If he didn't use the bone sword to kill Imorton, but smashed it to pieces, it would completely cut off Imorton's hope of resurrecting again.

After that, Jiang Lin looked around the altar again. Those mummified monks had already been slain by the guards of the pharaoh.

After being depressed for a while, Jiang Lin comforted himself. After all, the Sun Sutra has been found, the Black Sutra of the Undead can be taken away, and the Ninth Uncle can recover. This is more important than anything else.

Even if you don't harvest much malice, it's a big deal to kill some evil spirits in the future.

Recalling the car of Anubis, the god of death, that appeared after Eve chanted the mantra in the Sun Sutra, Jiang Lin thought about when he would arrive in the underworld and asked Judge Lu.

In his cognition, there is no Anubis in the underworld, but there are ox-headed horse-faced and ten Yin Shuai. Besides, the god of death and the god of the sun also refreshed his cognition.

His ears moved slightly, and Jiang Lin glanced at a hole in the sky. The resentment that had filled the air above Hamna Tower began to surge, and finally dissipated.

Jiang Lin looked at the Sun Sutra in Eve's hand and the Black Sutra of the Undead on the stone platform, and suddenly thought that since this is the burial place of the pharaoh, then a strange fire he asked on the system before "No. Extinguishing Holy Flame" is not here.

Jiang Lin had been thinking about the Black Sutra of the Undead and the Sun Sutra, but he almost forgot about it.

Now that Immorton has been resolved, they are in the sand city, it is better to look for it.

"Eve, have you heard of the Inextinguishable Holy Flame?"

Eve came to Jiang Lin's side and replied, "Yes, Zoroastrianism to which Adebe belongs, that is, Zoroastrianism, which worships this kind of inextinguishable holy flame. In ancient times, the pharaohs could continue to resurrect for the next life. Rulers will also worship this almost inextinguishable flame, which means longevity. Even after death, they put the inextinguishable flame into the coffin. Lin, what are you asking about this?"

It turns out that Zoroastrianism worships the inextinguishable holy flame.

Hearing Eve's words, Jiang Lin was overjoyed. Zoroastrian monks guarded the city of the dead. This is the place where the pharaoh was buried, and the inextinguishable flame was in the pharaoh's coffin again.

This is really good!

"I want to find this kind of flame. The hall where the treasures were stacked should be the main tomb, but there is no coffin of the pharaoh. Can you guess where it will be?"

Jiang Lin really didn't know much about exotic cultures, but fortunately his Eve was an expert in this area.

"The pharaoh's coffin is generally under or next to the eight main statues. Historical data proves that Seti I was buried here. He was a famous worshiper of power. I think it may be under the statue of the patron saint of kingship."

Eve thought for a moment and came to this conclusion.

"Are you two looking for the treasure, or are you following us?"

Jiang Lin looked at Jonathan and Rick, and the two were a little reluctant. Now that Immorton was dealt with, and the scarabs were also dealt with by Adebe and the curator, they wanted to find the treasure.

However, seeing the mummified corpses of the guards around, the two became timid again, and chose to keep up with Jiang Lin.

After a few rounds, Jiang Lin and Eve finally found the statue of the patron saint of kingship.

Asking everyone to stand back, Jiang Lin used the Yang Finger Sword to cut the stone platform under the statue.


Shi Taizhong sprayed out high-pressure hydrochloric acid. If Jiang Lin hadn't let Eve and the others take precautions beforehand, I'm afraid this one blow would have cost them most of their lives.

Afterwards, a lot of agencies appeared in Shitaizhong, but for Jiang Lin, it was not a problem at all.

Half an hour later, King Panlan pulled out a golden coffin from the stone platform. Like Immorton, there was also an inner coffin inside the golden coffin, but it was golden.

Rick and Jonathan felt that their jaws were about to drop, such a big golden coffin, or one big and one small, who would be treated like this when they died?

After the inner coffin was opened with the key, the mummy inside was completely decomposed. Even if the seal of the golden coffin was very good, the bones did not avoid the fate of becoming dead bones.

"Inextinguishable Holy Flame!"

Jiang Lin's eyes lit up when he saw the crimson flames emerging from the gaps in the spine of the pharaoh's corpse.

This strange fire really deserves its name. In this golden coffin, it has been burning for at least three thousand years.

The world is full of surprises.

This time it was really full!

A smile appeared on Jiang Lin's face. He had obtained the Sun Sutra and the Undead Black Sutra, and he had also found the Inextinguishable Holy Flame here.

Hamnatha, really his blessed land!

After drawing a fire-collecting talisman on his hand, Jiang Lin placed his palm on the mouth of the skull.

The inextinguishable holy flame in the spine of the corpse gradually got into Jiang Lin's palm.

"Brother-in-law, can we take this golden coffin back?"


Seeing the excitement on Rick and Jonathan's faces, Jiang Lin poured a basin of cold water: "As long as you can bring it back."



How do you bring this?you don't help?

