
Ah Chu is no better than Ah Hai, he is shrewd, there must be something in Ah Xiu's previous "um".

With the nourishment of love, sometimes a woman can't hide it if she wants to. For example, when Axiu responded to Jiang Lin, her voice was a little coquettish.

Ah Chu wanted to gossip, but he didn't dare. Now Jiang Lin is willing to follow him. If he gossips wrong, they will have to clean up the mess themselves.

With Ah Chu leading the way, an hour later, Jiang Lin and Ah Xiu arrived at the neighboring town of Tangxi.

Jiang Lin also got some information from Ah Chu. The accident happened at the mayor's house. The mayor's son and servants were bitten to death by zombies.

Ah Chu emphasized many times that Mayor Tang was an inexhaustible iron rooster.

Jiang Lin felt the same way. To say that Mao Xiaofang was in Fuxitang, and Mayor Tang asked Fuxitang to come out, there was no problem, but when Mao Xiaofang was not there, he would rather spend less money to hire two apprentices than choose Li Yangju.

Really a miser.

"Achu, Axiu, Shishu!"

When the three arrived at the mayor's house, Ah Hai was so excited that the mayor Tang asked them to pay back the money if they couldn't solve the problem, or they would have to go to court in Fuxitang.

"Don't look at me, you can solve the problem by yourself. If you are not sure, just say it and analyze it?"

Seeing Ah Hai's eager eyes, Jiang Lin rolled his eyes.

It's been a year, and the two brothers and sisters can't solve it. Here comes another sister, won't you try to solve it yourself?

"Eldest brother, I'll go see the corpse."

"it is good."

The three brothers and sisters went to the yard. Axiu opened the white cloth and saw four tooth holes on the body.

Jiang Lin stood behind the three of them, frowning as he looked at the cavities in the corpse.

This tooth hole does seem to be bitten by a zombie, but the strange thing is that there is no corpse gas in the tooth hole.

Chapter [-] There are no zombies, and a zombie that was caught overnight

"We have used the compass for everything, but it is useless at all, and there are no zombie footprints on the ground, so we guess it may be made by Western zombies."

A Hai was talking to A Xiu, in fact, he wanted Jiang Lin behind him to hear it.

"Master said, no matter if it is a local zombie or a Western zombie, if it bites someone, there will be corpse poison and corpse gas left in the tooth cavity."

Axiu took out a bamboo tube and put two drops of water on the tooth cavity. After waiting for a while, there was no abnormality.

"What did you do? He wasn't bitten by a zombie at all. What zombies are you guarding against?"

"What? Not a zombie?"

Axiu glanced at the two senior brothers and said, "If these two people were bitten by zombies, and the talisman water was dripped, blue would appear in the tooth cavity and the surrounding area, and now there is no reaction at all. Has anyone witnessed the appearance of zombies? "

Ah Hai and Ah Chu glanced at each other, then shook their heads together.


Jiang Lin couldn't stand it any longer. There was no corpse in his teeth, and no one had witnessed the appearance of zombies. These two boys searched for zombies all night.

Compared with Axiu, these two senior brothers are like going to kindergarten.

Looking at A Hai and A Chu who were a little confused, Jiang Lin laughed unkindly.

Being laughed at by Jiang Lin, the two brothers suddenly felt ashamed.

Grandma drops!Whoever shouted that there was a zombie, I, Yu Dachu, slapped him to death!

Ah Chu was so angry that they ran towards zombies. In order to find zombies as soon as possible, the compass they used was specially designed to find zombies, but as a result, there were no zombies at all.

Not even Western zombies!

Jiang Lin glanced around, the mayor's house was a bit ghostly, but ghosts generally don't bite people's throats.

It's really weird.

Ah Xiu took two pomelo leaves and wiped them on her beautiful eyes, and looked around like Jiang Lin.

"Jiang Lin, I think there should be ghosts here."

"There are ghosts, but it's unclear if these two unlucky bastards were killed by ghosts."

You can call Shishu by his name, we have to call Shishu.

Ah Hai and Ah Chu were very unbalanced in their hearts. They met Jiang Lin, and Mao Xiaofang would definitely punish them for sprinting if they didn't call out their uncle's words.

But Axiu has always been called "Jianglin" and "Jianglin", and Mao Xiaofang never said anything.

"I said whether you can catch the zombies. If not, return the money to me, and I'll find someone who is capable."

Tang Zhenchang came into the yard with a big belly, and a pig's face was full of dissatisfaction.

"What, you said that there are zombies, so we went to find zombies. Even glutinous rice and other things are anti-zombie. As a result, the people in your family are not zombies at all. The information you gave is wrong. It's not ours anymore."

"Not zombies? You are Taoist priests, or from Fuxi Hall. You don't know if there are zombies? If there are no zombies, what zombies did you catch last night? It's useless! I don't care, if someone else has an accident tonight, you have to lose money, I I'm going to sue you."

Town Mayor Tang was so angry that he blew his beard and paid you to come here, but it turned out that the information I provided was inaccurate. If I knew if it was zombies, why would I invite you here?

