"Knowing a little fairy art is your crazy capital?"

The yellow skin in his paws made Jiang Lin's voice, which stopped the Weasel Demon's laughter abruptly.

"How is it possible, how can you..."

"call out!"

The yellow-skinned child Jiang Lin turned into opened his mouth, and a flying sword shot out, directly piercing the Weasel Demon's throat.

Then the yellow-skinned man changed his body and returned to Jiang Lin's appearance. With a slash with his sword, a huge weasel head was thrown into the air.

Since Jiang Lin knew that the weasel demon knew a part of fairy magic, how could he not make any preparations.

Before being hit by the electric light, the Yang flames in his body had already covered his whole body, forming a protective shield.

The lightning did not fall on him at all.

"Pop! Kill the big demon and get [-] points of anger."

"Husband! You scared people to death."

Ningshuang ran over and threw herself into Jiang Lin's arms.

"I'm not doing well. This weasel demon's fur is better than mink fur. I'll make some scarves for you."

"It doesn't matter what the mink fur is, as long as you are fine."

Ningshuang cuddled in Jiang Lin's arms, and what Jiang Lin said made Jiang Lin's heart feel like he was pouring sugar water.

"I don't have a conscience. Several senior brothers and masters made a stench inside, and the sky is clear, so you are here to kiss."

After Qiusheng came out, when he saw Jiang Lin and Ningshuang kissing affectionately, he shouted that they had no conscience.

The weasel little demon inside is not difficult to deal with, but the stench makes them all cry out.

Chapter [-]: Gambling is not enough, you have to gamble your life

After Qiusheng shouted, Jiu Shu and Fat Bao also came out with a few yellow-skinned children in their hands, not too small.

But the strange thing is that Jiu Shu and Qiu Sheng were both in tears.

"Husband, are we too tired and crooked to make dad and senior brothers cry with envy?"

God is so envious that we cry, we are smoked!

The smoked face is full of tears, and it's really a short life to see you hug and kiss when you come out!

Jiu Shu and Qiu Sheng's faces were as black as the bottom of a pot, and the stench on their bodies was simply unbearable.

"Whether they are envious or jealous, let's stay away first."

Jiang Lin took Ning Shuang's Hao wrist and hurried to Chen Yu and the others.

This is really not an ordinary smell!

"Don't come here! It stinks, it stinks to death."

Xiaoru's nose was sharp, and he smelled a very unpleasant odor, which was emanating from Ninth Uncle and the others.

"We don't know stinky, we have been tossed enough, and we still despise us!"

Xiaohai protested loudly, even if he suffered, he would be disliked when he came out.

Ningshuang also covered her mouth and nose, unwilling to approach Jiu Shu and the others, even if it was her father, she was unwilling to approach now.

"Senior brother, the harvest is good. This time, I will make some clothes for Fat Hu and Zhu Nu to keep out the cold, so they can wear them in winter."

Seeing the corpse of the weasel demon not far away, Fat Bao looked at the dead yellow skin in his hand, and his anger finally came out.

Ninth Uncle and the others stopped at the air outlet for a long time, and only after the stench disappeared from their bodies did they return to the town.

Jiang Lin asked Feibao to notify those who were recruited and bring the family's sick number to Feibao's house.

The problem between Boss Zhu and Fat Tiger has been solved, but there are still many people in the town who are poisoned by the weasel demon.

In the evening, all the townspeople who suffered the disaster gathered at Fat Bao's house.

After Jiang Lin arranged the magic circle, he handed Fei Bao a stack of talismans. As long as Fei Bao was like he did before, he could cure these people.

Now that Fei Bao has left his apprenticeship, this time is a good opportunity to make a name for himself here.

"Senior brother, thank you! In the future, I will work harder to cultivate and study, and I will definitely live up to the kindness of my brother."

Fei Bao was very moved. Jiang Lin gave him the most important step, which was to make him stand out and make the neighbors in the village look at him with admiration.

Jiang Lin smiled and said, "Go ahead."

Ninth Uncle looked at Jiang Lin and nodded. The more he looked at this son-in-law, the more satisfied he became. He was very good to his brothers, his father-in-law, and most importantly, to his daughter.

Sometimes Jiang Lin and Ning Shuang are so sloppy that even he gets goosebumps when he sees them.

It didn't take long for the sick patients to spit out the filth in their stomachs like Boss Zhu.

After Fat Bao showed his hand, the villagers here were very grateful to him, all of them gave him a thumbs up, saying that he was not lost to the old ninth uncle.

