"Brother, the gambler that Master Jiang said is definitely not a gambler like you. Master Jiang, what's wrong with my dad?"

"His life and soul was taken by the ghost. If he can't find it within three days, the gods can't save him."

When the two brothers and sisters heard Jiang Lin's words, they felt that the world was spinning. Zhou Yuan, like a ghost, knelt down and begged Jiang Lin to save his life. He was willing to break the pot and sell iron.

Although Zhou Yuan has bad habits, he is full of filial piety.

"Tell me about what happened last night, Mr. Zhou."

Jiang Lin wanted to know the specific situation. If it was just an ordinary ghost, there would not be too much trouble, but if it was like before, if the ghost who came out of the gate of the ghost took Zhou You's life and soul, it would be quite troublesome.

"Yesterday, my dad lost a lot of money betting, and he shouted that he would go out for a drink at night. When he came back, he kept scolding others for making money. After that, he pointed at my brother and wanted to continue gambling with him. Playing mahjong with me and Ah Zhen for [*] laps... and that's what happened after that."

Sixi didn't dare to drop any details, she said it all.

"Out of a thousand?"

Jiang Lin pulled out the mahjong from Zhou You's hand, and then pointed Yun Lingqi up, and the mahjong immediately changed its appearance, turning into burnt scraps of paper.

It seems that this ghost with mahjong is still a rich family, and even the mahjong burnt is of such good quality.

Glancing at the remaining gold paint on the scraps of paper, Jiang Lin frowned. Maybe it was really the work of a ghost who came out of the gate of hell.

"Master Jiang, in fact, my father is a master at making money. As long as he says that others are making money, he should not be wrong. Dad's life and soul must have been won by gambling ghosts."

Jiang Lin couldn't help laughing. He was a master at making thousands of dollars, but he lost so much money at the casino, and finally lost his life.

"Understood. Four hundred oceans, I will get your father's life and soul back. But don't look for me next time when you kill yourself. I have a principle that people who kill themselves will not be saved. ."

Originally, Jiang Lin made one shot, and it was basically no less than [*] oceans, but he didn't know many people in Gantian Town. Zhou Yuan was one, and they did not have any background. Jiang Lin gave him a friendship. price.

The most important point is that Zhou You mentioned that there are thousands of gamblers. If not, he would not have agreed to the matter of Zhou Yuan so easily.

Human feelings are human feelings. On the Ghost Festival, Zhou You wandered outside to kill himself, and even gambled his own life. This is purely an old birthday star who eats arsenic -- it is too long for life.

Although the amulet can protect the body, it can only play a role when some evil spirits attack maliciously. It resists the attack. It is not worn on the body, and there is no danger.

Even if the cat has nine lives, it has to lie on the track, and the result is that the train has ten carriages, and it is not the same.

"Four hundred oceans, no problem, as long as Master Jiang is willing to take action."

Zhou Yuan knew the price of inviting Jiang Lin. When he was in the Song family, the price was more than one thousand oceans. Now Jiang Lin only needs four hundred oceans, which is already very human.

His father's life, let alone four hundred oceans, he is willing to borrow four thousand oceans.

As for Jiang Lin's statement that his father was going to die, Zhou Yuan didn't say anything. It wasn't what it could be.

"Big Sanyuan, you go to Li Yangju and ask Uncle Ping to bring these things to you. I will first look for Mr. Zhou's life and soul. His life and soul may be taken down by the gamblers who came out of the gate of hell. If you can find the best, if you can't find it, you can only wait three days later, when the enchanters come, I will deal with them. "

Zhou You lost his life and soul, which was equivalent to losing Yangshou. If he didn't get it back, it would be a "normal" death after three days, and there would be ghosts to take him down.

"Okay, I'll go right now."

Zhou Youyuan ran out immediately, Jiang Lin saw Zhou You's angry look at King Kong, and cut his palm on the back of his neck, causing him to faint.

In less than half an hour, Zhou Yuan was out of breath and returned with the things Jiang Lin needed.

When night fell, Jiang Lin took Zhou You's essence and blood, dripped it on the compass, and searched for it in Gantian Town. It is rare for a junior who is willing to move around to not be diligent for money.

Jiang Lin searched all the way, and came to a dark alley. Even if the Ghost Festival had passed, it still looked ghostly here.

Seeing that the compass didn't respond anymore, Jiang Lin said, "I also obeyed your father. The gate of the ghosts is open, and the ghosts walk at night. It's fine for him to walk on the street. He dares to come to this kind of place."

"It's probably... drunk."

Zhou Yuan's face was quite embarrassed, let alone Jiang Lin, even he, the son, was too obedient to his father.

This is a more evil place in the town. Mao Xiaofang reminded the townspeople not to come here at night, especially in the middle of the night, but his father was better and had to drill inside.

It's okay to drill into it, you still have to pick a ghost festival.

After entering the alley to investigate for a while, Jiang Lin cast a spell to scour the surrounding ghosts.

"Last night, did a few gamblers show up here?"

Jiang Lin asked about a green-headed ghost that he had brought out, and Zhou Yuan was frightened. He had seen ghosts and zombies, but he did not become more courageous. Instead, he became more and more afraid of this kind of sneakiness. .

If it weren't for something wrong with his father, he would have wanted to run away.

"My lord, the gate of hell opened last night, and there were three gamblers playing mahjong here, three of them were missing one, we were all poor people who didn't burn paper money, and those three gamblers were famous for having more hands, so We didn't go up. As a result, a idiot living person passed by the alley, still smelling of alcohol, and saw three gamblers playing mahjong, they were very familiar and surrounded them and played several laps."

