Ninth Uncle stopped the impulsive Fat Treasure. Since there are Huangpizi here who know immortality, it is very troublesome to rush in.

Jiang Lin pointed his finger at a grave and shot a yang finger. With a bang, the grave exploded, revealing a hole.

"Come out early, or I'll burn you to charcoal."

Jiang Lin's shouts echoed through the pine forests, and after a while, a golden-haired weasel walked out of the hole.

It's just that this weasel stands in adult form, and its limbs are similar to people's, covered with hair.

"Hehe, I don't know what the old master immortals are here to teach me to disturb this immortal's cultivation."

Weasel leaned on a nanmu cane in both hands, and glanced at everyone with a pair of thief eyes, and finally his eyes fell on Jiu Shu and Jiang Lin.

Although Ninth Uncle had reached the level of a Celestial Master, his aura was difficult to restrain, so it attracted the attention of the Weasel Demon. Although Jiang Lin did not exude his aura, the Weasel Demon instinctively sensed danger from Jiang Lin.

It can cultivate with a human as a cauldron, and the spiritual wisdom is not comparable to ordinary monsters.

Don't say it's a demon, the IQ of ordinary yellow skin is not covered.

When Ningshuang saw the weasel demon with a weasel head talking, she felt disgusted for no reason, and the smell around her became unpleasant. The shameless self-proclaimed 'Ben Xian' makes people laugh out loud."

"Little girl, with sharp teeth and sharp mouth, I am enough to be your grandfather's grandfather."

The weasel demon's eyes turned and fell on Ningshuang's body, its eyes narrowed, and Ningshuang was immediately stunned.


With a cold snort, Jiang Lin sent out a thought, causing the Weasel Demon to scream, hugging his head with his two forearms, and took a few steps back.

At the same time, Ningshuang also woke up from the sluggishness.

Ninth Uncle raised his brows and looked at Jiang Lin. With a snort, can the Weasel Demon retreat?

When did this apprentice become so strong?

Because when Jiang Lin turned into a corpse, Yin fire also overflowed from his body, isolating the corpse energy, so Uncle Jiu didn't notice anything strange.

"Teach you a lesson, speak carefully."

Jiang Lin folded his arms and looked at the Weasel Demon with cold eyes.

There was a trace of resentment in the Weasel Demon's eyes, suppressing his anger, and said, "Is she careful when she speaks?"

"Can you compare with her? She's my wife. What's wrong with talking carelessly? Do you try tricks again?"

Jiang Lin almost laughed out loud. He was just a yellow-skinned boy. In front of them, the "Ben Immortal" kept on laughing. A normal person would ridicule him.




Ninth Uncle and Fat Bao are all speechless, this is really a wife-protecting madman!

Ningshuang blushed slightly, she went up to hold Jiang Lin's arm, her husband was a wife-protecting madman, and she was happiest.

There was a low roar from the Weasel's throat, and the anger was not light. It's okay for your wife to speak carelessly, but it's okay for me to fight back?

"If there is nothing to do, I will not accompany you!"

As soon as the Weasel Demon's Nanmu cane hits the ground, it will turn around. One of this group of people is a Celestial Master, the other is very dangerous, and the others are Taoists, so they are not easy to mess with.

"Did I let you go?"

Jiang Lin pointed his finger at the Weasel Demon and stopped it.

"Too deceiving!"

"A person is a person, and a demon is a demon. Don't let people look like people there. You sucked the vitality of the townspeople in the towns three miles away, right? They came to you."

Hearing Jiang Lin's words, Yao Yao's heart skipped a beat, this young man could actually see through his methods.

Taking a deep breath, itachi said coldly: "What about me? Since you are a Taoist, you should know what the cycle of heaven is. Could it be that you humans are only allowed to harm my descendants, and I am not allowed to take revenge? Wang There is no law, but the laws of heaven are not made by you human beings.”

"People talk every way, why don't you give speeches? You're killing your children and grandchildren? That's what it is? Fishing with a few hairs, attracting people to hunt, and then you can feel that you have the best of the world?"

Jiang Lin threw the weasel fur in his hand, and then a palm thunder struck out, and the white fur turned into a few golden yellow fur in front of everyone's eyes.

Fat Bao and Xiao Hai were both stunned. No wonder Jiang Lin said that Fat Tiger and the others didn't eat the meat of the yellow-skinned man. It turned out that the white-haired yellow-skinned man was made of vellus hair.

Using hair to change things, such a mysterious fairy art!

If it is distracting, ordinary illusions can do it, but it is absolutely impossible to develop illusions to this level.

The Weasel Demon's eyes widened suddenly, his eyes turned, and he shouted angrily: "Murdered the descendants of this immortal, and even used a blindfold method to bite back. "

"Haha, tough mouth? I've made you soft today! I don't know who God has spared, but I can't spare you today!"

Jiang Lin put his five fingers together and slammed into the hole behind the weasel demon, and the sharp squealing of the mouse instantly made Ren Tingting and the others numb their scalps.

A group of yellow-skinned people were blasted out, all of them charred black, lying around, moving their limbs a few times, and then there was no movement.

These are the real yellow-skinned ones, those running in the woods are simply fake, and they are used by this weasel monster for fishing.

The uninformed townspeople called back. Once they were cooked and eaten, they would be treated as a medicine tripod like Fat Tiger and the others. If the cause was not found in time, they could only report below.

