"My teacher had an accident and needed to go to Egypt to find a way to rescue. Who knew that there was an accident on the way."

Jiang Lin motioned to Mao Xiaofang to drink tea, and talked about what he had seen, which made Mao Xiaofang amazed.

"I've collected the ten thousand oceans. This year, I've been exhausted."

Mao Xiaofang took out a stack of bank notes, and the debt was repaid, and he was free from debt.

"It's really better to read ten thousand volumes of books than to travel ten thousand miles. On the way, I encountered some dangers, thanks to the red copper sword of fellow Daoist."

After finally having free time, Mao Xiaofang chatted with Jiang Lin.

In the past year, Mao Xiaofang has subdued demons and subdued demons. His knowledge has improved a lot, and even he has a deeper understanding of some Taoist techniques, so he discussed Taoism with Jiang Lin.

Jiang Lin has basically done his own research these years. Because Uncle Ninth went outside the Great Wall and Zhang Han hugged his wife every day, there was relatively little communication between him and his colleagues.

There was nothing left or right, he and Mao Xiaofang expressed their opinions, and before they knew it, they had been discussing from morning to dusk.

Taking this opportunity, Jiang Lin also consulted with Mao Xiaofang on how to calculate various ecliptic visions. In the future, in addition to the moonlight, he also needs to capture other visions in the morning and sunset. It is best to improve his own calculation methods. .

Mao Xiaofang also knew everything, which made Jiang Lin very educated.

"It's better to listen to your words than to read ten years of books."

Even though Mao Xiaofang's knowledge has increased a lot, Jiang Lin's insights still make him feel relieved.

"Jiang also benefited a lot from Master Mao."

Jiang Lin is also very sure of Mao Xiaofang's insight in fortune-telling, especially in the aspects of astrological and sun and moon weather, he has indeed gained a lot.

"By the way, how did I find that Axiu seems to have matured a lot after coming back this time, and I can't catch me asking about Romeo and Juliet."

Mao Xiaofang looked at Jiang Lin with a strange look, and he said the word "mature" a little more seriously.

"Cough, maybe it's grown up."

Jiang Lin almost choked on the tea, Mao Xiaofang's words were too abrupt.


Mao Xiaofang let out a long sigh, and it seemed that it was written on his face: I'll just watch you pretend.

In fact, even if Axiu was with Jiang Lin in the future, he didn't have any opinion. When he was sleeping outside, he often heard Axiu talk in his sleep, and Jiang Lin's name was often mentioned by her.

"Master Mao, this is a copy of the flying dragon seven-star formation. Last year, Master Mao gave the inheritance of Jiang Moutian Taoism. It was a great gift. I have always wanted to return a gift to Master Mao, but I was too busy. went overseas."

Jiang Lin took out a booklet, which contained the seven-star array of flying dragons that he copied from the Shenxiao faction.

With a smile, Jiang Lin said again, "It is also indecent to come and go."

Originally, he was going to give it to Mao Xiaofang, but now the atmosphere was a little awkward, so Jiang Lin took it out to divert Mao Xiaofang's attention.

"Flying Dragon Seven Star Array!"

Jiang Lin's method of diverting his attention really worked wonders. When Mao Xiaofang heard the name of the Seven Star Array, he jumped up from his chair.

After a long while, he calmed down his excitement and said, "Fellow Daoist, in the age of the end of the law, this flying dragon seven-star formation can be said to be the crown of the formation, and I can't accept it."

"Hey~ Master Mao can't look down on Jiang? It's worth being honest with friends. Since Master Mao gave Jiang the core inheritance of the martial art, although he had the intention of caring for the orphan at the beginning, it was a generous gift after all. How could Jiang Take it for nothing."

"Since fellow Daoist said so, Mao Xiaofang accepted it."

Mao Xiaofang held the booklet in his hands with great care. To him, this formation was an invaluable treasure.

Jiang Lin didn't know that he kindly gifted the Flying Dragon Seven-Star Array today, but it became a catastrophe for Mao Xiaofang in the future.

Mao Xiaofang didn't know who he was, so many years later, he fell ruthlessly in the flying dragon seven-star formation.

Chapter seven hundred and sixty sixth letter from Shu Ning

After taking the booklet, Mao Xiaofang couldn't help flipping through it.

Don't look at him saying that he can't accept it before, that's actually stubborn and honest in his heart.

After Jiang Lin insisted on sending them off, he did not refuse and immediately accepted.

This flying dragon seven-star array can not only be used for attacks, but can even predict the time and place of disasters, and even change a person's fate.

Mao Xiaofang has been very famous for this formation for a long time, but as early as more than a hundred years ago, this formation has been lost.

Seeing Mao Xiaofang's fascinated appearance, Jiang Lin drank tea quietly without disturbing him.

"Husband, it's dinner, Master Mao, you have prepared your tableware and chopsticks, stay for a light meal."

"Master, it's time to eat."

Chen Yu came to the front yard and said that the meal had already started, and coincidentally, Axiu also came in, and Fuxitang had already prepared the meal.

"Cough cough, Daoist friend, I'm so sorry, it's already so late. Axiu, eat, I'll have a drink with Daoist friend tonight!"

