With the incantation in his mouth, a lot of souls floated out of the river of souls around the altar. They were all monks who followed him during his lifetime. With these men, he could use Jiang Lin's soul to light the lamp.

With the advantage of the home field, a smile began to appear on Immorton's face, but it was a gloomy smile.

"I don't know who is stupid."

Glancing around, Jiang Lin shook his head slightly. It seemed that this thousand-year-old mummy really thought that when he was in the city, he ran away because of fear.

No guns, no explosives, Eve and the others are now protected by the colorful tiger king, Jiang Lin will let Imorton know who is stupid after a while.

In Jiang Lin's eyes, these half-revived monks are far less harmful than a few rifles and a few grenades.


The bone sword flew out of Jiang Lin's body, and then quickly turned into a cold light. After threading the needle, the resurrected monks were killed by Jiang Lin with lightning speed.

The rest are mummies who don't know how to do magic, and the colorful tiger king can handle it.

Imorton's eyes snapped open, and his subordinates were killed in just a few blinks of an eye.

"If you are stupid, don't pull others."

After recovering the body, Jiang Lin dodged in front of Imorton and punched him in the face.

Several times, either being stepped on or kicked in the face, or slapped in the face, Imorton roared angrily and confronted Jiang Lin.

"Tom, why don't you help Lin?"

"No, if you lose a hair, my good days will come to an end. And now the master doesn't need to be distracted. Although this Immorton is powerful, he is not necessarily the master's opponent."

The King Panlan opened his mouth and spewed out a demonic light, blasting the attacking mummies into the air, rejecting Eve's proposal. Although Immorton is a three-thousand-year-old mummy, it is estimated that it is still more serious than the flying jerk that Jiang Lin mentioned. It can't be compared, so the King Panlan believes that its owner can still deal with it.

The Panlan Tiger King's judgment was correct. Now Jiang Lin is not worried about Eve and the others' safety.

Whenever Imorton wanted to use a demon technique, Jiang Lin would become invisible, then teleport quickly, appear next to the former again, and continue to press and fight.

Once Imogen wanted to have the intention of desertification, Jiang Lin would transform his physique and release a strong savage light to force him back.

Wanting to distance himself, Jiang Lin still has arms that can stretch out, and he can drag Imorton back abruptly.

In a single-player PK, Immorton is not Jiang Lin's opponent at all. Jiang Lin's body now has an increase in the war pattern, and there are various abilities, which can be combined to single out a Mao Zong.

"Come on, tell me loudly, who is stupid? When you came to the City of the Dead, you thought you were the home court? I'm sorry, I can completely let go of my hands and feet here."

Jiang Lin returned the mocking expression to Immorton and continued to suppress by force.

Just pressing Immorton, attacking frantically, without any negotiation.

"I'm stupid? How could I be stupid!"

It was as if Imorton had been stepped on by Jiang Lin's tail, but the more he roared like this, the more he seemed to have no silver in this place.

It turned out that he was not only stupid, but also beaten up.

Chapter [*] Death... just the beginning

However, even though he was pressed and beaten, Immorton still had the strength to fight back. After Jiang Lin got close again, his mouth opened to his stomach, and he sucked Jiang Lin into his body, and then he turned into fine sand, which made Jiang Lin Controlled in mid-air.

"Want to absorb my vitality? You want to be beautiful!"

Jiang Lin released the true sun fire in his body, covering the entire body, and the Yang Yan even surrounded the desertified Imogen.

The corpse poison was forced under the skin by Jiang Lin to protect his own blood and essence. At the same time, he also released his own thoughts to mentally impact Imorton.

Even though Imogen suffered the burning and mental torture of Yang Yan, he did not give up and confronted Jiang Lin.

"Lin is in danger! Ansuna, yes, Ansuna!"

Eve saw that Jiang Lin was in danger, and a flash of light flashed in her mind. Since Jiang Lin took her safety into consideration, if Ansuna was in any danger, Imorton would definitely be in chaos.Jiang Lin cared about her, and Immorton also cared about Ansuna, otherwise, she would not have been resurrected after three thousand years.

"Shouling... The guards of the tomb are obeying orders! Eliminate the evil spirits!"

After searching on the surface of the Sun Mantra, Eve found a spell and summoned the Pharaoh's guard.

As Eve chanted the incantation, the stone door in the stone wall of the altar was opened, and two teams of mummies dressed as guards held weapons and shields, and lined up to walk out.

"Oh, so that's how the bird-like-crane symbol reads."

Jonathan also knew ancient Egyptian, but not as well as Eve.

"I order you to destroy Ansuna! Kill the monks!"

After Eve recited the spell, she was able to control these pharaoh guards and let them deal with Ansuna and the mummified monk.

Compared with the mummified bodyguards of the pharaoh, those mummified monks are weak. They were killed by these guards before they died, and they are still very afraid of the guards after death.


After Imorton heard Eve's order, he regained his shape and went to protect Ansuna, but Jiang Lin would not let him wish.

"My Mrs. Jiang, you are such a smart baby."