"You are a good fisherman. You are better at fishing than Jiang Taigong, and the greedy will take the bait. Do you really think that if you know a little magic, no one will recognize it?"

"Ah~ my son, my grandson! I want you to pay your debts with blood!"

Since the other party said immortality, it means that his means have been completely seen through, and the Weasel Demon will no longer act.

Now his children and grandchildren have all died in the hands of this young man, and he must exchange his life for his life!

Chapter [-] Knowing a little bit of immortality, is it your rampant capital?

This weasel demon thinks it's perfect, even if a Taoist or monk finds out about the townspeople and finds it, it can come up with a theory and make itself stand on the highest point of reason.

In fact, it is a game of its director.

"Didn't you say that your descendants were killed? I just created this fact according to your words."

Seeing the madness of the weasel demon, Jiang Lin sneered, wanting to take advantage of the heavens, and the descendants would not die, so what is the reason for you to take it?

But even if all the children and grandchildren are dead, this weasel demon doesn't have any reason to think about it, and it will be over by destroying it.

Jiang Lin shot with ten fingers, blasting all the fake yellow skins running in the forest to their original shape, turning them into pieces of golden hair, and burning them to ashes.

"Uncle Shi, there should be some little monsters in the cave. I'll leave it to you. I'll deal with this big one. Its fur is a treasure."

The weasel demon is not an ordinary big demon. Jiang Lin is not at ease to let the ninth uncle and the others deal with it, and he is also afraid that the ninth uncle and the others will damage the fur on its body. This golden weasel skin is no worse than the mink skin. It's really nice to make a robe or a few scarves for your wife.

Jiang Lin's thoughts moved, and the bone sword flew out, and shot towards the weasel demon, and at the same time, there was a dense rain of yang fingers.

The Weasel Demon saw that the offensive was fierce, and his left and right and front roads were blocked again. In a desperate situation, he could only turn around and retreat.

"The mouth of the hole!"

"Old man, take care of yourself."

When the Weasel Demon retreated, Jiang Lin's body shot out, just in front of the Weasel Demon.

Looking at Jiang Lin standing with a sword, the weasel demon had a hideous expression on his face. It has been practicing in this way. I don't know how long it has been, and there have been no accidents. Even if it was once a master monk It came to the door, and it didn't do anything because of "occupancy".

But today, this young man not only saw through its methods, but also through its immortal arts, and most importantly, killed a whole bunch of its descendants!

The Weasel Demon's eyes flickered with a green light. Ningshuang was hit by this illusion just now. If no one understands it, it is very likely that he will not know how he died.

"I've suffered a loss once, but I don't have a long memory?"

Jiang Lin didn't care about the Weasel Demon's illusions at all. Now his mental strength is not too low, and with his cultivation, even the Demon King-level illusions are ineffective for him.

With a slash with the bone sword in his hand, Jiang Lin greeted the Weasel Demon's neck.

"how is this possible?"

The Weasel Demon screamed and blocked Jiang Lin's slash with both claws.

The Zhengbone Sword was barely hindered, and cut off the Weasel Demon's claws. If it hadn't reacted a little faster, it would have dropped its entire claws on the ground.

The Weasel Demon turned and jumped back and forth again and again, terrified in his heart. It was quite confident in its illusion. It was the one who dealt with the little girl before the spell was broken, but now it was cast on Jiang Lin, but it was still broken. .

It doesn't work at all.

"It ran pretty fast."

Jiang Lin's body is violent) (moving, in the blink of an eye, he is in front of the Weasel Demon and punches it in the mouth.

This guy is the most stubborn one he has ever seen, and what a cycle of nature, who the heavens will forgive.

"I'll keep you forever!"

After the Weasel Demon got up, he wiped the blood from his mouth, and then suddenly slammed his palms at Jiang Lin, and a golden electric light lased out.

Jiang Lin felt a warning sign and jumped sideways to dodge. A piece of pine needles behind him was hit by the golden light and turned into a dull yellow-skinned man.

"Ah~ I want you to be slashed by a thousand swords without any strength to fight back!"

Seeing the surprise on Jiang Lin's face, the weasel demon was filled with confidence for a while, and the electric light kept blasting out of his palm.


Seeing the direction of Jiang Lin's movement, the Weasel Demon waved its tail and released a stench. Wherever the stench passed, both the grass, trees and tree roots withered down, and even the soil and rocks became weathered.

Seeing this scene, Jiang Lin's moving speed suddenly dropped, and he turned to another place, but was hit by a golden light.

After that, Jiang Lin disappeared, replaced by a weasel.


When Ningshuang and Xiaoru saw Jiang Lin turned into a yellow-skinned man, they were so frightened that Huarong turned pale, and they rushed up, but they were held back by Chen Yu and Tianji.

"Don't go over there, my husband has not experienced any storms and waves, and a yellow-skinned man can make him roll over?"

Jiang Lin's drifting in the Indian Ocean this time made Chen Yu and the others fully aware of their man's ability, and they didn't believe that Jiang Lin would be planted in the hands of the weasel demon.


When the weasel saw the yellow-skinned man on the ground, he looked up to the sky and laughed wildly, then rushed over and took it into his claws.

"What if you know Immortal Art? I said that you won't be able to fight back even if you are stabbed by a thousand swords!"

The Weasel Demon's face showed an extremely disgusting expression, and then he laughed wildly.

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