Jiang Linchong Ningshuang frowned, motioning her to stop talking, and then he said to Uncle Jiu: "Uncle Shi, you've been lying down for so long now, and your body is relatively weak. It is estimated that it will take several days to recover, so you can walk around a little more. "

Uncle Jiu still has a lot of medicinal properties in his body, and he needs to move to be fully absorbed by the body. At that time, it is estimated that he will be as healthy and vigorous as before.

Ninth Uncle looked at the room full of apprentices, juniors, and friends, and felt really emotional. This time, he experienced the catastrophe of life and death, and he almost became eternal with these people.

A few days later, Ningshuang saw that Ninth Uncle had completely recovered, and was still playing chess with Zhang Han in high spirits, so she thought about finding a time to tell her father about her marriage.

"I've become a bare commander again, I won't come, I won't come again."

Uncle Jiu was killed by Zhang Han, and he was so angry that he didn't play chess with him, and he didn't even know what to do.

"Dad, I'll accompany you out for a walk."

When Ning Shuang went up, she was about to support Ninth Uncle. Ninth Uncle waved his hand and said, "You don't need to help, it's all good. It's better to go out for a walk."

Now that he wakes up, Qiu Sheng, Wen Cai and Fei Bao are also leaving, and Jiu Shu is also quite melancholy, but this is something that can't be helped.

Because of this accident, Feibao and Xiaohai haven't gone back for almost a year. Wencai also bought the foundation in Jiuquan Town and borrowed some funds to renovate the house.

It is estimated that they have to leave without even half a month.

"Father, have you considered your daughter's marriage?"

Ningshuang accompanies Ninth Uncle for a walk and asks timidly.


Uncle Ninth realized that Ningshuang had turned into a complete beauty. If it weren't for her comatose, she would have known how many people came to propose marriage.

Seeing the shy look of his daughter, Uncle Ninth asked, "Why, my precious daughter has a crush on which boy in town?"

"Father, the men in the town, the daughter doesn't like it, the daughter who likes... is the third senior brother."

"Your third senior brother? Jiang Lin? No way!"

Ninth Uncle paused for a while, and then opened his mouth to reject it. His own daughter is so precious, he must find a good man who treats her wholeheartedly.

Ningshuang originally hoped that Ninth Uncle would nod to agree, but she was rejected all of a sudden.


"My daughter's husband must be like your father and treat you wholeheartedly."

Ninth Uncle continued to shake his head. It wasn't that Jiang Lin was bad. On the contrary, Jiang Lin was really good, but Jiang Lin already had a wife, so his precious daughter must not be left out.

"Father, I'm going to marry Third Senior Brother! If you don't agree, I...I..."

Without saying a word, Ningshuang cried out, like a flood.

Ninth Uncle was at a loss now. He originally thought that Ningshuang was just beginning to love him, but he just had a good impression of Jiang Lin, but he didn't expect him to refuse, and there was a flood of water there.

"Father, what's wrong with the third senior brother? What can other men do with their single-mindedness? Can the third senior brother give more? Are other men willing to give life-extending medicinal materials to their daughter? You don't even know that after your accident, the three Senior brother did not sleep for ten days and ten nights. In order to go to Egypt, he encountered a shipwreck on the way, and the ship sank. He drifted in the sea for eight months, just to wake you up, and to fulfill the promise to your daughter. Senior brother, he... he is also afraid that you will be frightened when you find out, so he won't let anyone tell you how he came here in the past eight months, he almost won't come back like you!"

The more Ningshuang said, the more fierce she cried, and she squatted on the ground and hugged her knees to cry. Fortunately, there was no one around, or else they would definitely watch.

"Jiang Lin, he...he floated at sea for eight months?"

Ninth Uncle froze in place, although he didn't know what happened to Jiang Lin, but just a sinking ship and spending time at sea, Ninth Uncle could imagine that kind of situation.

"That's not it! If it wasn't for the great skills of the three senior brothers, they would have died dozens of times. The daughter doesn't know why the father disagrees or is stubborn. When you find a son-in-law, it is nothing more than being good to your daughter and you, but no matter how good it is. , how can you take your life like a senior brother. Dad, you are unfair to the third senior brother, and your daughter will marry him."

Ningshuang learned what Xiaoru once said: one cry, two troubles, three hangs, and she takes the first step first, and if she doesn't agree, she continues to make trouble.

Ninth Uncle was very hurt, and he had a conscience of heaven and earth. He just loved his daughter too much, but his precious daughter said in turn that he was unfair to Jiang Lin.

It's really a girl who doesn't stay in college!

Ninth uncle is depressed and dead, this girl hasn't left the cabinet yet, so she won't stand in line with him.

Chapter seven hundred and fiftieth chapter Huangpizi disaster

"Father, after you fell into a coma, the third senior brother used the heart of the demon dragon, the blood of the unicorn, and a lot of ginseng, Ganoderma lucidum, and blood orchid on you. He is so filial to you, I am your precious daughter, If you marry him, are you still worried that he won't treat me as a treasure?"

Ningshuang continued to fight, and while chatting with Xiaoru, she also learned a lot about Jiang Lin.

After she is really married, she will not be left out in the cold.

Dragon Heart?Kirin blood?

Ninth Uncle was shocked again. It turned out that he had been in a coma for ten months and recovered as before in a few days. This was the reason.

