Agui patted Aguang on the shoulder. Although a few of them played tricks on each other on weekdays, they were still good brothers emotionally. Now that his brother was attacked, Agui also helped him out.

After taking a look at Jia Da, A Gui took A Guang to work.

"Let's go and watch the show. Sacrificing the White Tiger is a broken show. Before the actual show, most people can't see it."

There is no other way of entertainment in this era, so Jiang Lin is still looking forward to the next play.

Because of Jiang Lin's arrival, Uncle Sheng is going to play the last [*] Arhats and Dapeng, which is today's finale.

They are already old and still insist on going on stage. This is the real artist. If the TV series of later generations have this kind of intentions, they will not be rotten like that.

As special guests, Jiang Lin and Shu Ning can visit the backstage of the theatre, or go to the front to watch the play. Another audience member is the Chaozhou ghost.

Agui came to the stage for the broken stage, because he had to walk all over the corner of the theater. When he got to the backstage, Ajia stumped him, but Agui was not easy to mess with, so he returned it.

From then on, A Jia and A Gui and the other martial students forged a son.

"It's so crowded."

Shu Ning was beside Jiang Lin, and was squeezed by the surrounding audience and felt uncomfortable.

Because the propaganda of the class leader was very good, and Uncle Sheng's Dapeng opera was well-known far and wide, after the opening, the theater was full.

Glancing at Jiang Lin, Shu Ning quietly moved to the front of Jiang Lin.

Rather than being squeezed by other people, it is better to be squeezed by Jiang Lin.

Jiang Lin was watching the show when suddenly he felt an extra arm around his waist. Looking down, Shu Ning blushed slightly, and murmured, "It's too... it's too crowded, there's no place for my arm."

"You don't have room to put your arms, so hug my waist?"

A few more spectators squeezed in outside the speaking room. Shu Ning was pushed and pushed closer, and he got closer to Jiang Lin.

The two balls of marshmallows sucked Jiang Lin's entire arm into it.


Shu Ning's face was like a red light. Originally, she just wanted to get closer to Jiang Lin, but now, it's too close!

It's so soft, so soft, it's really like cotton candy, and it's still a big lump.

This is the touch from Jiang Lin's arm.

"Jiang Lin, your arm..."

Shu Ning protested in a low voice, her voice buzzing like a fly, she didn't dare to speak loudly, if anyone saw her, she would definitely get a nosebleed.

"What are you saying, I can't hear you."

Jiang Lin pretended not to hear and continued to watch the play.

You squeezed in by yourself, your arm is dishonest, it's none of my business.

You are not honest, I am very honest, my arm is honest, it just doesn't move.

But after thinking about it, Jiang Lin moved his arm, but it was a very slight movement.

"You're a hooligan!"

"Don't you mean to let me move my arm?"

Jiang Lin asked knowingly, so Shu Ning could not wait to find a crack to get in.

I let you move your arms, but I didn't let you rub!rogue!

Shu Ning wanted to cry but had no tears, but who brought him up, and then the other spectators made another assist.

There are three plays today, and Jiang Lin's arm is comfortable for three games.

"Jiang Lin, these three scenes are really good."

After watching the play, Shu Ning was hooked, because the play was really good, she forgot that her balloon was still tucked under Jiang Lin's arm.

Anyone watching the movie forgot that he said Jiang Lin was a hooligan.

Jiang Lin also nodded, especially Uncle Sheng's performance was really extraordinary.

"Cough cough, people are gone too, let go of my arm."

After Jiang Lin's reminder, Shu Ning remembered that he had been in close contact with Jiang Lin for a long time.


"What am I? I'm very honest."

Jiang Lin looked up at the ceiling, and leisurely returned to the inn.

Shu Ning stomped her feet in anger, who asked her to squeeze through by herself.

Back at the inn, Jiang Lin found that Agui and the others were discussing how to pretend to be a ghost to scare Jia.

He thought about it, and it seemed that there was this plot in the movie.

That night, the theater and the inn were haunted at the same time.

In the tent, Uncle Sheng heard someone singing on the stage, but after several visits, no one was there.

In the inn, Agui and the others arranged the residence of Jia Dabao. After Jia Dabao came back from the Jiaozi, several people cooperated together and scared Ajia to the ground.


Shu Ning and Jiang Lin were on the opposite railing, watching A Jia inside was so frightened that Jiang Lin didn't feel anything special, but Shu Ning felt very relieved.

Early the next morning, Ajia found out that she had been tricked, so she went to the teahouse and had a big fight with Agui and the others. Finally, Uncle Sheng passed by, before pulling Agui and Ajia away.

