But the red envelope has been sent out, where is there any way to take it back?

He was also in a more excited mood just now. He hadn't seen his nephew for many years, and suddenly saw his niece-in-law, and there was a beautiful girl beside his nephew-in-law.

Shu Ning's hand was pulled by Uncle Sheng and touched Jiang Lin's palm. Although she liked this feeling in her heart, she still retracted her hand.

As for the red envelope, she looked at Jiang Lin. Although she didn't care about the money at all, Uncle Sheng was still very embarrassed to return it like this.

"Uncle, this is Shu Ning, and also the good sister of your grand-niece."

Jiang Lin's words hinted that Shu Ning would hand over the red envelope to his wife, and Uncle Sheng's expression improved.

On the way, they met an uncle who happened to be on the same road. Jiang Lin and Shu Ning followed the troupe to the next town.

"You look at the eyes of the big name Jia."

"People are very romantic, and now there is a beautiful woman in the same company, but his eyes are still shining?"

"I'm not afraid that I'll have to wind up right away."

Agui, Abiao and Aguang, the three martial artists in the troupe, looked at the pillar Ajia, who was sitting on the bamboo sedan chair behind, with contempt on their faces.

When Shu Ning heard the three people's words, he also looked towards the back of the team. A young man with oily head and flour noodles was unfolding his folding fan with a leisurely look.

Seeing Shu Ning looking over, Ajia smiled and said hello.

Shu Ning also glanced at it, and then withdrew his gaze.

Ajia's skin can still be seen, but Shu Ning doesn't like this greasy niche.

"Jiang Lin, I have worked in the troupe for so many years, I have traveled many places, and I have heard about your father-in-law. He is an amazing Taoist priest. You are his disciple, so you should have learned a lot. "

"I didn't learn anything."

Jiang Lin made a low-key and modest sentence, causing Shu Ning to roll his eyes, and those with high skills were astounding.

, this hasn't learned anything yet?

Uncle Sheng nodded, thinking that too, Jiang Lin looked too young, almost like a guy in his early twenties.

The troupe will have a performance in the next town. Jiang Lin feels that since he has met his elders, he plans to watch a few plays.

Different from ordinary literary operas, the troupe that Uncle Sheng belongs to is good at martial arts. Eighteen Arhats take Dapeng, Wu Song fights tigers, Lion Tower rages on Ximen Qing, etc., which are relatively rare in other troupes.

Influenced by Jiang Lin, Shu Ning now also has a strong interest in the culture of his own country. When he is not in a good mood, he also has the idea of ​​watching a play to relieve his worries.

"Beautiful Miss Shu, there is still a long way to go. There is a bamboo sedan chair behind. Would you like to take a seat?"

After Ajia got down, she walked to Shu Ning's side and began to show her hospitality.

When Shu Ning looked back just now, he was fascinated by the temperament and appearance on his body.

Jiang Lin turned his head to look at A Jia, and after taking a closer look, his appearance was not bad. If we compare it, he is almost the same as the little fresh meat of later generations, and he does not lose to some popular male stars of later generations.

Then he turned his attention to Shu Ning again, as if to say: You are really charming.

Shu Ning misunderstood what Jiang Lin meant, thinking that Jiang Lin was looking at her to see if she was going to sit in the sedan chair, so she gave him a nasty look.

How could I go to sit in another man's sedan chair!

I take you as my boyfriend!

"no need."

With a small mouth, Shu Ning shook his head and refused, thinking of going to Jiang Lin's side, but because Uncle Sheng was chatting with him, Shu Ning was embarrassed to go over.

Jiang Lin is the grand-niece's son-in-law of the old man. She is so close to her that she is not very decent in front of this person.

Ajia seemed to see that Shu Ning was interested in Jiang Lin, so she glanced at Jiang Lin, he heard the conversation between Jiang Lin and Uncle Sheng just now.

He's just a little Taoist priest, can you compare to me as a troupe?

If nothing else, the money I earn from acting in a play is probably the same as the income of this little Taoist for a year.

Because all the previous clothes were destroyed, Jiang Lin was only wearing a robe that he bought at a clothing store. The so-called people depend on clothes. When Ajia saw Jiang Lin's dress, she decided that Jiang Lin was a poor Taoist priest.

A Jia is also very confident in her appearance. He has a lot of romantic history. As a popular pillar of the troupe, there are not a few women who are fascinated by him.

It is a flower with a master. As long as he takes the initiative, it is not too simple to loosen the soil.

Taking a step forward, A Jia stood directly between Jiang Lin and Shu Ning, and continued to look for topics.

As she spoke, Ajia raised her chest, stroked her hair and tidied up her clothes.

"Dude, your clothes are made of silk, right? Well, they are quite durable."

As she said that, Ajia deliberately brushed the hem of her gown.

"Yes, it's made of silk."

Jiang Lin nodded. If he couldn't see what Ajia meant, he would have lived in vain for so many years.

With beautiful women on the side, in addition to showing themselves, men are comparing their competitors.

However, although he could see what A Jia meant, Jiang Lin didn't take A Jia seriously at all. In his opinion, this A Jia was completely humiliating himself.

Shu Ning is a rich lady, and the people chasing her don't know where to go. If it wasn't for her strong career, stronger than many men, she might have become the mother of a child long ago.

