From Jiang Lin's point of view, Uncle Sheng's actions are nothing more than a desire to have peace of mind and a clear conscience. Even if they encounter ordinary wild ghosts, they will detour.

At dusk, the troupe arrived at an inn, where Jiang Lin and Shu Ning lived together, opposite the troupe.

A few martial artists and the guys who erected the tent went to an open space not far away to build a tent, and they were busy working until the evening before they came back.

During this period, A Guang, who had no taboos, and A Biao, who was used to blinking, were anxious to solve the problem on the side of the road. When A Guang saw an urn by the roadside, he deliberately took a dip in the urn.

While feeding him, he also asked how the urn tasted.

Who knew that there was a sound in the urn, saying that it was a little salty.

This time, A Guang was terrified, shouting that there was a ghost, and he didn't even fasten his belt, so he took the wink and ran into the inn.

"Open the door, there's a ghost!"

After returning to the inn, Aguang and Biaoyan Biaobiao loudly slapped the door of their companions.

Jiang Lin heard the cry and walked out of the room. Shu Ning next door also opened the door.

Shu Ning has always wanted to collect more materials for the chaotic power, so he suggested to Jiang Lin to go and have a look.

When they got to the opposite side, they realized that it was the unbelieving Ah Guang who was doing things and had to go to nourish other people's urns.

"It's over, you're over. Are you feeling unwell now?"

As soon as Agui heard the two of them talking about the previous incident, he shook his head exaggeratedly, making Aguang's legs go weak in fright.

"It's a little itchy."

Aguang covered his crotch, Jiang Lin glanced at Aguang's body, no ghosts came to him, but he didn't make a sound.

When you urinate, you spit it out, you have to go to the urn.

There are no taboos but it is not the same as doing whatever you want, without any reverence for the dead, and without any loss, he will not be able to remember it in the future.

After that, Agui said that Aguang would not be able to have a son in the future. To solve it, he had to buy more good things for the urn to worship.

A Guangxin thought it was true, and quickly went downstairs to sell roast chicken, roast duck, and incense candles.

After Ah Guang left, Ah Gui said to a few friends, "Hurry up and buy two bottles of wine, some to eat and some to watch tonight. Blink, you lead the way, let's go to the theater first."

"Jiang Lin, are you going?"

Because Jiang Lin is related to Uncle Sheng, and Agui usually has the best relationship with Uncle Sheng, so he doesn't care about Jiang Lin.

"There is a play to watch, how can you not go?"

Jiang Lin thought it was really interesting to follow this troupe. Before the main show started, the good shows had already started one after another.

After watching the monkey play of the big name Jia, I can now watch another play that tricks people.

Chapter seven hundred and eighty first people scared ghosts

  Seeing the chicken thieves with the faces of Agui and the others, Shu Ning also thought of watching a play.

  Even a person who has read foreign books, even if he doesn't believe in some weird and chaotic things, would not do such wicked things.

  In foreign countries, there are a lot of people who don't believe in ghosts and gods, but let them go to the graves of the dead to have a puppy or a big) (even, they can't do such a thing.

  From Shu Ning's point of view, even if this Aguang was tricked, he deserved it.

  It didn't take long for Ah Gui and the others, along with Jiang Lin and Shu Ning, to arrive at the place where Ah Guang was convenient. Jiang Lin and Shu Ning were behind the big tree, while Ah Gui and the others were hiding in the urn. in the grass.

  A few minutes later, Ah Guang brought the incense candles, roast chicken, roast duck and fruit to the urn.

  "How offended, I, Guang, don't know the rules, I didn't mean it."

  Ah Guang lit a few sticks of incense, stuck them on the ground, and bowed to the urn.

  "Then you did it on purpose~"

  Agui pinched his nose in the grass, pretending to be a ghost talking.

  "No, no, I'm just having fun for a while."

  "Do you like to play? Then will you do somersaults?"

  "I will, I will look at you now."

  Because Aguang did hear ghost noises in the urn before, he never thought that someone was pretending to be a ghost to trick him, doing somersaults and flipping [*] degrees.

  Finally, he was so tired that he knelt down by the urn again.

  The martial arts in Uncle Sheng's troupe are absolutely beautiful!

  Jiang Lin watched from the side, looking forward to Uncle Sheng and the others.

  A little martial artist can do seven hundred and two somersaults. If this is on the stage, it will definitely attract applause from the audience.

  "Do you know what a ghost eats mud?"

  Agui made a strange sound again.

  "do not know."

  "Then grab the mud and eat it in your mouth."

  How dare Aguang refuse to obey, if he doesn't satisfy the "ghost" inside, he will never have a son in his life.

  Just when he was about to grab the soil on one side and fill it in his mouth, Agui said again: "It's not these, it's the ones you wet with urine~"


  Ah Guang had a look of embarrassment, but in the end he gave in and took a handful of diaper-soaked dirt into his mouth.

  Whoops I'm going!The means of these detrimental friends to trick people, serve!

  Jiang Lin quickly reached out and covered Shu Ning's eyes.


  Shu Ning felt sick in his stomach just by imagining it.

  This group of people tricks their comrades, that's enough!

  Huh?Which movie seems to have seen this clip in.

  Jiang Lin saw this scene, recalled it, and suddenly thought of a movie "Frightening Ghosts", which was also starring Uncle Ying, and belonged to the same series as "Ghosts Fighting Ghosts" and "Scaring People".

  Because there are real ghosts in it, they are quite scary, so Jiang Lin still has some impressions. Generally speaking, the plot seems to be Uncle Sheng and the others pretending to be the ghosts of Bao Gong and trying to avenge the ghosts. It is a very interesting movie.

  Thinking back to Uncle Sheng, Jia Dapai, and Agui here he met before, Jiang Lin is sure that now he is at the beginning of the movie's plot.

  "How does it taste?"

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