Jiang Lin told Axiu not to worry, he would cure Xiaobai.

In the future, when looking for Zuo Ci's tomb, maybe Xiaobai can still play a big role, so now that there is a problem with it, Jiang Lin will not let it go.

"Be patient."

Jiang Lin tapped Xiaobai's head with his fingers, and then sent Yang Yan into its body through his two fingers.

An hour later, the demon poison in this little black snake was dissolved by Jiang Lin.

After Xiaobai recovered, he wrapped around Jiang Lin's calf and climbed all the way up to his shoulder. The snake kissed his cheek, and spit out the snake letter and licked it.

"You greedy snake, although dragon meat is good, you can't be greedy. Next time you eat too much, I will teach you a lesson."

Jiang Lin stretched out his fingers and lightly flicked Xiao Bai's head.

Xiaobai, like a pet snake, nodded again and again.

"I think Xiaobai is closer to you than me now."

Axiunu pouted and looked at Xiaobai who was wrapped around Jiang Lin's shoulders. Xiaobai seemed to understand her words and jumped on top of her.

"Okay, Axiu, let him go out to find a place where no one is, restore his body, and completely absorb the dragon meat essence in his body."

It's been a long time since I haven't seen Axiu, and Jiang Lin also wanted to be alone with her, ask her about her situation, and by the way, to ask if Mao Xiaofang was having a hard time during this time.

The iron-boned and hairy Xiaofang was under pressure from ten thousand oceans for a year. Jiang Lin thought it was funny.

"Jiang Lin, where have you been this year?"

Jiang Lin told Axiu about his overseas trip, and the little girl thought it was more exciting than listening to a play.

"It turns out that you went so far, Jiang Lin, when you were not around, I wanted to see you every day, and I dreamed of you at night."

When Axiu talked about love, her face was not red or her heart was beating. She just said what she was thinking.

"By the way, Jiang Lin, I have a question for you."

She took out a dilapidated book from her arms, and Ah Xiu walked to Jiang Lin's side. She was holding the "Romeo and Juliet" that Shu Ning gave Ah Chu before.

"Are you still reading this book?"

"Yes, it's boring to follow Master sometimes, so I take it out and read it. I ask Master a lot of questions, but he doesn't answer me."

There was a bit of resentment on Axiu's face, and she clearly said that there was something she didn't understand, so she asked, but when she asked, the master didn't answer.

If your master can answer you, you will be evil.

Jiang Lin could imagine that Mao Xiaofang was caught by Axiu and asked all kinds of questions between Romeo and Juliet, and he must have a headache.

"This story is written in a dramatic way, and the writing is relatively advanced. It's normal if you don't understand it. When you see someone performing the above story, you'll understand."

Jiang Lin shook his head slightly, this Ah Xiu, who has never been in love yet, is still ignorant of the feelings between men and women, how can he understand this tragicomedy.

"No, I'm trying to figure it out now, like here 'I'd rather let their hatred end my life than delay my death without your love', it's so hard to understand."

Seeing Axiu's frowning eyebrows and small mouth, Jiang Lin couldn't help laughing, and said, "A simple translation is to love each other even after death. Two people who love each other protect their love in order to be with each other. , not afraid of death, that's what it means. Don't read this book, you'll be a fool if you read it again."

"No, it's hard not to understand, and what does 'Luo kiss Zhu' mean here, who is he, and why is his surname Luo?"

Axiu refused to listen, and insisted on reading this Shakespeare masterpiece.

Jiang Lin patted his forehead and explained, "This is... Forget it, if I am Romeo and you are Juliet, that's it."

Taking a step forward, Jiang Lin took Axiu into his arms and kissed her on the lips.


After a while, Axiu's face was like Hongxia, and she murmured, "I seem to understand. The next part of the book says... uh~"

Jiang Lin looked at Axiu whose eyes fluttered and his nose moved, and lowered his head again.

Next up, ahem!

In the play, Romeo spends the night in Juliet's bedroom.

Some doubts will be understood after experience.

"Jiang Lin, why are you pulling my belt? It's not like that in the book."

"Jiang Lin, why are you taking off my clothes, it's not in the book."

"I see! You have to... No, Sister Ayan said that this will give birth to monkeys."

After a loud cry, Ah Xiu's eyes under Jiang Lin suddenly opened into two circles. At this moment, she experienced something she had never experienced in seventeen years.

The moon outside was gradually rising, bringing some light into the cave.

"Xiu'er, when you can graduate, I will propose marriage to your master."


Axiu replied softly, she felt that she had experienced some things, and it seemed that she had mastered a lot of problems that once troubled her.

