Because Ninth Uncle wanted to find a place for Qiusheng and Xiaohai to stay, they had to go south, so Wencai was left in Yizhuang, and they walked with Jianglin for a while.

"Wife, come out quickly, we have guests at our house."

The group arrived at Fat Bao's house, and when Fat Bao arrived at the gate of his house, he began to shout.

"Fat Bao, you're finally back, something happened at home."

Fat Bao's wife, Zhu Nu, greeted him with a haggard face.

After seeing Ninth Uncle and Jiang Lin, she forced a smile to say hello.

"Wife, what's wrong?"

"It's Dad and Fat Tiger. Not long ago, a group of yellow-skinned people came from the cemetery on the mountain. Some people went to beat them and said that they were delicious, so Dad wanted to beat a few and sell this dish in the teahouse, but they came back. Only after being sent here, their grandparents and grandchildren fell ill."

Zhu Nu was so anxious that she was about to cry. Her son was brought back by Xiaohai last year, and there has been no problem. Her father hunted a white weasel a while ago, and strange things happened everywhere in the house. The son fell asleep.

"Wife, don't worry, master and brother are here, father and son will be safe."

Fat Bao comforted Zhu Nu and ran into the yard.

"Jiang Lin, what do you think?"

Jiu Shu glanced around the house and asked Jiang Lin who was beside him.

"It's not like a ghost or something, it's probably related to Huangpizi."

Jiang Lin sniffed and smelled a very strange smell, which was yellow skin.

This smell has a demonic aura, but it is different from ordinary demons.

Chapter seven hundred and fiftieth chapters people as the tripod

Jiang Lin released his spiritual sense, caught the breath in the air, and nodded slightly.

If it wasn't for his extensive knowledge, he wouldn't have noticed the difference.

"Husband, did you find anything? Tell us."

"Yeah, tell everyone."

Xiaoru and Ningshuang hugged Jiang Lin's arm by themselves. Seeing Jiang Lin seemed to see something, the two of them shouted to satisfy their curiosity.

In the past, among Jiang Lin's wives, Zhuzhu and Ayan were clingy, but now there are two more.

Jiang Lin smiled and said, "Let's talk as we walk, go first."

Entering the courtyard, Uncle Ninth also looked at Jiang Lin. Although he had broken through to the level of a Celestial Master, he could only feel that Fat Bao's house was a little weird, but he couldn't tell where the weirdness was.

"Uncle Master, have you heard of Immortal Art?"

Jiang Lin asked a question, which made Uncle Jiu frown. He seemed to have heard of it, but he forgot where he heard it.

"Tell me."

Ninth Uncle didn't rack his brains to recall, since Jiang Lin said it, he must know.

Jiang Lin told Jiu Shu about the lamp god he met in Cixi's tomb in Gantian Town.

"Tactile stone and change stone, meet hydration water? Metamorphosis out of thin air?"

Hearing Jiang Lin talk about the power of the lamp god, Jiu Shu, Qiu Sheng and Xiao Hai were all stunned.

"Yes, it is a very incredible technique, and even in the age of monks, this more advanced technique has been broken. Fat Bao's father-in-law and son encountered this Huang Daxian, I am afraid that he knows a part of fairy magic. From the point of view of ordinary evil spirits, it is estimated that it will suffer a big loss."

Jiang Lin actually didn't know much about immortality, so he could only speculate that it should have the same effect as magic.

It was only after seeing the lamp god in action that he broadened his horizons.

"Husband, is it really that mysterious?"

"A touch of stone turns into gold, the illusion of green smoke, the law of heaven and earth, can't it be mysterious? Uncle, let's go and see the situation of Fat Tiger and Boss Zhu."

Jiang Lin scratched Ningshuang's nose, and then entered a side room with Ninth Uncle and others.

"Senior Brother, Master, I can't see anything wrong with Father-in-law and Fat Tiger."

After everyone entered, they found that Fat Bao frowned and looked at Jiang Lin and Ninth Uncle.

He is a Taoist now, but he has no clue about the situation of Boss Zhu and Fat Tiger.

Ninth Uncle took the pulse of the grandparents and grandchildren, looked at their eyes, and finally checked their bodies, but also found nothing.

"Senior brother, you are more powerful than Master, come and see."

Seeing that Uncle Jiu had no clue, Fei Bao hurried to Jiang Lin for help.

"Cough cough!"

Uncle Jiu's face darkened, how could he speak?Although it's true, but I don't want to be ashamed of your master?

With an embarrassed look on his face, Fat Bao laughed dryly, and hurried up to explain to Uncle Jiu.

Xiaoru and Tianji pursed their lips and almost laughed.

Jiang Lin first checked Fat Tiger's body, sent Yin fire into his body, and searched it bit by bit.

Half an hour later, Jiang Lin checked Boss Zhu's situation again.

