This Nanhua Immortal Mansion, built on the seabed of [*] meters, has also arranged such a killing formation. Not to mention the monks, even a group of monks would probably die a lot.

Chapter [*] Developed!

As long as you enter the gate of the palace, even if you don't go through the corridor in front of you, the result will be the same. The tomb guard formation here is distributed in a rectangular area, and detours are useless.

The more dangerous it was, the more Jiang Lin wanted to see what was inside this Nanhua Immortal Mansion.

Drilling out of the huge ice block, Jiang Lin continued to move forward, and a bright light appeared below. A stream of blood-red liquid erupted from below, surrounding Jiang Lin in the center. Some small creatures in the water were covered with blood-red liquid. When the liquid touched it, the whole body festered immediately, and in the blink of an eye, only the bones were left, and in the end even the bones melted away.

strong acid!

"Is this Nima aqua regia?"

Jiang Lin's eyes became round, and he was not afraid of ice and fire, but it was comparable to Wang Suan's stuff, and he didn't dare to be careless.

Although his body is invulnerable and bullets are difficult to penetrate, it has little resistance to some highly corrosive acids and alkalis.

Even if steel is hard enough, if it is splashed with concentrated sulfuric acid or nitric acid, it will still be riddled with holes.

Jiang Lin had no time to think about it, and immediately recovered the corpse poison. Enduring a strong suffocation, he released all the Yang flames in his body. At the same time, he used his legs to break through.

Even with Yang Yan, the waters were completely flooded with strong acid, and Jiang Lin could feel the pain of being stung all over his body.

It's like rubbing salt on a wound.

"Turtle School Qigong!"

Jiang Lin didn't dare to delay any longer, he sighed in his heart, gathered his arms, and sent a pillar of fire behind him. With the help of the force of the recoil, he shot forward like a torpedo.

After firing several turtle waves, Jiang Lin broke out of the water prison composed of strong acid.

Fortunately, due to the limitation of the power of the formation, the blood-red strong acid did not spread to other waters, otherwise Jiang Lin would be completely exhausted.

The lightning strike array, magma array, dragon fire array, wind scroll array, and ice array, plus this strong acid array, already had a six-layer lore sub-array. Jiang Lin admired the owner of this tomb to the ground.

This is not land, but the bottom of the sea. To arrange this array on the seabed, Nima's accomplishments in the array have left him eighteen streets.

Jiang Lin breathed a sigh of relief when he saw a front hall more than ten meters away. He still did not believe that the owner of the tomb house would destroy the buildings in the palace in order to prevent outsiders from entering.

In other words, as long as you enter this immeasurable hall, there should be no trouble.

Jiang Lin's feet landed on the ground. Now that he is so tired that he can walk two steps, he doesn't want to swim in the water.

After walking two steps, Jiang Lin noticed that the surrounding light had changed. He looked up and saw that the protective mask on the huge palace began to emit golden light, and then holes began to appear on the cover, which gradually became larger. In the end it was almost as big as the mouth of a well.

Jiang Lin looked at one of the holes, and found that it was just in line with one of the [*] holes in the low mountain.

Looking at the other voids, it was the same.

I call you second uncle!

The cannons are here!

Jiang Lin is now full of black lines, and there are dazzling golden lights on the openings of the mountain walls corresponding to the hollows, just like the laser cannon is charged before firing.

you are vicious!

A beam of golden light quickly bombarded over, penetrated the hole in the mask, and charged straight towards Jiang Lin.

Jiang Lin was in the water, and he was relatively slow to move. In a hurry, he could only send out a pillar of fire with both palms and slam it against the golden light.

However, after blocking one after another, the golden light blasted from the hole was powerful. If he was hit, he would be seriously injured even with Jiang Lin's current body.

Jiang Lin teleported in the water to avoid the bombardment of the golden light. Because he was in the water, Jiang Lin used the teleport ability continuously, and soon became exhausted and could only continue to use his own lore to resist.

It took Jiang Lin more than half an hour to enter the Infinite Hall at a distance of more than ten meters.

Now he can only let himself belong to the state of the corpse. Once the corpse poison is recovered, he needs a lot of fresh air to breathe.

Fortunately, Jiang Lin entered the Infinite Hall, and the golden light at the entrance of the low mountain also seemed to stop because he had no goal.

Jiang Lin has never been so tired as he is now, corpse qi and spiritual energy have been consumed too much by rushing into the seventh-layer lore formation.

After sitting in the hall for a long time and resting, Jiang Lin continued to move forward.

This immeasurable hall is no different from the ordinary front hall of Taoist temples, except for a few white marble tables and chairs and futons, there is nothing valuable in it.

The golden light of the mask above didn't dim, so Jiang Lin didn't need to let out his own sun flames. After the light was on, he could clearly see some details in the entire palace.

Although this is a tomb, but it is similar to a Taoist temple.

Jiang Lin headed for the depths of the palace, and as expected, after entering the Infinite Hall, there were no other formations, not even organs.

Even if there is an organ, it will not be able to function in this seabed filled with seawater.

Jiang Lin was not in a hurry to find anything. The architectural layout of this tomb was itself a huge formation, which echoed the seven-layer lore formation outside, so Jiang Lin imprinted all the buildings and furnishings in his mind. , ready to return to Gantian Town, Haosheng did some research.