The two looked at Jiang Lin, but Jiang Lin thought he didn't see it.

After taking the Inextinguishable Holy Flame, he asked Panlan Tiger King to return the golden coffin to its original position. This golden coffin was pure gold, and even Panlan Tiger King couldn't move it easily.

And there are treasures outside, there is no need to be so immoral to smash other people's coffins.


As soon as Jiang Lin sealed the stone platform, the entire sand city shook completely, and the stone gates in the surrounding entrances and exits began to fall one by one.

When Benny was in Jianglin and the others were dealing with Immorton and looking for the Inextinguishable Holy Flame, he had been hauling out treasures, and as a result, he touched the organs of the City of the Undead.

"time to go!"

Jiang Lin glanced at the surrounding exits, and then flew out with Eve and the others.

The only scarabs left in the sand city ran out under the shock. Even if the number was not terrifying, it would be a hassle if they were stuck here.

Chapter [-] Return to Middle-earth

When the group arrived at the place where the treasure was piled up, Jonathan could hardly move his footsteps. Compared with the golden coffin just now, it was like an ant better than an elephant!

"Can I take part of it with me?"

"Okay, as long as you don't want to die."

Jiang Lin rolled his eyes at Jonathan, the stone gate in front was about to fall, and there were scarabs coming from behind, thinking about taking the treasure.

Looking at Eve beside him, Jiang Lin asked Panlan Tiger King to carry away a few golden statues, and he stretched his arms and rolled away a few golden statues.

Jonathan and Rick just wanted to take it again, but the stone gate in front was about to be closed, so they could only curse, Bi Chi!Why doesn't this door close later?

"O'Connor! O'Connor!"

After Jiang Lin and the others passed through the stone gate, Benny, who was not greedy enough to cause disaster, shouted at Rick.

Rick wanted to reach out and pull him over, but the stone gate had already fallen.

"What do you do to save him, he is Immorton's lackey, this is retribution, let's go!"

Jonathan slapped Rick on the back of the head and pulled him to quickly follow Jiang Lin.

On the ground, all kinds of huge stone pillars and stone statues began to collapse. After everyone ran out of the sand city, the city of the dead completely collapsed.

"Adebe, where's the curator?"

After leaving the sand city, Eve saw Adebe, who was covered in scars, riding a camel and watching them.

"He has already sacrificed. Mr. Jiang, Miss Carnahan, you destroyed the monster. My people and I sincerely thank you. The True God will always protect you. Goodbye."

After thanking Jiang Lin and Eve, Adebe rode a camel away.

"It seems that we returned empty-handed again this time."

When Jonathan saw the golden statue in Jiang Lin's hand, his eyes were about to fall out.

But that belonged to Jiang Lin and his sister. In the past, he could move his sister's money, but now that he has a brother-in-law, how can he dare to take it casually.

"I don't think so."

Jiang Lin looked at the golden statue and two scriptures in his arms, and then looked at Eve.

Eve met Jiang Lin's gaze, then raised her face and moved her lips up.


"Oh my God!"

Jonathan and Rick looked unlovable, ran for nothing, and found no treasure, and now they have to eat poisonous dog food.

"It's not like we didn't gain anything."

An ecstatic expression appeared on Rick's face, and he pointed to the two camels that were parked not far away, with treasures hanging on their backs, which were hauled by Benny before.

The two bachelors rode camels, Jiang Lin took Eve in his arms and jumped on the back of a tiger.

"Lin, come back with a reward."

Eve put her arms around Jiang Lin's neck, sending a sweet kiss from time to time.

Because Eve has half American blood, she likes to pursue romance in character. After letting go, she kisses her husband seven or eight times a day.

Back in Cairo City, Egypt ZF has already controlled the zombies, but because of fear of zombie smuggling, the surrounding ports will not be opened until seven days later.

Jiang Lin asked Eve to bring some necessary items, and was going to buy her a house near Banqiao College, a hundred miles away.

Rick and Jonathan are also going to move in with Eve. There are zombies in this city, and it is always unsafe.

"Lin, I don't know if I can be admitted to Wangqiao College. There is still a month before the entrance examination."

Drinking the soup that Jiang Lin cooked, Eve was a little worried. She wanted to spend a little honeymoon with Jiang Lin these days. After Jiang Lin left, it was difficult for her to calm down and prepare for the exam immediately.

"My lovely and beautiful Mrs. Jiang, your husband doesn't want to see you looking sad. Let's go and go to Banqiao Academy."

Jiang Lin kissed Eve's forehead and took her to Banqiao Academy.

After subsidizing the two teaching buildings of the college, the problem of Eve's admission was solved.

Oh my god, is there still such an operation?

Eve saw that the dean patted her chest and said that there was no problem at all with admission, and it was a little difficult to be confident.

She wasn't a rich woman before, and she didn't know that money was a darling that everyone loved.

Now that she's a nouveau riche, she doesn't realize the other uses of money.

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