With a flick of his sleeves, Mayor Tang gave an ultimatum and went back to his room.

No matter what it is, let's not say whether he will be caught or not. If something happens to his family again, Ah Hai and Ah Chu will have to lose money and leave immediately.

After being scolded by Mayor Tang like this, A Hai and A Chu just wanted to refute, but couldn't find a reason.

As soon as Axiu arrived, he was sure that the murderer was not a zombie, but the two of them were not even sure, so they hurried around in a panic.

"I think you will call it Senior Sister Axiu in the future. She has only been in school for a year, you two."



Ah Chu didn't say a word, while Ah Hai's face was hot.

He is a senior brother and has been with his master for more than ten years, but now he has been caught up by his junior sister who has entered the school for one year.

What a shame!

"Jiang Lin, what should we do next?"

Axiu is just learning and applying, and she has not yet reached the point of being a teacher, and many times, she is watching Mao Xiaofang deal with it, and she has little experience in practice, and now she does not know what to do.

"First of all, the house of the mayor of the fat man has suffered a series of incidents, which may have been targeted by something. Ask around. If this does not happen in other places, you can position the position here. Secondly, if it is not zombies, there are It may be the revenge of the wronged ghost, there may be some things we don’t know, and we also ask outside, and if we know who may be victimized, we will focus on protecting them.”

After a pause, Jiang Lin continued: "In the end, we need to find out what the perpetrator is. Your priority now is not to let this fat mayor's family die again. Who made the two of you collect the money and lose it? already."

As long as it's not a matter of revenge, Jiang Lin wouldn't take this kind of business.

This is where he differs from ordinary Taoist priests. The wicked wait for the heaven to be harvested, it is better to wait for the ghost to harvest.

However, since A Hai and A Chu had already taken over this kind of business, he gave constructive advice. It remains to be discussed whether it is the revenge of the wronged ghost.

"Senior uncle, see you!"

A Hai and A Chu gave Jiang Lin a thumbs up. Now they really don't know what to do.

The two brothers and sisters were about to go out with Axiu to inquire about the situation. Jiang Lin crossed his arms and said, "There is no corpse in the tooth hole, and I am not sure if it was made by a ghost, or it might be a beast. You all went out. What if it appears?"

"Senior brother, you stay, I can't trust him second brother."

A Chu: "I..."

For Axiu's opinion, Jiang Lin nodded in agreement, asking Achu to do the work of guarding, he would be Amitabha if he didn't take the initiative to open the door.

After exiting the gate of the mayor's house and going down the steps, Axiu let out a soft hiss.

Jiang Lin carried her on his back in the past, and he already had a skin-to-skin relationship, so he was afraid that others would know.

It's over, this is not called Senior Sister, this has to be called Senior Aunt!

Although Ah Chu had broken thoughts in his heart, he still pretended not to see anything on his face.

I do not know anything.

After A Chu asked around the town, he did agree with what Jiang Lin said. There had been no similar incidents in other places, and he also got a piece of news.

The mayor's son killed Wang San at the end of the town a while ago. The reason was that he fell in love with Wang San's wife. In the end, Wang San's wife married into Tang Zhenchang's house before her filial piety.

"Retribution, really retribution! Poor Wang San, such a good person, his wife was married, and the family dog ​​followed. Women are cowards, and dogs are cowards!"

The surrounding townspeople have a lot of resentment towards the mayor and his son. Knowing that something happened to the mayor's house, they can't wait to applaud.

Chapter seven hundred and sixty fourth righteous dog

"Naughty dog?"

Jiang Lin recalled that when they were checking the body, there was indeed a big wolf dog wandering around.

The body is not so big.

"Uncle Shi, it's really possible that the wronged ghost takes revenge."

"Look at what I'm doing, if you're sure it's the revenge of the ghost, just go back to the altar and wait for the ghost to be collected."

Jiang Lin looked at Ah Chu angrily. If he didn't come, wouldn't he just stare blankly?

Ah Chu didn't dare to speak anymore. In the past, when his master was there, he would ask questions if he didn't understand, but Jiang Lin was different, he glared at people when he asked.

If Jiang Lin knew what Ah Chu was thinking, he would have to attack him again, asking once, twice, and N times. If he didn't stare at you, he would let you ask God.

What is your brain doing?

Only Mao Xiaofang's temperament can stand such an apprentice. If Jiang Lin accepts an apprentice, if he asks a similar question for the third time, he will have to eat a stick.

Back at the mayor's house, Ah Hai and Ah Chu began to set up the altar and waited quietly for the dark.

A Hai looked at A Xiu who was sitting with Jiang Lin, and felt very uncomfortable. Originally, after Jiang Lin had been gone for a year, he should still have a chance. He almost didn't have time to spend with Axiu.

Now that Jiang Lin is back, he is completely out of action.

Axiu had two pomelo leaves pasted on her eyebrows, and she kept glancing around. Jiang Lin also looked around from time to time.

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