Chapter seven hundred and sixty-two tooth holes without corpse gas

"Jiang Lin, if one day you are gone, I will be with you like Juliet."

Axiu was lying on her side in Jiang Lin's arms, she raised her pretty face, and looked at Jiang Lin's face through the weak light, murmuring like a milky swallow.

"Xiu'er, there won't be that day."

Jiang Lin hugged Axiu tightly in his arms, and being able to say such a thing means that she should not ask others to ask questions in the book in the future.

In the quiet late night, in the dim cave, there was another blushing movement.

The next day, Jiang Lin and Axiu went back to Liyang Residence and let Axiu go to the pavilion, while Jiang Lin went to the kitchen.

"Yoyo, Sister Axiu, it looks like you spent the night with your husband last night? Tsk tsk tsk..."

Axiu was sitting in the pavilion, Ayan looked at her with a wicked smile, and then glanced at her stomach a few times, intentionally or unintentionally.

Axiu covered her stomach with a frightened expression on her face.

She grew up in the mountains and was raised by orangutans. In addition, Ayan once joked with her and instilled some incorrect knowledge. Now Axiu is very frightened.

What to do if you have a litter of monkeys.

"Ayan, come here."

Jiang Lin took a bowl of soup and medicine, and went to the pavilion with an expression like he was about to clean up.

"Husband, I was wrong, don't fight."

A few minutes later, Ayan clutched her patpat, tears coming out.

"If you do this again in the future, I will teach you a hard lesson."

Jiang Lin glared at Ayan, so frightened that she ran away quickly, otherwise she would not be able to sit on the stool after being beaten.

"Come on, Axiu, drink the medicine."

Let Axiu drink the decoction, and then Jiang Lin popularized some biological knowledge to her, dragon begets dragon, phoenix begets phoenix, monkey begets monkey.

Axiu breathed a sigh of relief after hearing this, which made Jiang Lin feel amused. She was such a big girl that she didn't even know some common sense.

But think about it, she used to follow Lei Gang, and later entered Fuxi Hall. She has almost no same-sex friends, and there is no way to get this common sense.

Jiang Lin asked Axiu to spend more time with Chen Yu and Ren Tingting in the future. If you have any questions, you can ask them.

Not long after, Uncle Ping came in and told Jiang Lin that Ah Chu was looking for him.

"That boy Ah Chu? Could it be that he has caused another trouble?"

"I think it's also the second senior brother who got into trouble, Jiang Lin, let's go take a look."

Axiu knew very well about her two senior brothers, especially the second senior brother Achu, who felt uncomfortable if she didn't get into trouble.

"Can you walk? Do you want to rest?"

Asked by Jiang Lin, Ah Xiu's handsome face turned crimson, and he murmured, "It still hurts a bit, it's okay."

When the two arrived at the front yard, they saw Ah Chu pacing back and forth.

When Ah Chu saw Jiang Lin and Ah Xiu coming out together, he was stunned for a moment, and then his face became strange.

Why did you talk to a snake in a silly manner yesterday, and you will be at your uncle's house early in the morning?

Could it be...

"What's the matter, tell me?"

Jiang Lin folded his arms and looked at Ah Chu. If they encountered any problems, he could still go to see them.

"Uncle, it's like this. Yesterday, the servants of the mayor of the neighboring town went to Fuxi Hall to say that there was a zombie at work. Because the master was away, my brother and I took over. The younger sister kept talking to her little white stupidly. We didn't call her..."

"Speak the key."

"Oh, my senior brother and I took the guy over there, but we searched all night and couldn't find any corpse gas, and another person died that night. We didn't catch the zombie, and we lost the reward. Now the mayor sees us. I have no clue, so I don’t want to, saying that our Fuxi Hall…”

Achu scratched his head, embarrassed to continue.

It was really useless for him and Ah Hai to be scolded by their noses, and they even lost the key reward.

"Whatever you eat, you can lose the reward! Does it mean that we, Fuxitang, will cheat money without learning and skills? If the master is not here, you will discredit Fuxitang."

As soon as Axiu heard that Fuxitang was slandered, she was angry. She had been in Fuxitang for more than a year, and Mao Xiaofang was very kind to her, so she still had a great sense of belonging to her teacher.

Ah Chu pouted, being taught by his junior sister, even anyone would not be convinced.

What's more, Axiu didn't go yesterday, and now it's not their fault.

"So, you two brothers, do you want to ask me to take action?"


Achu scratched his head and laughed dryly.

"Axiu, you went there. I see what you have learned from your master this year."

The other party didn't ask Li Yangju, and Jiang Lin wasn't ready to solve the problem, just give Axiu some pointers.


"Second Senior Brother, lead the way."

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