When he got to the railing, his eyes straightened.

Jiang Lin was on the water, stepping on the sea water with both feet, walking towards the sea in front of him like a walk on the ground.

Rubbing his eyes, the boatman thought he had seen a ghost, and quickly took out the silver note to see if it was a ghost coin.

Half an hour later, Jiang Lin was only [*] meters away from the fire, and now he could clearly feel the extraordinary flames burning in the sea.

There is no oil on the sea, and there is no oil, and the fire seems to be fueled by seawater.

Squinting, there is a vortex three meters in diameter at the center of the flame.

Is this Haiyan Returning to the Ruins?

Jiang Lin didn't know much about the so-called Guixu. It was recorded in the book that it was hundreds of millions of miles east of the East China Sea, where sea water flowed into.

But this kind of argument is simply absurd. The earth's equator is only [*] miles in a circle, and there is no such thing as hundreds of millions of miles.

After pressing down the doubts in his heart, Jiang Lin stepped on the water and ran over. This kind of flame is probably the legendary dragon fire that ignites when it meets water, and it is also a kind of strange fire.

But as soon as he got close to the flame, the momentum of the rootless fire began to decrease and gradually extinguished.

The vortex at the center of the flame gradually dwindled, and was eventually filled up by the sea.

Go to your second uncle!

I spent [*] oceans, and you just came here and you're gone?

Jiang Lin arrived at the sea where the fire had originally appeared, and then a fierce man plunged down.

Under the surface of the water, there is still fire, this strange fire is dragon fire!

However, the flames in the sea, as if they were specifically avoiding the river forest, moved under the sea surface, and as the flames dived, it began to show signs of extinguishing itself.

Jiang Lin accelerated his dive, chasing after the dragon fire.

What made him want to curse was that when he got close to the flames in the sea, the flames all went out at once.

Jiang Lin didn't catch any sparks.

Second uncle's, second uncle's, second uncle's!

Jiang Lin scolded directly from a thousand meters above the sea.

Now that he has crossed the East China Sea continental shelf, he has chased down to a thousand meters underwater, but he has found nothing!

Just when Jiang Lin was about to go back, he didn't know if it was an illusion, but he seemed to have found a light flickering in the depths.

Anyway, the water pressure is still within the acceptable range. Since Jiang Lin has already dived so deep, he doesn't mind going down to take a look.

Maybe there is the source of the dragon fire.

After diving for another [*] meters, Jiang Lin felt a strong pressure on his body, but fortunately, he had already reached the bottom of the sea.

Even though there is almost no light in this place, Jiang Lin's zombie eyes can still see the scene in a radius of twenty meters.

After swimming under the sea for half an hour, Jiang Lin saw a low mountain in the sea. Strangely, there were many caves on the low mountain.

Jiang Lin swam into one of the caves and groped his way forward.

When he reached the end of the cave, Jiang Lin let out his own Yang Yan, illuminating the front.

What shocked him was that there was actually a huge palace in this low mountain, and the material was white marble!

With the help of Yang Yan's light, Jiang Lin overlooked the palace below from the entrance of the cave. Although he couldn't see the whole picture, he was sure that the palace should be a large tomb in the sea.

Who has the ability to build such a cemetery in such a deep seabed?

Jiang Lin had seen quite a few strange things and stories, but it was still difficult for him to imagine that it was the Almighty who could actually build such a palace here.

If it is on land, forget it, it is not difficult, but here is the bottom of the sea!

At least the emperors in the mortal world can never do this.

Chapter [*]: Master of Zuo Ci, Old Immortal Nanhua!

After glancing at the entrance of the cave, Jiang Lin decided to go down to investigate.

The person buried here is definitely not an ordinary person but a powerful person. If you slip inside, you may be able to harvest some rare treasures.

It has been a long time since diving from the sea to the bottom of the sea, and there is still strong water pressure around. Jiang Lin's body gradually became unbearable, so he released the corpse poison in his body.

After being corpse, he no longer needs to breathe.

And while the corpse poison is flowing all over his body, he can also release Yang Yan. If he doesn't encounter any troublesome things, his ability can handle it.

Jiang Lin kicked away from the hole and swam towards the bottom, but when he was approaching the sky above the palace, he instinctively felt a crisis.

Is there any restriction here?

Just in case, Jiang Lin stretched out his arm and pointed forward. Suddenly, a light and shadow appeared around the palace. A huge magic circle was like an upside-down giant bowl, protecting the palace in the center.


Jiang Lin's arm quickly retracted, but after a while, one of his palms turned black.

If it's too late, I'm afraid one hand will be gone.

What a powerful formation!

Jiang Lin was shocked. Even if he could form a flying dragon seven-star formation now, the effect might be a little worse than this formation.

The palace had been hidden under the sea for hundreds of thousands of years, but the formation was still effective, which made Jiang Lin sigh and open his eyes.

That being the case, he wanted to go in and have a look even more.

There might be a monk inside.

After swimming in the water for six hours, Jiang Lin used the light brought by his own Yang Yan to carefully figure out the outline and layout of the entire palace.

