Now that there are more convenient means of transportation, Jiang Lin doesn't need to let Panlan Tiger King traverse the desert, and in terms of speed, even if the planes of this era lag behind, they can run faster than Panlan Tiger King.

Especially after the First World War, the performance of the aircraft has been greatly improved.

Rick led the way, and everyone arrived at the Royal Egyptian Air Force base twenty miles away.

When Jiang Lin saw the so-called plane, he realized that the planes of this era are basically the type with the propeller on the head of the plane, and the size is not large.

The old pilot was Rick's friend. Knowing that Rick was going to save his friend to save the world, regardless of whether there would be any danger, he immediately agreed to take them to Hamna Tower.

Because the plane was too small, Jiang Lin and Eve ended up sitting in the back cabin, the curator was tied to the fuselage and Rick and Adebe were hung on the wings.

Although the plane is small, the speed is indeed very fast. In half a day, the group came to the City of the Dead again.

Entering the underground from the gate of the temple, Jiang Lin, Eve and the curator were discussing the possible location of the statue of the sun god. Rick and the family cat began to move the gravel at the entrance of the tunnel.

Before Adebe and the others entered, they wanted to deal with Immorton, but they couldn't find him, so in order to prevent him from coming out, they blew up the exit.

Rick was very tired. He rested on the side and saw the worm shells on the wall. This is the place where the previous warden, Fatty, suffered.

"Hey guys, this thing should be worth a lot of money, right?"

Rick picked off a scarab's shell and put it in the palm of his hand, but then the shell burst open, and the scarab got into his body.

"Ah~ help!"

"what happened?"

Hearing Rick's cry, Jiang Lin went to check the situation.

"The scarab got into my arm."


Jiang Lin ripped open Rick's button, and saw a bulge moving quickly on his shoulder, and pointed out a Yang Finger Sword. Jiang Lin stabbed Rick's shoulder with the sword of light and pryed the scarab out.


A yang finger shot past, and the scarab became a piece of debris.

"Don't be so curious. That's how the warden, Fatty, died."

Jiang Lin rolled his eyes at Rick, who had seen scarab beetles, never thought that this kind of worm-shaped stone might be weird.

Rick looked embarrassed, and then went to move the stone.

At the altar in the depths of Sand City, Immorton, Jonathan, and Benny who was brought over all heard the sound of Yang Zhiqi bombarding.

"Brother-in-law, it must be my brother-in-law who came to save me!"

Jonathan has never missed his good brother-in-law as much as he does now.

Imorton snorted coldly, took the ashes from the pottery urn and sprayed it forward, and then two mummies emerged from the stone wall. They were no different from what Jiang Lin had seen before. Their bodies were all wrapped in bandages. But the color has turned gray.

"Go kill them and wake the others up!"

After Imorton gave the order, the two mummies limped to Jianglin where they were.

After Eve and the curator studied it, they agreed that the statue of the sun god should be in the main tomb of Seti I, and neither they nor the group of Americans entered the main tomb.

Twenty minutes later, King Panlan dug a hole, and the group came to a large hall.

Rick fired a shot and hit a silver-plated bronze mirror in the distance, and the hall suddenly became bright.

Eve and Rick were instantly dumbfounded, even Jiang Lin was caught in the eyes by the gold everywhere.

On the ground are piles of golden gold coins, and there are also large and small golden statues, the largest statues are almost six or seven cubes.

Compared with this, the treasures Jiang Lin had obtained were nothing compared to the treasures.

Just as everyone was looking around, small cracks appeared on the ground, and mummies came out one after another.

"Everyone be careful, these are Immorton's men before his death, his monks, cursed with him, don't be entangled by the cloth strips on their bodies."

Adebe reminded Jiang Lin and the others that these mummies are not easy to deal with.

It turns out that the curse on the uncle's body came from this.

Jiang Lin sensed the corpse poison on these mummies, which was very similar to the one on Uncle Ninth. Not only Uncle Ninth encountered it, but the one he killed in Hunan should also be a monk from Immorton.

What a special fate to meet across the Indian Ocean.

Jiang Lin felt that he had a relationship with this city of the undead. At the beginning, he was infected with the corpse poison of the mummy. If he could not solve it, he would definitely ask the system, and the system would let him come here to find the black scriptures of the undead.

He didn't expect that he could solve it by himself, but the ninth uncle was attacked again.

Ape shit!

"It's useless to shoot, you all back away."

When Jiang Lin saw Adebe and Rick chug there, he asked them to retreat. These mummies are not something that machine guns can handle.