"Brother and sister, have Boss Zhu and Fat Hu ever eaten Huangpizi's meat?"

"Yeah, my father cooked that yellow-skinned seed, and their grandparents and grandsons ate it and said it was very nourishing. I was disgusted and didn't touch it at all. They fell ill shortly after eating it. The strange thing is that Lang Zhonghe Doctors can't see what happened to them, sometimes there are bloodstains on my father's clothes, there are fewer chickens in the house every day, and they are no longer sleeping, strange things happen again and again."

When Zhu Nu said these things, her face was very frightened. If Fat Bao didn't come again, she didn't know what to do.

"Understood, you get out of the way."

After rejecting the crowd, Jiang Lin drew a lot of magic talismans and arranged a magic circle by the bedside of the two of them.

Although Fei Bao wanted to know what happened to his father-in-law and son, he endured his doubts when he saw that Jiang Lin was busy.

Jiang Lin put a magic talisman on Fat Tiger's head, and then pressed his palm on his chest.

The surrounding magic circle was activated, and it didn't take long for a few hairs to drill out of Fat Tiger's body.

Yellow-skinned hair.

With a wave of his hand, Jiang Lin got these out of the fat tiger's body, burning all the hair floating in the air, and then said, "Chili, Tingting, don't look at you, brother and sister, you'd better avoid it."

Chen Yu and the others were very obedient, but Zhu Nu was unwilling to walk away because she was worried about her son.

Jiang Lin nodded, and finally the spiritual power in his palm penetrated into Fat Tiger's body completely.


The fat tiger stood up suddenly, his hands on the edge of the bed, and he spat out blood and pieces of raw meat, mixed with chicken feathers, looking extremely disgusting and smelly.


Seeing the filth on the ground, Zhu Nu vomited on the spot, and Xiaohai did the same.

As for Qiu Sheng and Fei Bao, they covered their throats and almost couldn't hold back.

"Fat treasure, give Fat Tiger a stomach lavage. Rinse his stomach with water several times, then turn this talisman into water and let him drink it."

After explaining Fat Bao, Jiang Lin went to deal with Boss Zhu again. The situation was the same as Fat Tiger, except that the vomit was even more disgusting.

"Fat Bao, do the same thing, give Boss Zhu a stomach lavage. Brother and sister, do you know who else has been beaten with a yellow skin, and let Xiaohai go to their house to see if the same situation has occurred."

"I know, the old king with the east end, or the skinny Li in the back row..."

Zhu Nu talked about a few families, and Xiaohai went over to ask about the situation.

Half an hour later, Xiaohai brought the news, and the situation was the same as Jiang Lin guessed.

"Brother, what's going on?"

After Fat Bao let his son sleep, he came to ask Jiang Lin.

Ninth Uncle and the others also turned to Jiang Lin. They had never heard of such a strange thing.

"There are yellow skins who have become demons and use the people in the town as cauldrons to practice sorcery. What they eat is not the flesh of yellow skins at all, but the hairs. These hairs absorb the vitality of Fat Tiger and the others. , but because it was like being caught by a Gu, swallowing a live chicken created the illusion that the vitality was not lost, so even the uncle couldn't see it."

"Focus on people?"

Fat Bao felt his scalp go numb. If Jiang Lin hadn't come here, I'm afraid his son and father-in-law would have been sucked dry.

Zhu Nu was also terrified, Fat Bao was helpless, Ninth Uncle had no clue, she really couldn't imagine what it would be like to continue.

"Brother and sister, since you said that the yellow-skinned hair is white, I guess you all keep the fur."

"Keep it, I'll take it out."

Not long after, Zhu Nu took a piece of yellow skin's fur.

Jiang Lin weighed it in his hand, smiled, and said, "Go, go to Huangpizi Grave."

Chapter [-]: Hard-mouthed?It's all smashed for you!

Jiang Lin wanted to see what kind of monster this weasel, who had become a spirit, was actually proficient in this kind of transformation.

"Go! I'm going to level that grave today!"

Fat Bao was so angry that the fat on his body shook a few times. It seemed that the yellow-skinned man who had turned into a demon was completely fishing, and even regarded his precious son and father-in-law as a medicine tripod.

From birth to now, Fei Bao has never been so angry.

Anyway, with Ninth Uncle and Jiang Lin two Celestial Masters, even if you know a little bit of immortality, what are you afraid of!

Xiaohai and Qiusheng were equally angry, and Feibao's son was obedient, often shouting from uncles and uncles, but this time he almost died prematurely.

With all the guys, Jiang Lin and Ninth Uncle headed, a group of people went straight to the mountain where Huangpizi Tomb is located.

"This is the old woodland that Zhu Nu said."

Fat Bao pointed to the pine forest in front of him, the pine needles in the forest, and a lot of yellow skins running in the forest.

"I killed them!"

"Fat treasure, don't be impulsive, you don't have enough experience, let Jiang Lin come."

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