There was no movement until midnight.


"Wang Wang Wang!"

Second entered the yard, there was a woman's scream and the bark of a wolf dog.

How can this be?

Jiang Lin was stunned for a moment. With his current cultivation level, there are still some evil spirits that can hide from his perception. Even beasts should move.

"Young mistress, she...she's dead!"

When Jiang Lin and the others arrived, a maid was already sitting on the ground, and the lantern in her hand also fell to the ground.

In the room, there was a good-looking young man) (The woman was lying in a pool of blood beside the bed, and the big wolf dog was leaning on its front legs by the window, looking out.

"Senior brother, the compass reacts, and there is a ghost in that direction."

"Come on!"

The two brothers, A Hai and A Chu, turned over the window and rushed to catch up, while Jiang Lin frowned, and there was no ghost in this room at all.

And he never believed that ghosts could bite people's necks.

Even a ghost with fangs, such as a red-robed fire ghost, would not use this method to kill people. Human blood is hot, and it contains a lot of yang energy.

Even if it is to inhale the yang energy of living people, they will not use this method.

Jiang Lin moved his nose, sniffing the bloody smell in the air, and finally his eyes fell on the big wolf dog.

"Jiang Lin, what's wrong with you?"

"It's okay, let's go out and have a look first."

Jiang Lin grabbed Axiu's waist and got out of the window.

It didn't take long for him to see A Hai and A Chu surrounding a kid.

When the kid saw Jiang Lin coming, he immediately knelt down to him.

"I have seen Master Jiang, little Wang San, because he was killed by the young master of the Tang family and his wife was unfaithful. Today, the little one has avenged his revenge, please let Master Jiang go."

"You are Wang San, do you know me?"

Wang San nodded and said, "I've been to Gantian Town once, and I was fortunate enough to meet Master Jiang."

Wang San had also heard of Jiang Lin's ability, so since the Taoist priest came, he also gave up the idea of ​​escaping.

"Uncle Shi, as you said, it's the revenge of the wronged ghost."

"Hey, he is also suffering. We accept him and wait for the master to come back."

A Hai and A Chu identified the murderer as Wang San, and were discussing how to deal with it.

"What's the matter with you? You haven't touched human life."

Jiang Lin sighed and looked at Wang San. If Wang San was taken away like this and handed over to Mao Xiaofang, even if he was overdone, he didn't know when he would be reincarnated.

"Jiang Lin, you said that people didn't kill him?"

Axiu was stunned for a moment, wondering why Jiang Lin would say such a thing.

"Master, did you read it wrong?"

"Yes, he has admitted it himself. If he didn't kill people, why would he admit it."

A Hai and A Chu were also puzzled by Jiang Lin's words. If this Wang San didn't kill anyone, could it be that he had a sick mind before he confessed guilt indiscriminately.

"The ghosts that have harmed people are different from the ghosts that have not harmed people. When you reach my level, you will be able to see it."

"No, Master Jiang, I killed people, I killed them! My revenge will be avenged, and Master Jiang can do whatever he wants!"

Wang Sansheng was agitated for fear that Jiang Lin would not believe it, but in this way, it seemed too abnormal.


At this moment, the big yellow dog rushed over, protected Wang San, and grinned at Jiang Lin and the others.

"Jianglin's mouth."

When Axiu saw the big wolf dog's mouth, she covered her mouth with her little hand.

The big wolf dog's teeth were almost gone, leaving a total of four canine teeth on the upper and lower jaws.


After Wang San saw the big wolf dog, he wanted to go up and hug it, but now he couldn't manifest the entity at all, and he couldn't touch the big wolf dog.

"Master, what's going on?"

Ah Hai and Ah Chu came to Jiang Lin's side with a puzzled look on their faces.

"From the beginning to the end, people were killed by this big wolf dog. Although it did not become a demon, but because of its age, its spiritual wisdom has improved a lot. It is estimated that the teeth in its mouth were bitten off by themselves. . In order not to be discovered, it has never grinned in front of people before."

Looking at the grinning wolf dog, Jiang Lin took a deep breath. There is actually such a loyal dog in this world.

If it doesn't lose the teeth in its mouth, a little inspection of the corpse will reveal that it was bitten by a dog.

In order to take revenge, this big wolf dog also took great pains.

"Jiang Lin, you said it came to the mayor's house for revenge, and then knocked off a mouthful of teeth to avenge the Lord? How painful it must be."

