The parting was imminent, and Eve wanted Jiang Lin to be a daddy when he came back. Every night, Jonathan next door would protest strongly.

Can't you be quieter?

Unfortunately, his protest was ineffective.

"Eve, I don't have any requirements for you. When I'm not by your side, you have to keep two things in mind, or wait for me to come back, and Patpat will open flowers for you. First, you are not allowed to go to archaeology or exploration, be honest In the academy; second, take Tom with you for everything, and don't have the same accident as last time."

By the port, Jiang Lin stroked Eve's blond hair, his eyes filled with unforgettable affection.

Wiping the tears from the corners of her eyes, Eve nodded.

Jiang Lin turned to look at the Tiger King Panlan again. Middle-earth is thousands of miles away from here. If something happened to Eve, he would be too late to arrive.

The colorful tiger king immediately stated that Eve would not be accidentally hurt.

After kissing Eve goodbye, Jiang Lin took a small suitcase and boarded the passenger ship. There was only a Sun scripture and a change of clothes in it, and the other black scripture of the dead. Because Eve wanted to study it, he stayed here. , and take it with Eve next time.

The return journey was quite smooth, the boat had been on the road for more than half a month, and there was not even a lot of wind and waves.

"Hey, Jiang Lin, I'm very inspired by chatting with you. I'm going to remake the movie Dracula when I go back."

A fat man took two glasses of soda to the deck and handed a glass to Jiang Lin.

This fat man is Jiang Lin's neighbor on the boat. An interesting American named Carl is a director.

Because they met frequently, the two met within a few days of boarding the ship.

When the fat director was bored, he often chatted with Jiang Lin, saying that he wanted to make a movie about horror and monsters, and went to Egypt on purpose. He also said that he did not catch up with the zombie outbreak in Cairo.

What left Jiang Lin speechless was that this fat director actually wanted to find a boat to float in the Indian Ocean, to find the legendary island - Skull Island, and to actually shoot a great white shark.

When Carl said in high spirits that he was going to make a movie in the Devil's Triangle in the Atlantic Ocean, Jiang Lin couldn't bear it any longer, and gushed out a mouthful of salt and soda.

"I support you in spirit."

"You look like you support me. Let me tell you, there really is a Skull Island with prehistoric ecology, a large number of prehistoric creatures, and even dinosaurs. I just don't know whether this island is in the Indian Ocean or not. South Pacific. Imagine if I got a real dinosaur, I'd have a name in movie history. Maybe, our ship went to Skull Island by accident and accident."

Carl continued to talk, but he didn't notice Jiang Lin's rolling eyes.

"You can shut the crow's mouth!"

Jiang Lin didn't want to encounter any more accidents, so he hurried back to wake up the ninth uncle and lead a normal human life.

However, Carl's words caught his attention. Will the prehistoric ecology have a treasure like blood orchid?

Chapter [-] Senior Brother, I want to marry you too!

Because the ninth uncle had an accident this time, and he didn't come back after being outside for such a long time, it is estimated that there are not many blood orchids at the bottom of the abyss.

Jiang Lin experienced this Indian Ocean rafting and almost said goodbye to his family and masters. At that time, he really thought he would drift for ten or twenty years.

This kind of drifting is not as good as he has traveled to the monk era. It has been drifting for [-] years, and it has also been [-] years in Renjiazhen!

Therefore, Jiang Lin now really wants to be with his wife and masters forever.

For Jiang Lin himself, he is not worried about the issue of lifespan. Although Chen Yu, Ren Tingting and the others are changing their level of life, they are not immortal after all, especially Zhang Han and Jiu Shu.

Whoever did not die one day, Jiang Lin hoped that this day would never come.

The way to delay the arrival of this day is to find all kinds of treasures similar to blood orchid, or find another environment suitable for blood orchid growth and cultivate it.

Forget it, at least there are still many years, I don't want to do that much.

Jiang Lin looked at the full moon in the distance and went back to his room. His room was just right for the moonlight to enter.

"Jiang Lin, this is my contact information. If you have time, you can write or make a phone call. I will disembark tomorrow. My name will definitely shine in Hollywood in the future!"

"I am looking forward."

Jiang Lin smiled and put Carl's contact information in his pocket.

Ten days later, Jiang Lin arrived in shanghai, he didn't stop, he bought a horse and went straight to Renjia Town.

When he arrived in Renjia Town, Jiang Lin was filled with emotion. Although he had only been away from here for less than a year, it gave him the feeling that he had been away for twenty years.


At the entrance of Yizhuang, Jiang Lin saw Ren Tingting who was cleaning the fallen leaves.

Jiang Lin rushed over, took Ren Tingting in his arms, and sealed her mouth with his lips.

Ren Tingting's bright eyes looked at Jiang Lin's eyes up close, and tears burst in an instant.

"Husband, I'm not dreaming."

After a long time, Ren Tingting broke away from Jiang Lin's embrace, reluctant to wipe away her tears, for fear that she was hallucinating.

