"very good."

Jiang Lin nodded and approached Immorton step by step. The cracked ground under his feet was smashed into rubble by his steps.

Although Immorton's ability is very strange, if Jiang Lin shows his full strength, his ability is also extraordinary.

Since it was blocked by this Immorton, it was a big fight.

He is a thousand-year-old zombie king, is he worse than a thousand-year mummy?

"Lin is really handsome."

Eve looked at Jiang Lin's back, and her heart was pounding. Although Jiang Lin's current shape was very strange, it was not the type that killed Matt and non-mainstream.

At this time, Jiang Lin was bubbling with green corpse gas all over his body, and black smoke was also spewing out of Immorton's body.



With a long whistle, a thousand-year-old zombie king and a thousand-year-old mummy collided.

Immorton's vitality is extremely tenacious and very difficult to kill, so Jiang Lin used Taoism before he was ready to come up, first rubbing Imorton with his body before talking.

Compared with Jiang Lin's steel and iron bones, Immorton's body is difficult to see, but the latter's vitality is much higher than Jiang Lin's. Even if there are wounds on his body, even if his arm is broken, he can still heal and reorganize.

"So are you."

After some fighting, Jiang Lin grabbed Imorton's bald head like he was catching a basketball and lifted him up.

Jiang Lin would still have a headache if Imorton kept using the previous mana that fell down trees and destroyed the forest, but this guy thinks too highly of himself.

Immorton never thought that Jiang Lin would be so terrifying when he fought.

In terms of pure physical strength, if the zombies in Middle-earth dared to be second, no other corpse would dare to be the first.

On the other side, the colorful tiger king and Rick have already beaten several mummified corpses into a pile of sand, and the loss in groups fell one after another.

However, these zombies are like a rapid outbreak of plague. When one falls, a new batch will flood up. Even many local soldiers have turned into zombies.

"Master, don't fight, zombies are tricky, even rifles and explosives are here."

Panlan Tiger King shouted at Jiang Lin, even if it is a demon king, not afraid of bullets, but it is still quite difficult for it to protect four people at the same time.

Jiang Lin glanced behind him. There were hundreds of zombies, which was really troublesome.

Now Eve and the others may have an accident under the siege of zombies, and after Immorton is fully resurrected, the end is indestructible, and Jiang Lin does not intend to entangle any more.

He didn't want to fight anymore, but Immorton didn't do it. Although Jiang Lin didn't kill him, he beat him horribly.

Not only was his face pulled and slapped, but his head was also grabbed, and his head and body were separated again.

With a roar, Imorton made a move with both hands, and the ground under Jiang Lin's feet was suspended, and Immorton's body and head turned into a pile of fine sand to form a sand whirlwind. In the blink of an eye, the sand whirlwind became It became a ten-meter-long sandstorm.

Weapons such as steel knives and iron hoes in the hands of the surrounding zombies were swept in by the sandstorm and rotated at high speed.

Once his body left the ground, Jiang Lin's strength was difficult to exert. He swirled in mid-air with the sandstorm, and sharp blades smashed and cut on his body.

Chapter [-]: Uncle is lost!

While the sandstorm swirled at a high speed, it also moved towards the Panlan Tiger King and the others, preparing to suck them in too.

"Come up and hurry up!"

The tiger claws of the colorful tiger king grabbed Eve and put her on his back. Rick and Jonathan quickly ran to the tiger's back.

"Tom, Lin..."

"Don't worry, even the sea dragon roll will not put the master in danger, you just need to take care of yourself."

A blue light spewed out of his mouth, and the street was cleared, and the colorful tiger king rushed forward.

Although Eve was anxious, she felt a little relieved when she thought of all the things that happened when she was drifting at sea.

The four people were pulled by the suction force of the sandstorm on the back of the colorful tiger king, like a flag.

"I can buy Karma! Fortunately, I can run fast."

Jonathan broke into a cold sweat. Eve and the big tiger didn't seem to be worried that Jiang Lin would be involved in the sandstorm. They should be fine, but they were different.

Go in one and definitely go to see God.

After getting away from the sandstorm, he took out half a bottle of Lafite from [-] from his arms, gulped several gulps, and drank a little wine to suppress his shock.

At this time, sparks kept emerging from the sandstorm, Jiang Lin's clothes had become tattered, revealing the dark green skin on his body, and his eyes were tightly closed to avoid being blown in by the wild sand.

Now that he has strengthened the defense of the vital parts of his body, even so, those sharp blades still left some scars on his body.

Jiang Lin's physical strength has indeed reached the point where it is hard to hurt by a sword, but the speed of those sharp blades in the sandstorm is too fast, close to the speed of a bullet, and its own mass is many times that of a bullet, so even Jiang Lin's body, Also hung up.