The green-headed ghost was so frightened by Jiang Lin's breath that he shivered, and he didn't dare to hide anything at all.

Zhou Yuan heard Qingtou Gui calling his father an idiot. Although he was angry, he did not dare to refute it.

This ghost is not ordinary horror, the head and face are full of cold blue light, if he is provoked, knocking on their door in the middle of the night can scare them half to death.

"Where are the three gamblers?"

"They came up from below and were sent back by ghosts."


Jiang Lin nodded and let the green-headed ghost retreat.

Zhou You's life and soul was really brought into the gate of hell.

Chapter [*]: Slaughter Si Jianglin!

"Master Jiang..."

Seeing that Jiang Lin didn't speak again, Zhou Yuan knew that his father's soul should not be found.

"Your father's soul was brought into the gate of hell, I'll go back and set up a magic circle for him, and I'll come back in three days."

Under normal circumstances, ghosts would come to the door after three days, but just in case, Jiang Lin still prepared to arrange a formation.

It is impossible for him to come to see Zhou You every night. With the array, he can sleep peacefully.

"Okay, I believe Master Jiang, Master Jiang, you have great abilities..."

I haven't seen each other for more than a year, and Zhou Yuan is still the same as before, flattering each other.

"Okay, you don't need to come to Captain Song with me. After the price is negotiated, I will naturally finish the matter. After that, I will send some decoctions over, and you can take them to Mr. Zhou to fix its soul."

After returning, Jiang Lin set up a magic circle in Zhou You's room, then took out his Yin Commander and placed it on a magic talisman.

In the end, Jiang Lin waved his hair and wrote a few large characters on the eyes of the array.

Kill Si Jianglin!

This magic circle can prevent the ghosts, and there is also the commander of Yin that he imitated on it. Even if the ghosts come, they will sell his face.

With Jiang Lin's current reputation in the underworld, let's not talk about the judge level, the general ghost or the underworld has definitely heard of it.

The following is more about human feelings than in the world. Hello, I am good, everyone. Human feelings and face are sometimes better than paper money.

"This is the pomelo leaf that has been applied. After you dip it in water, you will be able to see ghosts and ghosts. If something goes wrong, just go to Liyangju and call me."

Jiang Lin left three pomelo leaves for Zhou Yuan and the others, then went out and returned to Li Yangju.

Originally, he planned to go back to Gantian Town, so he would have a good reunion with his wives and make out, but he didn't expect to be pulled over by the big three, and he only went back now.


When Jiang Lin returned home, the wives in the front yard were all waiting for their husbands.

"Zhuzhu, Nianying, Yuanying, Qingfeng, wives, my husband misses you very much."

Seeing his precious hearts lose weight, Jiang Lin felt distressed for a while.

After that, he was surrounded by a group of beautiful women and entered the hall.

"Min'er, Caiyi, I've worked hard for you when I'm not here."

Jiang Lin walked up to Bai Miner and Caiyi, and hugged them both into his arms.

In the past year, Chen Yu and the others were away, and she was lost in a shipwreck, and it was Bai Miner and Caiyi who were at home.

The husband has not been heard from, and they still have to manage the housework, which is not easy.

Bai Min'er was okay, but Caiyi became a tearful person, her pink fist hitting Jiang Lin's chest.

After kissing the smooth foreheads of the two women, Jiang Lin took Fu Yuechi's plain hand again, and after taking a seat, sat her on his lap.

"Yuan Ying, Qingfeng, Yuemei, come here."

Jiang Lin patted the armrest of the chair again and greeted the three brides to his side.

Sitting one on his lap and two in his arms, Yue Mei hugged Jiang Lin's neck from behind the chair.

After these four people became his wives, he did not fulfill the responsibility of his husband's company. Now that he is home, he will accompany them more in the future.

In two days, he was going to decorate Li Yangju with lanterns and put on wedding dresses for Jing Yuanying and the two sisters of the Fu family.

"I didn't bring you any gifts when I went out this time. In the future, we will go to the provincial capital with the whole family. You can choose what you want."

"Husband, we don't want any gifts, you are our best gift. Hungry, eat quickly, take a shower, and go to bed quickly."

Ayan wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes, licked her lips, and blinked at Jianglin.

"You go to the cafeteria first, and I'll go and prepare your medicine."

Jiang Lin kissed Fu Yuechi's cherry lips in his arms, let her down, and went to the kitchen by himself.

He brought back a super large pearl from the sea and used the water it soaked to make medicine, and the effect was not very good.

When the mouse boy saw that Jiang Lin and his mistresses were reunited, he followed Jiang Lin and asked him warmly.

"The domestic cat has stayed in Egypt to protect your other mistress. There has been no accident at home this year. I will reward you. Take the scum of these medicines to Uncle Ping and let him send it to Zhou Yuan."

Jiang Lin scooped a large piece of dragon meat and pearl soup from the pot, and gave it to the mouse, making it shout long live.

Taking the casserole to the dining hall, Jiang Lin saw a table of his favorite dishes, and felt a sense of happiness, and he was finally able to eat a reunion dinner.

"Husband, we're full, let's go take a bath."

"Yeah, dragon meat is very hungry, and he can't eat for two or three days."

Ayan and Zhuzhu dragged Jiang Lin, who did not want to move, to the bathing room. Among the thirty or so houses in the three entrances, three of them were connected indoor baths, and the other three were indoor swimming pools.

"Okay, I haven't hurt you for more than a year. Who is coming for this first round?"

Jiang Lin stood beside the big bed wearing a bath towel. Tonight, he was going to show his true qualities as a man and fulfill his duty as a husband.

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