A group of beauties looked at each other, their husbands were like wolves. After not seeing them for more than a year, their husbands had become hungry wolves.

Not long after, Ayan was pushed out by her sisters, and she was the strongest.

"Husband, break your waist tonight."


Jiang Lin gave a strange cry, picked up Ayan Heng, and threw it on the bed.

Hungry wolves pounce!

Three days later, Jiang Lin watched the big bed sprawled in spring.) (Guang's wives, they were so tired that they crawled to the side and fell asleep.

Jiang Lin covered them with blankets one by one, and Li Yingqi in the white jade coffin was also covered with blankets by him.

When he arrived at Zhou Yuan's house, Jiang Lin checked Zhou You's situation again, and there was no bad change.

In the middle of the night, the gloomy wind suddenly picked up, and three ghosts dressed as paper stickers came to Zhou You's room with shackles, iron chains, and a mourning stick.

One fat, one thin and one short.

Zhou Yuan, Si Xi and the others turned pale with fright when they saw the ghost messenger coming.

"Are you here to hook up some ghosts in Zhou?"

"Yin Si doing business, idle people, etc., all get out of the way!"

"Don't let it go, let's hook it down together!"

"Hinder the company's business!"

Jiang Lin just opened his mouth and said a word, the three ghosts are worse than the other, so frightened that Zhou Yuan and the others did not even dare to let out the air.

"Ask you what, give me an answer, show authority in front of others, and accept it in front of me!"

Jiang Lin drank, and a burst of momentum burst out, causing the three ghosts to shudder and take a few steps back.

Whoa!Master Jiang is really a role model among men!

When Zhou Yuan saw Jiang Lin, he roared and scared off the three ghosts. His admiration for Jiang Lin was like a surging river.

Legend has it that Zhang Fei shouted three times Cao Cao's army, but they were all still alive, and Jiang Lin unexpectedly shouted three ghosts back!

"Bold! What should I blame for obstructing the Yin Si!"

"Sin should go up the mountain of knives and go down to the frying pan!"

"Sign up and let your soul return to the underworld in an instant!"

Frightened by Jiang Lin's aura, the three ghosts turned into anger, each pointing angrily with a halberd, wanting to ask Jiang Lin's guilt.

Jiang Lin took a step forward, snorted coldly, and said, "It's just you three ghosts who call themselves Yin Si, and Jiang Lin, who is in charge of killing, is here, let's ask the guilt."


The three ghosts were stunned on the spot at the same time.

"Slaying Si Jianglin!"

After a few breaths, the three ghosts looked at each other and screamed in unison.

"Little servant seduces Lu Jia."

"Lu Yi."

"Lu Bing."

"I have seen Lord Yin Sijiang!"

The three ghosts immediately knelt down to Jiang Lin, and it was as if their hearts were being filled with bitter gourd juice.

To actually shout out loudly at the well-known palm killer Sijiang Linjiang, what a ghost!

Chapter [-] Where is this thin noodles!

There are still a few ghosts below who have never heard of Jiang Lin's name. Just working under Judge Lu, Judge Lu has been promoted by two or three levels within a few decades, and one person has made the underworld go backwards for hundreds of years.

The adults in the underworld are all discussing, if this Chief Slaughter Division likes the life of salted fish, it will not take long to rise to the rank of judge.

"Aren't you going to perform official duties and ask your sins for guilt?"

"My lord, the servants have eyes but do not recognize Mount Tai, have eyes but no pearls, and do not recognize the adults, mainly because they have never seen the true face of Mount Lu. I hope you have a lot of adults, so don't bother with our little servants."

The three ghosts surnamed Lu waved their hands again and again, and then all kowtowed to Jiang Lin. If they had known that the one in front of him was the Chief Killing Division, or the most famous one, how could they dare to show their prestige.

It must be as tight as the tail needs to be clamped.

Zhou Zhou rubbed his eyes vigorously, God, what did I see, the ghost... actually knelt down for Master Jiang, and called him Master Jiang!

Si Xi and her cousin were also petrified on the spot. These are not ordinary ghosts, they are officials from below. Seeing Jiang Lin being so servile.

These three ghosts were just so arrogant and domineering, and they wanted to be convicted, but now they all kowtowed and admitted their mistakes as if they had caused a big disaster.

This change is too fast!

Jiang Lin didn't bother to bother with the three emissaries. Their official positions were smaller than those of the rank nine sesame officials, and they were far behind the sneaky brothers.

The smaller the official, the more he likes to play official prestige, but unfortunately they got the wrong object this time.

"This week's soul was deceived by the gambler who was released from the gate of hell last night. Go down and ask the boss who escorted the ghost yesterday to come here and say that I have something to discuss. After it's done, tonight's business will be done. It's been that way."