However, his injuries were not serious, just some skin injuries.

Really underestimated you.

Jiang Lin felt the pain in his body and re-evaluated Imorton in his heart.

Although the combat power of this thousand-year-old mummy may not be as good as his, but if it is compared to the destruction effect, he really can't compare.

The house below and the surrounding green trees were destroyed into a mess.

Sandstorms of this magnitude are already at the level of natural disasters.

However, even if Immorton's ability could destroy cities or buildings, there was no way to take Jiang Lin.

No matter how powerful a sandstorm or a tornado is, can it destroy a piece of iron?

"I don't have time to spend with you here."

Jiang Lin put the corpse poison into the bones, and his hands were imprinted, and a three-legged golden crow appeared in the sandstorm.

Jinwu swooped down and exploded at the eye of the wind, and the sand that formed the sandstorm suddenly scattered.

"Lin, you are injured."

After landing, Jiang Lin jumped a few times and landed on the back of the colorful tiger king. Eve was very distressed when she saw Jiang Lin's body with multiple wounds.

"It's just a skin injury, don't waste it with him, let's go to Hamna Tower. There are a large number of zombies here, I will be distracted."

Jiang Lin didn't plan to leave Eve and the others anywhere. Immorton could come and go like the wind, and he didn't want to catch fire behind him.

"Disaster, disaster!"

Adebei and the curator were still quite receptive, or they were numb to Jiang Lin's non-human means. The two of them looked at the almost ruined street behind and beat their chests on the tiger's back.

In this city, I don't know how many people turned into zombies, and in just a moment, a street was ruined like this.

"Brother-in-law, let this guy run away, the sandstorm is coming again!"

The sandstorm in the back re-formed and moved over. Jonathan screamed. This sandstorm could scrape his copper-skinned brother-in-law to the point of blood, but it wasn't any ordinary horror.


Jiang Lin looked at the sandstorm swept in from behind, frowned, and it wasn't over yet.

Zombies kept pouring in on the street, and the colorful tiger king simply jumped onto the roof and galloped from above.

Not only the rear, but also two clods formed a tornado, with the outline of Imorton's face on it.

Jiang Lin cast out two golden crows and flattened the two tornadoes.

The splattered gravel and soil were blocked by Jiang Lin.

Panlan Tiger King ran for dozens of kilometers in one breath, and had already left the city and reached the edge of the desert.

"Lin, where is my brother?"

The colorful tiger king stopped to rest, and Eve looked back, only to find that Jonathan was gone.

Jiang Lin was also stunned. Now Rick, Adebe, and the curator are all there, but Jonathan is missing.

His uncle was lost.

"He has been drinking Lafite just now, is he drunk?"

Rick looked around, there was no sign of Jonathan at all.

What the heck, when is it time to drink Lafite?

The black line on Jiang Lin's head, his attention just now was all in front of him, and he didn't pay attention to Jonathan, who was sitting at the back.

"Eve, brother-in-law, help!"

At this moment, a gust of sand blew past Jiang Lin and the others, revealing half of Jonathan's body.

This teaser saw the sandstorm behind him on the tiger's back getting farther and farther, and took a few more sips of Lafite to suppress the shock. As a result, the drink broke and fell directly from the tiger's back.

When he woke up after sleeping for a while, he saw Immorton in front of him.


Eve and Rick called on the tiger's back, but the sandstorm had gone away and disappeared into the night.

"I know, it must be that Immorton didn't catch Eve, so he found her brother. The two of them are brothers and sisters, and they can also be sacrifices."

"Can my brother be a sacrifice too?"

Eve almost fainted. Her parents died when she was a child, and it was her brother who brought her up. Although Jonathan was a fool, it was his brother's credit for earning money for her to go to school and buy her clothes.

Nodding his head, the curator explained: "The person who opens his coffin can be used as a sacrifice. You are the first choice, followed by your brother who is related by blood."

"Don't worry, even if Imorton wants to resurrect Ansuna as a sacrifice, it will take time. We just need to get there as soon as possible."

Jiang Lin comforted Eve. Although his brother-in-law was rather funny, he was also Eve's own brother. In the future, Eve would still need Jonathan's care in Egypt, so Jiang Lin didn't want him to have an accident.

"Jiang Lin, let's hurry over there. I know the veteran ace flying of the Royal Air Force in Giza Port. Let's go by plane."

Jiyou was taken away, and Rick offered to save him.

Chapter seven hundred and forty-four, the truth of the sun is in hand!

"A plane? Or an ace pilot? Lead the way."

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