He is really a good apprentice who has burned high incense in eight lifetimes and has never met.


My baby girl fell in love with her best apprentice.

Uncle Jiu sighed, now it's his daughter who can't help him.

But on second thought, he felt that what Ning Shuang said really couldn't be faulted.

To find a husband for your precious daughter, you must be good to her first, and then to his father-in-law.

Now that Ningshuang has not married, Jiang Lin treats him like his biological father, not to mention that he will kiss him after he is married.

"Xiao Shuang, you're a big girl, don't cry anymore."

"Dad, do you agree?"

"I'll go back and teach that kid again!"

Jiu Shu deliberately raised his face, but he was really reluctant to teach Jiang Lin a lesson.Jiang Lin had been drifting at sea for eight months for him, and he was thankful that he could come back.

Seeing that Ninth Uncle didn't refuse, Ningshuang wiped her tears and went up to hug Ninth Uncle's arm.

"Tell me about your third senior brother's experience."

"But Third Senior Brother won't let me say it."

"If you don't say it, you won't say it? You haven't come through the door yet. You listen to him like this?"

Uncle Ninth rolled his eyes. If he didn't know, it was nothing. Now that he knew, how could he not ask what happened in Jianglin at sea.

Ningshuang stuck out her tongue and relayed to Jiu Shu what happened after Jiang Lin left Renjiazhen.

"Shuang'er, have you cried? Who bullied you?"

Ningshuang entered the door of Yizhuang, and Jiang Lin saw that there were still tears in the corners of his eyes, so he stepped forward to ask.

"Senior brother, no one bullies me."

Ningshuang trotted over and hugged Jiang Lin's arm tightly, and then Jiang Lin saw the dark-faced Ninth Uncle also come in.

I'm going, shouldn't Ning Shuang say something?

Jiang Lin hadn't told Uncle Ninth about Ningshuang for a while, just worried that Uncle Ninth would be stunned.

It's better now, Ning Shuang said it first.

"You kid, as far away as the Indian Ocean, can steal my daughter's heart."

Ninth Uncle put his hands on his hips, his eyebrows folded into a corner, and looked at Jiang Lin.


Can it all be my fault?

Jiang Lin scratched his head, the expression on his face was a little stiff.

"Three days will be a good day. While your two uncles and Feibao are here, let's arrange your marriage with Xiaoru and Ningshuang."

After Ninth Uncle finished speaking, he took a step forward, slapped Jiang Lin's head, and taught a lesson: "I encountered so many dangers at sea, I woke up, and didn't tell me a single thing, do you still have my master in your eyes?"

"Is there still my master?"

Ninth Uncle grabbed Jiang Lin's ear again, and Jiang Lin repeatedly admitted his mistakes.

In fact, he wanted to say in his heart: Uncle Shi, you are just taking revenge by turning the corner!

Although Jiu Shu said that he blamed him for not mentioning the dangers he experienced, Jiang Lin could clearly see the expression in his eyes.

Let you kidnap my daughter!

"Hey, hey, Yimei, what are you doing, that's my son-in-law."

Zhang Han and his wife and daughter happened to come in. Zhang Han saw that Jiang Lin was taught by Jiu Shu, and he was reluctant on the spot.

"What's the matter, your son-in-law? He will also be my son-in-law three days later, and Xiaoshuang will get married three days later."

"Your son-in-law?"

Zhang Han was stunned for a moment, then laughed, with a smug look on his face, and said: "Yimei, you have today too, always saying that my daughter was abducted, your daughter was not also abducted, see if you will return it in the future. How can you show your superiority with me. Ningshuang, my uncle asked you, in the future your father and husband fell into the water at the same time, who will you save?"

Ningshuang blushed, hesitated, and ran back to the room.

Zhang Han laughed very arrogantly. It was really [*] years in Hedong and [*] years in Hexi. Last year, he was ridiculed by his ninth uncle, and today he finally seized the opportunity to return it.

"Sister, why do I look at my father as if I was avenging some deep hatred."

Tian Ji glanced at Zhang Han and shook his head slightly, their father is really becoming more childish the more he lives.

"I think Master still can't get it right, but Uncle Master rarely loses battles."

Ren Tingting knew the ninth uncle better, so Zhang Han was able to hold down the ninth uncle in chess, and the rest...

Sure enough, as soon as Ren Tingting's words were finished, the ninth uncle said: "Do you think you have avenged your revenge? I almost laughed out loud, don't look at me as a father-in-law now, but my status is much higher than yours. Long Xin Have you ever eaten it? Have you ever tasted unicorn blood? No, that taste, tsk tsk tsk..."

"The same father-in-law, why is the gap so big? My treatment is not something that an ordinary father-in-law can have."

Ninth Uncle shook his hair and walked into the living room with his hands behind his back.


Zhang Han's heart seemed to be stabbed with a knife, and then he looked at Jiang Lin again.

Dragon heart and unicorn blood, I want too!

"Cough, Tingting, Xiaoru, my husband will take you to the street."

Jiang Lin quickly pulled Chen Yu and the others away. The two father-in-laws were arguing, but he still stayed away.

Three days later, both Daotang and Yimeiju were decorated with lanterns. Uncle Jiu invited all the friends from the town over, and the wedding was more lively than any other time.

After the rejoicing, Daoist Master Simu and Daoist Qianhe went back separately, and after a few days, Jiang Lin also set off for Gantian Town.

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