Jiang Lin returned such a generous gift and invited him to dinner. Mao Xiaofang could not help but let Axiu go back first.

"Axiu, let's eat here together, I'll let the servants go to Fuxi Hall and let me know."


When they got to the dining hall, Jiang Lin realized that there was only a small table, and there were only three sets of tableware and chopsticks, and one set was just added by Ren Tingting.

Jiang Lin looked at Chen Yu and said, "Why don't you have a big table, so you guys can eat together. I'm not the kind of man who doesn't let the female relatives on the table when guests come."

Chen Yu smiled slightly, kissed Jiang Lin, and said, "We know that your husband loves your wife. As your husband's family, you should also consider it for you. Sisters can eat in the room."

Chen Yu and the others also knew that their family was rather special. If all the sisters were at the dinner table, it would be almost like a gathering of beautiful women, so considering that there were guests and it was Master Mao, they agreed to eat in the room.

"The wives are so nice."

"Okay, let's go, Tingting and I are going to dinner too."

Chen Yu pushed Jiang Lin and went back to the room with Ren Tingting.

"Fellow Daoist, toast to you!"

Mao Xiaofang had never drank alcohol, but today he was really happy. He made an exception and filled a large glass to toast Jiang Lin.

Mao Xiaofang was also fortunate that he didn't stick to the door after he met Jiang Lin, otherwise, he would never have been able to get the seven-star array of flying dragons.

"Fellow Daoist, you Li Yangju's food is really better than Hexinglou."

After tasting a few dishes, Mao Xiaofang was really envious. His apprentices had the same cooking skills. No matter where Li Yang lived here, even home-cooked dishes were no worse than high-end restaurants.

After pushing the glass for a few times, Mao Xiaofang drank for the first time, and suddenly he drank too high, and finally became unconscious.

Jiang Lin asked his servants to help Xiaofang Mao into the guest room to rest, then turned to Axiu and said, "Your master is resting here, so don't leave."

"Then where do I sleep?"

"It's not where you sleep, it's who you sleep with."

Jiang Lin looked at the shy and coy Axiu, held her hand, and took her back to the room.

"Husband, Miss Shu's letter."

Early the next morning, Fu Qingfeng took a letter to the back garden.

"Has something evil happened in Shu Ning's house?"

Jiang Lin opened the letter, the content of which was Shu Ning's request for help. Her father was suspected of being caught in an evil spirit and could not be cured no matter what.

"Qingfeng, I'm going out for a few days."

"Ah? Are you leaving again? It's been a few days since we got married."

When Fu Qingfeng heard that Jiang Lin was leaving, she was reluctant. She and her sister only wore wedding dresses half a month ago, and now it was the honeymoon period of the newly married Yan'er, and Jiang Lin was going out again.

"It won't be long, at most half a month."

Jiang Lin held Fu Qingfeng's catkin and comforted him.

Fu Qingfeng also knew that Jiang Lin was busy, but after entering the Jiang family's door, their youth would be very long in the future, so Fu Qingfeng didn't lose his temper.

Jiang Lin brought some guys and necessities, went to the provincial capital, and took the train to Fuzhou, where Shu Ning's home was.

Two days later, Jiang Lin found his destination according to the information in Shu Ning's letter.

This Shu Ning is really Miss Shu.

Jiang Lin was taken aback when he saw a villa-like building in front of him. He only knew that Shu Ning runs the Guangming Newspaper Office and was not worried about losing money. It was equivalent to his father spending money to play with her. Money, it seems, is more than just having money.

Not only the villa, but also security guards.

The security guards of this period were different from the security guards of later generations, and they were almost the same as the guards.

"Who is coming?"

The security guard gave Jiang Lin a look, then stopped looking at him.

Jiang Lin was dressed in a beige robe from the Republic of China, which did not look like a rich man at all, and Jiang Lin looked very young, and most people would think that this age would not do much.

"Your Shu family invited me over, Jiang Lin."

"Jiang Lin? It's Mr. Jiang, come in quickly."

When the security guard heard Jiang Lin's name, he immediately changed his attitude.


In the living room, Shu Ning, who was frowning, saw Jiang Lin and was very excited.

"A-Ning, this is the master Jiang you said, too young?"

"Yes, can he solve your father's problem?"

"I said Aning, your father is only your precious daughter. You can't be fooled by other people's tricks."

Behind Shu Ning, the three ladies obviously didn't trust Jiang Lin too much, but misunderstood that Shu Ning had been tricked by some kind of magic trick.

"Aunt, mom, third mom, Jiang Lin is my friend, how can you say that! And they do have real talents and real learning, not the kind of warlock who cheats."

Shu Ning frowned and looked at the three ladies, and then said to Jiang Lin apologetically, "Jiang Lin, I'm sorry, this is my aunt, mother and third mother, because you look too young and you don't Beard..."

"You know, there's no hair on your mouth, so you can't do things well, right?"

Jiang Lin smiled and greeted the three ladies at random: "I have seen three aunts."

The three ladies nodded slightly, but there was still distrust in their eyes.

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