Jiang Lin laughed and praised his witty wife.

Immediately, he teleported to Immorton, grabbed Immorton's neck with one hand, and pressed him to the ground.

"You don't even look at who you are facing, and you dare to be distracted."

Jiang Lin stabbed it with a punch, directly smashing Imorton's bald head into the slate.


At the altar, Ansuna didn't run far before she was overtaken by the guards, and the machete and the sharp spear took turns to greet her.


"Hehe, you know that you hurt your concubine. When you wanted to take someone else's wife as a sacrifice, you were so at ease?"

Imo on the ground couldn't help but struggle, but Jiang Lin's palm was like an iron cuff, making it difficult for him to break free.

Taking advantage of Immorton's mind on Ansuna in the distance, Jiang Lin quickly recovered his human form, then bit his finger, drew a strange spell on Immorton's forehead, and slapped it down with a palm.

Imorton let out a scream like a ghost, and just so distracted, Jiang Lin turned his palm into a knife, and quickly inserted a series of Yang Finger Swords into the joints of his body.

"The vitality is strong? I will grind you to death bit by bit."

With his hands into fists, Jiang Lin recovered his body again, smashing Immorton's body inch by inch, and lining up Yang Yan.

In the end, Imorton was so worn out by Jiang Lin that it was difficult to maintain his human form, and a mouthful of blood spurted out. The blood mist formed the outline of an American guy in mid-air, and then disappeared.

After spewing out blood, some rotten wounds appeared on Immorton's face on the ground. He had been beaten by Jiang Lin to the point of degenerating into an incomplete resurrection state.

Seeing this scene, Jiang Lin suddenly thought of the Dragon Ball comics he had read before, Sharu became a complete body, but in the end, he was beaten by Chao Er for lunch and vomited No. [*], and he was no longer a complete body. .

Yes, that's it, grind!

Jiang Lin continued to exert his full strength, consuming Immorton's vitality little by little.


After about ten minutes, Immorton spit out another blood mist, and then one of his face became only the outline of the original.

degenerate again.

"Eve, the key!"

Jiang Lin threw the iron box in Imorton's robe to Eve. From last night to today, he has used the super kill several times in succession, and the spiritual power in his body is not enough, and he found that Imorton has degenerated. After two attempts, no matter how fierce his attack was, it would be difficult to knock it back to its original shape.

Therefore, for the sake of safety, Jiang Lin decided to use the power of the Sun Sutra.

If he can kill Immorton, as Eve guessed, it would be the best, but if he can't, he will make up for it.

"After you find that spell, read it backwards."

If this thousand-year-old mummy is killed, it is estimated to have a lot of hostility. Jiang Lin didn't want its head to be robbed by his wife.

Read upside down?

Although she didn't know why Jiang Lin did this, Eve still chose to do as she did. After opening the Sun Mantra, she recited a spell according to Jiang Lin's wishes.

"Dust to dust, dirt to dirt, you should go, don't stay!"

After Jiang Lin heard it, he recited the spell in the correct order.

After finishing the recitation, a blue vortex suddenly appeared at the entrance of Yongdao, and then an illusory light and shadow came out of the vortex. Anubis, the god of death, drove a carriage down the stone steps and rushed towards Imorton on the ground.

Jiang Lin raised his brows and immediately turned over and jumped back.

The Yang Finger Swords on the ground were all swept away. After Imorton was free, he got up and ran, but just two steps, the light and shadow passed through his body, bringing out a humanoid spirit body, and then rushed towards him. The whirlpool at the entrance of Yongdao.

Immorton immediately chased after him, but the Death God's car had already sunk into the vortex, disappeared, and the vortex disappeared.

"Little sister, it seems that you guessed wrong, the sun can't kill him."

"I am going to kill you!"

Immorton looked at Eve and ran to her, but before he could get close to Eve, a sharp blade penetrated his chest.

Covering his chest, Imorton looked at the blood on his hands, turned to look at Jiang Lin, and then groaned) (groaning, kept retreating, and fell into the river of souls.

"He's out of mana, and Lin can kill him easily."

Eve came to Jiang Lin and saw that Immorton would bleed, and she was relieved. Although the Sun Sutra could not kill Immorton directly, it was still effective.

In the river of souls, Immorton's body began to wither gradually, turning into a mummified corpse little by little. Before entering the river of souls, he left a sentence of ancient Egyptian.

"Death... just the beginning."

When Eve thought about this sentence, she felt a shudder all over her body.

Chapter seven hundred and forty seventh immortal holy flame

Seeing that Immorton's head had turned back into a dry one with holes, and his eyes had become hollow, Jiang Lin waited to see how much suffocation this thousand-year-old mummy had contributed.

But after waiting for a while, the system did not sound a beep.

What the hell!Could it be that I used the Sun Sutra to not kill me? ? ?

Jiang Lin is speechless now, after working so hard for so long, but not harvesting it, it's really MMP!

Jiang Lin didn't know the real reason was that he shot the bone sword and did not completely kill Immorton. Immorton still had the possibility of resurrection.

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