Jiang Lin cheered up, became vigilant, and walked in.

Who knows if Nan Hua Lao Xian's corpse is inside, if this Lao Xian turns into a zombie, it's not for fun.

Jiang Lin looked in from the outside, there was nothing special in the dormitory, except for a pair of sapphire coffins inside, nothing else was out of the ordinary.

Walking in cautiously, Jiang Lin looked around, but found nothing, no gold foil, no iron slips, and no silver books.

It seems that there is no inheritance secret technique.

Jiang Lin couldn't help but feel a little disappointed. Since this old Nan Hua was Zuo Ci's teacher, he was definitely not a simple person, but now it seems that all his skills have been taken away.

Still a little unhappy.

Jiang Lin used his supernatural powers to look into the coffin in the dormitory, and when he saw it, his whole body was blown up.

There was a vacuum inside the coffin, and an old man lay flat in it, like a living person.

That's not the point, the point is that the corpse inside opened his eyes and chuckled at him.

Even though Jiang Lin had seen a lot of strange things, he was so frightened that he backed away again and again.

For many years, Jiang Lin didn't feel his scalp tingling, but this time he experienced that feeling again.

A thousand-year-old zombie king was scared to death.

After a while, Jiang Lin felt relieved. The old immortal Nan Hua in the coffin had long since passed away, but before he died, he still kept his eyes open and smiled at the direction he was standing just now.

Jiang Lin turned his gaze from the corpse and glanced inside the coffin, there was nothing but a dead person inside.

Seems to be really gone.

After moving his footsteps, Jiang Lin was about to leave the dormitory. There was a dead man in the coffin staring at him all the time, smiling, but it was no fun at all.

As soon as the soles of the feet moved off a piece of floor, the floor lifted up and finally stood upright on the ground.

Where the floor was previously covered, a dark compartment appeared.

Jiang Lin was startled again, he glanced at the coffin again, and after confirming that there was nothing unusual, he squatted down and looked at the floor.

There are some handwriting on it, Jiang Lin looked at it, like the self-report of the old fairy Nanhua.

Although the ancient text was a little convoluted to read, Jiang Lin still understood the meaning above.

The old immortal Nanhua accepted three disciples in his life. The eldest disciple Zhang Jiao got his inspiration and finally launched the Yellow Turban Uprising. Although his original intention was for the people, he went astray and became a group of gangsters. He was disappointed and rescued the sick all his life; the third disciple Zuo Ci was the most outrageous, thinking of becoming an immortal, pursuing the method of ascension hard, and finally hurt the teacher's old friend, making him the teacher shameless to face the dead old man.

Jiang Lin was stunned after reading the description on the floor. According to the above, what Nanhua Lao Xian said about Zuo Ci seemed to refer to Zuo Ci robbing the immortal burial coffin and injuring Li Yingqi.

Disciples of old friends?

Jiang Lin's eyes lit up. Could it be that the old friend Nanhua old immortal mentioned was Gu Yue's master, Master Li Yang?

Holding the three gold foils in the hidden compartment in his hand, Jiang Lin discovered that these three were the methods for the three volumes of the Dunjia Heavenly Book.

Did you already know I was coming?

Jiang Lin froze in place.

Chapter seven hundred and seventy-eight meeting relatives halfway

The open eyes in the coffin, the weird smile, the floor that he would step on when he stepped back a few steps, and the gold foil that was aimed at Zuo Ci in the dark grid, all of which made Jiang Lin suspect that the old immortal Nanhua might have expected it for thousands of years. Someone will come here later.

Moreover, Jiang Lin felt that there was a great possibility that it was him who was already counted by the old immortal Nanhua.

Turning around again to look inside the sapphire coffin, Jiang Lin noticed that the smile of the old immortal Nanhua seemed to be somewhat apologetic and relieved.

No matter what, Jiang Lin thought that the things in this tomb were left to him by the old immortal Nanhua.

He should take it, and he still takes it.

Who made Zuo Ci the apprentice of this old immortal?

Jiang Lin took the contents of the gold leaf into his heart, then closed the floor and left the dormitory.

This trip was quite successful, and he will wait for him to come again with the bronze mirror when he has time.

As for Longhuo, Jiang Lin will have a chance to get it when this kind of sea vision reappears in the future.

In the Infinite Hall, Jiang Lin spent a day refining the corpse poison in his body and replenishing his spiritual power.

After making sufficient preparations, he left the front hall, and once again entered the seventh-layer imperial defense and the seven unique formations.

Back on the sea surface, Jiang Lin was quite embarrassed, all the clothes on his body were gone, and his skin was festering a lot.

Jiang Lin recovered the corpse poison in his body and gasped heavily at sea. The Seven Absolutes Formation in the tomb was really not easy to break into.

After killing a shark, Jiang Lin flayed the skin and wrapped it around his waist, and went to the place where the cargo ship was moored.

Although two days have passed, Jiang Lin greeted the boatman before, and the cargo ship did not return.

What's more important is that Jiang Lin still has a thousand oceans to give, and the boatman regards Jiang Lin as an immortal, so he doesn't dare to go back like this.

Seeing Jiang Lin stepping on the water again, the boatman hurriedly put down the rope.

For some of the boatman's questions, Jiang Lin just waved his hand and did not answer. What he needs now is rest.

A day later, Jiang Lin returned to the dock. After paying the rest of the fee, Jiang Lin found a hotel to stay.