"Silly Tingting, you've lost weight."

Hearing Jiang Lin's voice again, Ren Tingting burst into tears with a "wow", crying fiercely.

"What's wrong sister?"

Chen Yu came out of the Yizhuang, and when she saw the figure of day and night, she also became a pear blossom with rain.

After that, Tianji Xiaoru, Ningshuang and Qiusheng all came out.

"Junior Brother, are finally back."

Qiusheng has grown a beard now, almost thirty, and there are also tears in his eyes.

"You still know how to come back, huh? You still know how to come back?"

Chen Yu went and called Zhang Han. After Zhang Han came out of the Taoist temple, he seemed to be unable to walk. Although he said blame, the joy in his eyes was more excited than when he became a groom.

"I'm back, I floated around in the Indian Ocean, and finally came back. How is the situation of Uncle Shi?"

"Husband, the situation is not very good. Uncle Shi has lost a lot of weight."

"Take me to have a look."

Jiang Lin didn't care about the joy of reunion, and went straight to Ninth Uncle's room.

Ninth Uncle has lost a lot of weight, even if he has become a Celestial Master and has been in a coma for almost a year, it is not bad to be able to carry it.


Jiang Lin closed his eyes and uttered an ancient Egyptian incantation, and the curse lines on Ninth Uncle's body began to disappear little by little.

The ninth uncle, who had not spoken for a long time, finally snorted.

When Ningshuang saw this scene, she cried with joy, and fell into Chen Yu's arms, crying.

"Uncle Shi has accumulated a lot of medicinal properties in his body. Because the body is sleeping, it is not completely absorbed."

Jiang Lin injected some yin fire into Jiu Shu's body to help him absorb the effects of the medicine. After three or four days, he would be able to wake up.

Having completely dealt with Ninth Uncle's problem, Jiang Lin let out a sigh of relief and sat down beside the bed.

"Senior brother, you must be very tired."

Ningshuang wiped her tears and came to Jiang Lin's side.


A wry smile appeared on Jiang Lin's face, and he almost couldn't come back, can you not be tired?

Seeing the wry smile on Jiang Lin's face, he thought of Jiang Lin's statement that he had drifted in the Indian Ocean, and Ning Shuang threw himself into his arms and burst into tears.

At the beginning, she begged Jiang Lin to save Ninth Uncle, so that Jiang Lin almost died in the sea, so this little girl has always felt very guilty.

"Okay, Shuang'er, don't cry, I'm not okay, Shishu will wake up in a few days."

Jiang Lin patted Ningshuang on the back and comforted her.

"Chili, Tingting, make a delicious meal. I miss your food. I will go to the commander's mansion and tell Li Yangju the news of my return."

Chen Yu and the others knew the news of their safe return, but Zhuzhu and Jingjing from Gantian Town didn't know it yet. Jiang Lin wanted them to hear his voice.

"Senior brother, I'll go with you too. I've always wanted to say sorry to my sisters, but I can't leave here."


Seeing the guilt on Ningshuang's face, Jiang Lin also nodded, letting Ningshuang talk to Zhuzhu and the others.

Chen Yu and Ren Tingting went to the street to buy vegetables, and even Zhang Han and Qiusheng Feibao also went to town to carry pigs and sheep.

Jiang Lin is safe and sound, and Jiu Shu is about to wake up. This is a big happy event, and it should be treated like a happy event.

"Shuang'er, you have also grown up and become a slim beauty. Don't cry. Your sister-in-law won't blame you for my disappearance."

Jiang Lin reached out and wiped Ningshuang's tears, this girl, the last time we met, was a little childish, but now she has grown completely, tall and tall, and her appearance is not inferior to Ren Tingting and the others.

Ningshuang looked around, then wrapped her arms around Jiang Lin and kissed Jiang Lin with her red lips.


Jiang Lin's eyes widened, which one is this?

After letting go of her arms, Ningshuang blushed and murmured, "Senior brother, I will marry you this year too!"

Although his voice was not loud, his tone was full of firmness.

"Shuang'er, don't be ridiculous, let Shishu know, can you still give me good fruits to eat?"

"Senior brother! Shuang'er didn't make a fool of yourself. After knowing the news of your shipwreck, Shuang'er knew what heartache and heartbreak felt. Senior brother, you also said that Shuang'er has grown up, and Shuang'er already knows what it is. Love, Shuanger loves you, Shuanger wants to marry you with Xiaoru."

I went.

Jiang Lin saw the deep affection and continuous love in Ningshuang's eyebrows and eyes, and knew that this little junior sister really fell in love with him.

Uncle Shi, I hope you don't just wake up and get stunned again.

Chapter [-] The man who conquered the ocean!

"Senior brother, why didn't Dad give you good fruits to eat? Senior Uncle Dagui and Senior Sister Mengmeng have become husband and wife."

Ningshuang is a little puzzled, isn't it normal for a junior sister to marry a senior brother?

"Because your father is only your precious daughter, he must think that the husband you marry will only spoil you."

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