"Thumbs up~~"

Don't let us shoot, you'll shoot?

Rick and Adebe were speechless, and when they turned around, they realized that Jiang Lin's shot was much more advanced than theirs.

A veritable hit) (Pistol.

Seeing that the effect of Yang Zhiqi was not too great, Jiang Lin called out the Chong Bone Sword, and after the Chong Bone Sword was upgraded to the fifth stage, the sharpness of the sword had reached the point of achievement.

Even if the shrouds on these mummies had a protective effect, they were useless at all.

In addition to swarms of mummies, there were also many scarabs gushing out of the ground. Jiang Lin didn't covet the arrogance and let everyone enter the tunnel to find the statue of the sun god.

"Give you a few black phoenix thunders."

After crossing the corridor, Jiang Lin took out a grenade and threw it into the corridor.

"Lin, the statue of the sun god!"

After seeing the statue, Eve and Rick ran over to dig the stone platform under the statue.

Perhaps because the Sun Scripture will not revive Immorton, Shitai did not take any protective measures.

It didn't take long for the two to take out a wooden box from the stone platform, and inside it was a golden book of the Sun.

The Sun Sutra is finally here!

Jiang Lin heard the sound of the system in his mind, and determined that this Golden Sutra was what he was looking for.

"Lin, you need the key, the iron box, to open it, but the key is on Jonathan's body."

"Since the truth of the sun has been found, let's go to Jonathan. There should be a swarm of insects coming here."

Jiang Lin heard a subtle sound, the sound of scarabs crawling and grinding their teeth.

Chapter [*] Who is stupid?

"Mr. Jiang, Miss Carnahan, you go to destroy Immorton, and we will deal with the scarabs. If these things are not dealt with, once they leave the sand city, they will cause great disasters."

Adebe and the curator were reluctant to go with them, to deal with the scarabs and the remaining mummified monks here.

"This is our duty, you go!"

Seeing that the two had such a firm attitude, Jiang Lin didn't say anything, and asked them to take care of themselves.

Jiang Lin and Eve went to the sacrificial hall in the depths of Shacheng, and found that Jonathan was handcuffed to the stone platform of the altar, and there was a mummy with female characteristics beside him.

She was the one who once stole with Immorton) (the Egyptian queen who was in love, Ansuna, at this time Ansuna's soul had been called into her body by Immorton from the river of souls next to the altar, as long as she completed the sacrificial ceremony, she would Fully resurrected, and now able to move.

Around the altar were a dozen or two mummified monks kneeling and chanting strange incantations.

"Although it will be a little later, but at the expense of you, my Ansuna will be resurrected."

Immorton raised a golden dagger to kill Jonathan.

"call out!"

Jiang Lin hit a yang finger, and the dagger in Immorton's hand was knocked into the air.

Then he flew down, and once again turned into a battle pattern.

With a palm blast, Jiang Lin's palm wind slammed Immorton to the side, even if he hasn't thoroughly researched the palm wind, in the form of the battle pattern, the power has also increased a lot.

Panlan Tiger King also let out a tiger roar and rushed towards the mummies.

As for Rick, he took a golden sword and cut off the chains on Jonathan's limbs.

"Oh, Rick, I really love you."

Jonathan almost gave Rick a kiss when he was relieved.

"Tom, let them step aside and protect Eve."

Jiang Lin kicked Immorton and saw that there were a lot of mummies on the field, so he let Panlan Tiger King focus on defense.

"Yes, Master."

The colorful tiger king slapped several mummies and flew to Eve's side. Rick and Jonathan quickly followed.

Seeing that her brother was okay, Eve was relieved, and then asked: "Jonathan, we have found the Sun Mantra. As long as we find the spell inside, Imorton can be completely wiped out. The key, where is the key? ?"

"In Immorton's robes."

After getting out of danger, Jonathan actually took out a new bottle of [*] Lafite from the inner pocket of his suit and took a few sips.




Two people and a tiger king are all ellipses on one end, why can't you die if you don't drink it?

"Stupid, how dare you come here, thinking that if you find the Sun Sutra, you will be able to destroy me?"

After Imorton saw Jiang Lin, a look of resentment and fury appeared on his face, but in a flash, it turned into a mockery.

Here, Hamna Tower, the city of the dead, but his home court, Jiang Lin and the others dared to come to die.

Moreover, he had already kept the keys to unlock the Black Sutra of the Undead and the Sutra of the Sun, just to prevent someone from taking the Sutra of the Sun to deal with him.

Without the key, the Sun Mantra cannot function at all.

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