"Listen to me, others have always been angry with me, Ajia. You want to make fun of me? There's no way!"

After returning to the theater, Uncle Sheng asked Agui and the others to apologize, and Ajia pointed at Agui's nose and scolded him. If it wasn't for Uncle Sheng's face, he would have stopped performing today.

"Oh, this big name Jia is so full of energy. I can't even see my good temper. No, I have to fix him."

The Chaozhou Ghost was sitting on a wooden box, looking at Ajia, ready to come to the stage to make him embarrassed.

Chapter [*]: Can news people be considered secret photography?

"Jiang Lin, this big name can't even watch that ghost anymore."

Shu Ning covered his mouth and chuckled. Yesterday's drama was very enjoyable, and today's drama is probably even better.

Today's highlight is Wu Song's rage against Ximen Qing, played by Agui and Jia, but with this ghost, it should be quite exciting.

"He's really got to the point where people hate ghosts."

Jiang Lin never thought that this ghost could endure being pissed, but he couldn't bear the big name Jia.

Anyway, he didn't have the slightest affection for Jia Da, so if the ghost wanted to make fun of this guy, he would turn a blind eye.

"Is Ximen Qing upstairs?"

"Exactly. Is it Wu Song downstairs?"

On the stage, the play of the Lion Tower has already started, because yesterday Uncle Sheng's Dapeng play was very good. Today, the audience who came to watch the Lion Tower Wu Song kill Ximen Qing angrily filled the stands again. Leaving a one or two meter aisle to allow the backstage staff to get on and off the stage.

Today, Shu Ning has learned a lot, so she didn't squeeze Jiang Lin on purpose, but she couldn't help her because of the crowd, so today Jiang Lin's back was comfortable again, and it was soft.

This Lion Tower is really good, and it's not as exciting as yesterday's Eighteen Arhats and Dapeng.

When the play was about to end, the Chaozhou ghost appeared on the stage. Of course, ordinary people couldn't see it at all, including Agui and Ajia on the stage.

The last performance of the Lion Tower was Wu Song killing Ximen Qing with a knife, but after the Chaozhou Ghost got up, he blocked Agui's knife and prevented him from slashing Ajia's body.

In addition, the Chaozhou ghost also made Agui show the limelight, three [*]-degree volleys in the air, so that the gongs and drums were stunned and almost forgot what they were doing.

Not to mention the audience below, applauding into the film.

"You kid stealing my limelight, when did you learn to do three volleys?"

Ajia went up and slapped Agui, but she still seemed to be in the scene.

"Hurry up and kill me, I won't be able to step down if you don't kill me."

"I can't control my hands."

The two chatted in a low voice while doing a fight on the stage.

"Want to step down? Isn't that easy?"

The Chaozhou ghost pushed Agui aside, and then kicked the big name Jia to the stage.

Although Jia Da was so angry, he still had a bit of professional cultivation. After he took the stage, he made a closing move.

When they got to the backstage, Jia Daxie went wild, had another fight with Aguida, and immediately stopped the show and went to drink.

That night, Agui and the others had a good relationship. They went to the noodle stall to drink and celebrate Agui's great success. Because Blinky Biao didn't want to treat guests, he said he wanted to go back to the theater to get something. Agui and the others were going to pretend to be ghosts to scare Blinky Biao. .

"Jiang Lin, how do you know there will be a good show tonight?"

Shu Ning and Jiang Lin stayed beside the awning early in the morning, and Shu Ning also brought his own camera.

Agui and the others had already run back to the theater, looking for costumes such as zombies and ghosts.

"I figured it out, what don't I know?"

Jiang Lin pretended to be coercive. In fact, he remembered a little bit of the plot in the movie. Judging from the current situation, the plot did not deviate much.

Tonight the ghost should show its original form, and Shu Ning can take it.

You know everything by pinching your fingers, how can you not count when I will marry you, and take advantage of me as if it never happened.

Shu Ning rolled her eyes at Jiang Lin, she felt that Jiang Lin seemed to want her to post it backwards.

"I guess you can capture something valuable this time."

Jiang Lin raised his eyebrows at Shu Ning and motioned her to look at the backstage of the theater.

"You specifically asked me to collect materials?"

A look of joy appeared on Shu Ning's face. It was so late that Jiang Lin didn't rest. He brought her over and let her do what she wanted to do. Isn't she still in her heart?

"It doesn't matter if you don't shoot, you can watch a play."


How could Shu Ning miss such a good opportunity? Although she had photographed ghosts with Jiang Lin before, but when Lei Gang led someone to seal her newspaper office, many of her information and photos were lost.

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