I rely on!Do I have such a big face?

Jiang Lin raised his eyebrows, he didn't expect the four ghosts to work so efficiently.

Without any trouble at all, a gambler handed over Zhou You's life and soul.

Chapter [*] Punishment every day?Alien travel?

If ordinary ghosts come to find these three gamblers, they can still play a bit of rudeness, but the four ghosts control their life and death. .

After handing over their life and souls, the three gamblers stepped aside and didn't even dare to lift their faces. They already knew that the one who was talking to the four ghosts was the Chief Killing Division. As long as they had a thought to ask them about their sins, that's the case. They didn't even have the chance to be reincarnated, and they just lost their minds.

This ruthless man was even more ruthless than the four ghosts who escorted them.

"Jiangyin Secretary, go down and sit with us when you are free. The Ghost Festival has just passed, and we still have business to do. See you below when you are free."

"If there is anything we can help, just ask us to discuss it."

The matter has been resolved, and the four ghosts are not going to stay in the realm for much longer, so they quickly go down and take the black robbery to practice.

However, after getting the benefits, they still enthusiastically sent an invitation to Jiang Lin.


God is so free, see you below, it's like you are waiting for me to die below.

And, if it weren't for the benefit, would you be so overzealous?

Jiang Lin felt bad for the four ghosts in his heart, but he was not less polite.


After saying goodbye to Jiang Lin, the four ghosts and three gamblers went underground.

Jiang Lin returned Zhou You's life and soul, and ordered: "Give him some boy eggs, it should rain tomorrow, pick up some rootless water, that is, open-air rainwater for him to take, and he will be healed in a few days. "

Glancing at Zhou Yuan, Jiang Lin joked again: "Your father made a big bet this time and lost four hundred oceans all of a sudden. If it wasn't for Zhou Yuan who often gave Li Yangju convenience and helped me Busy, you are going to prepare for the funeral this time."

"What Master Jiang said is, thank you Master Jiang!"

Zhou Yuan thanked him again and again. His father was fine, and he began to feel distressed. He only worked in the police department for [*] oceans a month, and he will be doing it in vain for the next two years!

"Master Jiang, Li Yangju has helped us so much in Gantian Town. It is necessary to make it convenient. In the future, if there is a place where I will be able to use it, feel free to speak."

Zhou Yuanqiang endured the pain, and handed over a few silver notes and Da Yang to Jiang Lin, and then patted his chest.

In the future, if Li Yangju needs convenience, as long as it is not against the law and discipline, Zhou Yuan will be ready to pass.

This time his father had an accident, and the ghosts would nod and bow when he came. If something happened to him in the future and Jiang Lin was there, maybe he wouldn't have to go.

After receiving the payment, Jiang Lin returned to Li Yangju and looked at the wives who were sleeping soundly. Although he still wanted to exercise) (Hope, but considering that it has been a year, it is estimated that the wives have not slept so much. After incense, he went to the training room.

The sun canon can be handed over to the system.

Bringing a golden scripture, Jiang Lin went to a low mountain not far away, and asked the King of the Flying Rat to protect the Dharma below.

"Crack! The new corpse attributes have been fully integrated."

As soon as he sat down, Jiang Lin heard a prompt from the system.

Just to see how much anger is left.

Jiang Lin is going to deal with the accumulation of this time. In the next few years, he is not going to subdue demons and eliminate demons. He will go to find Zuo Ci's tomb. In addition, he will go to the Demon Temple to absorb evil energy and promote the corpse to advance.

Jiang Lin (codename zero): the seventeenth generation disciple of Maoshan Chendao School

Physique: Brutal body

Cultivation Realm: Celestial Master

Corpse Level: Green Zombie

Exercise: Yanri Jue (not getting started)

Body Refinement: Hair Stiffness (not getting started), Liangyi Palm (perfect)

Swordsmanship: Bone Sword (the fifth stage - the first level)

Charms: Inducing Yang Talisman (Perfect), Yang Finger Sword (Perfect), Lightning Magic Talisman (Perfect), Secret Poison Slave Mantra (Perfect), Wish-Breaking Talisman (Perfect), Fire Talisman (Perfect), Breathing Talisman (Eighth) Level), Anti-Poison Talisman (Level [*]), Fire Talisman (Level [*]), Sound Transmission (Level [*]), Light Avoidance Talisman (Level [*]), Frozen Talisman (Level [*])+

Violence: [*]

"More than [*], not bad."

Then Jiang Lin clicked on the corpse attribute column and found an interesting ability - ever-changing.

This kind of power actually has no actual change function, but is similar to the effect of mass hypnosis and hallucinations.