After walking out of the Infinite Hall, the two sides were the much larger "Longevity Hall" and "Dengxian Hall". Jiang Lin couldn't help shaking his head. The emperors in the mortal world pursued immortality all their lives, while the monks outside Fangwai were striving for success. Immortal, he really doesn't understand.

When he arrived at the Immortal Ascension Hall on the left, Jiang Lin really opened his eyes. There were many gold foils in the Immortal Ascension Hall, which recorded various cultivation experiences.

Jiang Lin has finally determined that this tomb belongs to Zuo Ci's master, Nanhua Lao Xian.

Guarding the Seven Absolutes.

Jiang Lin read a record on the gold foil and realized that the seventh-layer lore formation outside was a defensive formation that Nan Hua Lao Xian had learned from the fragments of the ten ancient formations.

On the gold foil, there is a method for arranging the Seven Absolutes Array.

In addition, Jiang Lin also saw the fragments of the Immortal Execution Formation, which shocked him.


Jiang Lin was so excited that he danced in the water. Compared with some spells, the formation was more precious. The value of these two gold foils was no less than two golden mountains for Jiang Lin.

After putting away the gold leaf, Jiang Lin went to the Hall of Longevity again.

There are many copper slips placed in the hall, most of which are records of medical, pathological, and medical records. In addition, there is a huge medicine cabinet, which contains a large number of medicinal materials.

Jiang Lin didn't open the medicine cabinet, he could see the contents clearly by using the power of perspective alone.

It seems that this East China Sea will not come again.

Jiang Lin didn't bring anything for storage. Even if he did, he couldn't take these things out because there was a large formation outside.

As for the bronze mirror that Jing Yuanying lives in, Jiang Lin did not bring it with him this time.

Chapter [*] This is because I knew I was coming?

  This is definitely a great asset!

  Jiang Lin never thought that he would come to the East China Sea this time. His original intention was to search for the dragon fire and to investigate the so-called Daxu. He didn't expect that he didn't touch the dragon fire at all, but found the tomb of the old fairy Nanhua on the bottom of the sea.

  It's really a blessing in disguise.

  Although there was a dragon fire in the Imperial Guard Qijue Formation just now, Jiang Lin had no way to take it into his body. In the state of corpse, although his Yang Yan could overflow his body, he wanted to drive Yang Yan to devour the dragon fire. Corpse poison must be recovered.

  Considering that his body was reaching its limit, Jiang Lin could only give up temporarily.

  But this is not a pity. The gold leaf has recorded the method of arranging the Seven Absolutes, and there is information about the dragon fire.

  For Jiang Lin, the tomb of Nanhua Lao Xian was almost the same as the Xian’s residence.

  Compared to Ge Hong's alchemy room before, this place is really a treasure trove.

Not to mention the treasures of heaven and earth preserved here, that is, the gold foil in the Hall of Immortals on the opposite side, which are treasures that can hardly be bought by tens of millions of gold.

The formation was useful to Jiang Lin, and he could learn from his cultivation experience. More importantly, the cultivation experience of the old immortal Nanhua had a great effect on Li Yingqi.

Although Li Yingqi was in a deep sleep, her previous cultivation level was higher than that of Jindan, and since she had no emotional barriers, it was not impossible for her to enter another level.

Although it is now the era of the end of the law, Jiang Lin has a lot of inventory for cultivation. With the experience of his predecessors and the help of medicinal materials, the possibility should be improved a lot.

Thinking of the disciple and wife who had been sleeping in the white jade coffin, Jiang Lin realized that he had not found the legendary "Tai Ping Jing" in the Hall of Immortal Ascension.

If he could also get a Dunjia Heavenly Book, that would be cool.

Look further ahead.

After leaving the Hall of Longevity, Jiang Lin went deeper and saw a Hall of Pill Dao.

Another great harvest!

Maybe Nanhua Lao Xian thought that his tomb was built on the bottom of the sea, and there was a defensive formation outside, and it was impossible for anyone to enter it, so some of the treasures inside did not take any protective measures at all.

Jiang Lin took an inventory and found that there were quite a few medicinal pills used to improve his cultivation, and there were even some medicinal pills that were useful for ghost cultivation.

Jiang Lin speculated from the description of the gold leaf that this huge tomb might have been built by the old immortal Nanhua using a large number of water ghosts, but it was beyond his expectation that there were medicinal pills useful for ghosts in the Hall of Pill Dao.

In addition, there are several silver elixir scriptures in the Dan Dao Palace, namely Taiqing Danjing, Jiuding Danjing and Jinye Danjing, and there are many small characters on them, which can penetrate the silver paper.

Jiang Lin watched for a while, and felt that Dan Dao was indeed extensive and profound. If it weren't for his extensive knowledge, it would be really hard to understand.

Glancing at the corner of the hall, Jiang Lin found that there were still several wine jars pressed by white jade boards. His eyes turned green, and he glanced inside. The wine inside was still well preserved. The air was thickened into a thick fog.

Hehe, the two old father-in-laws are probably having a good time.

Jiang Lin was going to come back when he was going to take everything he could with him.

Take it, take it away, you're welcome!Make the most of it!

Putting down the elixir, Jiang Lin continued on his way to the last hall of the palace, Nanhua Xianju.

This bedroom is also made of white marble, and the door is still open.

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