After one night, Jiang Lin and the others set off in a carriage, while Jiu Shu and Qiu Sheng stayed in Renjia Town for the time being.

Two days later, Jiang Lin and the others arrived outside Gantian Town.

"Jiang Lin?"

It happened that Shu Ning took a small suitcase out of town, saw Jiang Lin on the carriage, and forgot his words for a while.

Jiang Lin asked the driver to stop the car, raised his hand to greet Shu Ning, and talked to her for a while.

"I didn't expect you to float in the Indian Ocean for eight months. Something happened to my family, and my mother asked me to go back for a while."

Shu Ning looked at Jiang Lin with some resentment, why didn't you come early or late, but you came only after I left.

Xiaoru and Ningshuang in the carriage lifted the curtain on the door and saw Shu Ning in a white suit.

Shu Ning also saw Xiaoru and Ningshuang, these two girls looked jealous, letting her know their relationship with Jiang Lin.

"It's okay, you can go back."

Heartbroken, Shu Ning said goodbye to Jiang Lin.

"Husband, this sister, no, who is this sister?"

After Jiang Lin entered the carriage, Ningshuang looked at him with a strange look.

"What little sister, she is Miss Shu Ning from Guangming News. We called her several times."

Jiang Lin rolled his eyes, you're just a grown-up girl, and you're calling her sister.

"It's even later than I entered the door, isn't it my sister?"

Ningshuang snorted softly and stabbed Jiang Lin.

Chen Yu and Ren Tingting also held their arms, looking embarrassed at you.

"Okay, my little Shuang'er, dare to make a joke of your husband, think your husband doesn't care enough for you, right?"

Jiang Lin put Zhang Fu on the wall of the compartment, then dragged Ning Shuang into his arms, put his hands into her clothes, and scratched her itch.

"Oh, why hasn't Master Jiang come back? Master Mao is not here now."

As soon as the carriage arrived in front of Li Yangju's door, Jiang Lin heard Zhou Yuan's voice from outside.

Li Yang was at the door, and Zhou Yuan had red eyes and threw his big-brimmed hat on the ground, as anxious as an ant on a hot pan.

After Jiang Lin got out of the car, he asked, "Da Sanyuan, what are you doing?"

"Master Jiang! Master Jiang!" As if he had seen his own father, Zhou Yuan went up and grabbed Jiang Lin's arm, shouting, "Master Jiang, go and save my father, he is about to die. already."

"Don't worry, I'll tell the wife in the car and I'll go over with you."

"Okay, I'll wait for you."

After Zhou Yuan let go, Jiang Lin opened the curtain of the car window, and inside Ning Shuang was buttoning his jacket.

"Husband, you hate it to death. You want someone in the car."

Ningshuang's pretty face was like a red apple. She originally thought that Jiang Lin was scratching her, but she didn't know that he wanted her in the car later.

"Cough cough. Chili Tingting, you guys go back first, I'll go to Da Sanyuan."

After explaining the matter, Jiang Lin went to his house with Zhou Yuan.

They all came to the door, but they wouldn't let me in.

Jiang Lin felt quite speechless. He had just returned to Gantian Town several times, but he was pulled away.

The ability is too high, it is easy to be busy.

"I said that you are really a bastard. Last night was the Ghost Festival, and you even let your father go out."

Hearing what happened to Zhou Yuan, Jiang Lin was really speechless. Last night was July [-]th, and few dared to go out, but Zhou Yuan's father actually went out for a walk.

"Master Jiang, I can't hold him back. He loses a lot of gambling money during the day, and he has to go out for a drink at night. He also said that he has an amulet on his body, so the ghosts give way."

Zhou Yuan had a look of remorse, and he knew that he should have dragged his father back.

"I have three souls and seven souls, come on, I'll bet with you again!"

When he arrived at Zhou Yuan's house, Zhou You, who was pale, sat at the table with dissatisfaction written all over his face, and shouted loudly into the air.

He was still holding two pieces of mahjong in his hand, and his nails hated them, they were all broken, and his hands were covered in blood.

Sixi and her cousin Azhen were so anxious that they didn't know what to do, and after seeing Jiang Lin, they rushed up to ask for help.

Jiang Lin glanced at Zhou You and said, "This time it's troublesome, he met a gambler."

This week, you can't get enough of gambling with people, so you go to gamble with ghosts.

Chapter [-]: The soul of life was brought into the gate of hell and closed

"Gambler? My dad is a gambler."

Like Leng Touqing, Zhou Yuan thought that Jiang Lin was talking about people.

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