Jiang Lin was a little speechless after reading the introduction of this ability. The above introduction said that if he obtained this ability, if he wanted, he could even become a big boss in women's clothing.

Go to your second uncle's women's clothing boss!

"[*] points of hostility, this is even more pitiful than the extension of limbs!"

Jiang Lin couldn't help but complain, the ability to stretch his limbs has made him play a great role at sea, but he can't think of any use for it, and using this ability is quite tedious. gas.

Directly rejecting this useless ability, Jiang Lin looked at the telephoto object again. He was considering whether to use the suffocation value to exchange or upgrade the Yanri Art.

"The system reminds that breaking through to the golden core level requires a calamity. If you make a breakthrough in this world, you will be punished by the sun, and you need to accumulate suffocation to upgrade the system to travel to another world."

After thinking about it for a moment, Jiang Lin was going to upgrade the Yanri Art first, but a reminder message appeared on the system interface at this time.


Jiang Lin was suddenly full of big question marks. He broke through to the golden core level, and he would also be punished every day. What the hell is this?

What the hell are system upgrades and otherworldly shuttles?

After being stunned for a moment, Jiang Lin asked the doubts in his heart, and then he knew that even if the Yang body had survived by deceiving the sky and concealing the sun before, when it reached a certain level, when there was a catastrophe, it would still be discovered.

It can only be avoided when the sky is covered, the sun is robbed, or when a breakthrough is made in another world.

In addition, Jiang Lin also obtained information that this world met the opportunity for his breakthrough. After [*] years, a world called "Daluo Immortal Realm" will soon have a catastrophe. It is possible to shuttle there for a breakthrough.

Four hundred years before I can break through?Just kidding!

Jiang Lin was speechless, asking him to wait for four hundred years in a realm, what an international joke!

His group of wives may not live to that time.

Moreover, if he does not have enough strength, he will no longer be able to obtain the treasure of life extension, and he can only watch his wife and masters grow old and leave the world.

Isn't it just another world shuttle?Lao Tzu, a thousand-year-old zombie king, is afraid of Naizi!

"The system upgrade and the update of the alien shuttle function require [*] million anger points."

A friendly reminder from the system made Jiang Lin almost explode. Two million anger points, I have to accumulate it until the year of the monkey and the month of the horse!

Jiang Lin used to be an iron man and accumulated more than [*] anger points in a year, but now he wants to salt fish, and he really doesn't know when the two million will be accumulated.

Chapter [*] Although the dragon meat is good, it can’t be greedy

On second thought, Jiang Lin felt that he thought too much. Now that the wives and masters are still in very good health, even Ninth Uncle and the others can live for decades.

The breakthrough thing will come slowly, let's live an ordinary life first.

After withdrawing the system, Jiang Lin went home and went to sleep. Early the next morning, Jiang Lin brought breakfast to a large table in the room.

The wives were all weak, not wanting to get out of bed, and asked him to feed one by one.

Seeing the bad intentions in Jiang Lin's eyes, Chen Yu waved his hand, Ren Tingting shook his head, Ren Zhuzhu shrank to the corner of the bed, Jingjing Xiaoli and the others hugged the quilt, no more!

Half a month later, at dusk, Jiang Lin absorbed the evil energy in the Devil's Temple, and when he returned to the door, he saw Axiu.


Axiu took three steps and took two steps and rushed into Jiang Lin's arms.

"You finally came back. I came to you as soon as I came back. Something went wrong with Xiaobai."

"Xiao Bai? What happened to it?"

Axiu frowned and replied, "I don't know either. I took it with me when I went out with Master, but it was always listless and sometimes wanted to bite me. When I came back, Master stayed behind. The county seat, I was afraid that Xiaobai would hurt people, so I came back first."

Want to bite?

Jiang Lin also frowned, Xiaobai has now reached the level of a big demon, and his intelligence has improved a lot, and Axiu is the master who adopted it, so there should be no such situation of backlashing the master.

"Come on, take me to see it."

Jiang Lin followed Axiu to the cave where she used to live. When Xiaobai saw Jiang Lin, he raised his head and lowered his head.

When Jiang Lin approached, Xiaobai's eyes flashed fiercely, but he shook his head and suppressed it.

"You little guy, your cultivation base is still low, you are really greedy enough to swallow an elephant, you greedy snake."

Jiang Lin also tapped the snake's body a few times, checked its condition, and knew Zi Chou Yin Mao.

"Jiang Lin, what happened to Xiaobai?"

"It is full. The poisonous dragon has eaten too much meat, and some demon power and toxins have accumulated in the body. If it is delayed for a while, it is estimated that it will become a violent and cruel monster."

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