"Thank you for your magnanimity, and forgive the rudeness of the servants. Lu Jia, Lu Yi, and Lu Bing will go down to do things for the adults."

The three ghosts were like being forgiven, and they were about to retire immediately.

"Hold on."

"Is there any other order, sir?"

He was stopped by Jiang Lin, and the three ghosts surnamed Lu shuddered again, for fear that Jiang Lin would go back on his words.

"This company won't let people run errands for nothing, these three black robbers will be your errand fees, and this package will be handed over to the boss you are looking for."

Jiang Lin took out three black bugs from a small cloth bag, bounced at the three ghosts surnamed Lu, and threw the cloth bag.

This kind of black robbery was collected by Jiang Lin from the forbidden place in the underworld. It is a medicinal material similar to Cordyceps, but it is much more disgusting than Cordyceps. It looks like maggots on the outside, and the medicinal effect is not very good. They were all unwilling to take it, and Jiang Lin couldn't keep his mouth shut, so he stayed.

He might have to deal with colleagues tonight, so he brought some of them over.

However, the efficacy of the medicine is not very good, which is also in comparison. For the treasures owned by Jiang Lin, this thing is indeed very inferior, but it is still very rare for ghosts who can't touch such treasures at all. .

The three brothers surnamed Lu are quite interesting. Anyway, black robbery insects are dispensable to Jiang Lin, so I can give them a little bit to make them run errands a little more energetically, and make the best use of them.

"Black robbery bug? Big...sir, is this...really rewarding us?"

The three ghost messengers took the Black Tribulation Insect into their hands, and they started to stutter when they spoke excitedly.

"Can I still lie to you?"

"My lord, the servants will do it for you!"

"Walk through fire and water, do whatever you want!"

"Sir, you are really handsome, magnanimous, and love the people like a son..."

The black robbery is very effective for low-level ghost repairs. The three ghosts surnamed Lu are flattered. I never expected Jiang Lin to make such a big shot, and the errands are all black robbers. Nothing on earth.

Jiang Lin listened to the three ghosts, the more they were talking, the more outrageous they were, and he quickly waved his hands to let them go down.

"Jiang... Mr. Jiang, are you an official below?"

Now Jiang Lin's image in Zhou Yuan's heart has completely changed, what is an official in the yang realm, someone is an official in the underworld, and he doesn't look like a petty official.

"Just take care of things, you should call me Master Jiang, and you don't need to go outside for this."

Jiang Lin glanced at Zhou Yuan. If this loud speaker talked about it everywhere, he would probably be regarded as a city god. It would be better to live a low-key life.

"No, I won't, my big three yuan's mouth is very strict."


Jiang Lin showed an expression of believing that you are a ghost, making Zhou Yuan laugh dryly.

Oops, if Master Jiang had arrived at Gantian Town sooner, Sixi would have changed the strategy.

Zhou Zhou Yuan looked at his sister Si Xi, and now he felt that a captain of a police team was nothing compared to Jiang Lin, an adult in the underworld.

But he thought about it again, and felt that he was just like a daydream. Li Yang was home to so many beauties, and his sister couldn't compare to other people's toes.

It didn't take long for the four ghosts to appear outside the room.

"Oh, Jiangyin Secretary, I have really admired the name for a long time."

"Seeing is better than hearing a hundred times."

"It's really too late to meet Jiang Yinsi."

"It's a pleasure to meet you today!"

Although the four ghosts have no expressions on their faces, the fluctuations in their thoughts are very excited.

They received the offerings from the three ghosts surnamed Lu, and when they heard that Jiang Lin was invited, they quickly put down their work and caught up.

"Four, please take a seat. I think the three ghosts surnamed Lu should have told everyone that this week you were deceived by the three gamblers you escorted yesterday. I wonder if the four can give Jiang a thin face and come forward. deal with it."

Jiang Lin made an invitation, sat down at the table, and explained his intentions to the four ghost messengers.

"Since Jiangyin is very serious, even if you don't show up, we will investigate carefully, and we will not mistake anyone's Yangshou."

"Exactly, and since Jiangyin Si came forward, we're here now."

"Yes, not to mention Jiangyin Si's face is not small at all, how can it be thin."

"Where is the thin noodles!"

The four ghosts sent you a single word, and Jiang Lin couldn't help but slander. Everyone said that people talk to people, and ghosts talk to ghosts. I am such a living person, and you guys talk nonsense.

There is nothing wrong with anyone's Yangshou, and he will really put gold on his face.

Although he was speechless in his heart, Jiang Lin still had a smile on his face.

"Don't come in yet!"

One of the ghosts gave a drink to the outside, and then the three ghosts floated in tremblingly.

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