After he left, the boatman told his colleagues about what he had seen and heard. Since then, there has been a legend of a little sea god in Fuzhou Port.

"Jiang Lin, this is [-] oceans, don't you think it's too little?"

Back at Shu's house, Jiang Lin received a bank note from Shu Ning.

"How can it be too little, enough is enough."

Friends are friends, and Jiang Lin still has to receive the reward.

"You've been gone for so long, I thought you had an accident? Are you going back to Gantian Town? Let's go all the way."

"Aren't you going to stay at home for a while?"

Shu Ning shook his head and said: "The day after you left, Dad resigned as chairman. On the same day, Hu Li was in a car accident outside and was killed by a car. I think it should be It's not bad luck. Then my father took the three mothers to Hong Kong, where they were going to spend a few years there. First, they wanted to relieve their emotions. Second, good things didn't go out, and bad things spread far and wide. They also wanted to hide from people Talk about the limelight, but don't let me follow."

[Note: Because real place names are not allowed, incense) (Hong Kong is replaced by Xugang, and the word incense and Xu are the same]

It turned out to be the case.

Jiang Lin couldn't help admiring Shu Lan's methods. When he encountered such a thing, he was so decisive in killing the person who murdered him.

As for not letting Shu Ning go, I am afraid that Shu Lan feels that her father image in her daughter's heart has collapsed, and she wants to dilute the time.

"I'm leaving tomorrow, so let's go the same way."

From here to Gantian Town, there are still thousands of miles away, and there is a companion on the road who is still a beautiful woman, so it can be less boring.

On the first day, Jiang Lin took the carriage because he really had enough train rides. Seeing Shu Ning's mood was not very good, when he arrived in a town, Jiang Lin suggested walking.

Taking a walk and looking at the landscape can also make Shu Ning feel better.

After walking for most of the day, the haze in Shu Ning's heart also disappeared a lot, so he began to ask Jiang Lin about some professional things, such as the soul worship witchcraft she encountered this time, Jiang Lin also gave her one by one. Answered.

"If it weren't for the reputation of the Shu family this time, I would have written it down in the newspaper. It would be great if I could experience some monsters and ghosts in person. I am also collecting real events in this regard, just listening to After all, there is some false element in it.”

"You're true, others are afraid of encountering this kind of thing, but you are better, and you want to experience it yourself."

Jiang Lin shook his head slightly, Shu Ning, a journalist, can be said to be quite dedicated.

"I'm not trying to be truthful. Anyway, with you by my side, even if I encounter some monsters, I'm not afraid."

After going through this incident, Shu Ning felt that as long as Jiang Lin was by her side, no matter what happened, she seemed to be at ease.

Afterwards, Shu Ning pestered Jiang Lin to tell him about some things he encountered at sea. During this time, there was something at home, and she never had a chance to ask Jiang Lin how he survived after encountering a shipwreck at sea.

The two chatted while walking, and it didn't take long before they met a group of troupes carrying wooden boxes at the T-junction.

"People in our troupe often pretend to be ghosts and villains, and they will inevitably encounter some wicked things, so some taboos must be remembered."

An old man in front of the team taught the young people around him earnestly. When he saw two exposed urns on the side of the road, he bowed his hands to them and said, "I'm sorry, we are passing the expensive land, so I'm sorry to disturb you."

"Uncle Master?"

When Jiang Lin saw the old man, he subconsciously shouted out, the old man looked very similar to the ninth uncle.

But then Jiang Lin realized that he had mistaken the wrong person. Uncle Ninth was not so old, and it was impossible for him to appear here.

The old man also greeted Jiang Lin in the mountains. Jiang Lin asked the old man if he knew Jiu Shu, because he and Jiu Shu didn’t have [-]% or [-]% of their faces.

"Lin Jiu? You know him? I'm his uncle Lin Sheng."

"Are you Ninth Uncle's uncle?"

Jiang Lin was stunned for a moment, no wonder he was so similar to Ninth Uncle.

Then Jiang Lin thought that the older generation of Uncle Jiu was a martial artist. Even when Uncle Jiu was young, he and his junior sister Michelin also learned drama in the troupe.

Because of the relationship with the ninth uncle, Jiang Lin also chatted with the old man a few words, introduced himself and talked about the recent situation of the ninth uncle.

"So you are Lin Jiu's disciple and son-in-law!"

Lin Sheng was very surprised. He didn't expect to meet his grand-niece and son-in-law in the mountains, and immediately gave Jiang Lin a red envelope.

Then he took out another big red envelope and gave it to Shu Ning, saying, "Uncle has been running outside for many years, and he hasn't seen your father for more than [-] years. This grandniece is really handsome."

Shu Ning's face blushed instantly. She was mistaken by others. What made her blush even more was that her "uncle" actually took her and Jiang Lin's hands and put them together, saying that they were both talented and beautiful. Bless them for a hundred years.

"That... uncle, she's not my wife."

Jiang Lin smiled awkwardly. This uncle's ability to recognize his grandniece indiscriminately left him speechless.

Chapter seven hundred and seventy-ninth you are more than you, I will say I lose

"Uncle Sheng is making a joke this time."

Several well-connected martial arts students on the side chatted and talked. Lin Sheng was a master in the troupe, so even the class leader respected him a little bit, and because he was a little older, everyone called him Uncle Sheng.

"That's not it, how can I take back such a big red envelope?"

"This is a big loss."

Just as several martial students were discussing, the smile on Uncle Sheng's face gradually stiffened, and it was embarrassing.

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