several mummified corpses and the surrounding zombies rushed towards the colorful tiger king and the others.


Eve screamed out when she saw countless bricks and rubble smashed into Jiang Lin. Imorton grinned, opened his mouth and sucked at Eve sharply.

Just when Eve was about to fly in front of Immorton, two long arms stretched out from the broken wall, and then a black shadow flashed out.

Jiang Lin's hair fell to his waist, and strange lines appeared on his face. His long arms wrapped around Eve's waist, and with the momentum of his advance, he flew and kicked Imorton's face. .

Kick in the face.

Immorton did not expect it, and his entire body was kicked flying, breaking the huge stone monument in front of the museum.

"What's wrong? Are you scared by me?"

Jiang Lin looked at Eve with a small mouth in his arms, and smiled, revealing two zombie teeth.

"I'm not afraid, you are my husband."

Eve put her pretty face on Jiang Lin's chest. Even if Jiang Lin changed his appearance, the feeling of being held in his arms remained the same.


In the ruins not far away, Imorton jumped out, but there was a very clear sole print on his face.

"Okay, the scar has forgotten the pain? It seems that those American guys still haven't woken you up. If you want to kidnap my wife in front of me, you are not qualified."

Jiang Lin put Eve down and stood in front of her.

Although Imorton's strength has skyrocketed now, Jiang Lin's strength is not covered.

"Master, if the mother loses another vellus hair, Tom will let you skin it."

At this time, the King Panlan Tiger also came to Jiang Lin's side. Eve was suddenly sucked away just now, which was beyond his expectations, but even if Jiang Lin didn't make a move, he could stop Eve with a swipe of his tail.

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