If he hadn't stayed in the monk era, he really wouldn't have recognized the doorway in the formation this time.

This palace is relatively safe only by entering through the gate.

Just when Jiang Lin wanted to take further action, there was movement in the other holes in the low mountain.

One after another, the skeletons of the sharks swam out of the hole, and the fish skulls also flashed red, blue or white lights.

It was only at this time that Jiang Lin re-examined the arrangement of the cave entrances in the low mountain. One hundred and eight cave entrances concealed the number of Heavenly Gang and Earth Demons, of which only three were safe, and the one he happened to enter was one of them.

At the bottom of the sea, Jiang Lin did not worry about being restricted by the water pressure, so he fought with the bones of a dozen mermen in the water.

Jiang Lin had to say that the ability to extend limbs really helped him a lot. He used to think that this ability was very tasteless.

Thinking about it now, the abilities analyzed by the system for him are tasteless.

Living sharks and shark demon Jianglin have both killed a group, not to mention these are just some corpses.

An hour later, he tore the bones of the mermaid into piles of bone sticks and fishbone.

After landing at the bottom of the palace, Jiang Lin walked towards the gate of the palace. Seeing the plaque above the gate, Jiang Lin was stunned for a moment.

On the plaque are written four characters: Nanhua Xianfu.

South China?

Jiang Lin's heart was pounding, and the first thing that came to his mind was the "South China Classic", written by Zhuangzi, together with "Book of Changes" and "Lao Tzu", collectively known as Sanxuan.

Because of the creation of the Taoist classic "Nanhua Jing", Zhuangzi is also honored as Nanhua Zhenren.

In addition, Jiang Lin thought of another legendary figure related to "Nanhua" - the old fairy of Nanhua.

This person is Zuo Ci's teacher!

His other two disciples were Zhang Jiao and Yu Ji.

When Jiang Lin was looking for Zuo Ci's information, he had seen sporadic accounts of this old Nanhua immortal in ancient books.

Nan Hua Lao Xian is a very mysterious figure who has three disciples in his life: Zhang Jiao, Yu Ji and Zuo Ci.

He gave Zhang Jiao the magical "Tai Ping Dun Jia", which can reverse the fate of the gods, and Yu Ji, the "Tai Ping Qing Lingdao", which can cure people's diseases, and finally gave Zuo Ci three volumes of the Dun Jia Tianshu.

I didn't expect to come here in the East China Sea, and I didn't find any Longhuo and Daxu, but actually found the tomb of Zuo Ci's teacher.

Jiang Lin was very excited. He was hostile to Zuo Ci. If this place is really the tomb of Nan Hua Lao Xian, he might be able to obtain some secret techniques that have been cut off. At that time, it doesn't matter whether Zuo Ci has become a flying zombie or so-called The "immortal", he can deal with a little more confidence.

After calming down his excitement, Jiang Lin pressed his hands on the white marble gate, and with all his strength, he pushed the six-to-seven-meter-high gate open to a one-meter-wide gap.

However, his body was also full of scars from the thunder carried by the formation.

If it weren't for the sea water blocking most of the power of the formation, Jiang Lin estimated that he would definitely be seriously injured.

Seeing other mermaid skeletons swimming out of the hole in the low mountain one after another, Jiang Lin ignored it, swung his legs, and swam in.

Even if he is now a thousand-year-old zombie king, fighting against these behemoths will still be quite exhausting.

After entering the palace gate, there is a corridor that is [*] meters long.

Jiang Lin had just swum ten meters, when the promenade below suddenly burst into a strong light, and then the entire promenade split to both sides, and gurgling magma erupted from it.

At the same time, the strange rune under the ground erupted with strong suction, directly sucking Jiang Lin into it.

The blazing magma drowned Jiang Lin in it. It didn't take long for Jiang Lin to gasp for breath and stick his head out of the magma on the sea floor.

If it wasn't for his own Yang body and Yang Yan, he would definitely be planted this time.

Jiang Lin was bubbling with countless emerald green bubbles. The magma here was unusual. With Jiang Lin's current resistance to flames and high temperatures, it was difficult to hold on for too long.

Jiang Lin swam all the way forward. In a short distance of [*] meters, he encountered several dangers, and he still had several steel knives stuck in his body.

After the magma, the flame formation formed by the dragon fire was even more powerful than the magma, causing Jiang Lin to be tossed a lot.

After that, there was the sea tornado formed by the formation. Hundreds of steel blades with demon-breaking runes were involved together with Jiang Lin.

Oh shit!It's not over yet!

Jiang Lin and the sea around him were frozen into a huge block of ice. The extreme cold in the ice block made him feel that he could not command his hands and feet.

After releasing the true sun fire in his body, Jiang Lin snorted angrily, and the ice cubes that were close to thirty cubic meters were gradually melted by the sun flames.

Jiang Lin instantly felt that the Heavenly Dragon Barrier he had arranged was simply weaker than this tomb guard formation.

The gate seems to be the safest place to enter the battle, but only after entering can you know what danger is.

If it wasn't for Jiang Lin's body and Yang Yan, I'm afraid he would have died many times.

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