Axiu imagined for a moment, her eyes were red, and Ahai and Achu also felt their molars hurt.

It hurts to think about it!

The big wolf dog grunted and stuck out his tongue, trying to lick Wang San's face, but he could only lick the air.

"Wang San, you suffered a tragic death, and the neighbors around you praised you. I will give you a ride."

"Master Jiang, please let Rhubarb go, I don't need to be reincarnated."

Wang San knelt on the ground and kowtowed to Jiang Lin, while the big wolf dog walked around him, humming and chirping all the time.

"Don't worry, we are Taoist priests, we accept ghosts and hunt demons, but we don't beat dogs."

Then Jiang Lin turned his face to look at A Hai and A Chu, and said, "Let's go, the mayor doesn't need to pay for the money, he hired a Taoist priest. After two days of busy work, he still thinks he won't give any money? He just said that there are no ghosts and friends at all. Zombie, let him call the police and find a way to go. If he doesn't agree, just say what Jiang Lin said, there is no evil at all."

Chapter seven hundred and sixty-five come and go without indecent manner

Wang San, who has become a ghost, did not harm anyone, but Da Huang, who killed someone, is a big wolf dog, what does it have to do with their Taoist priests.

Jiang Lin was going to leave Ah Hai and Ah Chu in charge of Mayor Tang's affairs.

A lot of times, a person is not as good as a dog.

It's like Wang San's slut) (wife wife, if your husband dies, you remarry, that's fine, but if you marry the person who killed your husband, you deserve to be bitten by a dog.

"Ah? Uncle Shi, are we leaving like this?"

"You don't want to go, go deal with that big wolf dog, I think it bites you on the neck, you shouldn't be able to escape."

Jiang Lin rolled his eyes at Ah Chu. Now it's not a ghost or a ghost who is doing the wrong thing. What are you doing?

To kill a righteous dog for a fat pig who is worse than a dog?


Ah Chu took a few steps back, and the big wolf dog could understand what he said and attacked him.

"come in."

Jiang Lin held a paper crane between his fingers and winked at Wang San.

"Rhubarb, I'm leaving."

Wang San wiped away his tears. The wolf dog he raised was dying of old age. Now that it has no teeth, it is estimated that it will starve to death soon.


The big wolf dog knelt down on his legs and let out a groan.

"Jiang Lin, I want to take this rhubarb back. It's really pitiful. It's better than many people. It won't live long anyway."

Axiu shook Jianglin's arm. She has lived with animals since she was a child, and now she is very pitiful to see such a loyal wolf dog.

"If your master says about you then, I won't be able to control it."

According to the death status of several corpses, it is estimated that even if the police went to investigate, it would never have been thought that a dog would cut its teeth and bite people.

Even if Axiu doesn't take the wolfdog away, it will die on its own. There is a high chance that it will be beaten to death by the townspeople as a wicked dog after being driven out by the Tang family.

Therefore, Jiang Lin did not object to this.

"No, Master hurts me very much."

Jiang Lin didn't refuse, Axiu was very happy, if it wasn't for the presence of the two senior brothers, she would have given Jiang Lin a sweet kiss.

Someone was willing to raise Rhubarb, and Wang San had no worries, so he entered the paper crane in Jiang Lin's hands, and the wolf dog also came to Axiu's side and licked the upper of her shoe.

When A Hai and A Chu returned to the mayor's house, they had a fight with the mayor Tang, and finally asked him to call the police according to Jiang Lin's words.

As for losing money, it is impossible to lose money. Since Jiang Lin said they don't need to pay, it is better than what their master said.

"Xiu'er, back you."

Jiang Lin lowered his body in front of Axiu, carrying his wife is a very happy thing.

"Are you going to sleep in Liyangju tonight?"

"The two brothers have to go back to Fuxi Hall, and I have to go back too."

On Jiang Lin's back, Axiu's face was like a ripe peach. Thinking of last night's experience made her heart skip a beat.

"Jiang Lin, how long do you think it will take me to graduate?"

"It doesn't matter if you don't go to school, don't look up and see, don't put pressure on yourself. Or you... so want to marry?"

Jiang Lin moved his wrist and patted Axiu's patpat, causing Axiu to slap his shoulder in shame.

A few days later, Mao Xiaofang returned to Gantian Town and took a banknote to Liyangju.

"Fellow Daoist, it's been a long time. I heard Axiu say that you went to Egypt and experienced a lot of dangers."

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