People who are in the right household don't like it, can they still like you, who is an oil-headed fan and sings a big show?And most importantly, the reviews are not good.

Regardless of the reason behind Shu Ning's own, Jiang Lin also felt that this Ajia had no hope at all.

His family is rich and talented, and standing on the side, any man who comes to him will be short if he is not short.

Where is this Ajia not going to drill, she has to drill between him and Shu Ning, to compare with him.

You can compare with you, and I will say that I will lose.

Jiang Lin didn't expect to see a good show before he arrived in the town.

Chapter [-] After watching the monkey drama, watching the human drama

Showing off her luxurious clothes, Ajia sighed again at the wrench on her thumb, and asked, "Dude, do you have any research on jade? I always feel that this wrench is a loss, you give your estimate. price."

Jiang Lin shook his head and watched A Jia's performance quietly, with a smile on his face.

It's just a wrench, just showing off in front of him. If he knows how many golden mountains there are in his house, he doesn't know what kind of expression this pillar will have.

Ajia felt good about herself, and when he saw Jiang Lin's smile, he thought it was a wry smile.

"Look at the big name Jia, and he's showing off his two thousand ocean wrench again."

"Every time he does this, it means that he is determined to win."

"That buddy is also very sad, no money can't restrain a woman's heart."

Agui and the others cast sympathetic glances at Jiang Lin. Although they knew that Jiang Lin was Uncle Sheng's grand-nephew, they could see that Jiang Lin and Shu Ning should have an unusual relationship, otherwise they would not be able to walk together in the mountains.

So vulgar!

Shu Ning looked at A Jia's show off, and felt disgusted in her heart. A topaz wrench was regarded as a treasure, and she actually wanted to show off her wealth and compete with Jiang Lin.

I'm a little rich woman, bah, I'm a rich lady, what are you showing off, you poor bastard?

And he also fights rich with my boyfriend. A fraction of their wealth is enough for you to earn a few years.

Shu Ning often went to Li Yangju, and when Jiang Lin was away, she often chatted with Ren Zhuzhu and the others, so she knew that Jiang Lin was not ordinary rich.

Seeing that Jiang Lin was silent, Ajia thought that Jiang Lin had given up automatically, and then started talking to Shu Ning.

Jiang Lin smiled while covering his mouth. A man who felt good about himself was not an ordinary joke.

Watch a play, watch a play, watch a monkey play.

Jiang Lin didn't show any displeasure at Ajia's approach and courteous behavior, instead he laughed and didn't say anything, which made Shu Ning angry from the bottom of his heart.

You don't encourage me at all when others are courting me. Well, Jiang Lin, after co-authoring for such a long time, you didn't take me seriously at all!

Shu Ning felt aggrieved. She told her family that Jiang Lin was her boyfriend, but she never explained it. This was already a tacit agreement, and she even went back to Gantian Town with him. Nothing happens at all.

"Are you annoying, I have a boyfriend."

Shu Ning frowned and poured a large basin of cold water on A Jia's head.


Agui and the others on the side thought that with Ajia's advantage, there might still be a lot of hope, but they didn't expect to be directly splashed with cold water.

Seeing Ajia deflated, they laughed.

When Shu Ning mentioned her boyfriend, Jiang Lin couldn't help but stop, and then he realized that Shu Ning rolled his eyes at him.

Are you blaming me?

Jiang Lin looked up at the sky and pretended not to see it.

If Shu Ning didn't make it clear to him that he didn't mind if he had a family, he would still keep his distance. At least until now, he still regarded Shu Ning as a friend.

When Shu Ning found out that he had a wife, he reacted violently and said that he was not a good man.

If there is something with Shu Ning, and the family will be unhappy in the future, is it not because of the small and the big?

When Jiang Lin saw Shu Ning like an angry little daughter-in-law, he suddenly had a bit of a bad taste in his heart.

What does it feel like to be chased by the big beauties and young ladies who are lined up to chase after you?

Just hang you, the eldest daughter of gold.

Uncle Sheng looked at A Jia, whose face was flushed, and shook his head slightly. After this A Jia became a pillar and could lift a beam, it became more and more inflated.

The land of Fujian is mountainous, and many tombs are built on the hills. It is common for the urns to be exposed to the sun due to wind and rain.

Uncle Sheng will say a borrowed way every time he goes anywhere.

Aguang did not approve of Uncle Sheng's approach, and said to Agui: "I think Uncle Sheng is too superstitious. In broad daylight, there is no such thing. There are no taboos!"

Agui shook his head and said: "What do you know, Uncle Sheng acted for ghosts in his early years, and when he woke up the next day, the entire troupe slept in the mass grave. That's going to be the attitude."

On weekdays, this Agui likes to pretend to be an expert on ghosts and monsters, but in fact he has never seen anything, just pretending to be a researcher on supernatural things.

Sometimes he uses the saying that it is auspicious and unlucky, and makes a little oil and water on his partner.

Shu Ning listened to the two of them and asked Jiang Lin, "Do you really need to be so cautious when you encounter this kind of thing on your way?"

"Actually, it's not necessary. It's not advisable to be superstitious, and it's not okay to have no taboos. They have been wandering outside for many years, that is, they are just trying to find peace of mind. Under normal circumstances, ghosts will not commit crimes unless you do something excessive first, but sometimes you are unlucky. , no matter how good your attitude is, you will still be targeted."

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